Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Lessons ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Imported From: RAAC
"Sekihara Tae" <>


Wrote this some time ago, but finally thought I'd post it here. General
plot: Hiko explains the facts of life to his young baka deshi.

Thoughts are in brackets: []
Asterisks are used for emphasis.



Lessons: Prologue

Kaoru watched Yahiko and Tsubame-chan talk, noting when he reached to
tenderly brush a stray strand of hair out of her eyes, how closely
together they sat. Things were progressing between the two of them,
their sweet childhood romance slowly beginning to blossom into something

Which was fine. More than fine. The problem was that someone needed to
talk to Yahiko about . . . well . . . *things*. Kaoru mentally shook
her head at her choice of words. [After almost three years of marriage,
you'd think I could at least *think* the word *sex* without having to
prompt myself.] Although they were as close as siblings after the years
he'd spent at the dojo, she didn't think Yahiko would be comfortable
talking about . . . *things* . . . with her. In fact, they'd probably
both be more uncomfortable *because* they were so close. Which left
Megumi, Sanosuke, or Kenshin.

Remembering her own talk with Megumi, Kaoru immediately struck the
doctor from the list. She probably wouldn't be inclined to tease the
boy the way she had Kaoru, but Kaoru wasn't willing to chance it. [I'm
not going to have Yahiko shocking Tsubame-chan! Not after I've finally
managed to instill some confidence in the shy little thing.]

Now, Sanosuke would seem to know his way around the subject. After all,
he'd been married to Megumi for a little over a year, and Kaoru had
always suspected that the former gangster knew his way around women long
before she and the others had met him. Still, she thought Sanosuke
lacked the finesse to explain things to Yahiko in a way that wouldn't
embarrass, shock, or otherwise anger the young man.

Which left Kenshin.

Determined to see Yahiko educated -- as any good sensei would be --
Kaoru went in search of her husband. She found the unsuspecting rurouni
behind the house, cheerfully hanging the day's laundry to dry. Adopting
her most winsome expression, she called his name.

At the sound of her voice, Kenshin turned to find his wife watching him
with innocent, hopeful eyes, and a faintly pleading expression. [Ororo
. . .] She always used that look on him when she wanted something --
especially something she didn't think he was going to like.

"Kaoru? Is there something wrong?"

"Ieie," she answered, shaking her head slightly, "demo . . . I need you
to do something for me." Much to Kenshin's surprise, she appeared to be
blushing faintly.


Kaoru looked down at her feet, the fingers of her right hand playing
nervously with those of her left. "Hai. I need you to talk to Yahiko.
I think . . . I think it's time he learned about . . . *things*."

"Things?" he echoed, wondering why she was acting so nervous. What
could she possibly want him to talk to Yahiko about that would make her
this uncomfortable?

"Yes. *Adult* things." Kenshin continued to look at her with an
adorably baffled expression. "You know . . . sort of a father-son

"Oro?!" Kenshin blinked, his confusion increasing the more she sought to
explain. "A father-son conversation?"

"Yes. I'm worried about him and Tsubame-chan. Someone needs to talk to
him before, well . . . before they get . . . *carried away*." Feeling
her blush spread over her cheeks and down her throat, Kaoru wondered
briefly if she was going to turn a color as brilliant as his hair before
she managed to make him understand. He was being aggravatingly dense.
As he opened his mouth to parrot her words back to her again, she closed
her eyes and blurted, "Carried away! Excited! Zealous! Like someone
else was last night!"

Kenshin stopped mid-question to stare at his red-faced and embarrassed
wife. [Does she want me to talk to Yahiko about *that*?] He cleared
his throat. "Ano . . . Kaoru . . . do you mean . . ."

"Sex!" she exclaimed in exasperation, "I want you to explain to him
about sex!"

"Oi, Kenshin," a new voice interrupted, "sounds like you musta done
somethin' wrong last night, the way Jou-chan's yelling." Kaoru
instantly went pale, her husband flushing an equally rapid red.
Chagrined, the pair turned to find Sanosuke slouched against the gate
post, watching them with a slight smirk on his face.

"Sanosuke!!" Wishing alternately that the ground would open up and
swallow her, or that her idiot husband had been a little quicker on the
uptake, Kaoru glared at the ex-gangster. "Baka! Kenshin didn't do

"Oh?" Sano's expression didn't appear to change at all, but somehow
conveyed that he was even more amused by this bit of information. "That
must be the problem, then."

This time she fairly shrieked his name, Kenshin's hand on her arm the
only thing restraining her from doing the spiky-haired annoyance bodily

Enjoying himself immensely, Sanosuke opened his mouth to tease her
again, when Kenshin's quiet voice stopped him. "Sano," was all the
rurouni said, but the warning was clear: [That's enough.]

"Are you finished now?" Kaoru asked after a moment of awkward silence,
the acid edge to her voice indicating that the answer had *better* be

"Hai, hai," Sano responded easily, his smirk still firmly in place.
Both husband and wife relaxed slightly.

Satisfied though not appeased, Kaoru turned back to Kenshin. "I mean
it. I think you should talk to Yahiko."

"Kaoru . . . he's only thirteen!"

"He'll be fourteen in a few months, that's old enough. You couldn't
have been much older when it was explained to you. Please?"

Kenshin couldn't argue with her there, so he dropped the age issue and
tried another tactic: "Why me?"

"Because I don't think Yahiko will be comfortable talking about it with
me. I don't trust Megumi-san . . . you should remember what happened
the *last* time she explained things to someone," she paused to give
Kenshin a pointed look, "and Sanosuke will be completely tactless, even
if he gets all of the details right."


[She has a point,] Kenshin silently admitted [ . . . if someone is
going to talk to Yahiko, it will have to be me.] He tried once more to
dissuade her. "Kaoru, I don't think you need to worry about Yahiko and
Tsubame-dono. I don't think they're ready . . ."

"Then you haven't been paying attention. They've become very close.
Please?" she wheedled, turning those innocent, beseeching eyes on him
again, "Please?" As his shoulders sagged in resignation, Kaoru resisted
the urge to shout aloud in triumph. "Arigatou, Kenshin," she said
instead, squeezing his arm lightly in appreciation as she headed back
toward the house. "Tsubame-chan should have already left for the
Akabeko. Now is probably the perfect time for you to talk to him."
Pausing in the open doorway, she smiled brightly at him one more time.
"Just tell him what Hiko-san told you," she suggested encouragingly.

Kaoru had already disappeared inside before her last bit of advice fully
registered on her husband. Sano was therefore the only one to witness
the rurouni's poleaxed expression, and to hear his agonized murmur,
"Shishou . . ." He waited to see if Kenshin would snap out of his
horrified stupor, then decided to prod him when he didn't.

"Ne, Kenshin . . . I think I've got a pretty good idea, but what is it
that Jou-chan wants you to explain to Yahiko?"

"Nani? Oh . . . um . . . Kaoru-dono thinks he needs to have the facts
of life explained to him. The birds and the bees."

