Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Another Morning ❯ Chapter 10

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I LOVE MY REVIEWERS!!!! You are so great! I think you really are. I have a lot of things to do for school but when I read your reviews I think I owe you another chapter. Thank you for being so encouraging! This is my first fan fic and I never thought you will like it that much so thank you again. I am having some individual thanks at the end of this chapter; I think after this long you guys deserve it.

I also think this fic is coming to an end. Don't worry is not in this chapter but it'll be soon. I hope you'll enjoy this one and please keep reviewing, I love it!

Chapter X

The days and the nights passed and Kenshin was getting better little by little. Megumi saw him every day and gave him some medicaments for the pain. Not that he ever complained. He never said a single thing about his condition and he even tried to help in any way he could, but Kaoru was there to stop him. She saw a face of him that nobody else did. She had learned to read his emotions in the simplest movements of his hands or in the way he breathed. The rurouni was able to fool everyone but her. She knew he was strong but she also knew he felt it was his duty to be even stronger. Protect people. That was a difficult statement. As simple as those two words sounded they implied so many things. Protect people. Sometimes Kenshin forgot that to protect people he had to first protect himself. Luckily he had Kaoru who was a constant reminder of how much he mattered to the world and to herself. Yes, that was a faithful afternoon. As the sun had set she felt some part of Kenshin's past was hiding in the shadows, but she had hope. There was a way in, she just needed time to get his rurouni out of the darkness.

The kiss, the talk, that was an unspoken secret but it remained in her heart and that made her go on. She was happy. It was a contradiction between herself but she was happy. She learned to enjoy the little things. When Kenshin was able to go down to have lunch with the rest of them she was so happy she didn't even cared that no one ate what she prepared or listen to Sano's jokes or Yahiko's insults. Kenshin was getting better little but little and that was all that mattered.

Megumi had a different view of the situation. She was a doctor and she had learned to read the sings the human body shouts. Yes, Kenshin was recovering, and that by itself was a miracle but he was seriously injured. Kenshin had superhuman stamina and a will to live that had kept him alive but his body was one of a human and there was nothing to do about it. Megumi had a secret too. She studied Kenshin progress and helped as much as she could but she never said a word. Her comments were always about the problem at hand. Kenshin's leg the movement of his hand, the wound on his back…

The trip to Kyoto had made her perceptions of things a little different. The first and most important was realizing Kenshin's feelings towards her. She was still in the process of accepting that he had found love somewhere else. But then… maybe she did too. Megumi shocked her head trying to make that thought go away. "What's wrong with me? He is just a rooster head… but then again he can be kind when he wants to and when he looks at me I feel an energy I never though possible, it's like he is reading my every though and going through my soul…"


"Come on fox what's wrong? Your screaming interrupts my sleeping"

What had just happened? Oh yes she had yelled to herself to stop her thoughts, the Megumi inside of her head was exploring roads she didn't want to go to. She manage to stop her for a second but then the rooster head had appeared and all of her focus was gone. "Megumi control yourself. If you act different he'll know"

"Well is a good thing you are awake rooster head. I need to check your hand so you can help Shiro and Kuro in the Aoya. It is almost finished but they could use an extra hand."

"Hand is the key word kitsune. Singular, one hand, that can't be very helpful."

"Well maybe you are right… what can one hand do? So I guess I can go out since I don't have to check your hand anymore"


"Well you said that one hand is no good so why try to save yours?"


"Do I? Maybe I'm just a little slow but I'm just repeating what you said and…"

"Ok kitsune you win. Stop the sarcastic act. I'll go help in the Aoya after you check my hand."

"So the chicken head can be reasonable who would have thought?"

Sano was beat and that didn't happen to often "That Fox, how does she do it?… come to think about it she is been acting a little strange… why?"

"Well all done, you can go. Hope you don't get lost in the way"

"What? No terrible painful bone reattachment today?"


"What was that for kitsune? There is nothing wrong with my left hand? "

"Ohohoho well you asked for it" Said Megumi smiling widely as Sano left the room mumbling something about an evil fox.

* * *

Sano walked all the way to the Aoya with Megumi stock in his head and no mattered how hard he tried he couldn't get her out.

