Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Lay All Your Love On Me ❯ An un expected gift ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… As all my readers have known Kaoru and Kenshin woul be a couple already… not to say they are sleeping at each other house…. Haha~ No hentai thoughts ne…. anyway…. Kenshin's a doc and Kaoru's the nurse…. They work in the same department. Megumi have known Kenshin longer than Kaoru, the both of them had met each other since…. School time. Megumi has this BIG crush on him, so when she saw Kenshin and Kaoru together. She loath what she sees. Thus she wants Kenshin to ditch Kaoru. Megumi has a plan…. But… it just went a little too far. Enjoy the story ne.>

Lay All Your Love On Me

Chapter 6: An Unexpected Gift

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Previous: --

"Good boy. First! Let's get some sleep... after that... I have tasks for you to do." Kaoru said as she pulled the confuse doctor together with her in bed.

"What ever you say... Kaoru sama... but Ken chan is not your average boy I must add." Kenshin chuckled as his hand slit into her shirt.

"Ohh.. my... then I would have to deal with this not so average boy with much more special effort then." Kaoru smirked as they kissed each other ardently.

'I would be the one who would protect her smile and happiness.... kitto..' Kenshin thought as he slit his tongue into her mouth tasting his beloved tanuki chan.

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Kenshin stirred in his sleep as he looked up at the ceiling. Kaoru had forgiven him. But the mystery was not over. Where was his watch then? It couldn't have disappeared by itself. Kenshin looked down to find Kaoru sleeping peacefully. It was stupid of him to accuse her. They had been together for five long and sweet years.

"Kaoru wake up." Kenshin kissed her on the lips. Kaoru groaned as she snuggled closer, and murmured some thing. Kenshin smiled at her attempt to have more sleep.

"Koishii... wake up. Hmmmmm, or maybe... you need a wake up call?" Kenshin said as he flip himself to be on top of her, after that he licked her lips. Well... that definitely got her attention...


The y went to the hospital together. As they separated, when Kaoru reach the counter. Misao pulled her to another side.

"Kao chan... you patched up with him already?" Misao asked in disbelieve. Kaoru just smiled and nod her head.

"WHY? You could at least give him a cold shoulder one day. Come to think of it... he's in a wrong... you weren't!" Misao said in annoyance at her friend's ability to forgive people that quick.

"Misao chan... daijoubu... Kenshin was just confuse that's all..." Kaoru replied as she shake off the comment Misao made.

"Nene... Misao chan... you saw a guy this tall, with black eyes and white.... nono... he would kill me for that... I mean platinum hair?" Kaoru asked as she scanned the whole counter looking for Enishi.

"Oh... you must be looking for Yukishiro. He went to the bit- I mean... Megumi's office to deliver some things. Hitomi and Aya are crazy over him I tell ya." Misao whispered as she pointed to the day dreaming nurses.

".... I'll go check out the patients."

"Hey! Wait up!" Misao said as she followed Kaoru to the wards. Visiting and checking their patients records.


"Wh at do you want Yukishiro?" Megumi asked as she bang her hands on her desk. Enishi smiled at her agitation and sat down on the cushioned chair.

"Nothing.... I just wanted to know... when are you returning that watch to your lover?" Enishi asked as he plop his head on one of his hand.

"That doesn't concern you I suppose." Megumi argued back.

"Do what you want to Himura. But stay Kaoru out of it." Enishi said threatening. Megumi smiled, finally she saw through his plan.

"Oh... my... Yukishiro... don't tell me... that you like that Tanuki. No wonder, you are so protective of her." Megumi smiled drop as Enishi just laughed out loud.

"No use hiding... I have always liked her. Even though she treats me as a brother, I think of her something more..." Enishi said as he stood up and straightened his uniform.

"I would be going then... Takani sensei..." Enishi said as he walked out of the office. Megumi poured her anger through the document she was working on. The paper tore at the point where her pen started scibbling.