Sano smiled broadly at his friend's use of "dono", a clear sign that
Kaoru was making him do something he'd really rather not. This promised
to be interesting. "What's so bad about that?" he asked, trailing
behind the rurouni as he went looking for Yahiko, "Like she said, just
tell him what Hiko Seijuurou told you." Kenshin flinched in reaction and
Sano thought he heard a faint "Ororoooo." Oh, yes, this was definitely
going to be fun.

"Oi, Kenshin! Sano!" Yahiko called in greeting as they rounded the side
of the house to find him practicing in the dojo yard.

"Aaa . . ." Kenshin returned in a dejected-sounding voice.

Yahiko looked at the morose, faintly pink rurouni, then turned to Sano
for an explanation. "What's wrong with him?"

Sano's smile widened. "Jou-chan told him he had to explain the facts of
life to you. You'd think he didn't know what they were, ne?"

"SANO!" Kenshin's embarrassed, spluttering protest only amused the
ex-gangster more. Especially considering that Yahiko had turned red
too -- even his ears appeared flushed. Boy and rurouni exchanged
long-suffering looks.

A few moments later found the three of them seated on the dojo porch,
Sano waiting with anticipation for Kenshin to begin his explanation,
Yahiko waiting with curiosity and trepidation. For once the boy was
glad of Kaoru's interference. He *did* have some questions . . .

The seconds ticked by and Kenshin remained silent, face twisted in
thought. Tired of waiting, Sano finally prompted, "Kenshin? Sometime

"Oro? Oh! Um . . . well, you see, Yahiko . . ." Kenshin began,
fumbling for the right words, trailing off into silence when Sano burst
out laughing at his stuttering explanation.

"I really think you had better just tell him what Hiko told you," Sano
said for the second time, enjoying how this prompted Kenshin's face to
once again rival his hair. "You know, you have the most interesting
reaction whenever anyone suggests that," he commented nonchalantly,
"Just what *did* he tell you?"

Kenshin sighed. As embarrassing as the memory was, perhaps the best way
to explain things to Yahiko would be to recount what had happened back
when *he* had received this education. At least Yahiko would get the
whole story. Nobody could say that Hiko Seijuurou ever stinted on a
lesson. And from the look in Sano's eyes, Kenshin wasn't going to know
a moment's peace until he'd told the story, anyway.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, and began.

Here's Lesson 1 --

Thoughts are in brackets: []
Asterisks are used for emphasis.



Lessons ~ Lesson 1: Flirting
-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

"Irasshaimase!" Meirou called as the door to the sake shop opened, the
welcoming words at odds with the lack of enthusiasm in her voice. It
was late in the evening, just before closing, and another customer at
this hour usually meant more trouble than good. Turning disinterested
eyes toward the entrance, she found her curiosity piqued by the
oddly-matched pair standing just inside. The tall one she recognized as
Hiko Seijuurou, a friend of her father and a frequent customer. But his
companion... his form mostly hidden by Hiko-san's, the only thing she
could discern was that he was slight of body and short of stature.
Still, as he half-turned to close the door behind them, her quick eyes
spotted the swing of the saya hanging from his waist, caught a glimpse
of the guard strapped to his hand, and from these she guessed that he
must be the "stupid pupil" Hiko-san spoke of so often to her father.

"Konbanwa, Meirou-chan," Hiko greeted her, stepping further into the
store and away from his student.

Bowing slightly, letting her inquisitive gaze shift from Hiko to his
companion as she straightened, Meirou opened her mouth to respond in
kind... and stopped, staring, the words unsaid. With his delicate
frame, red hair, and wide violet eyes, Hiko-san's student was the most
striking individual she'd ever seen. [Kawaii!!] her brain immediately
began screaming, making it a struggle to think anything else. "Kon...
Kon... Konbanwa, Hiko-san," she finally managed, tearing her eyes away
from the young man standing by the door.

Hiko nodded once in acknowledgment, turning to make his selection from
the shop's well-stocked shelves. It didn't take long - sake was sake -
but he dragged the process out, enjoying the little drama unfolding
behind him, always willing to have a laugh at his idiot pupil's expense.
Given Meirou-chan's initial reaction, things were bound to get

Hiko's attention straying to the store's offerings, Meirou let hers
travel back to his student, lingering over the flame-bright hair, the
sensitive face. [Kawaii...] she thought again, sighing in appreciation.

Kenshin frowned as the shop girl continued to stare at him, seemingly
unaware that his master was smirking at them both. True, shishou often
smirked, so it didn't necessarily mean anything, but Kenshin felt sure
that he was the target of some unwitting joke. [I wish she'd stop
that], he thought, shifting uncomfortably under her incredibly focused

Meirou blinked as he began to fidget nervously, realizing belatedly that
she'd been staring like some moon-struck ninny. [Talk to him!] she
admonished herself, [Ask him his name! Say *something*!] "Konbanwa!
Are you Hiko-san's student?" [Great beginning, Meirou-chan! Nosy and
abrupt.] She smiled brightly, hoping it would soften her words.

"Hai," Kenshin responded, relaxing a little now that she'd stopped
staring at him *quite* so hard. Unfortunately, the smile she was giving
him was only slightly less daunting than her stare had been.

[Now what do I say?] "I thought so! Hiko-san's always telling father
about you." [There... that wasn't so bad, was it?] His eyes had
narrowed. [Oops. Maybe it was.]

[Shishou talks about me?] Kenshin glared at Hiko's back. [If it's
anything like the way he talks *to* me, it's no wonder everyone acts
like I'm stupid.] "Oh."

[Baka! You shouldn't have said that... now he's annoyed. Annoyed
isn't the right frame of mind at all! Distract him!] "Do you know very
many people here in town?"

The violet gaze shifted from Hiko-san back to her. "No."

[Yatta!] The mental shout was both jubilant and selfish. "Oh? Well,
I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance," she told him, tilting her
head slightly, smiling so her dimples showed, "My name is Meirou."

His eyes widened, surprised that she would be forward enough to give him
her name, but it was only polite to give his in return. "Kenshin desu.
Doozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu."

[Heart of Sword. Somehow, that seems... right.] "It suits you," she
told him without thinking, and in response he smiled hesitantly. Taking
that as a good sign, Meirou began flirting in earnest. "Do you like
*my* name?" she asked, bowing her head shyly, peeking up at him through
her lashes.

[What difference does it make?] Kenshin wondered, politely answering,

"Honto?" She blushed, her eyes sparkling with pleasure, and reached up
to twine a lock of hair around her finger, toying with it as she watched

Now it was Kenshin's turn to wonder what to say. He'd never really
talked to a girl before, but didn't see that he'd said anything that
should make her blush. "Hai," he repeated, for lack of anything better.

Meirou let her voice drop until it was almost a whisper, and fluttered
her lashes at him. "Arigatou." She nibbled teasingly on the lock of
hair she'd wrapped around her finger, searching for something else to
say, wanting to call attention to her mouth.

