Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ A Party For Kenshin ❯ A present and a proposal ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A party for Kenshin
Chapter 4: A present and a proposal

Several hours later after all the of the food had been consumed, all the sake drunk(and everyone sobered up) and
the music turned down, there was still one thing left to do. Kaoru called everyone to the center of the room.

"Kenshin we have a present for you." Said Kaoru shyly.

'A party and a present?' Thought Kenshin. 'They've really outdone themselves. I wonder what it could be?'

Kaoru then pulled out a huge portrait of them all together with Kenshin in the middle.
They had gotten Katsu to draw it for them. There was also a card with a message from everyone.
Kaoru handed it to Kenshin, and Kenshin's eyes became misty with tears.

"Thank you so much everybody. I will keep this forever that I will."

"Do you really like it Kenshin?" Asked Kaoru.

"I love it Miss Kaoru, that I do."

"I would hope that you would like my baka deshi. After all it does have my beautiful face on it." Remarked Hiko.

"I was just about to say that shishou." Kenshin said sarcastically.

"This is all very touching, but I really have to get back on duty. Oh and Battousai, next time you have a party,
I would advise you to keep it down or I'll have to arrest you."

"Why's that Saitoh?"

"Just because I don't like you Battousai."

Saitoh then nonchalantly opens the door and walks out into the night.
Kenshin then looked at the messages from all of his friends inside the card. Saitoh had signed it to.
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Later that night after everyone had gone to bed, Kenshin knocked on Kaoru's door.

"Miss Kaoru will you come outside with me for a moment?"

"Yes I will Kenshin, Just a minute."

Kaoru finished braiding her long, raven black hair.

'I wonder what Kenshin wants to talk about?' She thought curiosly.

Kaoru slid open the shoji and walked outside with Kenshin.

It was a beautiful starry night with a a full moon. The moon shone down on the path tha Kenshin and Kaoru walked upon.
They sat down under a tree that swayed slightly in the wind. Kaoru noticed that it was a Sakura tree, fully in bloom with pink blossoms.
Kenshin then gently took both of Kaoru's hands in his own.

"Kaoru." He began

'Oh wow he didn't use the honorific.' Thought Kaoru happily.

"Kaoru I really want to thank you for all the effort you put into the party. It cheered me up so much.
I haven't smiled that much in a long time. I will never forget this night. I also want to thank you for coming after me in Kyoto.
I never got a chance to properly thank you for it, because I was so confused and worried. But without you, I don't think I would have made it.

Kaoru was speechless. Kenshin had never really openly talked about what he had gone through in Kyoto. He had been to afraid that it would worry the others.

"Kaoru I heve something that I would like to tell you. Kaoru, I have loved you ever since I first layed eyes on you. You are dearer and more precious to me than all the world.
I have been wanting to tell you this since the day I met you. But I have always felt that I, a man who hands have been stained with the blood of so many men, was unworthy of your purity and innocence and beauty.
I thought that you deserved someone better than myself. But I do not think that my life will ever be complete without you. So Kaoru Kamiya, I ask you with all the love in my heart. Will you be my wife?"

Kaoru thought her heart would burst with happiness.

"Oh yes Kenshin I will be your wife. I love you so much Kenshin!!"

They become locked in a passionate kiss.

"Oh Kenshin, I'm so happy. This is what I've always wanted. You're not unworthy Kenshin.
You're the one who saved me from a life of lonliness after my father died. Without you I don't know where I would be.
You are my handsome swordsman, the man of my dreams."

Kenshin then takes out a beautiful diamond ring and slips it on Kaoru's finger.

"Oh Kenshin, it's beautiful!!!"

"I am so happy now that I can hold you in my arms my darling Kaoru."

They sat there for a long time just holding each other. The breeze blew Kenshin's fiery red hair onto Kaoru's cheek.
Then they slowly got up and walked back to the dojo hand in hand.
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As they lay down on Kaoru's futon, Kaoru began to gently trace the bandanges on Kenshin's body. She knew that many of these wounds were still not completely healed.

'Oh Kenshin, why did they have to hurt you so much?' Thought Kaoru

Kenshin looked at Kaoru as though he knew what she was thinking.

"Do not worry about these physical wounds my darling. These will heal in time.
But without you my spiritual and mental wounds never would have. What happened in Kyoto will
always be a part of my past. But now you and I can start a wonderful life together, Kaoru.

"Oh Kenshin I can't wait to tell everyone about our engagement. they'll all be so happy!! I love you Kenshin."

Kenshin answers her with a huge embrace and a passionate kiss.
