Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ I Am Battousai ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The nest morning her friends once again decided to drop by for a `visit' before school, where they were presented free delicious food. Like there were no hidden motives there.
Everybody chatted around pleasantly about anything and everything. Everybody except Kenshin and Kaoru that is. Kenshin was once again preparing her a lunch, ignoring everybody around him while he finished the task he set for himself. Kaoru on the other hand was studying closely. There had to be something she could do for him. Maybe something he wanted.
His clothes were the same samurai clothing but the blue top and white bottoms. He wore his white socks and his sword at his side. His hair was pulled up in a high ponytail. Yep, he looked the same he did every other day. Nothing different.
The thought of new clothes had entered her mind but she knew from experience that wearing those kinds of clothes were a lot more comfortable that wearing the clothes nowadays.
He didn't need any shoes either. He was comfortable with his sandals. He wouldn't be as free moving from the yard to the house wearing tennis shoes or something.
Making him a dinner was out of the question. It was better to let him do that. Burnt rice, and uncooked fish was not something she wanted to subject him to. This thing she wanted to do for him was supposed to be nice, not paralyzing.
So what else was there? Getting him a pet. No there was no point to that either. He wasn't going to stay here long enough for a pet.
At that she felt her heart ache. He had only been there for two days and she was already not looking forward to his departure. It just felt so right having him here, as if he's been here the whole time.
That's it! He hasn't been here the whole time. He probably had no idea what Tokyo looks like nowadays. She would take him around and show him the sites. She doubt he had even seen one of the sky scrapers. She could even take him to the cemetery and ask him which ones he knew…ok maybe not that, thought it sounded fun to her.
“Kenshin” she spoke loudly, mostly with determinations. Her friends had jumped from the sudden interruption and stared at her like she was crazy.
Kenshin didn't even flinch let alone turn around. “Yes miss Kaoru”
“How would you like to come with me site seeing tomorrow? I could take the classes off and we could have fun” She smiled brightly.
Her friends glanced at each other knowingly. Megumi smacked Sano before he was able to make some smart assed comment.
Kenshin turned around and looked at her. He couldn't believe it. She wanted to take him somewhere. She wanted to take him to places that she's seem a thousand time and probably didn't want to go, but was doing it for his sake. This was the first girl to do something for him. Well, they did things like make him food or clean his laundry, but not plan a day of stuff for him.
He let a small smiled break through. “I would enjoy that Miss kaoru”
Leaping from her chair kaoru grabbed her back and rushed from the room muttering a thanks before leaving.
Her friends just sat there in silence before breaking off and eating once again.
Kenshin ran after her. it seems meeting her at the gate and giving her, her lunch had become a daily habit.
Saying that he was excited was an understatement; he was just good at hiding it. He hadn't seen Tokyo in over a hundred years and was interesting in seeing the changes. Also he waned to see the Japan National Cemetery. There were a few people he left behind since he was cursed and he was wondering what happened to them. Did they live long? He wanted to know.
He held a tourist's map of Tokyo. It was colorful and marked off with all of the sites that were considered must-sees. A small picture of what each thing looked like was drawn over the points of location.
In all honestly he didn't recognize a thing on that list except for a few temples and the river. How would he know where to go?
“Ok, I have the day planned out. Is there anywhere in particular you wanted to go?”
“The Cemetery”
She smiled. She hoped he'd say that. “OK, that's fine. First I was thinking we could walk around the city so you could look at the architecture and shops then we could go get something to eat. After that we could go to the cemetery then to the Tokyo mall.” (I don't know a thing about Tokyo so everything that I am saying exists there I just pulled out of my butt so don't try to plan any kind of tour or you will be sadly disappointed.)
He nodded. Sounded good to him. She knew best anyway right?
Looking around he was amazed to see that a third of the people in the bus were indeed in Kimono's and different types of clothing from his era. Looking down at himself he didn't feel to strange in his normal hakama's, though he did feel a little vulnerable without his Sword.
