Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Horse Ride ❯ Horse Ride ( One-Shot )

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Demon of Faith: This is just some random thing I thought of. So I hope you enjoy.

C.C: She doesn't own Rurouni Kenshin.

It was another lazy day at the Kamiya dojo. Sano was over at Megumis clinic, Yahiko was snoring as loud as he could and Kenshin was quietly sitting on the porch, relaxing in the warm afternoon sun. He was broken from his relaxing state when Kaoru ran by him. Kenshin followed her movements as she went back and forth. She stopped in front of Kenshin to catch her breath.

"Umm Kaoru-dono….what are you doing? You shouldn't be working so hard." He told her with relevance.

Kaoru looked up at Kenshin and sat down beside him. Her breath still alittle ragged and sweat pouring from her forehead. Kenshin looked at the beauty with concern and patience.

Listen Kenshin…. I've got to clean everything up. See I kinda have no money, and I can't pay for all you free-loaders food and needs. So I think I'll have to sell the dojo.

Kaoru felt the approach of tears coming up,she was surprised when, Kenshin picked her up and placed her in his lap. Kenshin began to rock her soothly. Kaoru hid her light tint blush and let the man she loved rock her.

"It's ok, you won't have to sell the dojo. All of us will just have to get jobs." he sweetly told her.

Kaoru snuggled into the crook of his shoulder. She still had a tint of red across her face. Kenshin smiled and inhaled her sweet Jasmine smell.

"I know." Kenshin stood up lifting Kaoru up as well. He took her hand and they raced out of the dojo.

"Kenshin where are we going?" she asked wanting to tell Kenshin so bad that she had two legs and could run on her own.

"You'll see." He turned to give Kaoru a mischievous smirk. He watched as new sweat started forming on her forehead again.

The both of them past by shops and people. They then past by the river. Kenshin stopped when they were in front of a small japanese hut. Beside the door was a little sign in Japanese words that said; Welcome to the Best Horse Ranch around. Kenshin and Kaoru both walked inside the hut and up to the counter. On the other side was a tall bald man, he smiled and bowd to the two. Kenshin and Kaoru bowed back and Kenshin payed the man and the two left out the side door. Outside were two huge brown horses, Kenshin steaded one of them and lifted his body onto its back. Kaoru stared at the animal with concern and fear. Kenshin gave his hand to Kaoru and lifted her up in front of him on the horses back. She fit so perfectly in his body. The bald man opened the gate and Kenshin yelled for the horse to go. When it did Kaoru yelped a bit. What seemed like forever, Kenshin stopped the horse on the small cliff. The two of them watched the sun begin to fall and the moon slowly rising. Kenshin hugged himself around Kaoru's lean body and rested his chin on her right shoulder.

"Why are you doing this Kenshin?" she asked.

"Because I have to be close to you, that I do. Kaoru-dono I've always wanted to tell you that….I……see I….."

"Love you." Kaoru blurted out. The words just fell free of her tongue. She felt like a heavy weight was just lifted off her shoulders.

Kenshin sat there shocked, he then regained himself and tilted his head so he could see Kaoru's face. Kaoru smiled at him and did the unthinkable, she place her lips on his. Kenshin went wide-eyed but then forced the kiss back, he licked her bottom lip for access. She complied and soon there tounges her dancing with one another. They broke the kiss to catch there breaths. Kenshin squeezed Kaoru to him and burried his face in her neck.

"I love you….God I love you soooo much." Kenshin mumbled.

The two stayed like that for what seemed like eternity. The moon shone on them making them look as if they were Gods. They knew it was time to go but they were contempt that when Kenshin began to pull on the reins he felt a hand on his. Kaoru gave him a warm smile that let Kenshin know that they were going to stay a little longer. In both of there minds they were always going to be together….for eternity.

~ Bound to you for Eternity ~

Demon of Faith: I'm sooooo tired. This is finished I'm not doing anymore to this story. But I do have another Kenshin story on the way.^^ Anyhoo I hoped u liked it and review if you want.