Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Hell's Angel ❯ Hell's Angel ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Authors Note: I'm at it again. This time I've brought some dark moods with me, all thanks to some wonderful authors.


Chapter one- Kaoru's stolen Ashes

Kenshin sat at the basin that held cloths in it. The water was clean as it showed a young mans shirt, instead of a kimono. He sighed as he let go of the shirt, it was never the same. His red hair escaped from its band, as it covered his face.


Dark clouds began to hover over the dojo for a while till they moved south. Kenshin looked up as he watched them, something was wrong.

The pounding of shoes gave him that answer as he looked up. The chief of police was standing in front of the door, a look of distress on his face.

"Himura-san I'm sorry to bother you, but there's something wrong with Himura's wife's grave" he said curtly.

Kenshin's eyes went golden as he speed passed the officer. He ran out towards the graveyard to where they buried Kaoru. He stopped dead in his track. The grave was totally dug up, he walked up to look in to see his wife's body no longer in there.

His body shook with rage as he thought of what happened. He bared his teeth, grinding them together in his fury. He bent down to look at the tombstone that held writings on it.

Kaoru Himura

June 1860-

August 1964

Wife to Kenshin Himura

Mother of Kenjii himura

Battousai gripped his sword pulling it half way out of its sheath, so this is how people pay their respect for the dead? Well, this was one grave they were going to regret digging up. He stood up, walking away from the gravesite.

There were still things he needed to know though. What person would go digging up a grave and for what purpose? There was nothing against him they could use, let alone a dead body. So why dig up her dead body?

"Will they ever let you rest Koishii?"


Sad blue eyes looked up at him pleadingly. She reached out to him grasping his wrist as she felt herself losing consciousness. She looked up at him one more time, smiling before darkness claimed her.

"Kenshin" she whispered.


A figure loomed over the corpse as he eyed her, an evil smile crossing his face. Oh yes, this was certainly his greatest plan. He looked down at the girl's silent face, as he leaned closer.

"I'll bring you back to the living realm Kamiya" he whispered.

The space around them was hot as goblins fanned to the flames of the fire. There was one place, where nobody could get to them. This place where evil resides, or better yet where evil reigns.

"Welcome to our world"

The man stood back as flames surrounded the dead body. The flames engulfing the body in its heat, no movement was made. They watched in fascination as the flames began to lick at her body.


Well. I hope everyone liked it. Hopefully it turned out right.