He felt the necessity to futae no kiwami himself so he could think clearly. Not that there were much to think about but he wanted his head back.

"…soft read lips, dark black eyes as deep as the ocean…"



"Sanosuke! I've been calling you for the last five minutes are you deaf?" Said Shiro who was walking behind him.

"I'm sorry I was just distracted."

"Well I guess I can assume you came here to help with the rebuilding of the Aoya right?"

Sano just made a disapproving sound but that was all Shiro needed to hear. The Aoya was indeed almost done. They had been working on it for almost a month and it was almost ready. There were only a few details left to fix and then the Oniwabanshu could move out of the Shirobeko and to their own place. Sano was as absorbed in his thoughts as he was before; the difference was that he was working this time. Then something he heard brought him back to reality.

"Yes I know, her lips, how could they be that read… I have to tell you, I heard that she used to work for a Yakuza and by her looks she could be nothing more than a geisha. That Megumi sure isn't an innocent girl I can't begin to…"

Shiro couldn't finish that sentence because he was firmly punched in the face and the hit landed him in the other side of the room almost unconscious. Kuro was a smart person (despite his looks) that knew when to keep quiet and this was one of those times.

"I know we are kind of friends but I swear that if you don't take back what you say I will kick your ass and believe me I don't need the futae no kiwami to do it!"

Shiro looked up at Sano. His head was hurting more that it ever had and a single drop of blood was falling of the corner of his mouth. He had heard that Sano was a very good fighter and he assumed he was because he won the fight against that crazy monk Anji, but he actually never saw him fight. This surly proved he lived up to his reputation. It took Shiro a few minutes to get a hold of himself and he was sure that if he wasn't a trained fighter he wouldn't be getting up after a blow like that.

"Gomen nassai Sanosuke-san. I didn't meant to insult Megumi-san, I'm deeply sorry and I take it all back. I know nothing of her past and I'm sorry I just assume things"

"Stop assuming. You are wrong!"

And with that Sanosuke left the Aoya. He didn't care if Megumi would get upset with him, but at that right moment he couldn't stand being there with that man. He needed to clear his head so he decided to go to the betting place, that and a nice bottle of Sake was all he needed.

* * *

It was early night in the Shirobeko and everyone was having dinner together. Well not everyone. Aoshi was in his room and Misao was in the kitchen fixing dinner for her Aoshi-sama. Okon was in the kitchen helping her and Omasu was making sure Kaoru stayed out of it. Kenshin was having dinner with them too so to Kaoru it was like they were all together.

Sano was the last to arrive and he smelled like sake. He seated down without even saying a word and he ignored the look on Shiro's face. He didn't cared, he could be an Oniwabanshu and all but he still was a brat and he got what he deserved.

"Hope that'll teach him a lesson"

When Shiro arrived Megumi saw him and insisted to help him with his wound and giving him something for the pain.

"How did this happen?" She asked while she was cleaning the little cut on mouth.

"I fell" He said.

She looked at him, that wasn't a falling bruise, someone had punched him and she was almost sure who he was. Still she didn't say a thing, she wasn't sure what had happened but she had learned that Sano didn't hit a friend just for nothing and Shiro didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it.

"Men… they are so childish"

Shiro on the other hand was felling really guilty. He deserved the punched Sano gave him, he was acting like a jerk and he misjudged Megumi. She was very nice with him and he realized that she was a very good and caring doctor.

He gave Sano an 'I'm sorry look' when he arrived but he lowered his eyes when Sano ignored him. He was ashamed.

Despite that it was a nice dinner and they all had fun. Kenshin was smiling all the time and Kaoru was happy because she noted he wasn't in a lot of pain. It was unusual but everyone went to bead early. The Shirobeko had been a constant party since they arrived but that night everyone was in the mood for a quiet time and a nice sleep. Kaoru finally moved to her own room. Kenshin was doing a lot better so she felt it wasn't necessary for he to stay with him all the time; besides she thought the rurouni may need some time alone for himself, she knew he had things to think about.

When everyone went to her room Kaoru and Kenshin were left alone. They looked at each other for a moment and then Kenshin finally talked.

"Kaoru-dono would you like to go out and see the stars with sessha?"

