Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Ronins Together Again ❯ New Characters ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ronins Together Again: New Characters
*Kaida Sanada is the only daughter of Ryo and Mia. Long black hair flows down her back with her father's blue eyes. Many people who know Ryo as a teenager say that Kaida remind them of him.

*Kira Date, Sage's only daughter, has blonde hair and green eyes. Wanting to make sure his daughter would never be a victim, Kira has some training in martial arts, with a focus on swords.
*Hoshi Hashiba, the oldest of the children at seventeen years old, has been thought to be older by those who meet him for the first time. The only child of Rowen, Hoshi tends to display a wisdom beyond his years. He loves Kira, but is too shy to tell her.
*Miki Rei Faun is a lot like his father Kento in many ways. Though he does has a serious side, Miki prefers to take life lightly. The two things he enjoys the most: his girlfriend, Nami, and food.
*Makoto Mouri, the only son of Cye and Nami's twin brother, he tends to be the leader of the group. Of the Ronin children, he is closest to Hoshi. Secretly, he wants to date Kaida, but is afraid of what she'll say.
*Nami Mouri, the daughter of Cye and twin sister of Makoto, can sometimes be a bit of an airhead, but don't let that fool you to the heart that lies within.