His eyes bewildered, Kenshin glanced at Hiko, unable to fathom why she'd
started chewing on her hair, or why it seemed to make him just a touch
uncomfortable. [Aren't you finished yet?!] he half-demanded,

[What am I doing wrong?] Meirou wailed as he looked away, apparently
uninterested in her flirting. "Kenshin?" His polite attention
immediately returned to her, and summoning up her courage, she asked him
the first inane question that popped in her head, "Are you any good?"

Kenshin heard Hiko stifle a laugh at that, and frowned, puzzled.
[What's she talking about?] "What?"

"With the sword. Are you any good?" She tried batting her lashes again
to prompt his response.

Kenshin merely blinked at her. [Why does she keep doing that thing with
her eyes?] he wondered.

-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------

"You *didn't*!" Sano interrupted, surprise warring with laughter for
control of his voice.

"Oro?" Kenshin's was steadfastly put-upon.

"Don't 'oro' me! You can't possibly have been naive enough to wonder
why she was batting her lashes at you!"

"I don't see why not!" Yahiko sullenly declared, remembering how Tsubame
had done the very same to him, just that morning. He immediately
regretted saying so, as it set Sano laughing again.

"Not you, too!" Yahiko's flushed face answered the question for him.
"You're both hopeless."

On the other side of the thin partition, a tray laden with tea and rice
balls in her lap, Kaoru tried to stifle her own giggles. She hadn't
intended to eavesdrop, she really hadn't, but when she'd paused to open
the door... it'd just... *happened*. And once she realized what she
was overhearing - not a lecture on the birds and the bees, but a
recollection of Kenshin's own initiation - the temptation to stay and
listen had been impossible to resist.

"Do you want me to finish this or not?" she heard her husband ask, his
voice betraying both his annoyance and his embarrasment. The question
instantly put an end to Sano and Yahiko's bickering, and Kenshin resumed
his account.

--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------

Hiko was enjoying his idiot pupil's first encounter with the opposite
sex. Oh, Kenshin had met women before, but this was the first time one
of them had tried to catch his interest. And try though she might,
Yuuhou's youngest wasn't having the slightest bit of luck. It wasn't so
much that she was unsuccessful... rather, the boy just had no idea what
she was after, or what was happening to him as she tried. During the
course of their conversation, Kenshin's expression had changed from
polite attentiveness to bewilderment to outright fear.

For her part, Meirou's emotions slipped from interest to pleasure,
followed by despair, deteriorating finally to extreme annoyance. [What
is *wrong* with him?! He can't really be as stupid as Hiko-san says he
is... can he?] She pouted prettily, wondering what else she could try.

Kenshin realized he'd done something wrong, but was helpless to
determine what. He quailed inside as her expression took on new
determination. [What now?]

"Don't bother, Meirou-chan," Hiko interjected, forestalling her as she
opened her mouth, "my baka deshi hasn't a clue what it is that you want,
or what he's done to annoy you."



Kenshin's annoyed exclamation clashed with Meirou's astonished question,
both turning red with embarrasment. "Aa," Hiko answered, holding out
the money he owed for the sake. Meirou took it without thinking, still
watching Kenshin. "You can try again next time," he teased, drawing her
attention with a condescending pat on the head, "after he and I have had
a little talk." Her eyes widened as she realized what he meant, and she
ducked her head to hide both her amusement and her surprise.

Kenshin gave another furious yelp of "Shishou!" making Hiko's smile
broaden and Meirou giggle. [I knew I was missing something], Kenshin
thought sourly. He followed -- his head bowed, his shoulders stiff with
embarrassed resentment - as his master headed toward the door.

[He's even cuter when he's angry], Meirou thought, giggling again.
"Goodbye!" she called as Hiko stepped outside. Kenshin nodded stiffly,
and reached to close the door behind them, his hair catching the light
of the lantern outside. "Kawaii..." she sighed, her voice admiring.

Kenshin froze at the whispered word, feeling his face color once more,
before hurriedly slamming the door. Turning, he stomped past his
master, heading toward home.

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------

"Baka deshi," Hiko began when they were about halfway there, "are you
going to ask about it or not?"

"Ask about what?" Kenshin's voice was still sullen and angry. He
squawked in surprise when he felt a hand grab him by the back of the
shirt and shake him like a puppy before dropping him on his feet again.

"Don't be stubborn. Ask what all of that back in Yuuhou's store was
about." Silence. "What she wanted and why she made you nervous."

"Did not." It was barely a murmur. Hiko grinned.

"If she didn't, that's more of a concern than if she did." He could feel
the confusion that caused, as well the boy's growing curiosity. They
walked in silence a few moments more, before finally his idiot pupil
gave a long-suffering sigh.

"All right, shishou... what *did* she want?" Silence. Kenshin gritted
his teeth, and then asked again, "Shishou, onegai, what was that all

Hiko gave a shout of laughter, clapping Kenshin strongly on the
shoulder, surprising him. "I'm glad Meirou-chan was tending the store
today. I was beginning to wonder what was wrong with you."

"Shishou." Kenshin's voice was low, almost threatening. Hiko grinned

Taking a swig from the bottle of sake he'd opened as they walked, the
look in his eyes promising he was about to have fun at Kenshin's
expense, the thirteenth master of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu said, "It begins


-------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

Author's Notes:

1. We don't see much of young Kenshin interacting with Hiko, but
from what we do see, it looks like Kenshin often reacted to Hiko the way
Yahiko reacts to Sano. Kenshin was probably more respectful, but Hiko
could still get him to lose his temper with embarrassing ease! I've
tried to characterize Kenshin that way - not the painfully and
unfailingly polite rurouni we know and love, but something closer to a
normal - if well spoken and thoughtful - boy.
2. I'm not really sure, but I somehow have the impression that it
would be considered improper for a young girl to go around introducing
herself to strange young men - no matter how cute. Which is why Kenshin
is surprised. If anyone knows differently/better, please let me know!
3. In the pre-Meiji world, it would probably be strange for Hiko to
be close friends with a shopkeeper. (Yes/No/Maybe?) Hiko doesn't seem
terribly concerned about things like rank and class distinctions,
however, so I figure he'd be friends with whoever he felt like. And who
better, than someone who owns a sake shop? Supply, meet demand.

Index of Japanese terms:

1. Irrashaimase! - Welcome! Used in stores, shops, restaurants,
2. Meirou - written with the kanji for "cheerful"
3. Konbanwa - good evening
4. Kawaii - cute
5. Hai - yes
6. Honto - really
7. Arigatou - thank you
8. Shishou - master
9. Baka deshi - stupid pupil
10. Yuuhou - written with the kanji for "friend". It's also an
archaic usage, so as a play on words I used it to mean "old friend".

Here's Lesson 2 --

Thoughts are in brackets: []
Asterisks are used for emphasis.



Lessons ~ Lesson 2: Anatomy

"Anatomy?" Kenshin asked, both expression and voice skeptical.

