Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Learn ABC ala SxSAS ❯ Learn ABC ala SxSAS ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What will happened, when you got so desperate because the
amount of fics were becoming VERY, no, ULTRA rare and some
authors just won't start finishing their delayed fics?

You might found yourself scribling down insane & useless, yet
obsessed-minded stuff, such as this one :

FYI : all mentioned below are ALL related with Saitou & Sano,
some fics's canon stuffs, some well-known fics' titles 'n some
authors' names are also inserted.... Uh, and sorry but, NO, no
body's parts, okay? ^^;;;;


By : Pinknina

A= Ahou, Aku Soku Zan, Akabeko, Amber eyes, Aishiteru, Alyssa

B = Bandana, Bakumatsu, Baka, Bandage(s)

C = Cricket-face x Chicken-head, cigarette, C&C (anyone?^.~)

D = Dojo, Duel, Doujinshi

E = Edo, Eiji (Saitou's adopted son?)

F = Futae no Kiwami, Fujita Goro, Futon, Fist-Fight, Fish-bone,
Freeloader, Foxy-lady, Fuck, FANFIC, Franzi

G = Gatotsu, Glove, Grin, Gilligan, //Gamble//, Goldfish

H = Hajime, Hakama, Hokkaido, Hentai, Hickey, Hittokiri,
//Hokkaido Cannonball//

I = Ippatsuya, Ishida Powder, Itoshii, Itai!!

J = Japan, 'Jime, JC

K = Katana, Kyoto, Koibito, Kiss, Kick, Katsu

L = L_U_B_E, Left handed, Lemon, Love, Lick, Lavender

M = Miburo/Mibu no Ookami, (vs) Megumi, (vs) Magdalia (sp? Sano's
biggest crush.....on opposite sex *yaoi fan-girl's grin*), Mumei
(Saitou's katana), Meiji, Mongolia, Manga, Milady

N = Nagahoken (Sano's birth place), Nookie

O = Obi, Onzen/Ofuro, Osaka, Opium, Ookami, Okita, Otaku

P = Punch, Pervert, Police, //Paying The Tab/

Q = Queen Yokozuna

R = Rurouni Kenshin (It's a given!!), Rooster-head, //Resolution//

S = SxSAS ; Sanosuke Sagara+Saitou (Seiyuu: Suzuoki hirotaka),
Smokes, Sanbatou, Sekihoutai, Shinsengumi, Shoulder's Scar, Sexy,
Soba, Sake, Sex, Samurai, Shinai, Sword, Seduce, Suki da, Slash,
Songfic, Still want more?

T = Tokio, Tokyo (Saitou's birth place), Tab, Tae, Tease, Tokimaru

U = Ueda Yuji (Sano's Seiyuu)

V = Virgin, Vid-clips (Both will always be the sexiest there!)

W = Watsuki Nobuhiro (Who? Oh, just an innocent bystander. NOT!!)

X = ....... (HELP!!)....uh, Kenshin's face-scar??

Y = Y_A_O_I, Yen, Yare-yare, Yosh!, Yasmin

Z = Zanza, Zanbatou, Zhara

^_^ = Saitou's eerie smiling face

More Fun??

Just ya wait…

Ja ne,
Crazy Chibi PINK Neko
Pet of The Maxwell-Barton/Barton-Maxwell House ^_^
who always craved for 2+3/3+2 fics & arts
Freeloader in The SxSAS's Kitchen ^x^
Farfarello's one & only imaginary pet-friend!!