'I'll get you Yukishiro... watch your back...'


"Kaoru nee! Why didn't you come this morning?" Ayame asked as Kaoru carried Suzume and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Why? Why?" Suzume chimed after Ayame. Kaoru smiled at the both of them ruefully.

"Gomen... I'm at the night shift now. Soujirou and Tetsuya are taking the morning ones. They are fun too aren't they?" Kaoru asked as she tickled Suzume, who laughed and played with Kaoru.

"Sou nii and Tetsu nii FUN!!" Suzume answered firstly.

"But... Kaoru nee... better." Ayame followed. Kaoru patted her head.

"We can still play ne." Kaoru reassured the little ones.

"Really? We can still play?"

"Really? Really?" Suzume followed.

"Aa... of course we ca-" Their conversation was however disturbed when shouting were heard.

"What are you trying to do brat?"

"Brat? Looks who's talking GAKI!"

"What? Yutarou, I'm gonna get you!" Yahiko... one of the more energetic patients tried to get out of the bed and give Yutarou a good piece of his mind.

"Oi.... A patient shouldn't be out of the bed now should he?" Came a tenor voice.

"Who are you? And let me go!" Yahiko struggled as Enishi place him back on his bed.

"Eni nii chan.... when did you come?" Kaoru asked as she settled Suzume on the bed and stood up.

"He your brother Kaoru nee?" Ayame asked. Kaoru shook her head.

"But you call him 'nii chan'." Ayame furrowed her eyebrows as she started thinking.

"That's just an endearment. Ayame chan."

"En... de... aru ment?" Ayame asked more confused then before. Enishi and Kaoru sweatdropped. This was getting nowhere.

"Anou... Endearment.... Well... He's not my brother... but I treat him like my brother."

"Oro?" Ayame used her doctor's favorite word. Kaoru immediately giggled at the word.

"Now, when did you learn to use oro? From Himura sensei?" Ayame finally lifted her eyebrows and smiled brightly.

"Ken nii uses 'oro' a lot!" Ayame chimed.

"Oro! Oro!" Suzume joined in. The three girls laughed together. Suddenly, Kaoru's visioned blurred as her knees gave way.

"Kaoru! Daijoubu?" Enishi helped her up. Kaoru shook her head as her vision cleared again.

'I have been getting this very often... I wonder what's wrong...' Kaoru thought as she smiled at Enishi.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry to worry you. I think I better get back to work." Kaoru said as she stood up and bid the little ones goodbye.

"You sure you are fine? Maybe you should get the doctor boyfriend of yours to check you up, if you know what I mean." Enishi winked at her. Kaoru blushed to the roots of her hair. Enishi just chuckled as he started babbling on how Kaoru could blush so easily. Kaoru couldn't hear Enishi's voice very clearly. She took another step forward. Her visions became vague. She squinted her eyes as she reached out for the nearest thing before she gave into the darkness that was beckoning her.



"Kaoru! Kaoru! Wake Up!! Kaoru!" Misao called out as she slapped her side of her face. Kaoru groaned at shifted her head. Another slap from Misao came. Her eyes flew opened and sat up immediately.

"Where... am... I?" Kaoru asked and rubbed her sore cheeks.

"Kaoru what happen?" Misao asked in anxiousness.

"I don't really know. I have this nauseous feeling very often now. Once I blacked out at home and scared the living daylights out of Kenshin." Kaoru said as she shook her head again. The queasy feeling was coming back again. Kaoru swallowed.

'I wonder what's happening?' Kaoru thought.

"Kenshin's in the surgery room. That's why he isn't here. You want me to tell him what happen?" Misao voulenterred.

"No... Don't let him know what happen today. He would surely create maybe World War 3 demanding what happen. You know how Kenshin can get when he's agitated." Misao could only nod her head at Kaoru's statement.

Just then, the door opened revealing a sadden Enishi.

"Yukishiro, what did the doctor say?" Enishi looked at Misao and then at Kaoru.