`holly shit' Kenshin looked straight up. This was the tallest building in Tokyo. It looked like it could be as tall as a mountain. There were well more than twenty stories. He couldn't even count further than that. The stories become a blur of tall ominous building. How could they make things like this?
“Impressed Kenshin?” Kaoru stood next to him smiling at his speechless face instead of the wonder that is the building. It was almost as if he was an innocent child experiencing the wonders of the real world…almost. “Come on Kenshin, lets go inside” Kaoru grabbed his hand and started to drag him toward the entrance of the large building.
“Inside?” Kenshin whispered.
“Yeah, that's right; inside. Up near the top there is a place that is saved for tourists.” She opened the door and dragged him threw.
Kenshin nearly fell over. He had seen buildings that, in his time at least, a king would die for, but this place was even more amazing. Decorated with different kinds of marbles, rich woods, the finest of fabrics, and what looked like gold, it proved to be a wonder in itself. He wanted to take his shoes off but taking a look around he noticed that no one else was.
Allowing himself to be pulled into the elevator he watch Kaoru push a button with the number 44 on it. He stood there quietly watching Kaoru try to suppress her excitement. She was bouncing the slightest bit while bobbing her head back and forth. A stupid grin plastered in her face. He couldn't help but smile at her.
Reaching their destination the elevator opened with a ding. She grabbed his hand once again and began to drag him out of the elevator and down a hall.
He had no doubt that she was indeed excited over his reaction more so than being there. That alone was enough to start to melt his heart and break down barriers he took great care in building.
“Kenshin look, isn't it amazing” She pointed out over the side of the railing.
Stepping up to the edge he nearly gasped. He had no doubt that his mouth was opened and his eyes were slightly big. At least that way it would explain the satisfied grin Kaoru had on her face.
“Well, what do you think?”
What did he think? It was beautiful. You could see all of Tokyo from there. He could even see the mountains in the background. A light layer of smog engulfed the city but the view of the mountains was breathtaking. “I think that is wonderful Miss Kaoru. Thank you for being me here” He whispered. This really did mean a lot to him. For the first time in over a hundred years somebody was taking the time and effort to make him happy, and it was working.
Taking her hand in his he pulled her close. She gasped but didn't pull back. Now they were leaning on the railing on their sides facing each other. Letting go of her wrist he moved his hand up to rub her cheek with the back of his hand. This girl was amazing. Her Sapphire eyes bored into his with hundreds of questions he had ever intention of answering, just no yet. Something else needed to be done first. Something his entire being was aching for.
He leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to hers.
She tensed at first but then melted into it. Having an idea of what to do in this case she leaned forward as if asking for more.
This really wasn't like her but when he looked at her with those violet eyes, she couldn't refuse and when his lips touched her, it was as if everything around her made sense. Like she belonged somewhere. That was the best way she knew how to explain what she felt at that moment; besides the hot feeling engulfing her.
Deepening the kiss they didn't even stop to think about the people around them, though it didn't last long.
Breaking the kiss Kenshin placed his hand on the back of he neck while he placed his forehead on hers.
Kaoru blushed. She couldn't help it. It was a very girl thing to do, but she was a girl damn it. No amount of swordplay or lack of ability of performing the `womanly duties' would change that. And damn it, girls blush when they get kissed like that.
She felt him turn her so that she was looking out over the railing. He then moved to stand behind her. His arms were around her allowing his hands to rest on hers, which were gripping the railing. He let his head hover by her ear, allowing him the chance to smell her hair and rub his cheek against the skin in her neck.
“Kenshin?” Kaoru leaned back into his chest. His arms immediately wrapped around her stomach.
“Yes” He nuzzled her neck, taking the opportunity to smell her hair. Jasmine; perfect.
“What are you going to leave?” Kaoru whispered.
Kenshin could feel her sadness, and in all honesty it mirrored his own. Him leave? He wished he didn't have to, but the gods never let him stay before. Actually he never wanted to say before, so maybe, just maybe, they will let him this time. Not likely but that didn't mean he couldn't try. “I don't know” He answered the only way he knew how.
