Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Lay All Your Love On Me ❯ regrets? sorry?can it really help? ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… As all my readers have known Kaoru and Kenshin would be a couple already… not to say they are sleeping at each other house…. Haha~ No hentai thoughts ne…. anyway…. Kenshin's a doc and Kaoru's the nurse…. They work in the same department. Megumi have known Kenshin longer than Kaoru, the both of them had met each other since…. School time. Megumi has this BIG crush on him, so when she saw Kenshin and Kaoru together. She loathes what she sees. Thus she wants Kenshin to ditch Kaoru. Megumi has a plan…. But… it just went a little too far. Enjoy the story ne.>

Lay All Your Love On Me

Chapter 10: Regrets? Sorry? Can It Really Help?

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Previous: --

'Hiko ji-chan is going to like this.' Kaoru thought. But she had this creepy feeling as she felt someone following her. The man behind her had been stalking her for over 30 minutes. At first she thought she was being paranoid. But she couldn't take the feeling anymore and flipped open her cell phone. She dialed Kenshin's number.

"Moshi moshi?" Came a smoothing voice.

"Ken... Kenshin...."

"Kaoru? What is it? You lost your way?" Kenshin asked concerly.

"No... I might be paranoid but... I think someone is following me."

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'Okay... Kamiya... Do as what Kenshin says... Be calm... everything would be fine... Kenshin's coming for you already.' Although Kaoru though so the feeling in her heart never creased... it only gets worst. Unconsciously, she grabbed the package on her hand tighter. She could remain calm... that is unless the guy behind her don't touch or talk to her. Her pace went faster... so did the man's.

Suddenly a hand grabbed her from behind and pulled her into a dark alley. Kaoru was about to scream when the man let go of her mouth, but a sounded slap echoed through the alley. Her face met the hard ground. Bag thrown far away. The worst part was her sake for Hiko... all shattered into pieces. Rage boiled within her as she got up. Blood trickled down the side of her mouth. She quickly got up and looked around frantically where she could use as a weapon... as a bokken or kodachi.

"I won't forgive you." Kaoru hissed as she glared at the man in front of her.

Spotting a medium length stick behind the man she ran and dodge the blow from him.

"So, the chick knows how to defend herself... not bad... but still lacking!" The man sneered as he lounged for her. Instinctively, she brought the stick down to his shoulder and jumped out of the way making the man tumble into the mountain of boxes. Quickly she ran to take her bag. Just then the phone rang. She hastily picked it up.

"Kenshin!" Kaoru hoped in panic.

"Where are you?" Kenshin voice full of concern mixed with a tinge of worry.

"I'm in an al..." Before Kaoru could finish her sentence, a knock came from the back of her head. The phone dropped on the floor and scattered into a million pieces. On Kenshin's end he heard nothing after the loud thud.

"Kaoru!! KAORU!!" Kenshin tried calling a few times but it didn't got connected.

"Shit!" Kenshin cursed as he ran down the street hoping that god would lead him to her... his Kaoru.


"Th at's to tell you how I felt bitch!!" The man kicked Kaoru's tummy. A stab of pain spread around her. Kaoru did her best to protect her belly.

"Anywhere... anywhere... but please.. don't hit my... my baby..." Kaoru felt her head being lifted as her scalp hurt.

"Baby? Well... you need no baby when you are with me." The man tightened his hold on her hair. Kaoru took this opportunity and bit his hand that started touching her face.

"BITCH!!" The man flung her away as her head met the wall with a loud thud. Kaoru was swimming between awake and darkness. Her body slid from the wall to the ground. A long stretch of blood followed after Kaoru.

"Shit... Better get out of here first!" The man quickly made his way out of the alley and ran as fast as his legs could carry him out of this vacant stretch of road.

Before Kaoru succumbed to darkness... she mouthed the syllabus of her one and only... if only she could see his face again... if only she could run her hand through his red strands... if only... she could say 'Aishiteru' just one more time...

"Ke... n... shi... n." Darkness filled her world.

Kenshin suddenly felt a part of him died off, tears sprang into his eyes. He ran to where his instinct told him. He stopped in front of a dark alley. He took a step inside. The stench of blood filled the air. He ceased movement when he saw what welcomed him.

"Kao... ru... Kaoru... KAORU!!!"


"Fuck! What the hell happen to jou chan!" Sanosuke asked as he covered her mouth with the oxygen mask.

"Sanosuke... she's weak..." Tomoe said as she felt her forehead.

