Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ Believe Me ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: I just went right ahead and wrote the last three chapters at once, so there isn't anything to say… still.

Sakura: Except…

Tenshi: No, I wanna tell them at the end of the chapter.

Sakura: No, the other except.

Tenshi: OH! I have four new puppies. ^__________________^ We're waiting on more we hope! ^^ *crosses fingers*

Sakura: Ok, Standard disclaimer applies.



Ch 20: Believe Me

Sano slid down the muddy bank, coming to rest by the river and the stones on which Masako sat. He watched her for a moment. Pretty soon, Masako looked up. Her tears reflected the moonlight that hit her, causing it to look like she was crying liquid silver. Her face adopted a pained look as she turned her head and laid it down once more on her knees.

"Go away Sano… you don't need to chase me… all I want to do is go home… just leave me be…" Masako sputtered, as tears dripped down from her face and joined the water below. Rings began to emerge from the surface, filling a large area.

"No… Rini… I need to talk to you," Sano replied making his way carefully over to the sobbing girl, "You have to listen to me."

"I do not have to do anything, Sanosuke. Leave me be, and do not call me Rini." Masako curled up tighter.

"I'm calling you Rini because that's your name, and I… I just think it's better if that's what I call you, not Masako. It's just an alias, and in this situation, I shouldn't call you by that." Sano was losing his grip on his words.

"What type of situation are we in exactly?" Masako asked, lifting her head to him again. She couldn't help but still blush when she saw him.

"Ma- Rini," Sano corrected, shaking his head, "I don't know exactly what it was that I said to you back in that hallway, but whatever it was, I know it hurt you, and that isn't something I want to do on purpose."

"What are you saying?" Masako asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Rini… I think I… I love you." For some reason, Sano found that a tiny bit easier than he thought it would be. Masako watched him for a minute. Disbelief filled her face. It was quickly followed by rage.

"You're lying to me," she said, not wanting to believe her words, "You just want me to calm down, you want me to go back… I'd bet anything that this were a set-up."

"No, you've got to believe me Rini, I'm not lying, I'd never…" Sano stopped. He lied before, and if he'd finished his sentence, he'd be lying again. Sano hung his head. "I'm sorry that I lied to you… I really do have feelings for you, Rini, you… you just have to believe me…."

"How can I? Even if you did have feelings for me, then you'd lied before. All you ever do is lie and cheat, Sanosuke. I don't know how I fell in love with you." Masako's voice had a sharp tone to it, but it was watered down by the sobs.

"Rini, please…" Sano pleaded, picking his way over to the rock on which Masako sat, "Let me prove it… just let me prove to you that I really do love you."

"What could you do to prove to me your love, Sano?" Masako asked, sounding as if she didn't care whether he did or not, but in truth, praying he could. "Not much."

"Just, give me one chance… that's all I ask for…" Sanosuke almost whispered, kneeling down beside her. "Please…."

Masako looked over to him. His eyes were soft, the moonlight dim on his face. He looked so sorry for what he'd done. Masako wished she could believe him more than ever now, but he'd have to prove it to her. "One chance…" she said under her breath.

Sano lifted his right hand and brought it up to her cheek. Masako blushed madly, but said nothing as her face tingled in embarrassment. He looked deeply into her eyes as he brought her closer, very gently and very slowly. "Believe me, I love you, Rini," he whispered as their lips met.

"Eww-" Yahiko muttered. Kaoru and Megumi had slapped their hands over his mouth.

"Shush Yahiko!" they hissed. Kenshin blushed and turned away, uttering out a little "Oro?"

Masako sat there motionless as he kissed her. It felt as if she'd waited a lifetime for this moment to come, the moment they knew that they loved each other, and the moment she were his. Carefully she wrapped her arms around his neck. Pulling back for a moment, Masako closed her eyes. "I love you too, Sanosuke Sagara." She pressed her lips to his again, never wanting to brake away.


Tenshi: And that is the official ending to Her.

Sakura: It's so sweet.

Tenshi: I know.

Sakura: Your readers are going to hate you for just ending it right there. That's one of the biggest cliffhangers you've ever done to end a story.

Tenshi: Well, that doesn't say too much, considering this is the first full-length story I've finished.

Sakura: Yeah, I guess…

Tenshi: *throws streamers* THE END!!! And we now have six puppies!!! And I think we have another on the way! ^^ Ok, I think I'm done.

Tenshi and Sakura: Sayonara!!!

Heaven Sent Tenshi