Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction / MARS Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Poke Pinch ❯ More Anime Characters! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Just then, the door of the theater entrance opened, and in walked….InuYasha! Miroku, Sango, and Shippo followed close behind. Alina and Joyce turned around and their eyes went wide.

O.O "OMIGOD ALINA ITS A HOT GUY!!" she screamed before jumping out of her seat and running up to InuYasha.

"Gah!" he said as he started running all around the theater. When Joyce and Alina finally pinned him to the ground, Sam went and took a better look at him.

"HOLY CRAP! IT'S INUYASHA!!" she pushed Joyce and Alina out of the way and started hugging him. "You don't know how much I love you InuYasha!" He just sat there in confusion, looking like this: o.o;; and wondering what the hell was going on.

"Hey Sam no fair!!" said Joyce.

"You got that poster, so it IS fair!"


"Yeah-huh!" Sam and Joyce began fighting over who got InuYasha.

Alina asked, "Hey cutie, wanna go makeout?"

InuYasha sweatdropped and answered, "Uhh..No thanks…" He went over to the fourth row (btw, the others are in the third row) and sat down with Sango, Miroku, and Shippo. (The seating is like this: at the end of the row is Christina, Kurama is at her left, then Sam, Joyce, Alina, Alyssa, Chad, Cece, Hiei, Yusuke, and Kuwabara)

"Man those girls are obsessed with you, InuYasha." said Shippo.

"Yes, they seem to know you from somewhere…" said Miroku, before slipping his hand through the crack of the two seats in front of him and touching Christina's ass, which was a mistake.

"What the--Miroku?! Did YOU do that?!" she yelled. He gave her a nervous smile. "You PERVERT!!!" she screamed before chasing him all around the theater and eventually out the emergency exit. "That oughta teach him…"

"Next time, may I have the pleasure of tearing him to shreds with my whip?" asked Kurama, glaring at Miroku who had somehow found a way to get back in.

Christina obviously blushed and said, "Yeah sure…stupid perv monk.."

In the middle of the movie, Hiei went to go get ice cream. When he got back…let's just say he was hyper. He went around the whole theater, and somehow got to the top of the screen and declared, "SWEET SNOW WILL TAKE OVER NINGENKAI AND MAKAI AND REIKAI!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!" Then he fell down…and landed on the floor. Cece went to check on him, but as soon as she got to him he got up and started jumping up and down saying "SWEET SNOW! SWEET SNOW! SWEET SNOW!" InuYasha, Sango, Shippo, Miroku, Christina, Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Alina, Chad and Alyssa had to chase him around for 20 minutes. After finally capturing him, they tied him down to his seat and gave him a pill that made him stop being hyper (is there even a pill that does that? hmm).

During the rest of the movie, Cece clung to Hiei's arm, Sam and Joyce were still fighting, Christina was hanging onto Kurama's arm, and the rest of them were watching in silence…except for Alina who was still trying to get InuYasha to make out with her. At the end of the movie, they all went to the mall. "Remind me to sleep with my Kurama plushie tonight…"

Kurama went as red as his hair. "Y-you have a plushie of me??"

"Yeah…uh…..maybe I shouldn't have told you that…" Christina sweatdropped.

"Anywho…let's go annoy our stall mates!!" said Alina. Her, Joyce and Alyssa went to one of the bathrooms.

"Hey Hiei wanna go to the ice cream shop?" asked Cece.

"Hey Yusuke, let us go enjoy the games at the arcade," said Kuwabara, and he and Kuwabara went to video game arcade.

"C'mon InuYasha, let's go to the pet shop!" said Shippo. He and InuYasha walked towards the pet store.

"Sango, let's go to that wood carving place." said Miroku, and he and Sango went across the way to the wood carving place.

"Oooh, look at the pretty guitar…" said Christina, who was left with Kurama. At this point in time, she was looking at a Fender guitar. It was black, and had red/orange flames around it. Kurama, just now noticing she went to the store without him, went over to her.

With Alina, Joyce and Alyssa….

"May I borrow a highlighter?" asked Alina, after she put her hand under the stall next to her.

Joyce did something similar, only she didn't put her hand under the stall next to her. Instead, she said LOUDLY, "Interesting…more floaters than sinkers." As Alyssa was about to say something, the security guard came in.

"If you girls aren't using the bathroom, get out!" The girls still stayed in, trying not to laugh, but miserably failed. The security guard found them (a/n: they WEREN'T going to the bathroom) and threw them out. "Anymore complaints from you 3, and it's outta the mall." He turned and left.