"A fever's rising. Pass me the bandages." Sanosuke did as he was told while he told Tsunan to step on it.

Kenshin was at the edge of breaking down. He clasped Kaoru's hand with his. Tight... he was unwilling to let go.

"Kaoru... Kaoru... Kaoru..." Kenshin just went on mumbling her name as he nearly crushed her hand.

"Himura sensei... please calm down. You are bruising Kaoru's hand." Tomoe hoped he understood. She knew how much Kaoru meant to Kenshin. Kaoru was like a little sister to her... losing her would not be endured. Kenshin could hear and see nothing... all he could see and hear at the moment was Kaoru... and her weak breathing.

"Let him be... her pulse is getting weaker Tomoe... we need to do something!" Sanosuke said as he started pressing the buttons on the machine to check her condition.

"Okay... How long are we still from the Hospital?" Tomoe questioned Tsunan who was driving as fast as he could. The siren above him was not helping much.

"I'm trying to get there as fast as I can... with this speed..."

"Just answer the question!" Tomoe raged at his long sentence.

"Ten minutes.... I'll reach there at 10 minutes. Can Kaoru chan hold on?" Tsunan asked as he honked the cars in front of him.

"I'm not sure... her stable is inconsistence... but I won't let her die!" Tomoe started tying the bandage to stop the never endless blood flow from her head. Tomoe cursed under her breath.

"Stop bleeding dammit!" She hissed. By now Tomoe's pale fingers took the colour of red... bloody red. Each seconds crossed... her pulses and blood pressure was getting lower... and lower it only went.

"Damn! Tomoe we're losing her! Her pulse and pressure is too fucking low!" Tomoe eyed the machines and back to Kaoru again.

"The shocker FAST! Set it up!" Tomoe commanded as she unbuttoned Kaoru's blouse. An action caught Tomoe eyes once she opened the blouse. Kenshin's hand went forward to Kaoru's stomach. Tomoe knew she was about one month pregnant... She place a hand over his.

"The baby's fine..."

"The DONE!" Tomoe held Kaoru down as Sanosuke did the necessaries.

"WE THERE! Akira sensei and Amakusa sensei would be taking her in!" Tsunan said as he stopped the car in front of the E&A entrance. Jumped out of the ambulance and help Tomoe as long as Sanosuke to load her onto the stretcher. Kenshin just walked beside the streacther as they pushed her in.

"Kaoru... you can't leave me... you can't..." Kenshin whispered to her. As soon as they reached the operation room Kenshin was suddenly forced to let go of her hand. All his grief and sadness converted into anger.

"Let go of me! Kaoru! Dammit! I can help! I'm suppose to be a DOCTOR! A SURGEON! LET GO OF ME THIS INSTANT!" Kenshin struggled into Sanosuke's strong arms. When he was about to break through Tsunan went over to keep him in place.

"Himura sensei! You are unable to help! You are also not helping by throwing your temper. We won't allow you to enter for the sake of both you and Kaoru chan!" Tsunan daringly said. The next moment... the purple orbs he once knew changed to frightening amber slits. Kenshin knocked Sanosuke to a wall in an instant as he grabbed Tsunan by the collar.

"Are you saying that I can't save Kaoru." Kenshin breathed in a dangerous tone. Tsunan swallowed but met Kenshin in the eye boldly.

"I won't let you in... You might even make Kaoru's chan situation worst." Tsunan confessed. Kenshin was about to give him a piece of his mind when the rest of the crew came down and help calm Kenshin down.

"Himura! Calm down! Kaoru would be fine! I just know it!" Misao pulled him away the best she could. Kaoru would never give up... she just won't!

"Himura senpai! Relax! Please! Kaoru won't be happy to see you like this!" Sabrina helped Misao with Kenshin's condition. Kenshin stood still for a moment.

"Let me go..." Kenshin answered monotonously. Immediately, he was free. He walked away from his group of friends. He needed to be alone... by himself... but all he wanted now most was Kaoru... Kaoru to be safe and sound lying next to him. Talking to him... calling him 'baka' or whatever she wants to call...

"Kao... ru..." Kenshin called out... hoping there was a reply... none came. Tears collected at the brim at the corner of his eyes. Threatening to spill.

"Kao... ru... be safe... onegai... if not for your sake... please... for mine... I need you... I want you so much... please don't leave me..." Kenshin called out dejectedly. Just then a hand grabbed him from behind. Just as he was about to shrugged or smacked it off. He saw from the side of his eyes that it was Sanosuke.

