Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Heavenly Lost ❯ A Hitokiri Will Always Be a Hitokiri ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter V

A Hitokiri Will Always Be a Hitokiri

Kenshin was tired, his legs ached for the effort of running for so long but he didn't cared. He crossed so many alleys, so many streets but they all looked the same. He couldn't tell if he had already been into one place, they all looked the same and he was lost.

"Witch way?" He asked himself out loud as he ran through the city.

He had been running so fast for so long that finally the pain in his muscles made him trip. He fell down and landed against the door of one of the buildings. He felt the sharp pain that ran trough his whole body and his burning back as he fell into the floor.

He stayed there with his eyes closed just waiting for the pain to ease even a little.

He had discovered that the city was made of streets, there was no way to enter any of the buildings and any attempt in doing so was punished with pain and burns. The souls were doomed to wander the streets for eternity without ever having a place to go, a place they could call home.

The city was a big place and there was no way to find the way back somewhere but he tried anyway. He didn't know why but he was sure Kaoru was in hell and he was determined to find her. He had to go back to the entrance of the city but he didn't know how. He had been running for so long but he was completely and hopelessly lost. "Why is she here? She is a good person, I was sure she was sent to heaven… so then why is she here?"

Kenshin spent his time on earth with the knowledge that hell was his destiny. He was prepared for everything he'll have to go through there… everything but that. He could take care of himself, he was ready to suffer but he wasn't ready to let her experience that kind of pain. His Kaoru wasn't supposed to be there. She was an angel so she was supposed to be in heaven. "What is an angel doing here?"

He was slowly able to move again. He couldn't waste any time. He didn't know how but he had to get to Kaoru and get her out of hell. He took a deep breath and got up slowly, and then, before he could run again he sensed a presence he hadn't sensed in a long time.

He slowly turned around to stare at the man. He looked exactly as the last time he saw him. His katana was at his side and he had a big smile on his face as he stared at Kenshin.

"You see, what I said was true. Why else would you have ended up in here?" Said the man as he stepped closer to Kenshin.

"And what was that?"

"I told you back then that a hitokiri would always be a hitokiri. No matter what silly ideals you followed you ended up in here with me and the rest of the murderers"

"My fate was determined before I met you. Not that you care but I did followed my silly ideas and helped some people on the way. My life wasn't a complete waste."

"And I bet that's what got you killed. I wonder who was able to kill the famous Battousai?"


"Well that is a sad way to go…"

"I believe for you is more honorable killing yourself after loosing a battle?"

Jine Udo smiled. He took out his sword and stood in a battle stance.

"I guess now we can finish out fight. Maybe it'll have another ending and we have forever to find out."

Kenshin changed his stance and put his hand on top of the hilt of his sword.

"I'm sorry but I have something to do so I'll finish this quickly"

"Don't be so sure about it Battousai"

But Jine couldn't say anything else as he was stroke with the power of the Amakakeru Ryu No Hirameki. Kenshin shielded his sword as he took some air before rushing through the city again. Jine laid on the floor motionless. He had waited for so long for the Battousai. He wanted to fight with him again, he wanted to make him suffer he wanted vengeance. His pride was more hurt than his body. He closed his eyes as he realized he'll need sometime before being able to even lift a finger.

"I'll have my vengeance Battousai"

* * *

She was so cold. How could it be that not even when she ran she could warm herself? Hell was truly an awful place. The bruises she had on her body constantly ached but she tried to ignore the pain. She quickly realized that the city wasn't a place to show weakness. She learned that the hard way.

When she entered the city she felt completely lost. She didn't know what to do or where to go. She only had one thought on her mind: Finding Kenshin.

She didn't even notice the numerous bodies that surrounded her, not until one of them spoke.

"So today is a lucky day!"

She looked around and realized that there were seven men surrounding her.

"Welcome to the city!" Said the same man.

Kaoru remained silent.

"Is a rare occasion when a pretty lady wanders to this place."

Kaoru was hurt and tired. She didn't feel like fighting those men so she chose another approach.

"I'm looking for someone" She said in a soft voice. "He is a man with red hair and a cross shape scar on his left cheek"

Suddenly a man that had remained quiet stepped forward.

"Why do you want to find the Hitokiri Battousai?"

"He is my husband." Kaoru answered without even thinking.

The man stared at her with mischievous eyes.