"Aa. Women are different from men," Hiko paused, considering the
differences with a slight smile, "they're all about curves and softness
and pliability. Men are about planes and muscles and strength." He
gave his pupil's slight frame a quick once-over, "Well, most of us are."

"Shishou!" Kenshin glowered at his master, at the same time lamenting
the truth in the much larger man's words. He *was* shorter and slimmer
than most boys his age; and although the muscles were there . . . [I'd
have to strut around naked for anyone to notice them. Or bash them over
the head with something.] His face twisted at the thought. [Definitely
*not* an option. I'd like to live long enough to actually *use* what
shishou's been teaching me.]

Lowering the sake jug after taking a healthy swig, Hiko caught Kenshin's
somewhat disgusted expression. "Oi! What's that face for? It's not
*my* fault you're nothing but bones." He smirked as the violet eyes
flashed with annoyance. "Don't worry about it, boy. You've still got
time to grow . . . and if Meirou's any indication, women will find you
appealing even if you don't." He brought the jug to his lips again,
mumbling under his breath, "Only Kami-sama knows why . . . maybe it's
your hair."

Kenshin shifted restlessly, wishing Hiko would get on with it, and
wondering what his hair had to do with anything. It was just hair.
[Meirou's hair was pretty, though . . . falling dark and silky past her
shoulders . . .] "Kenshin. Kenshin!" He jumped, surprised to be caught
daydreaming. Especially about *hair*.

"Baka deshi, are you listening to me?" his master demanded, shaking his
head in mild annoyance, "Am I going to have to make this part of your
training to get you to pay attention?! One secret of Hiten Mitsurugi
Ryuu, one about women?"

"I'm paying attention!" the boy retorted hotly, his face red. He took a
quick internal tally and quailed at the result. [Kami-sama, if women
are as complicated as Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu, I think I'd better give up

----------------------------------------------------- -------------------

"Did you hear something?"

"Oro?" Kenshin turned innocent eyes on Sano, surprised at the
interruption. "Hear something? Like what?"

"I don't know . . . I thought I heard something squeak. You don't have
mice, do you?"

"Baka! Ugly'd have a fit if she thought there were mice in her precious
dojo," Yahiko retorted, "you're just hearing things. Shutup, and let
Kenshin get back to his story." [I *need* Kenshin to finish his story],
he silently added. That bit about women being complicated had him
worried. [Shikashi . . . Sano's got Megumi and Kenshin's got Kaoru . .
. so women can't be *that* hard to understand . . . Right?] He looked
over at Sano, placidly chewing on his ever-present fish bone. [Right.]

Out of sight but within reach of hearing, Kaoru sat with her hands
clamped over her mouth, hastily stifling her laughter after that first
delighted peal. Kenshin's recounting of his younger self's thoughts was
something of an eye opener, although it only took a moment to imagine
him saying and doing the things he recalled. Still, her eyes had teared
up when he mentioned that earlier Kenshin's desire to live long enough
to use his sword skills. He'd used what Hiko taught him . . . and lived
to regret it soon after. [Oh, Kenshin.]

-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------

Hiko watched his idiot pupil's eyes bug out, his expression turn
decidedly nervous. "It was just a joke, you moron!" His own eyes
sparkled with a certain sadistic glee as the boy relaxed. "It takes
years to understand women; even you should be able to master Hiten
faster than that."

Kenshin spluttered, caught somewhere between anger and embarrassment and
unable to do anything about either. [He did that on purpose.] His
master merely grinned at him, the curve of his lips clearly and smugly
admitting, [Of course I did. But you let me, baka deshi.] "Well?" he
prompted sullenly, once he'd finally regained control of his voice.

"Oh? So you're ready to listen?" The grin widened as Kenshin glared a
response. "Like I was saying: women are different from men. Men are
made to bear hardships; to provide shelter and protection. Women are
made to bear children; to provide comfort and to give us the will to

[That doesn't sound right], Kenshin thought, watching Hiko take another
drink from the rapidly-emptying jug. For one thing, Meirou had made him
*un*comfortable, more than anything else. And for another . . . well,
shishou's definition seemed rather . . . restrictive.

Oblivious to his pupil's doubt, Hiko continued his lecture. "That's why
women are soft -- because it's more suited to providing comfort to both
men and children."

Kenshin had to admit that made some sense. Not a lot, but some. [Maybe
shishou knows what he's talking about after all.]

"And they're curved so we know where to put our hands."

His eyes bugged out again. [Where to put our hands?! Maybe not.]
"Why?" he asked, interrupting before the older man could confuse things
any further.

Hiko paused, taking in his pupil's skeptical expression. "Why what?"

"Why would we need to know where to put our hands? And why would we
want to . . . and isn't that likely to make them angry?"

Hiko groaned, rubbing his face with one large hand. [Didn't the boy
realize they were talking about sex?] "Baka deshi, you're not supposed
to go around putting your hands on them indiscriminately--"

"I know that! That's what I'm saying!" His voice was suddenly high and
squeaky as he yelped a protest.

"--and as for why . . . your family jewels are called that for a reason,
you idiot! If and when you ever marry, your wife is the one who's going
to produce the family . . . so at some point you're going to have to
touch her!"

Kenshin froze, mouth open, a half-formed retort on his lips. [Wife?
Children?] "But . . . but I thought . . ." [I thought you were just
going to tell me about women.] He winced, mentally flinching from his
own stupidity. [Baka! What did you expect him to tell you?] He sighed
resignedly, and then another thought struck him. [Am I ready for this?
What if shishou expects me to try it after he tells me about it? After
all, that's his standard method for teaching Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu . .
. ] Suddenly nervous and uncertain, his face went pale and his knees
turned wobbly. [I'm not ready for this!]

Hiko wondered briefly if the young fool was going to pass out from
shock. "Look, just shutup and listen. It's really not that
complicated. When the time comes, you're going to *want* to touch her.
The curves are just a guide as to where and how." He gave the boy a
minute for that to sink in, for his legs to remember how to support him.
"It's like when you first learned to hold a sword: until you got the
grip right, you were awkward; you couldn't manage the blocks or strikes.
It's the same with women: until you know where to touch them and how,
you aren't going to be any good at it." Kenshin didn't look reassured.
[Damnation, I meant to have fun with him, not scare him witless!] "Baka
deshi, trust me on this. Put your hands where the curves are and both
of you will be happy!" [No wonder I drink so much sake!] he thought
wryly, helping himself to another libation, [If I didn't already have a
habit, he'd force me to develop one.]

"Shikashi . . . what about . . . what about . . . " his voice was small,
hesitant; more than a little afraid of the answer to his unasked
question, and therefore unable to voice it.

Hiko had no mercy. "What about what?" One eyebrow quirked as Kenshin
floundered a little more, the blood returning to his face full-force.
"Spit it out, boy!"

"What about . . . " Gesturing vaguely at his lower body, he murmured
something about "family jewels", hoping Hiko would grasp his meaning.

