Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ Two Days and Food ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: …

Sakura: …

Tenshi: … I'm out of things to say…

Sakura: …Me too…

Tenshi: … we're boring the readers…

Sakura: … I know…

Tenshi: … just do the disclaimer and get on with it…

Sakura: If you want it done so badly, you do it!

Tenshi: You get paid to do it, not me! That's why I pay you! But, fine, whatever… I'll say it and not pay you for this chapter… S-


Tenshi: I love that trick….



Ch 11: Two Days and Food

Masako stared at the ceiling as her eyes began to glaze over. She had hardly moved in two days. Megumi had advised her to keep a bit active, but not too active. Megumi was too confusing for Masako's liking. She decided to play it safe and stay in bed. She moved around a little, just to keep herself from stiffening, but she hadn't gotten out of bed. She only ate when someone brought food in. It was usually Kenshin. Not only did he bring food, but he also brought apologies, a whole string of them. They varied from her childhood without parents to the incident that had happened two days prior. It seemed like everyone was getting on her nerves. She had threatened him a few times so usually he kept the apologies to a low mumble and number.

She pulled the blanket up higher. It was growing dark, and cold. When Kenshin brought dinner in, she'd ask him for another blanket. If it was going to be this cold while the sun was still up, she really didn't want to think about how cold it would be without the large fireball in the sky. She let out a small shiver and listened to the birds chirp as they flew by. She looked over to her bedside and saw her katana lying there. `Just one little knick and all of this will go away…' she thought staring at the sword. Eventually she pulled her eyes away from it. If she wasn't able to kill herself without anyone in the vicinity, then doing it with five or six people in it wouldn't do her any good.

The door to her left slid open, revealing an angry Sano. Immediately Masako rolled over onto her right side, facing away from him and ignoring the pain that shot through her body.

"Oh, don't give me that. I know you want the food. Does it really matter who gives it to you?" he snapped glaring at her back. He set the tray of food down beside her. "Do you want anything?" he asked, almost reluctantly.

"Yes, you out." Masako muttered, deciding that freezing to death would make a nice cover-up to her death.

"Yeah, whatever." Sano turned around, thrusting his hands into his pockets, his face twisted with anger. "And don't be getting' any ideas that I came in here willingly. Kenshin still had some washing to do, so I did it for him."

"Get out of here before I soak you in soup," Masako hissed, turning over and grabbing her bowel of hot and sour.

"Hmph." Sanosuke slammed the door shut as he exited.

"Baka otoko*, I swear, the next time I see him I will kill him." She sipped her soup as if she had said nothing. The soup warmed her up considerably, so before the she lost the comfortable feeling, she finished, rolled over onto her back and fell asleep.


Tenshi: Yeah, I know, tiny…

Sakura: That was just pathetic.

Tenshi: Shut up, my mind isn't on this right now.

Sakura: What's it on?

Tenshi: Friend of mine needs some help, so, I'm not paying attention. That and it's 8:30. I'm zoned out.

Sakura: Uhuh….

Tenshi: Oh, here's that asterisk:

*Otoko- `man' in Japanese

Sakura: they should know that by now…

Tenshi: Crap…

Sakura: What?

Tenshi: I was gonna do something for our talent show at school, but-

Sakura: You have no talent? ^^

Tenshi: NO BAKA! *Promptly smacks Sakura repeatedly over the head* I just can't find a song I wanna sing that I'll be able to put together right.

Sakura: Yeah… okaydoky…. @_@

Tenshi: Please Review! ^^

Heaven Sent Tenshi