"This would be more amusing than I originally thought. I couldn't harm the Battousai but I can harm his woman"

The man reacted before her and hit her in the face. She fell back in pain as the man jumped over her and tried to open her gi. Kaoru felt the cold hand of the man on top of her. "This isn't happening!" She lost control for a moment and could only think about how that wasn't possible. The man successfully opened her gi and then drove his hands to untie the bandages covering her breasts. With that Kaoru reacted. With a power she wasn't even aware of she pushed the man of her and graved her boken. The man fell on the floor but got up fast and charged at her again. She hit him with her boken in the head and he fell again on the floor. Then she noticed the other six men approaching her. Two of them from the front, one from the left and three from behind. She quickly evaluated the situation. Most of the men were armed with swords and she only had a boken, she was in disadvantage. She made a decision, it may not be the most honorable one but it was the safest.

She run to the men in front of her and attacked them with her boken. Her whole plan depended on how fast was she able to get through them. If it took too long then she was lost. She felt her boken hit one of them in the stomach and then the other grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back. She kicked him in the leg and the man let her go, she used that moment to run, run far away.

The men looked at her. She was running into the city and none of them was willing to go after her. They all knew that once you get lost in the city there is no going back.

She decided to slow down. She was getting tired of running. She tied her gi again and placed the boken at her waist. She was glad she got away from those men but then again she was afraid of what she'll find next. She walked through the dark streets without knowing where to go. She looked around her. The city appeared to be empty. "Where is everybody? I can't be the only one here." Then she noticed the buildings and the closed doors.

Maybe Kenshin was inside one of those buildings. She approached the one close to her and put her hand in the handle. She felt her hand burning and her whole body in deep pain as she fell on the floor. She laid there for a moment with tears falling from her eyes. For just a moment she felt like doing nothing, for just a moment she felt like laying there for eternity, for just a moment she gave up, but then she saw his face in her heart. Kenshin was somewhere near her, suffering just as she was and she wasn't going to let him down.

She took a deep breath before forcing her body to get up. She ignored the deep pain that ran through her entire body and continue walking. "Well at least I know he is not inside the buildings."

She stopped when the street she was on divided into two different roads. "Right or left?" She closed her eyes. Some kind of instinct told her to go left. She remembered Tomoe' words. "It's rumored that if two souls love each other enough they'll be able to find each other." She followed her instincts convinced that she'll have to trust them if she wanted to find him.

She walked for a while before stopping in front of a tall door. She found a dead end but she wasn't going to go back. She was sure Kenshin was somewhere on the other side of that door. She looked at it for a moment and remembered the pain she felt when she touched the last door. She looked at it for a moment and finally reached for it.

"Kenshin walked this way." She thought as she prepared herself for the inevitable. But before she could touch the door another one fell from the sky trapping her in between.

She looked up, there was no escape. When she looked back down she only saw one of the chains going straight to her. She didn't have time to move and before she could realize it she had her hands and feet chained and a shackle around her neck. Her boken was placed in her waist where she left it but she couldn't reach it and every move she made cause her neck to ache.

The door opened and she slowly walked through it. The weight of the chains didn't let her move freely. "Am I doomed to carry these chains forever?" But before she could get an answer two figures stood in front of her. They both had swords and where smiling.

"We have a girl today" Said one of them.

"She is pretty too" Said the other one.

"Maybe we can give her some special treatment"

"Yes after what that read headed demon did to us that girl is just what I need."

Kaoru's heart stopped when she listed what he said.

"Did he have a cross scar on her left cheek and violet eyes?" She asked hopefully.

The men stared at each other and then at the girl.

"Do you know him?"

She remained silent. She had learned from her previous experience that hell wasn't a good place to be the wife of the Battousai.

One of the men approached her and hit her in the face.

"My friend asked you a question and you should answer… and you better tell the truth."

Kaoru looked at him. Maybe telling him the truth wasn't the wisest choice but she wasn't ashamed of Kenshin and lie about it would be denying him and she wasn't going to do that.

"I'm his wife" She said as she looked at the man straight in the eyes with a defiant look on her face. The men just stood quiet for a moment.

"Kenshin came through here and he beat this guys, that's why they are so upset, I bet they never expected a man like him to beat them."

Without even noticing it she put a smile on her face. The thought of Kenshin fighting like he did in the old days gave her a smooth sensation. He was strong again.

"Why are you smiling? You are acting just like him! But we are going to get you; you'll pay for both of you!"

Then the men attacked her. There was little she could do. She was tied up, her boken was out of reach and the men had swords. She closed her eyes as she thought of him. "Kenshin" She waited for the blow to connect with her skin but it didn't happen. Instead she heard the sound of two swords crashing. She quickly opened her eyes to find one of the men on the floor and the other being slashed in the side by a man she immediately recognized.

"I'm sorry but she is mine" Said Jine as he took a hold of Kaoru's chains and dragged her with him.

Somewhere in the city Kenshin stopped running. Something told him Kaoru was in grave danger.

* * *

A/N: So what do you think? I really hope you liked this chapter and the intervention of another character even if it was someone as despicable as Jine.