"Oh, *that*." Hiko smirked, conscience assuaged now that his pupil no
longer appeared to be on the verge of panic. "You can do that. It's
like sheathing a sword. She's the saya and you're the blade."
Kenshin's eyes widened until they were perfectly round. "Man and woman
are made to fit just as neatly . . . although, if it's her first time,
you'll be able to tell." His smile turned slightly wistful, as if he
were remembering and regretting something. "Kami-sama gave women a
shield, and to sheath your blade that first time, you'll have to break
through it. It'll hurt, and she'll probably bleed a little--" he broke
off, suddenly recalling where he was and to whom he was talking. His
lips curved sardonically, "Still, with a little practice, you'll be able
to sheath *that* as easily as your katana . . . so if you're lucky, she
won't mind the initial wounding."

------------------------------------------------------- -----------------

"Wait a minute!" Yahiko's voice was strident with confusion and dismay.
"You mean that for me to . . . for me to . . ." his words faded to a
shocked whisper, "I'd have to hurt Tsubame?"

"Aa--" Kenshin began, his tone both soothing and apologetic.

"But it's not like you're doin' it on purpose!" Sano's attitude was a
mixture of annoyance and remorse. "Well, you *are* . . . but you
wouldn't if you could help it . . . It's not your fault!"

Kaoru rolled her eyes at the ex-gangster's outburst. [I knew he wouldn't
get it right.]

Her husband seemed to agree. "Sano," he said, using his most
authoritative voice, "sit down, and be quiet." His violet eyes were
understanding as he turned back to the obviously worried boy. After
all, his own reaction had been very similar. "Yahiko, would you touch
Tsubame-dono if she didn't want you to?"

"Of course not!" his entire body projected outrage at the very idea.
Kenshin smiled.

"But if she wanted you to? If she needed you to?"

"Yes . . ." this time Yahiko's answer was hesitant, not quite certain
where he was being led. Kenshin's smile widened.

"Then you don't have anything to worry about."

Yahiko eyed him warily, wanting to believe his reassurances, but anxious
just the same. "Did you hurt Kaoru?" he demanded.

"Yahiko! You can't ask him that!" On the other side of the partition,
Kaoru nodded her head in emphatic agreement with Sanosuke's protest.

Kenshin merely raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?"

In the sudden silence, Kaoru fought an impulse to reach through the thin
wall and throttle her husband. [Remember, this was *your* idea!] she
silently scolded herself, [You can smack him for indulging in male
bonding later!]

"Chikusho!" Sano's voice held new respect, and no small amount of
amazement. Yahiko burst out laughing.

"Well, now I know which one of you to ask for advice."

"Chikusho!" Sano repeated, chagrined. Yahiko just laughed harder.

"Yare yare . . . are we done now? I have laundry to do if you don't
want to hear the rest of this." Kenshin strove for a tone that was
matter-of-fact, but somehow only managed to sound wistful. His audience
immediately noticed his lapse.

"We're listening! We're listening!"

------------------------------------------------------ ------------------

Gulping, Kenshin glanced briefly downwards. What Hiko was suggesting
seemed a physical impossibility. He opened his mouth to ask the next
obvious question, but his shishou beat him to it.

"How? Things change . . . you would've found out today if Meirou had
managed to make you a little more uncomfortable." He grinned, raising
the sake jug to his mouth, "Better luck next time."

Kenshin struggled to respond, his voice a tangle of humiliation,
irritation, and curiosity. Instead of an anguished and embittered cry
of "Shishou!" what emerged was only a plaintive yelp: "Oro!"

"What? I said you could try again, didn't I?" He laughed as the boy's
fists clenched angrily. "Calm down, calm down. Baka deshi, if you
don't learn to control yourself better, your enemies will be able to
read you like a book." Reluctantly, Kenshin subsided, his pride still
offended by the older man's ribbing. "Now, if you think you understand
the basics . . . ?" there was a pause as he waited for a sullen nod of
the flame-bright head, "Then it's time to talk about something a little
more complicated: *Attraction*."

--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Author's Notes:

1. We don't see much of young Kenshin interacting with Hiko, but
from what we do see, it looks like Kenshin often reacted to Hiko the way
Yahiko reacts to Sano. Kenshin was probably more respectful, but Hiko
could still get him to lose his temper with embarrassing ease! I've
tried to characterize Kenshin that way - not the painfully and
unfailingly polite rurouni we know and love, but something closer to a
normal - if well spoken and thoughtful - boy.
2. I was hoping for something that wasn't too ecchi or graphic . .
. I hope this serves?
3. Thanks to the ESG, especially Neka and Risu-chan, for sharing
ideas with me, and trying to help me find something suitable that Hiko
could say. Neka was the first to suggest the sword-in-sheath thing, and
although my version isn't quite as . . . naughty . . . as hers,
credit should still be given where credit is due, ne? (^_~) Similarly,
Risu-chan suggested Hiko use analogies to Hiten techniques; and while I
didn't use this exact idea, I think it's probably where the line about
combining Kenshin's sword training with his sex education came from.
Domo arigatou, ladies!

Index of Japanese terms:

1. shishou - master
2. baka - stupid
3. baka deshi - stupid pupil
4. shikashi - but
5. chikusho - damn

Here's Lesson 3 --

Thoughts are in brackets: []
Asterisks are used for emphasis.



Lessons ~ Lesson 3: Attraction

Kenshin managed -- just barely -- to prevent himself from yelping, "You
mean there's *more*?!" at his shishou's calm announcement. [Of course
there's more,] he acknowledged dejectedly, [you still don't know why
Meirou was doing that . . .that . . . that *thing* with her eyes.]
Sinking down onto a nearby stone, he reflected sourly that if Hiko had
yet more information to impart, then this was the place to do it. The
anatomy lecture had been delivered as they walked, their progress driven
by his long-legged stride, Kenshin's wobbly legs notwithstanding. This
clearing -- an open space around a small lake -- wasn't far from their
modest cottage. It had often served them as a training site, although
the lessons learned were usually of a more ordinary bent; life lessons
rather than Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu.

"What's the matter now?" Hiko demanded, either unwilling or unable to
let his pupil's glum expression pass without comment. "Baka deshi,
attraction is part of the fun," his lips curved in another knowing grin,
"In fact, there wouldn't *be* any fun if it weren't for attraction."

"Fun?" In contrast to his master's smug amusement, Kenshin's tone was
both bitter and disapproving, "It doesn't sound terribly enjoyable so
far. First she makes me uncomfortable, and then I hurt her." Resting
his elbow on his knee, he propped his chin in the cup of his hand, the
picture of morose discontent. "Either there's something you're not
telling me, or . . ." the words trailed off as he shook his head, his
body projecting an air of puzzlement and concern.

