Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Heavenly Lost ❯ If It’s A Dream There Is No Waking Up ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter I

If It's A Dream There Is No Waking Up

She felt like she was falling from high up and there was no way to stop. She wanted to scream but the words couldn't leave her mouth. Her eyes were closed and she didn't dare to open them. She felt like everything was spinning around her and she was unable to control anything. She wanted to breathe but she couldn't, there was no air and she was suffocating. And then something hit her and she felt her whole body in pain for like a split second and then it stopped. Everything stopped: the spinning, the falling the lack of air… and it was replaced by a warm felling inside her chest. She felt like she was pleasantly floating through the sky and a soft wind played with her hair as she took a gasp of air. She opened her eyes slowly. At first she could only see a bright light in front of her. She blinked a couple of times and her eyes started to get adjusted and she distinguished some shadows that little by little began to clear up. She blinked a couple more times in disbelief when she realized what she was seeing. In front of her was the inside yard of the Kamiya Dojo.

She moved her eyes from side to side trying to understand what was happening. She looked at the Dojo and she noticed every detail. It looked new. She closed her eyes one more time and opened them to find that she was still at the dojo. "What is happening? Where am I?" She lowered her eyes and stared at her hands for a moment. There were no purple spots from her disease. Her hands were white and young. She didn't remember when was the last time she saw her hands like that.

"Is this a dream?" She asked to no one in particular, she didn't even realize she had spoken out loud.

"If it is a dream there is no waking up"

She recognized that voice. Years had passed since the last time she heard it but it remained in her heart. She turned around trying to find the owner of the voice, trying to see him. Then her eyes encountered the ones of him. She looked at him. He wasn't as she remembered him; he was younger but she could see in his eyes that he was someone she had been waiting to see for too long. She ran to him. She didn't care if what she was seeing was a mirage or an illusion, she just wanted to be held in his arms like she was so many years ago. She smiled filled with joy when he didn't fade at her touched and she held him tight like she did when she was little.


"Kaoru-chan, I have been waiting so long to see you again"

She remained at his arms, glad to by with someone she loved when another voice filled the air.

"Kaoru-chan!" She turned to see at the woman standing behind her. She didn't need an explanation, she just hugged her too as she said "Okaasan" over and over again.

* * *

She didn't know why but she was reunited with her parents in the home the once shared. The seated in the porch as Kaoru looked at them with confusing eyes.

"I am dead aren't I?"

The old man smiled at his daughter.

"Well we don't use that word here chibi. Death is an earthly concept and when you get here you learn that it's impossible to die because your soul is eternal."

Kaoru just blinked so the father decided to continue.

"Your time in earth was done so you left your earthly body and your soul ascended to heaven"

"Is this heaven?" Kaoru asked looking around her.

His parents nodded.

"This isn't what I imagined"

"Well, heaven is a complex place. The laws of heaven are different from the laws of earth. I'm here to explain you that in detail, but for now all you need to know is that this place looks like the Dojo because we wanted it to look like this"


"You see, when a soul first comes to heaven it's very confused. We chose this place because it is familiar to you. From now on everything you think of as real has to be reconsidered, this is a new reality."

"Why do you look like this? Why do I look like this?"

"As I said you left your earthly body behind, what we have here is different. There isn't a word to describe it but now you have a `body' that can still feel, that is solid and that is allowed to touch and to be touched. Your `body' here never ages and it has the appearance it did when it was on earth. You seem young because that is the best appearance your body ever had so that is the one that would remain here through eternity"

Kaoru looked at her one more time. Her body did seamed young and she felt as good as she ever did. She stared at her clothes; she was wearing one of her favorite kimonos. Her mother answered her before she was able to ask the question.

"You can choose whatever you want to wear. You just have to think about yourself in any clothes you want, wished it mentally and they will appear on you"

Kaoru looked as her mother stood up and without doing anything was wearing a totally different outfit. Then a flower appeared at his father hand and he handed it to her.

"In heaven you can mentally wish for almost anything and it will come true"

Koru opened her eyes more. She was trying to understand all this new information she had received. She took a deep breath, she wasn't even sure that any of that was real; it could all be a dream.

"Are you sure I'm not dreaming?" She asked to his father again.

"I told you chibi, if it is a dream we are all having the same dream and there is no waking up."

Kaoru closed her eyes trying to put her thoughts together. Maybe it wasn't a dream, maybe it was real… but then, maybe what she thought was her real life was really the dream!

"What if…"

"They are both real chibi, they are just two different realities"

"How do you know?"

"We've been watching you" Answer the father as he smiled at his daughter.


"When we are here we are able to watch over the ones we left behind. We've been watching you Kaoru-chan and we are very proud of you. You lived a good life and we've been waiting for you to come up here so we can tell you that"

"So you have been here in heaven waiting for me all this time?" Asked Kaoru as she looked at her loving parents.

"Yes, when a soul comes to heaven it's reunited with their loved ones that had been waiting for them"

When she heard those words Kaoru's eyes sparkle and she got up and looked around her in expectancy.

"So where is he?" She asked impatiently "Where is Kenshin?"

Her parents' eyes lowered and avoided her stare. She suddenly felt that something was wrong and the smile faded from her face.

"What is wrong?" She asked in a trembling voice. His father's eyes met hers and she saw the sad expression on his face.

"Kenshin… Kenshin is not here…" He said in a serious tone of voice "Kenshin is in hell"

* * *

Author's Notes: So what do you think??? I got this idea because I always heard Kenshin saying he is going to hell when he dies so I thought what if he really is? Kaoru will surely go to heaven so they'll be apart and that is so sad… Well this is an A/U fic but I think it can give a pretty good perspective of the love between Kaoru and Kenshin. (They are my favorite couple).This was just an introduction; the plot will start to develop in the next chapter. Anyway, please review and tell me what you think.