Kaoru smiled and they walked together to the yard at the back of the Shirobeko. They seated next to each other and stared at the sky. It was a wonderful clear sky and all of the stars were on display for them to see.

Kaoru sighted as she admired the multiple glowing points in the distance. The stars never seemed as beautiful as they did that night.

"They are wonderful… it's so pretty"

"Yes the stars are pretty but they are not as pretty as the way your eyes sparkle when you see them"

"Sometimes I used to stare at the sky to find peace in my heart."

"Does it still work?"

" Yes… but I found there are other things that work better" Answer Kenshin still looking at the sky.

Kaoru looked at his violet eyes and saw how they changed and became nostalgic. That was not a change of color but a change of light.

She knew how hard it was for him to open up, she knew it was a constant struggle between his head and his heart, his guilt and his love; but she also knew that the only way she could helped him was by staying by his side because that was something he had to figure out by himself.

A long silence followed but it wasn't an awkward situation, they both felt comfortable just by the company of the other, words weren't necessary.

"I'm glad you are feeling better" Said Kaoru.

"Sessha is glad too. Sessha also wanted to thank you for all your help during the time I was sick. Domo arigato Kaoru-dono."

"Kenshin would you please stop that… There is no need to thank me I did it because I wanted to. I'm happy that you are getting better, and not because it was an inconvenience for me to take care of you, but because I care for you and I worry when you are injured and I'm happy when you are fine and with us. Please Kenshin don't thank me like I did something I had to it wasn't that way."

"Gomen Kaoru-dono. Maybe sessha should have said thank you for caring so much for me."

Kaoru smiled "That's better and you are welcome"

They stayed a long time looking at the stars and finally and without noticing it Kaoru fell asleep on Kenshin's arms. Her body naturally fell his way; like it knew there it'll be safe.

Kenshin held her and smile. Kaoru was indeed a wonderful person. He had made a decision and it was a very hard one. Telling her what he told her the other afternoon was one of the most difficult things he had ever done in his life. It was hard to gather the courage to go and tell the woman you love and loves you that you can't be with her. But then she did something he didn't expect: She understood and with that he fell more in love with her. Her heart worked in amazing ways. She was kind enough to put her own sorrow aside, to stand with him and waited patiently for him. He had to do it; he had to find a way to get out of his darkness so he could go to her. In the past he thought he didn't deserve her so he just contemplated her from the far, but now he knew she loved him back and that reversed every one of his thought. He couldn't live in that darkness forever, not just for him but for her too. He had realized that his happiness was linked to hers; she had made it clear, she was happy when he was. That implied that while he was lost in his darkness searching for an answer she was silently suffering and waiting for him to find his way to her.

Kenshin looked up and put his hand in the hilt of his sakabato. A familiar ki had stopped his meditations.

"What do you want Saithou?"

A dark figure came out of a tree surrounded by a cloud of smoke.

"So you are finally up and walking again Battousai"

Kenshin looked at him; he carefully placed Kaoru in the ground and stood up with his hand still in the hilt of his sword.

"I can't believe it took you a month to get up again. Ten years have really done a lot to you"

"Care to try that theory?"

"Yare yare… Battousai do you think that you are really in shape to fight me now"

"If you force me too"

"I don't want a victory against you like that. When I finally kill you I want to kill the Battousai in a clean fight"

Kenshin still didn't move and his eyes were fixed in Saithou registering his every move.

"Then why are you here?"

"I just wanted to see with my own eyes that the Battousai was awake so I can send you something tomorrow"

Saithou finished his cigarette and let it drop as he walked away.

"Don't worry Battousai we will meet again"

The figured faded and Kenshin release his sword. He walked to Kaoru and carried her to her room. He knew he would regret it in the morning but he didn't care.

And then as announced by Saithou someone came to the door of the Aoya the next morning. He stood in the door and before he could even knock he was greeted by Sano and Kenshin. Cho smiled Saithou was right, he couldn't surprised them.

* * *

A/N: Now I'm sure. As I said at the beginning of this chapter this story is coming to an end and the next chapter will be the last. Please tell me what you think of this. Again thank you for reading the story and here are the individual thanks I promised.