Hiko sighed, thinking -- not for the first time -- that the boy was too
soft-hearted for his own good. He resisted the urge to pick the idiot
up and shake him as he had earlier. [Only my baka deshi would work
himself into a frenzy of remorse over some girl he hasn't even met.]
Still, there was a tinge of pride in his exasperated thoughts. [Better
concerned than over eager or uncaring.] "Baka deshi, men and women are
far too selfish to repeatedly engage in something distasteful, simply to
produce children. They're not all that rewarding," he looked pointedly
at his hard-headed pupil, "this, on the other hand, *is*. --Why else
would it be called the pleasure quarter, you moron? Am I going to have
to take you there so you can see for yourself?!" Kenshin's expression
changed instantly from disbelief to outright panic.

"No!" he all but shouted, straightening from his dismayed slouch and
scrambling to appear calm and attentive. "I don't need a visual aide!"
the low, indignant mutter marred the impression he was working for, as
did the surly glance he aimed at his master. In response, the older man
merely raised an eyebrow: [Is that so?] Grinding his teeth in
frustration, his voice gravelly with anger and residual alarm, Kenshin
prompted his shishou to continue: "Attraction?"

Chuckling, Hiko took a seat facing him, letting the jug dangle by its
cord from his large hand, tossing its cork lightly in his palm as he
spoke. "Aa. Attraction. It's why you react to some women and not to
others -- why some of them make you nervous and others don't. Although,
at your age," grinning, he snapped the cork high into the air, "probably
most all of them make you nervous." It landed in his hand with a soft
smack, punctuating this latest jab at his student.

Kenshin tried telling himself there was no reason to be shamed by his
shishou's observation. He could count the number of women he'd met and
spoken to in his short lifetime on one hand; the number of those that
weren't old enough to be his mother on one finger. [Of course they make
me nervous!] The unvoiced reassurance did nothing to combat his
feelings of embarrassment, and he scowled in answer to the older man's
smirk. Annoyingly, the smirk widened.

"Attraction is what makes you notice the color of her eyes or the way
she wears her hair; it's what makes you remember her scent and the sound

of her voice." Hiko's hold tightened on the cord, stopping the sake
jug's lazy swing in order to raise it to his lips. His eyes glimmered
with humor over the rounded clay, "It may make you uncomfortable -- it's
what made you uncomfortable today -- but it also leads to one of life's
most pleasurable experiences." The word *pleasurable* was emphasized,
causing Kenshin to groan internally. Obviously, this was something his
shishou would be harassing him about for some time to come.

[Maybe if I ask questions, he'll stick to the point instead of taking
side trips to humiliate me.] A quick look at his master's face
dispelled that hope. [And maybe if you try really hard, you'll beat him
during tomorrow's practice session.] Both were about as likely.
Nevertheless, Hiko seemed to be waiting for something. With extreme
reluctance, Kenshin provided it. [I hate being curious.] "How?"

"Baka deshi, remember I told you that things change?" The boy nodded
warily. "Without attraction, they don't. If they don't, the fun part
isn't any fun. In fact, attempting it would be downright embarrassing.
Wakaru ka?"

"Aa . . ." [Well, not really . . . but if *shishou* thinks it's
embarrassing, then I'm convinced.] It was practically impossible to
ruffle his master; anything that could flummox him must be truly awful.

----------------------------------------------------------- -------------

"Che, it's one of the most humiliating things that can happen to a man!"
Sano muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets and hunching his
shoulders. It looked almost like he was pouting . . . or trying to
hide. A moment later, as the profound silence around him registered, he
wished fervently that he *could*. "Not that I'd know from personal
experience," he added hastily.

Kenshin and Yahiko merely looked at him, their expressions identical and
easy to read: [Sure, Sano, whatever you say. We don't believe a word
of it, but we'll humor you -- just this once.]

"I don't!"


"I don't!"

"Shutup, baka, and let him get back to the story!"

"Kuso . . ." [I can't believe I said that out loud . . .]

--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Hiko could tell from the faint traces of confusion on Kenshin's face
that he didn't really grasp what he'd been told. No matter -- he'd
understand the first time he truly reacted to a woman. The boy very
rarely forgot anything he'd been told; when his body made everything
else self-explanatory, he'd remember this exchange and put the pieces
together. [Now for the particulars...] "Each of us has our
preferences -- physical traits which make some women more attractive to
us than others." A half-nod in the direction of town served to indicate
their earlier visit. "Judging by your reaction to Meirou, you're
partial to raven hair and big eyes." [And petite figures, but that's
not much of a surprise.]

Kenshin fidgeted a little, trying to discern if there was any implied
criticism in Hiko's observation. A larger part insisted that there was
a lot to be said for hair dark as sable and expressive, emotive eyes.
Eyes bright as gemstones and surrounded by thick, dark lashes . . .

Shaking his head in mild annoyance, his pupil's vacant expression a
clear indication that his attention had wandered, Hiko hit him square
between his eyebrows with the thrown sake cork, nimbly catching it again
as it rebounded from the boy's skull. "Pay attention!" he barked,
satisfied to see Kenshin startled by the small projectile. The boy
blinked, rubbing his forehead in an absent-minded manner, and nodded for
Hiko to continue. "Now, just as men are drawn to certain traits in
women, women are drawn to certain traits in men. *Usually*," he
emphasized, as if to say the present company was excepted, "they seem to
find muscles and height appealing. In your case . . . In your case,
we'd probably have to ask Meirou."

[Not this again!] Kenshin glared wakizashi at his master. "I'll grow,"
he grated.

"I hope so . . . I'd hate to see Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu inherited by
someone as scrawny as you are. It's an embarrassment."

"Shishou!" This time the familiar protest held just a hint of hurt.

"Baka deshi . . ." Hiko paused for a fraction of a second, then
relented slightly, "It takes all the amusement out of poking at you if
you're going to be offended rather than angry." He watched that sink
in, saw the thin jaw clench in renewed annoyance. [Better.] "As I was
saying, women suffer the whims of attraction the same as men. However,
their response to it is a little more overt -- if a woman wants you,
she'll take great care to ensure you want her, too. At first, it's
fairly innocent: She'll try to draw attention to her eyes or her hair,
maybe her mouth, because she knows these are things that *we* notice."
Kenshin's eyes widened in sudden realization. "She'll try to coax you
into complimenting her, so she can tell whether or not you're merely
humoring her, or are genuinely interested. They're actually quite
devious about it."

Kenshin wasn't sure, but thought he heard grudging approval in his
shishou's voice. He swallowed, finding that to be just a little
frightening. [But at least Meirou is starting to make some sense . . .]

"Now listen, baka deshi, this is important." Hiko's gaze was serious,
his voice losing most of its jocular tone. "What draws you to a woman
initially may be her hair or her eyes or her figure. What keeps your
interest should be something more. Physical attraction has its place,
but if that's all you feel, you're better off visiting one of the houses
in the pleasure quarter. Girls like Meirou are after a different type
of relationship when they try to catch your attention." Raising the
sake jug for another drink, he scanned his pupil's face, sighing in
disgust at the question there. "Marriage, baka deshi, marriage. Unless
she's merely teasing, she's looking at you as prospective marriage

"Marriage! Demo . . ." Kenshin let what he'd been about to say trail
off, suspecting that his master would think it foolish; hopelessly
romantic at best. Still, he didn't think one person should marry
another simply because he liked the color of her eyes. There should be
other reasons -- better reasons -- too.

