Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Oblivion ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Standard disclaimers apply. Like as always, I'm broke so don't sue! @_@;

Sorry for the long delay, there was so much work to do when I got home plus I had this three-day retreat so I really hadn't got some decent rest lately. The retreat was held in a very serene mountain top villa out of the city where I live. My stay there with a few of my friends was really nice and I'm happy I had the 'break' I always had wanted. *nods*


Chapter Four:

… Do I know you?

Kaoru's words rang repeatedly inside Kenshin's mind.

He shut his eyes closed and snapped it open again, trying to feel the reality of what's happening now between them.

He glanced at Yahiko who avoided looking at anyone.

He began to step forward and reach for Kaoru's hand…

…did she stepped back?

What's happening to her?

"Kaoru-dono…" he whispered.

Kaoru's hugged herself tight and shun away his hand. "N-no…please. Leave me…"


"L-leave me, alone…"


Kaoru instantly covered her ears with her fists. "Don't call me that!" she shrieked.

All of them were stunned by her reaction.

Tears fell continuously against her cheeks. She wailed her head incessantly and began to moan in ache.

She turned to Yahiko. "Yahiko-kun, who is he? Why does he know me? Why does he hug me like that? Why-?" she said in between sobs.

Yahiko quickly got to her side. "Kaoru…"

Kaoru was wailing loudly, her shoulders shaking in deep remorse.

"I. don't. know YOU! Don't come near me!"

Kenshin fought the urge to come close and embrace her tightly. He felt his heart twitch in agony to see her cry out in depression. He saw Misao run towards Kaoru and caressed her back. The older lady broke down to her knees as Misao hugged at shushed her bawl.

"Ssh. Kaoru… its okay now…"

He saw Kaoru look at him under her shagged bangs. Tears began to fill the brim of her eyes once more. She whispered with jagged breath, "Misao, he knows me. He knows me but I don't know him! How come I don't know him…"

The weasel girl glanced at Okina.

Kaoru spoke again, "It hurts… here," pointing to her heart. "I don't know but it REALLY hurts not to remember anybody or anything…!" she whimpered with her last statement.

Misao turned to Kenshin. "Himura, I think its best if you leave Kaoru alone for now."

Kenshin fell quiet at Misao's command.

"We tried to explain it to you but you didn't listen. Now she's very confused."

Kenshin looked at Sanosuke and Okina. He gave them a puzzled look.

Sano spoke. "Jou-chan needs to rest, I believe. Let's talk outside." He motioned to all to get out of Kaoru's room. "Misao and Yahiko, you stay with her and make sure she gets calmer, okay?"

The three men proceeded back to the Aoiya's tea room.


"She forgot everything-everything about us all. I'm sorry Himura," Okina apologized. "It's the poison's effect."

Kenshin clenched his fist and remained quiet.

"Let us just be grateful that the poison did not took her life. She's one lucky lady indeed."

"Lucky," Sano muttered as he leaned on his back chewing on a fishbone.

"What will happen now, Okina? When will she get to remember everything again?" Kenshin asked.

Sano snapped one eye open and looked at Kenshin. He then turned to look at Okina who was sipping his tea.

"That I do not know, Himura. We don't even know how Kaoru-san will take all of these realities in. The doctor told me how delicate her condition is, she can't take too much of anything just as yet," Okina explained.

"W-why?" Kenshin mused.

"Because she will go nuts, that's why." Sano concluded.

This shocked Kenshin all the more. "What you did just now-barging in her room and hugging her all around-did not helped her but just worsened things, Kenshin. Now we will have to explain her everything again, without making her feel depressed in the process. You know Jou-chan's nature of taking in things more than we do," Sano scoffed.

Kenshin shook his head and said nothing.

"She feels desperate to know everything! Did you know how hard she tried to memorize our names in just one night? She strained her brain too much that she got sick for days-a thing that she doesn't feel sorry for, just to keep on remembering! And now you go inside her room, saying the most stupid things out of timing to Yahiko without even listening to what we have to say since the beginning!"

"Sano, I-"

"You what, Kenshin? You'll apologize for your rash actions again? I tell you, if something happens to Jou-chan again I'll…"

Sano stopped. He closed his eyes and brushed his face with his hand.

Sighing deeply he continued. "… nothing. It's just that…"

Kenshin met his stare.

"Listen. You're the most important person in Jou-chan's life now and its pretty ironic that you're the one who's careless in dealing with this problem. Kenshin, you're the only one who can help Jou-chan get back to herself. Not me, not the kid, not Misao, but YOU," Sano glared.