In order of appearance:

C-chan: Thank you a lot for all your support. You are really nice. I noticed that you also wrote a fic about the missing month and I'm planning on reading it as soon as I finish mine. I'm just weird like that. Thanks again for offering to help editing my fic and for your continuous reviews. Thanx for remembering my B/Day :)

Naomi: I am honored, you are one of the people that have been following this fic since almost the beginning and you have always showed me your support. I did have fun in my trip and I am sorry but I'm not telling you their wish, as I said I leave it to your imagination. "miles of smiles".

aga_xris: Do you have a conspiracy theory fixation? You have the weirdest ideas I ever read about this fic and to answer your constant question, No, no one is trying to kill Kaoru. Anyway I like your reviews, please keep following the story and reviewing.

KawaiiChica: Gracias por tu constante apoyo y por todos tus comentarios. Yo también espero que Kenshin no necesite mucho tiempo pero ya todos sabemos cuanto tiempo realmente necesitó. ¿De donde eres?... De nuevo gracias por seguir la historia y por "review" tan seguido.

Azura Dea: Thanks, I really had a good trip/B/day. I had a lot of fun. Yes I know it's sad but it needed to be done. Anyway look at the good side, at least he is beginning to open up to Kaoru. Arigato for all your reviews and for your critical comments, they really helped a lot.

Bunny: Yes that was sad I know, it was hard to write too. Thanks for your reviews please keep reading.

Joey: Hi Joey-san! * Hands tissue to Joey* I hope I didn't hurt you too much with chapter IX. I know it was depressing but it needed to be done. At least they kissed. Anyway thank you sooooooo much. You have been following the story since the beginning and your reviews have been very important to me. Danke! (Did I spell that right? I don't know German). Please keep reading and reviewing.

Tifa-sama: I did like your long and weird review, it was nice. So you liked the Kenshin-Kaoru kiss? Me too!!! And the Yahiko punishment? He can be a brat sometimes. Thanks for following the story and reviewing so often. Also thanx for the B/Day song, I enjoyed it a lot ^_~

Hana Himura: Yes Kenshin can be a dimwit and I also wish he would stop been silly… maybe, just maybe… Arigato for reviewing, keep following the story.

Kyaa-Kyaff: Yahiko did get what he deserved even though he never knew but… Anyway I love that you like my story and please keep reading and reviewing.

Gypsy-chan: Thank you so much! When I first posted the story your review was of the first ones I saw. I couldn't believe it! I read your stories before I even though of writing fan fiction and I enjoyed them a lot. I had never read so many stories of one author. I couldn't believe (and I still can't) that I was getting reviews from someone that had produced so many great stories. Your reviews are always encouraging and very helpful, (constructive criticism) and I thank you a lot. I hope you'll continue reading this story, it means a lot to me.

Alannah: Thanks for reading and sorry for the delays in the updates, I'll try to do it sooner. Thank you for sticking with the story for so long, you are so nice!

SakuraCherryBlossom: Thanks for reviewing, I did had K+K interaction in chapter VIII I hope you had a chance to read it…

kraci: Thanks so much for reviewing but I haven't seen any reviews for a while… anyway thanx a lot for putting my story in your favorite list, that meant a lot to me. Arigato.

Sano: I love Hiko too, that's why I put him on the fic. Keep reading and thanx.

Nicky-chan: Thanks for the offer and did you kept reading?

White Plum: Thank you for your kind words, I am happy you like my fic and Misao is too talkative but that's just the way she is. I do hope you come back 4more of my fic.

Susy: Llevo tiempo sin saber nada de ti pero espero que te halla gustado la historia hasta ahora. Gracias por tus comentarios. Me gusta saber que hay gente de Latinoamérica que lee mi fic aunque esta en ingles.

KitKat: Kenshin and Kaoru did got together…. I hope you read that… then if you didn't you wouldn't be reading this… Anyway thanx for your reviews.

Cristal: Thanks a lot *_~

Prudence-chan: Yes the world wouldn't be right without them…

Unseen Watcher: Thanks for reviewing.

Vesca: Did you keep reading? Is Aoshi doing fine?

mae: Thanks for your review it was really sweet. Love "The substitute" fic you wrote.

Aijana Sweet Mi: Thanks a lot and I did followed your advice.

Aku-sama: My first reviewer how could I forget you? Thank you very much.

That's all folks…