"Aa," the single word acknowledged protests both spoken and not, "Which
is why physical attraction isn't enough. Before you seek comfort
outside the pleasure quarter, best be sure you're attracted to *her*,
not just her body." Hiko leveled a stern finger at his pupil, "If and
when you ever marry, you're free to make your own choice as to who.
Make sure you make it a good one. She should be someone you enjoy being
with; someone you can talk to. Preferably, someone with a brain." He
leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially, "Take a good look at how she
ties her obi, I find it helps."

For a moment, Kenshin simply stared at his shishou, trying to make sense
of the older man's cryptic advice. When that proved unsuccessful, he
burst out, "Her obi?! What does her obi have to do with anything?!"

"Have you seen how complex those things can get?" Hiko responded, the
humor returning to his voice and manner, "Tying one has got to be
difficult. It stands to reason that the more complicated it is, the
smarter she's likely to be. And failing that," he winked, leaning back
again, "at least you know she's good with her hands."

---------------------------------------------------------- --------------

[Good with her *hands*?!] Kaoru reminded herself that the opinions
Kenshin was relating were not his own, and he didn't need to be smacked
for them. Hiko Seijuurou, on the other hand, was long overdue his
comeuppance for that obi-as-an-indication-of-intelligence crack. [Does
he really believe that?! Or was it something he said simply to confound
his student?! Whichever it was . . . mmmmrrra!] Her fingers curled in
impotent rage as she mimed throttling the insufferable man.

On the other side of the partition, Sano had laughed himself breathless
over Hiko's unfounded observation. Kenshin and Yahiko were silent,
obviously waiting for the ex-gangster to gain control of himself.

"I just," he gasped, amusement still stuttering in his throat, "I just
can't believe he actually *said* that!"

"I don't get it," Yahiko injected in a somewhat disgruntled tone of
voice, "What's so funny?"

Too lighthearted to tease him about his ignorance, Sano willingly --
even eagerly -- began to explain, "If she's good with her hands then--"

"That's enough, Sano!" Kenshin hastily interrupted, "It was just a
joke, Yahiko. A very *bad* joke."

"I thought it was a damn good joke," Sano protested.

"And I still don't get it!" Yahiko added.

"Maa, maa..."

"Never mind, Yahiko, I'll explain it some other time. When our shy
little rurouni isn't around."


"You heard me. And don't think I didn't notice how red your face was
when you stopped me." Sano grinned, his expression uncannily similar to
the one Hiko had worn so long ago.

[It must be the joke,] Kenshin decided, shaking his head slightly to
clear the image. The other two were watching him expectantly. "What?"

"What do you mean, 'what'? Go on, finish your story." Yahiko answered.

"Ano... there really isn't anything else to tell..."

--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------

Kenshin eyed his master suspiciously, "Good with her hands?" Hiko's
lips twitched, his eyes gleaming a little too eagerly as he opened his
mouth to elaborate. "Never mind! Never mind, I don't want to know!"
Disappointment flickered briefly across the older man's face. It wasn't
often that Kenshin managed to fend off one of his jokes. "I'll just
wait and find out later." His shishou chuckled at that.

"Aa. I suspect you will." Tapping the cork back into the sake jug,
Hiko rose to his feet, stretching lazily as he looked down at his pupil.

"Is that it?" The question was both surprised and relieved.

"Baka deshi, hopefully you'll figure the rest out as it happens to you."
One eyebrow arched sardonically, "Even you should be able to tell when
you're attracted, and how to behave afterwards." The boy nodded
absently, thoughtfully, failing -- for once -- to rise to the bait. He
grinned. "Aa. Think about it -- but don't take all night. We have
training in the morning, and you're clumsy enough without being half

"Hai . . ." Kenshin rose slowly to his feet, his voice as distracted as
his manner. [What do they do with their hands?]

Hiko sighed. Taunting him now would be no fun at all. "Come on, baka
deshi, it's past time to be home. You can think while we walk." His
footsteps crunched over the gravel around the lake, his pupil following
behind him at a less purposeful pace.

There was a lot for Kenshin to ponder: the mysteries of the female
anatomy, attraction and consequences, flirting . . . and the possibility
that life held more than practice and his shishou's biting humor. [Dark
hair, and expressive eyes.]

Thinking about it, the young man smiled.

---------------------------------------------------------- --------------

Author's Notes:

1. Blehhh . . . this kept going and going and going . . . not sure
about the break at the end.
2. I wasn't sure about Hiko and his "don't play unless you want to
pay the consequences" advice; but since he believes in protecting the
people . . .
3. You can take the Sano joke as you like. I'm not trying to cast
aspersions on the rooster-head, it just sort of . . . happened.
4. In the Revenge flashbacks, Kenshin remembers sitting by a lake
as his master tells him about sake. This lesson is intended to take
place by that same lake - not that it's important, but I like to be able
to place things.
5. Hiko's obi comment -- a friend and I were toying with euphemisms
people in Meiji era Japan could use to indicate someone was a little
slow on the uptake. "One taco short of a combination plate" would
hardly suit, ne? We finally decided "Her obi's really basic" had a nice
ring to it. (^_~)

Index of Japanese terms:

1. shishou - master
2. baka deshi - stupid pupil
3. wakaru ka - understand?
4. wakizashi - the shorter of the two swords in a Samurai's daisho.
(The longer being the katana.) I'm using it here in place of "daggers" -
both to Kenshin-ize the idiom "to glare daggers at someone", and to
indicate he's just a tad angrier than a tanto (dagger) would warrant.
5. kuso, che - all-purpose curse words.
6. hai - yes

Here's the Epilogue --

Thoughts are in brackets: []
Asterisks are used for emphasis.



Lessons: Epilogue

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! You mean that's it?!" Sano protested,
his expression a mixture of amazement and disappointment, "You didn't go
back to see Meirou? What happened?!"

Smiling shyly, almost hesitantly, Kenshin reached up to scratch just
behind his ear. It was a familiar gesture; not quite anxious, less than
embarrassed, but akin to each.

"Che, Kenshin, you're hopeless!" Unable to choose between his initial
reactions, the ex-gangster settled for disgust.

"Oro?" The rurouni blinked, his habitual utterance sounding betrayed.

"Don't give me that! I'm not saying you should have *done* anything...
but . . . but . . . but . . ." he faltered, searching for words to
tell Kenshin that -- in some indefinable way -- he was a traitor to his
sex. Words that didn't sound as the stupid as the ones in his head.

Yahiko shook his head at Sano's stuttering. "But what, ahou? So what
if he didn't go back to see her? You don't go visiting every pretty
girl *you* meet, do you?"

