Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ To Dream A Forbidden Dream ❯ Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To Dream a Forbidden Dream

Part 2

The dream's always the same.

It's been going on for a while now. Every night I'd dream I'm surrounded by darkness, wearing some sort of armor. It's not a nothingness type of dark but more like I'm in a really murky marble room. If I look through the corner of my eye I can see my reflection against a glossy surface. I look older and there's a scar upon my face.

Suddenly on the other side of the `room' I'd see a light, glowing in soft yellows and greens, beckoning me.

As I approach a figure takes shape. One with hair spun of the purest gold and eyes a gorgeous lavender, skin a smooth milky color, a teasing smile. I dare to touch him, a seraph, gently cupping his delicate face in my tanned callused hands. I whisper his name, too breathless to speak louder. "Seiji..."


I taste him. His lips are of the sweetest wine, his skin like velvet and tasting of honey. He smells of pine and fresh water, of sunlight and lightning.

I press his smaller form to mine. I want him. I need him.

The clock blares the time to me in blinding red numbers; my nose tells me mom is probably done with breakfast. I sit up and slip out of bed, not looking to the one just across the room. Once I'm dressed I finally go over to wake him...and stop.

He's so beautiful in sleep, hair ruffled and pink lips slightly parted. I lean over him just the slightest bit. He wouldn't know if I were to...

But I can't. I dare not.

"Hey Sage! Wake up!" His beautiful lavender eyes open to stare into my blue ones. "About time! We're gonna be late for school!" But he doesn't jerk into action like he usually does. He just stares. "Uh..." God I could get lost in his eyes. " something the matter?"

"No, nothing's wrong, Kale."

"Well okay. Mom has breakfast ready." Then, afraid of what may happen if I stay longer so close to him, I leave him behind in the bedroom.

Why do I dream of my own brother?

I wasn't really planning on a sequel but here it is!

Reincarnation is a bitch, ne?

Tell me what you think of it please!
