Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Rekindled Darkness ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Hey guys I know I know short, but think of it this way, most authors (not all) post once weekly with 10-14pages per chap, well I’m posting daily 2-3 pages per chap so by the end of the week you still get the same amount if not more, so up to you guys if want I’ll post long chapters once a week or I’ll do the shorts daily.


Ok opinion time: Do you think Batousai would still do the laundry? (I’m thinking of doing something with this but I’m not sure if he would or wouldn’t do the laundry)


Disclaimer: I don’t own Kenshin, but I have a cookie wanna trade?


Chapter 4:


          & nbsp; Kaoru sniffled as she looked up at Kenshin… she smiled softly. He gently pulled her close to him and stroked her hair until she stopped crying. “Kaoru, don’t worry, I will protect your happiness.” He breathed into her hair as he continued to try and calm her fears.

            ; Slowly Kaoru pulled away and looked into his steal blue eyes, “I…” she trailed off before her eyes narrowed, “I thought you left! Kenshin no Baka!”  Her fist came up punch him since her bokken was currently absent, but instead of connecting with his face, she felt his hand carefully catch her fist with a concerned yet amused look in his eye.

            The two just held their position neither wanted to be the first to break the silence as they locked their eyes blue watching blue. After several minuets, Kenshin finally leaned forward releasing her hand, and whispered in her ear, “I will always protect you Kaoru, always.”

         &nb sp;  Her cheeks flushed a soft pink as his breath tickled the inside of her ear, so, she quickly lowered her head to try and conceal it from Kenshin’s view. 

            As Kenshin stood there he let his eyes trace over her form, she could only be described as lovely, with her cheeks a flushed pink, and her ebony hair hanging down to her shoulders caressing them as she moved, not to mention the purple kimono that she was wearing… yes he diffidently would protect her at all costs even with his life…

             “Ne… Kenshin…” she said softly drawing him out of his reprieve, “My hair ribbon… do you still have it?”

          & nbsp; A slight smile tugged on his lips as he pulled out the blue ribbon, with the red spots?

            ; Kaoru’s eyes narrowed “Kenshin!” she yelled when her eyes fell on the blood-splattered ribbon.

          &nbs p; Kenshin however, didn’t even flinch it was almost like he found this more amusing than when she had tried to hit him. 

            “Mou!” she crossed her arms in frustration, sometimes Kenshin could really drive her crazy.

            ; Just then she felt a sword callused hand on top of her own. “We’ll buy a new one.”

             She turned her head back towards him with surprised eyes “Kenshin…”

Sano sauntered up to the dojo he was still trying to figure out why there was spilled tofu not too far out side of the gate but that didn’t really matter he felt lucky today and he was going to convince Kenshin to join him at the gambling house today… He’d just have to twist the truth a little… just then he could hear the familiar sound of a shinai swinging down and someone counting.

“109, 110, 111,” Yahiko counted as he swung the shinai down again and again.

Sano poked his head inside the dojo and grinned, “So you ticked Jo-chan off already this morning?”

Yahiko paused mid stroke, “No! I’m just practicing!” he shot back annoyed at what Sano had implied after all he actually did practice on his own now and then.

Sano didn’t miss a beat, “Regardless, where’s Kenshin?”

Yahiko pointed his Shinai towards Kaoru’s room, “He’s in there.”

Sano turned his head so he could see the room Yahiko had indicated and grinned, ‘why that Casanova…’ as he started to walk towards it.