[He better answer "no" if he knows what's good for him,] Kaoru thought,
itching for a reason to snitch to Megumi. [Although, truth be told,
telling her how much enjoyment he got out of that obi joke would
probably be enough.]

Sano's gaze switched from boy to rurouni and back again. Kenshin's face
was a mask of deceptively innocent curiosity, Yahiko's gleefully
expectant. [Chikusho.] "Just forget it," he grumbled, knowing as well
as they that answering "yes" would somehow land him in trouble with his
wife, and answering "no" just seemed *wrong*. "It's getting late
anyway. I'd better go meet the Fox Lady at the clinic." Straightening,
he pushed away from the support post he'd been leaning against. "Oi,
are you working at the Akabeko tonight?" he asked, eyeing Yahiko

"Aa. I should probably be leaving, too," his expression twisted
slightly with suspicion, "Why?" It wasn't likely that Sano would let
anyone -- much less Yahiko -- get the better of him for long.
Retaliation was coming . . . it was just a question of *when*.

"Want me to explain that joke now?"

Kenshin groaned faintly, picturing the boy's impending embarrassment.
It would take a miracle to keep him from blushing when he saw Tsubame.
Sano shot him a look, his eyes gleaming with renewed humor, and the
rurouni subsided, satisfying his conscience with a single, soft,

The need to know quickly winning out over the need to preserve his
dignity, Yahiko agreed to Sano's offer. After all, their game of
one-upmanship continued day in and day out, winner and loser momentary
designations at best, dignity always fleeting. [And besides, he was
gonna tell me anyway.] "Arigatou," he murmured to Kenshin, thanking him
for sharing all he had, for putting up with their frequent questions and
interruptions, and for trying to warn him about Sano's intent to
humiliate. His mouth curved in a sudden grin, acknowledging that he --
just as Kenshin before him -- had a lot to think about.

"Yeah, thanks for the story Kenshin," Sano's smirk had returned,
mirroring the one he'd worn when he discovered the Himuras discussing
sex education in the dojo's yard, "it's too bad Jou-chan missed it."

Her eyes scrunched shut against the tickle, Kaoru hastily pinched her
nose between two fingers to stifle the sneeze. Distracted, she only
half-listened as Kenshin murmured a non-committal response to Sanosuke's
teasing. By the time the urge to sneeze had faded, Sano and Yahiko had
already departed, leaving Kenshin alone on the porch. Afraid that any
movement would give her away, Kaoru waited, expecting him to return to
the laundry now that the life-lesson was over. Five minutes passed,
then ten, and she began to feel impatient. [What was taking him so
long?!] Although it was too late to continue with the washing, the
clothes on the line still needed to be taken down. She fidgeted a
little, thinking that sneaking up on them had been much easier --
although unintentional -- as their conversation had covered the rustle
of her clothing and the *chink* of the glassware. Now it was far too
quiet . . . maddeningly so. Just as she was wondering if she should
chance slipping away without the dishes -- she could always return for
them later -- his voice broke the silence.

"You know," he announced conversationally, "I did go back to see
Meirou-chan. Several times." Kaoru stared at the partition in shock,
wondering who he was talking to, and certain she couldn't have heard him
right. As if sensing her disbelief, he asserted, "She was always very

Without pause and without thought she slammed the door open, stumbling
outside to confront him, more than a little stunned by what he'd just
said. "Kenshin!!" Her voice was strident with surprise and -- just
possibly -- jealousy. Unfounded jealousy, but jealousy just the same.

"Nani?" he answered calmly, his tone and the glimmer in his gentle
violet eyes hinting at suppressed laugher.

Kaoru gaped at him, realizing belatedly that his words had been directed
at *her*, which meant . . . he'd known she was listening. Of course.
Her eyes narrowed and her hands fisted on her hips. "You knew I was


"For how long?"

He smiled, tilting his head slightly, his eyes crinkling with mirth.
"From the moment you paused on the other side of the door. I also heard
you giggle several times." Rising to his feet, he lightly touched a
finger to her nose and wiggled it back and forth, her eyes crossing as
they followed the motion. "And I knew that Sano's mouse was
considerably larger than he thought."

Kaoru flushed a little at his teasing, but reminded herself that two
could play this game. Reaching out, she slid her hands up the neckline
of his gi, her fingers toying with the loose folds. "Ne, Kenshin," she

whispered, watching him through her lashes, "Kiriko-chan should sleep
for another hour or two . . . which means we've got the house to

"Sou de gozaru ka?" His eyes still gleamed with amusement, but now a
question was reflected within them, too. [What is she up to?]

"Mm." Leaning closer she whispered in his ear, "If we go back to our
room, you can take off your gi and show me your muscles."

At that, Kenshin's laughter finally escaped, his entire body shaking
with it as he folded her close. "Koishii . . . I love everything about
you, have I told you that?"

She fluttered her lashes at him. "Maybe . . . but I don't mind if you
tell me again. Just promise me you didn't marry me because of the way I
tie my obi."

He gave another shout of laughter, and then he was whispering in her
ear, "But you really are g--" Her palm plastered itself over his mouth,
cutting off the rest.

"Kenshin," she warned.

"Sumanu," he apologized, still grinning, "you confused me when you did
that thing with your eyes."

"Mm-hmmm. And Meirou? Did you really go back to see her?" One eyebrow
was raised skeptically, although she strove to keep her voice light. [I
am not jealous of someone he met when he was fourteen!]

Nodding, he dipped his head to whisper in her ear, "I saw her almost
weekly for about three months." He paused just long enough for her to
start stewing, then added, "Shishou used to send me into town after his

"Kenshin!" She slapped him lightly on the arm for teasing her so, but
couldn't hide the smile curving her lips. "Mou, I think your shishou
taught you too well! What am I supposed to do with you?"

"Weren't you listening when I explained it to Yahiko?"


His voice still trembled with suppressed laughter, "Sumanu! I'll
behave, I'll behave."

Her blue eyes twinkled back at him. "You'd better. Now come on . . . I
want to see those muscles."

-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------

Author's Notes:

1. This one was for Sae, who wanted me to finish it more than
anyone else, and was always patient whenever I got side-tracked or
2. A common Japanese superstition is the belief that a person will
sneeze if someone is talking about them -- kind of like the American
superstition that sudden chills are "someone walking over your grave".
That's why Kaoru sneezes when Sanosuke mentions her. If you're
wondering why she didn't sneeze in part two . . . she was too busy
laughing. Have you ever tried to sneeze and laugh at the same time?
3. Kiriko is the name of Kenshin & Kaoru's daughter in "Strengths
and Weaknesses". I thought it would be nice to tie the two together.
Kiriko would be less than three years old, so it shouldn't be unusual
for her to be napping.

Index of Japanese terms:

1. chikushou - another all-purpose curse word. Literally "damn it"
2. aa - yes
3. nani - what
4. ne - hey
5. sou de gozaru ka? - is that so?
6. koishii - beloved
7. sumanu - I'm sorry