“How long was the longest you staid with a person?”
Was there a hint of jealously there? Yes there was! He tightened his grip on her “Six months.”
“So I have up to six months to spend with you?” She looked out at the beautiful scenery.
“Could be more, could be less”
“Lets hope its more” Koaru snuggled closer to him.
Kenshin smiled. A true honest smile. Having her in his arms like that was something he never thought he'd feel again. She was warm and inviting. Her soul was so innocent and strong. She was unlike any girl in any time he had been in so far. He couldn't help being drawn toward her. “Yes, lets”
“Cool huh?” Kaoru sat next to Kenshin in a matching recliner with a smile of bliss plastered in her face.
“It is indeed interesting and strangely soothing” Kenshin sighed, allowing himself to sink deeper into the chair.
“do you think I should get one? I think it will fit in the living room to the right of the sofa”
Kenshin smiled. “I do not think that is a good idea Miss Kaoru. If you get one of these massage chairs then you wont ever do anything else.”
Kaoru giggled. “Its funny how you've only been here three days and yet you know me so well”
“Hey! You've been in those for twenty minutes. Buy one or get out” An angry employee screamed at them from the registers not thirty feet away.
“I believe, Dear Ken, that would be our cue” Kaoru smiled sweetly, only to leap when she saw the man start to run toward them. She grabbed kenshin by the arm and ran for the door.
Weaving in and out of people, they didn't stop until they ran down a city block and around the corner. Kenshin stood next to Kaoru who was looking back around the corner they came from giggling softly. “He's looking for us” She whispered. Turning toward him she smiled. “I'm hungry, what about you?”
Now that she mentioned it he was starving. “I am hungry as well, Miss Kaoru”
“Ok Come on,” She motioned for him to follow her. They started walking side by side while Kaoru continued on her restaurant talk. He just watched her out of the corner of his eye, hoping he didn't run into anybody. His senses couldn't be that off.
“Ok, up here there is a street with nothing but restaurants. They have every kind of food that I can think of. I don't know what I am in the mood for. What about you kenshin?”
“Something different” he spoke without hesitation.
“That's a good idea. The whole day had been different so far; why not continue the tradition with lunch. So what shall it be?” She stopped at the corner and looked around.
Kenshin stood there shocked again. There were so many lights. So many signs. He couldn't read half of them, for they were in other languages, but they were vast in colors.
“Oh, how about burgers” Kaoru smiled.
What the hell was that? Something that came from his nose?
Kaoru giggled. “Don't give me that look, they are made of beef. You'll like them. Come on” She pulled him toward what he assumed was a burger joint of some kind. “This place is called Red Robin. It came here from America. It's supposed to be really good, just kinda noisy.” She opened that door, an immediate wall of noise hit him, almost knocking him off of his feet. Kaoru headed for a woman standing behind some kind of podium. Her long blood hair was obviously fake since Japanese teenagers didn't have natural white hair. She wore a plain green and yellow kimono that didn't do a thing for her. Her make up was also a bit thick. Was this what eligible girls were like these days?
She whispered things to the woman who eyed Kenshin, then winked.
This didn't look good for him. Plotting woman that included winking was never good for him. Kenshin sighed in defeat.
“Come on Kenshin.” Kaoru motioned for him to follow.
He did so, as if he was walking to his death; head down and all.
They were led threw a dinning area were people of all ages found in necessary to scream to each other even though they were a foot from the other. To Kenshin, and his senses, relief, they were led past that arena and into a small hallway. Four doors, that were painted red were on the right, while a swinging door, that led to the kitchen was on the left. Following the girl to the last door on the right she opened it for them.
“Here you two are, the waitress will be here in a second to help you. Have a nice anniversary you two” The waiter smiled before she left, closing the door behind her.
If Kenshin was shocked he didn't show it.
“I hope you don't mind. I had to tell them that this was our one-year anniversary and that we wanted to be somewhere quieter then out there. I thought that it would be more comfortable for you” She blushed.
