Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ Lies ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: God, I'm tired.

Sakura: Then go to bed, it's almost ten.

Tenshi: I refuse to go to bed before eleven on a Saturday.

Sakura: Yeah, well, I think your body is gonna disagree with your refusal.

Tenshi: Yeah *yawn* right… *blink blink, rub rub* (both have to do with eyes. -_-#)

Sakura: You should go to sleep, even your dad just said so.

Tenshi: No, must write… must keep… reviewers… happy… *snore*

Sakura: Either go to bed, or WAKE UP!

Tenshi: I'M AWAKE! *looks around confused* huh? Did I fall asleep?

Sakura: Just about. Standard disclaimer applies.

Tenshi: *snore* *jerks awake* Huh? Oh, yeah, I gotta *yawn* write this thing don't I? ^_^ *very big yawn, wipes tears out of eyes from yawning*



Ch 17: Lies

Masako ran as fast she could as tears streamed out behind her, her brown hair gaining moisture. Sano knew, and she hadn't been able to tell him face to face. He'd listened in on a secret conversation. She could hardly believe it. She gasped for air as she turned a corner, seeing Sano out of the corner of her eye. She had to get away. She needed to think. She had to leave. She had to get as far from Sano as humanly possible, maybe the woods? Maybe back home, yes, home, where the dogs didn't care what she thought, so long as she gave them her scraps, where the trees just swayed in the late afternoon breeze. Yes, her little handmade hut would be her salvation, if only she could get there. She would get there, she had to.

Sano ran faster. What had he done to upset her like this. He knew that eavesdropping probably wasn't the best thing he could do, but running like this? It wasn't reasonable. Why would she do this? All that he knew was that he had to catch her. The last time she'd run he'd found her, with her katana at her neck. If he didn't catch her, and instead found her lying in the road, bled to death, he'd never forgive himself. This spurred him on.

Sano caught her around her arms, binding them to Masako's sides, almost causing her to fall, with Sano behind. Luckily they caught their balance. Sano held onto her for dear life, he didn't want to let go in fear he might lose her forever.

"Masako," Sano almost yelled, "what the heck was that for?"

"Let go of me Sanosuke. You… you weren't supposed to know… I never should have said anything… you probably hate me…." Masako had rivers running down her cheeks as she said this, holding her head low, almost parallel with the floor.

"I…" Sano was lost for words. He thought that now would be the best chance he could ever get to tell her how he felt, there would be no greater chance, she'd be happy, as well as, most likely, relieved. But for some strange reason, words failed him. A panic started to sweep through him, he didn't know what to do; all of the plans that he'd thought of flew out of his head. He couldn't say anything, until he came to a conclusion he'd regret. His mind was a mush, he couldn't think of anything else to say, especially when he had his arms about her. "I…" he stuttered again. Just say it, his unconscious brain screamed, say something, anything! "I can't…" was all he could mutter. He meant to answer himself, but in that answer lay a deeper one….

Masako started to panic herself. `I can't?' she thought, `oh, no… he must mean that I've chosen incorrectly, he doesn't have feelings for me… either that or he cannot have feelings for me… No…'she pleaded silently, `please do not mean what I think you mean….'

"I can't…" Sano repeated. He'd have to follow through, either that or sound like an idiot. Well, it was too late now, he'd have to explain it to her later. His mind shut down in his panic, things became a blur as he released her from his grip. "I'm sorry… but… I just can't…." his mush of a mind figured that was good enough. For Masako, that was more than enough, more than what she could handle. She turned around him, tears shining in the little faded light that flowed through the hallway.

"I understand…" she muttered, her sadness more than apparent in her voice, "I have made a terrible mistake. Gomen nasai. I will take my leave now." With her head still facing the ground, her eyes only on the road before her, Masako walked down the hallway, eventually braking out into a run, going to find somewhere to hide, to get away from everything. Nothing was going right, she needed time to think.


Tenshi: There are *yawn* reasons for this being *yawn* short.

Sakura: One, it makes for a smooth transition.

Tenshi: And two *yawn* I'm about to fall asleep and use my keyboard as a pillow. *big yawn*

Sakura: Go to sleep Tenshi.

Tenshi: *YAWN!!!!* I… will… 38iwf 0=[-3tfrwkilger;oiuy2qr3[orht;ji

Sakura: Tenshi, you're gonna drool on it! Get off the keyboard! AH! Fire!!! *puts out small electrical fire caused by sparks from keyboard* There.

Tenshi: *snore*

Sakura: Well, since Tenshi will yell at me if I do too much, and I have this to write all on my own, I guess I'll end it here. I'm getting tired *yawn* too. Stupid yawns are contagious. Ok, please review. Tenshi, get in bed, you're gonna need a new keyboard you know….


oh, fine, Heaven Sent Tenshi too….