"Kaoru's out from the operation room." Sanosuke announced. Without a second word, Kenshin sprinted back to where he came from the operation room.

But the scene that welcomed him... was not of the best he could ever imagine.


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… WAI WAI WAI!! Another chappie… Haahahaa~ HAI! Let your imagination RUN WILD!! Not toooo offside... ne! So?? Guess what happens?? I know i'm evil... leaving a cliffhanger... but i just have to stop THERE!! Gomen... ^__^ have fun guessing!! Heehee~

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

Joey - Yep, u got that word DANGER right all right... ^^ here's the update... hope you'll like it! Thanks for the review! ^__^

Mistress of All Worlds -- Here's the continuation of the last part... Hope it didn't disappoint you ^^ YEAH KK 4EVER!!! Here's the update! Hope you'll like it too!! THanks for the review!!! ^__^

mama-sama -- Here's the update ! Hope you'll like them! ^_~ thanks for the review!

Madam Spooky -- Anou... I don't understand French (was it french?) Gomen... But anyway.. here's the update ^^ HOPE YOU"LL LIKE THEM NE!! Arigatou for the review ^__^

Jason M.Lee -- Megumi?? Hmmz... that would be a secret. About Kaoru's pregnancy... it's about a month ^^ Thanks for the review... hope you'll like this chappie! ^__^

Val - Yes... Kaoru is a smart cookie... but Megumi is a cunning fox.. bleh =p anyway... thanks for the review... and here's the next chappie! HOPE YOU"ll LIKE IT! ^__^

Momori -- Hi! Thanks for the review and here's the next chappie.. hope you'll enjoy it ne! ^__^

Kriska -- Here's the continuation of the previous chappie... the baby and mother.. hmmz... got GREAT connection to this chap ne... hope you'll like this chappie ^^ thanks for the review ne ^__^

Willow -- Yes... Fox = Trouble. Trouble = EVil foxes.. haiz... Gomen ne... Kenshin was a little late... =( Thanks for the review... hope you'll like this chappie! ^__^

Leigh -- So... i have updated.. Me forgiven? *looks at leigh san with puppy eyes* Kaoru's a tough one... she still is now... ^^ so dun give up hope! Glad you are starting to enjoy the story! ^^ Thanks for the review ^^ Hope you like this chappie ^__^

Isis 13 -- Here's the next chappie ^^ hope you'll like this chappie ^__^ Thanks for the Review!

UnearthlyEmperor -- Erm... just one question.. u like Megumi? Here's the update.. hope you'll like them ne ^__^ Thanks for the review!

Nadachi-chan - GREAT GUESS! Here's the update ^^ Hope you'll like them! Thanks for the review ne ^__^

Shizuka -- *Waves back* GOmen those few days i was a little distracted... but NOW I"M BACK!! But i can't grantee that you'll have fast updates like this one here... but.. here's the update! Hope you'll like it ne... Thanks for the review! ^__^

omochi -- Yes... Baby... Yes... and it's Megumi... as usual... anyways... hope you'll like this chappie ne... thanks for the review! ^__^

JadeGoddess -- Yep! You got that right! Here's the update! THanks for the review ne ^__^

White Witch -- Heehee~ Thanks for the review... hope you'll like this chappie ne ^__^

SakuraCherryBlossom -- Really? You think it's great? Thanks! Believing in myself... quite impossible for someone like me though.... -__-''' anyways... thanks for the review ^__^

Sabrina-star -- Haha... nice little drama you have there ne Sabrinz... care to share it with my other readers... i think i should ^^ anyway... heehee~ you will still be in my further chapters ^^ and that means more times with your Enishi sama haahaa~ hope you'll like this idea... if you are not... do tell me ne.. Thanks for the cute review... hope you like this chappie too! THanks for the review ne ^__^

OH MY GOD!! :: faints:: *Enishi catches sabrinz before she hits the ground*
Enishi: Sabrinz-koishii r u alright?? koishii answer me!!!
Sabrinz wakes up: w-what, what happened?
Enishi: koishii...u fainted!
Sabrinz: oh yeah... *she realizes shes in his arms and blushes* E- Enishi-sama....
Enishi: koishii...dont say a word.. *he looks at her and grabs her lips in a sweet kiss*

[Author Notes: WAI WAI!! *AHem* erm... THe rest of the little drama *grins* is a little privacy between the two GIVE THEM A BREAK!]