"I'm not sure if this is a good news or a bad news to you Kaoru." Enishi said. Kaoru's heart raced.

"Spit it out, Yukishiro!" Enishi closed his eyes as he sighed.

"You're pregnant Kaoru."

TBC̷ 0;.

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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… WAI WAI WAI!! Another chappie… Yes! HAI! Kaoru is pregnant.. by who... bleh.. not telling you... well.... the next is well... how do i put it... happy and yet is the starting of the trouble ne... stay tune... ^__^

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

Leigh -- Arigatou for the compliments... ^^ i'm happy you like them... thanks.... ^^ Here's the update.. i hope you'll like it too ne... thanks for the review.. ^__^

mama-sama --Here's the update... i really hope you'll like it ne.. arigatou for the review.. ^__^

chescaOtaku -- Hai... I know I got LOTSA grammer mistakes... haiz... you are not the first one who said that though... haiz... I hope that I can improve though... -_-... ANYWAYS... here's the update... I hope you'll enjoy them ne... ^^Thanks for the review ^__^

Sabrina-star -- Yupz.... Enishi's here.. and if you treat me REALLY good... i might consider making you his new love... how about it?? ; ) think about it ne.. haha~ Here's the update... I hope you'll like them... thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

tsuki-sama -- HAI!! I love BattousaixKaoru ficcies too.... sweet ne... ^^ I just love that couple... hehe~ Kenshin... suffer... maybe... in my new ficcy... 'Anata No Tame Ni'. He is going to suffer lotsa of emotional stuffy there... =p anyway.... here' the update... I really hope you'll like this ne... thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

marstanuki -- NONONO! Enishi isn't Kaoru's brother.... She treats him LIKE a brother... but he treats her something more THAN a sister... get me?? ororo... me getting confused... anyway.. i hope you'll understand... here's the update... i hope you'll like it.. arigatou for the review ne.. ^__^

Joey -- Relax ne... joey chan... Kenshin still doesn't know it was Megumi's doing... but it will be revealed... erm.. can i say quite soon... here's the update.. i hope you'll like it ne... ^^ thanks for the review ne.. ^__^

Chibi-lua --Yo... Enishi protecting Kaoru... hmm... I'll try to insert it ne.. ^^ Yeah! Kxk forever!!! Anyways.... i hope you'll like this chappie ne... thanks for the review.. ^__^

t.anjel -- ^^ I'm glad you find it interesting... ^^'s the update.... i hope you'll like it... thanks for the review.. ^__^

White Plum -- Haha~ i really hate Megumi ne.. ^^ well.. i find ExK sweet too... ^^ but i'm still a hard core KxK fan... ^^ all me frens know that... haha~ anyway.. here's my update... i hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ^__^

JadeGoddess -- ^^ I'm glad i could clear your doubts... it's my job as an author to answer your concerns on my stories ^^ Here's the next update... i hope you'll like this one too... arigatou... for the review ^__^

Willow -- Thanks... here's the next chappie... i hope you'll like it too ne... thanks for the review.. ^__^

shizuka -- Hai hai... ^^ Thanks for the compliments ne... anyway.. here's the update... I hope you'll like them ne.. thanks for the sweet review... anyway... are you considering on writing a fanfic? ^__~

omochi -- nope... Meg hasn't return the watch... she will soon.... ^^ Here' the the chappie... i hope you will like it ne... thanks for the review.. ^__^

SailorLoneStar -- It's okay... ^^ Yeah.. K/K!!!! Hahaha~ Anyway... i hope you'll like this too ne... thanks for the review ^__^

Chibi-Gami --Erm... I don't think Kaoru would fall in love with him... so no worries ne.. ^^ here's the update... i hope you'll like it ne... thanks for the review ne.. ^__^


SakuraCherryBlossom -- .... My fics do not rule... yours are good too.... ^^ welll... here's the update... i hope you'll like them ne... thanks for the review.. ^__^