"Well he was no fun," said Alyssa. They all turned to leave, but saw InuYasha trying to go to the bathroom in a bucket!

"STOP INUYASHA!" yelled Joyce. Just then, he looked up and saw an old lady in front of him.

The old lady slapped him and said, "Stop flashing! Teens these days…" Kuwabara and Yusuke walked up and dragged InuYasha to the men's bathroom.

"You see this sign, InuYasha?" asked Yusuke. He was planning to teach InuYasha how to use the bathroom….correctly.

"Yeah, so?" answered InuYasha.

"That sign means it's the men's bathroom." He took InuYasha into the men's bathroom. "See these stalls and the toilets in `em?"


"Well, you go in these stalls, pull down your pants…piss or crap, do what you gotta do. Next, you wipe your ass. Finally, you flush the toilet," he pointed to the lever and flushed the toilet. "Now why don't you go to the bathroom?"

InuYasha nodded and did as he was told. When he finished, he came out and exclaimed, "I DID IT! I DID IT! I WENT TO THE BATHROOM!" All the guys in the bathroom stared at him. "What?"

So they all left and went to the ice cream shop. Cece and Hiei were gulping down bowls of ice cream. Hiei stopped unexpectedly and screamed, "BRAIN FREEZE!!!! EVIL EVIL BRAIN FREEZE!! I WILL PREVAIL!!!!"

Joyce went up to Hiei and smacked him. "SHUT UP YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY YOU GOT A BRAIN FREEZE IM TRYIN' TO GET ONE AND I CAN'T!" Hiei's eyes filled up with water and he started to cry. Joyce rolled her eyes.

"It's ok Hiei.." said Cece as she patted his back. He looked at her and got all googly-eyed again. Then Sango, Shippo and Miroku showed up.

"Where is Christina?" asked Miroku.

"You mean where are Christina AND Kurama," said Sango. She was angry that he only paid attention to certain people.

"Uh, right, where are they?"

"They're probly makin out somewhere," said Joyce. "We shouldn't interrupt them."

"Ah who cares? Let's go get `em, I'm starved." said InuYasha. So…they all went to search for Christina and Kurama. They found them eventually at the music store.

Alina gasped and said, "Nooo, Christina!! You guys were supposed to be making out!"

"Yeah, we were supposed to catch you guys!" whined Alyssa. Kurama and Christina were red….redder than his hair.

"W-what do you mean? Why would we be making out?" stuttered Christina.

"Cause you know you like each other," said Chad, who popped up out of nowhere…again. Christina jumped, then slapped him HARD.

"Damnit Chad shut up already!"

"Ow…let's go eat something."

"BAHA FRESH!!!" screamed Joyce.

"Yeah, I haven't had Mexican food for like EVER," said Shippo(sooo not like him). So they all went to Baha Fresh and sat down at a really big table. In the middle of their meal, they heard a loud fart that came from…Yusuke.

"YUSUKE!!!!" yelled Sam. "Say excuse me!"

"Make me!" said Yusuke, before he ran all around the restaurant and on top of tables. As he was running on one of the tables, he slipped and food went all over a man's face. "Heh heh…sorry?" Ultimately, they were all thrown out.

"Damn you Yusuke! You ruined our meal!" said Cece. Hiei was still hypnotized.

They all threw their comments and complaints at Yusuke for awhile, then they went to the treehouse. There was enough room for all of them, surprisingly. The treehouse was…big. Anyway, the phone suddenly rang.


"Hello? asked Christina.

Some random guy on the other line announced, "CONGRATULATIONS CHRISTINA!! You and 14 friends have won a trip to the Bahamas!"

"OMIGOD!!! Guys! We won a trip to the Bahamas!!" she squealed. Then a truck came by to deliver 15 plane tickets. They all went their separate ways and packed shirts, shorts, bathing suits, pants, cds, radios, etc. Then they all met up at the treehouse (they were all staying there that night).

The next morning they got on the plane to the Bahamas. "Hey, you guys have any extra peanuts? I ate all mine.." said a familiar and friendly voice. Sam turned around to see….

*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* _*_*_*_*

MUAHAHAHAHA!! Yes, I have decided to do cliffhangers in just about every chapter. Only till after every character is introduced…so yeah. Well, I hope you all liked that chapter! I know I did! Haha, gotta go! Ja ne!

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or InuYasha or any TV show.

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