Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Rekindled Darkness ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: ok here’s another chapy I made it a little longer to make up for this mornings extra short one ^_^. Sorry guys, I know it’s late at night, but I got off of work at ten, and I had to type up what I hand wrote, (plus I revise the stuff I write between scenes) (I work back stage for plays) so it kinda took me longer than I thought sorry! Please don’t beat me, (hides) nice readers?

Question: Should Kenshin go back to the blue gi?

Disclaimer:  Here it goes, I own Rurouni Kenshin… <men in white coats bring in strait jacket and hall me off.>


Chapter 6:

Yahiko having finish practicing walked over to stand next to Kaoru. “Oi Busu! Why’s your face so red? You trying to pass your self off as a tomato?” he teased.

          &nbs p; Kaoru ignored the comment simply content to drill holes in the gate with her eyes as her eyebrow twitched in aggravation. “Yahiko!”

        &n bsp;   Yahiko looked back up at her upon hearing his name, he was however beginning to feel sorry for the poor fence.

            “We’re going out for breakfast.” She said determinedly.

         &nbs p;  Yahiko nearly cried out in joy and relief, after Kenshin had failed to cook breakfast he was sure Kaoru would take up the choir and poison them all. He decided to hurry before she changed her mind, he was already out of the gate and just barley in sight after the dust cloud had settled down before he stopped to wait for her, “Come on Busu! Lets go already!”

         &n bsp;  Kaoru nodded as she started out after him, she was just going to go out as is, after all she was somewhat presentable. Walking out she finally caught up to Yahiko who started to drag her into town.

            Kenshin narrowed his eyes at Sano “An illegal gambling house? This is your idea of important business?”

            “Now Kenshin that sword of yours technically isn’t legal either…” He said pointing to the sakabatou.

            “I will not be apart of this.”  With that said he turned and started to walk away.

            “Oi Kenshin! Wait a second!”

         &nb sp;  Kenshin just ignored him as he walked away, however as soon as he turned the corner his hands immediately flew up and caught a girl with long black hair, holding her at arms length. She panted for a moment but then looked Kenshin in the eyes, “Please Save me! There are terrible men after me!”  Kenshin narrowed his eyes as he looked at the riffraff that perused her. 

            “Stay behind me.” He commanded as he gently pushed her back and stepped in front of her. He locked eyes with her hunters, “This woman is now under my protection, I suggest you leave if you want to live…”

          ;   The two men glanced at each other before coming at him. In the blink of an eye the street ran red with blood Kenshin looked down at the bloody sword and cursed inwardly he would need to get a new Katana… the crowd near by paused before quickly returning to their daily routines, Kenshin looked at the girl and was just about ask if she was ok when he felt a fighters ki flare up hostelry. Just then something whizzed through the air heading straight for the girl. Kenshin quickly stepped in front of her and spun his sword around deflecting the tiny throwing knifes.

            Megumi looked on wide eyed at the two rasen-bo that lay on the ground right in front of where Kenshin had been standing… ‘Where did he go?’

            A moment later Kenshin returned to where she waited. “You’re coming with me, Now.”  And with out waiting for protest he grabbed her hand and headed for the dojo.

            Kaoru gave a small smile of triumph, she and Yahiko had, had a wonderful breakfast and she had sent Yahiko on ahead saying she just wanted to go for a walk before she came home. But truth be told, she was really trying to make sure Kenshin knew she had gone out, after all she could not tolerate him ordering her about like that.

               She looked at the woods around her, the birds singing was quite pleasant. Her sandaled feet made some of the leaves crunch as she walked all of this seemed to wrap around each other in a natural symphony. ’See Kenshin I can take care of myself.’

         &nb sp;   However, after awhile, the only sound that could be herd was the crackling of the leaves, the birds had stopped singing, something just seemed to feel wrong… It was getting too quite… “Perhaps I should go home now…’ she thought as she turned around and started back.

            Yahiko arrived back at the dojo and shook his head, Kenshin was not going to be happy, he knew exactly why she was going out of the dojo today and oh was she going to get it… shaking his head once more he picked up his shinai and entered the actual dojo room to continue practicing.

            Kenshin finally arrived at the dojo, where he opened the gate and lead Megumi in, “This way.” He instructed as he showed her through the yard to the main sitting room, “Wait here.”

           ;  Megumi just looked at him curiously but entered the tatami covered room and sat down with her legs folded under her in a seiza position to wait. After all he could be trusted she reasoned he had helped her in the streets…

         &nb sp;  Once Kenshin was satisfied that she wouldn’t leave, he walked away to try and find Yahiko and Kaoru, Kaoru especially. He could feel Yahiko’s ki but Kaoru’s was strangely absent… ‘She wouldn’t…’ quickly he shrugged the thought away and walked to the dojo where Yahiko was still practicing. “Yahiko.”

            Yahiko stopped his practice strokes and looked up at Kenshin.

          &nb sp; “We have a guest, I want you to watch her, while I get Kaoru…” he trailed off as he suspiciously eyed Yahiko’s too innocent to be really face. “You wouldn’t happen to know where she is would you?”

            Yahiko looked at Kenshin guiltily, Busu? She went for a walk…” At Kenshin’s darkened expression, he decided to quickly change the subject. “So what about this guest?”

         &nbs p;  Kenshin knowing that time is of the essence let the pervious subject drop, “She’s got some people after her, so I need you to be cautious. I’m counting on you Yahiko.” As soon as the sentence left his mouth Yahiko’s eyes seemed to sparkle with happiness as he puffed his chest out and confidently rested his shinai on his shoulder, Kenshin let a ghost of a smile grace his lips.

            “You can count on me Kenshin!” he replied his voice just bursting with excitement.

             “I’ll be back…” he informed him before turning and walking away.

            Sano looked at the dice sadly, if only he could have convinced Kenshin to stay then he knew he would have been winning instead of loosing, heck, he had lost all of the money he had brought in with him in the first place. Shaking his head he bid his gambling buddies good-bye and headed on back toward the dojo, with any luck he could bum lunch off of Jou-chan.

          &n bsp; Kaoru was running by now, which didn’t help with the fact that she was utterly lost, she had been trying to find her way for hours now, but she still couldn’t, not to mention the added pressure of being followed. She was almost a hundred percent sure of it by now, that some one was hiding in the trees following her every step. She now wished she had, had the foresight to bring her bokken along with her. ‘Kaoru no Baka!’ She turned her head to chance another glance at the trees only to find her stocker missing… “Did I loose him?” she whispered just as she crashed into something sturdy. “Uh!” she grunted in surprise as the air rushed from her lungs, she was falling. But then something firm yet shockingly gentle caught her by the shoulders and pulled her back up to her feet, only to come face to face with, “Kenshin…” she breathed out.