Sitting across from Kaoru he picked up his menu and began to read. It didn't bother him that they thought Kaoru and him were a couple. As a matter of fact he was downright pleased with the idea. She belonged to him, whether he stays or not, and she will know it too.
“Um, Kenshin” Kaoru asked playing with her fingers.
Kenshin stopped walking and turned toward her. he may have looked like nothing was wrong but he knew she wanted to ask, and one that she wasn't sure if he would like. Those were bad. Never a good sign. His muscles tensed at the thought of what the question was. “yes miss Kaoru” he whispered.
“I was wondering if I could…um…well you see” She looked to the side were a row of older tombstones sat.
They had made it to the Cemetery with four your until sundown, and they would need it. The Cemetery were take some time to walk threw. Even thought it was surrounded by a busy city, the amount of trees seemed to block it all out. It gave the Cemetery a secluded feel.
“Well, I was wondering if I could ask you about people here from your time and see of you knew them?” She smiled innocently. “I have come here a few times before by myself and wonder about the people buried here.”
That was not what he was expecting. Something like `Kenshin I'm afraid to be here', or maybe a `how did you get the second part of that scar on your face' but not that. What was the harm in talking about the dead? If anything their memory would live on threw Kaoru. “You may ask me anything you want”
Kaoru nodded with excitement, taking off in a sprint as if she was a child chasing that ice-cream man (I use to do that). “What about this one?” Kaoru pointed to a very old looking tombstone with carvings of trees and mountains in it. Very unusual.
Standing next to her he looked down, reading the name. “Hijime Tokio, devoted wife, mother of eight, and will always be known as the woman who melted the heart of a wolf.” Kenshin whispered. Looking over at the grave next to hers he started to laugh when he noticed the name. “Hijime Saito, devoted husband and father of eight. Will always be remembered as the slayer of evil.”
“Is something funny” Kaoru looked at Kenshin with concern.
Quieting down the laughter Kenshin smiled at the grave. “Hijime Saito was the leader of the third squad of the shinsengumi.”
“the wolves of Mibu?” Kaoru whispered, kneeling down between the two graves, eyeing them closely.
“He was also top assassin fighting against me. He crossed blades many a time, but the battles were never decisive. He was a true warrior. One that fought fare and avoided tricks. He is a man that deserves your respect Kaoru.”
Kaoru nodded. “What about Tokio, was she his wife?”
“She must have been. I never saw him again after the revolution, and he looked like he lived to be quite the old man”
Visiting a few more graves, asking a few questions here and there, Kaoru stopped at one and smiled. “This one was my favorite. Just being in the presence of this grave makes me feel as if nothing will ever go wrong again, do you know what I mean?” She turned to look at Kenshin, only to stop. His eyes were hidden behind his bangs and every muscle in his body was tense. “Kenshin?”
“She was a gently souls who loved others. Her beauty was enough to stop a man in his tracks.” He went quiet for a moment. “She was dealt a fate that she did not deserve”
Turning around to look at the grave me gasped. It had been so long since she had been there she had forgotten the name on the grave. “Tomoe Himura” Kaoru whispered. Bending down she rubbed dirt off of the bottom of the tombstone. At the very least her tombstone should be clean. Studying where she just wiped the stone she gasped reading over the words that were hidden there. Looking them over she could tell immediately that they were etched on by another source. “The woman who gave her life to save the man she loved. The man who restored her happiness, and continued to protect the happiness of others after her unfortunate death.”
A whisper was heard behind her. She turned to look at him, tears in her eyes. “Have you not seen this?” She moved over so he could see it.
His mouth hung slightly opened as he took a few slow steps toward the grave of his long dead wife. Falling to his knees he leaned forward on his hands and read the words. Who would have gone threw the effort of carving these on here? There were very few that knew of what happened while Tomoe's and him lived in the mountains. Noticing a little more dirt down at the bottom he rubbed it away. More writing was there, but half buried. Digging around it he cleared it way, allowing the last four words to show.
Kenshin's heart stopped.
“For You Sister, Enishi” Kaoru whispered.