Kenshin was awe-stricken by the rooster-head's statement. Smiling awkwardly at the taller man, he acknowledged his gratefulness.

"Thank you, Sano-Okina, for taking care of Kaoru while I was still unconscious. Frankly, I don't know what to say. Sanosuke, I'm sorry if I have caused you trouble for not listening about Kaoru's condition. I'm ashamed of my actions, that I feel sad," Kenshin told them. "Kaoru means a lot to me and I feel distressed that I'm the one who made her fight in the first place and thus resulted this misfortune."

"I miscalculated my actions and assumed everything will turn out fine, and did not even think what might happen here while I was gone,"

"I underestimated the Juppongatana's capabilities. I should have known they could bring about such tragedy that affected all, since Kaoru is close to our hearts,"

Okina stood up and patted Kenshin on the shoulder. "Iie, Himura. We understand you perfectly well. Your affection and care for the girl is far beyond our grasp and we can't blame you for your reactions a while ago. Let's just work together to be able to find the cure for this, so she can regain her memory soon," he suggested.

Kenshin nodded.


"Kaoru? Its time for your dinner," Misao stroked the back of the then sleeping Kaoru.

Good thing the sleeping tea worked for her. It really calmed her compared to a while ago.


Kaoru shoved away her blanket and turned to smile at Misao. She yawned and slowly got up and looked at the foot of her futon. "Where's Yahiko?"

Misao smiled back at her. "He's with the others. They're all eating together."

Kaoru thought for a second. "W-with the others?"

"Yeah. Why, Kaoru?"

"With the stranger? The one you call Kenshin?"

Misao looked surprised. She nodded. "That's right."

"C-can I join you all to eat?"

"Huh?" the weasel girl was more surprised. "But you can't…"

With pleading eyes, Kaoru begged Misao. "Please?"

Misao sighed. "S-sure. But be careful as you stand up okay? You've not yet recovered fully, you know that."

Kaoru smiled sheepishly. "Thank you Misao-chan."


"Saitou? Dead?" Kenshin stopped nipping at his soup.

"Yeah. I think so. He went back inside the blazing shrine. I thought he may be dead. No one could survive that fire," Sano said in between his chopsticks.

Kenshin contemplated with what Sano had said. The former Shinsengumi third unit captain was a very cunning, say the least. And to be able to survive the end of the Tokugawa era with many adversaries at either side is a big thing. Its very impossible for one wolf of Mibu like Saitou Hajime to just perish in a fire.

"I don't think so, Sano," Kenshin retorted.

Sano stopped munching on his rice ball. "And what makes you say that?"

Kenshin happily sipped on his tea cup. "Let's just say I know Saitou. Only a sword can kill him, I bet on that," he smiled.

"Hmph," Sano grunted. "But I swear I saw him walk back inside that burning-JOU-CHAN!"

Yahiko was quick to assist Kaoru. "Kaoru! What are you doing out here?"

Megumi was up to her feet instantly and felt Kaoru's pulse. "Are you alright? Do you need something…?"

"Yeah! You should be back to bed."


Kaoru shook her head and smiled to all. "Nah, I'm tired of sleeping. I just wanna eat dinner with you guys. I'm bored inside my room, you know," she jeered while chuckling to herself.

"I told her that already but she insisted. Besides, if I'm in her shoes, being inside a room for days would really make me go crazy!" Misao said.

Everybody laughed at Misao's point. "Oh well, come and join us Kaoru-san! These are good! Kenshin cooks great!" Kuro pointed to the vegetables laid before them.

Everybody fell silent at that moment. Kenshin gazed up at her.


Kaoru almost jumped upon hearing the Kenshin's unfamiliar voice who was seated beside Okina. She looked at him and regarded him carefully.

He looks kind. But I don't know… I fear him. She began to feel her head twitch in pain a little. She couldn't hide this from the others.

"Misao, why don't you help Kaoru get back to her room…"



She tried to smile blissfully at them. "I want to eat with you okay?" she said while settling herself beside Kenshin without taking off her smile. "C'mon! Let's eat! I'm starving!"

Everybody watched as Kaoru reached for some rice balls and filled her cup with tea. They were dumbfounded by her actions.

Sano grinned and broke the silence around them. "You heard her! Let's eat!"

The house was full of happy chatters and liveliness that evening.

You know what to do now! Please R&R! Thanks! More reviews, faster updates! Ciao! ^_^