Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Ressurection of the Fireflies ❯ Memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Heya! I just finished watching Grave of the fireflies. and I was thinking how unfair it was to the little girl in there. Well anyways, I decided to write a rk fic, crossed over with a bit of grave of the fireflies. ;) Kaoru is the little girl, and instead of being set in ww2, it's at the war, um.. Was is bakamitsu? X.x it was the one Ken was in when he was a teen.

Kaoru's POV

I still remember him, my big brother. Who could forget a sibling such as he? He risked so much for me, and cared for me like my parents when we became orphaned. He was the reason why I'm still here, the sensei of the Kamiya Kasshin Dojo.

My hell began when I was 4 years old; my brother at the time was 15. We were living in a small village in Japan, a neighbor of Kyoto. Times were hard, but still, my brother and I lived happily with our mother. We had a 2- course dinner every day, and real white rice. It was so hard to come by good quality food in times of war. We were very fortunate, at least that's what I had believed... until the Ishin Shishi raided our village, that is. You see, my father had been an important member of the shinsengumi. That's all I remember of him.

-Flash back-

Sounds of ringing filled the air, a caller screamed into the crisp morning air. "RAID! THE ISHIN SHISHI ARE ATTACKING!" as he waved a bell around. The siren piercing through the silence like a knife through butter.

In the back yard of a small house, a young boy was placing supplies into a hole. After all, you didn't want to lose everything in a raid. As he set a jar of rice down, a melodic voice floated to his ear.

"Ketsa are you almost done? Don't forget. take care of your sister!" said the voice. From the door way appeared the speaker. She was a beautiful woman, obviously his mother. Soft black hair was pulled back into a bun; she was wearing a beautiful pink kimono, and had soft blue eyes.

The boy had short black hair, and was wearing kaki loose gi pants. He wore a white tank top to accompany it. Continuing his work, he briefly let his vision wander to the lovely woman he was proud to call mother.

The young boy, Ketsa sighed, why was she worried about him and his sister? He was more concerned for her health than anything. Though his mother had a very strong will, her body was fragile. "We'll be fine mom, just head to shelter." Following those words came another voice. Innocent and full of life, yet very faint.

"Bai momma!" The little girl bounced her way up to her little brother, waving her hand as she went. When she finished her farewell parting, she latched onto her brother's legs, tiny arms barely able to fit completely around. "Ketsa-chan! I don't like the shelters.. It's always hot."

Lips twitched as he tried to suppress a smile, and hold a serious face. "Kaoru-chan, it's for the best, mom would be devastated if you were hurt." Grabbing an apron, he knelt down. Kaoru in turn, climbed on his back. Putting the apron on, and fastening his sister to his back, he ran out of the back yard. (Note: the apron is the old Japanese apron.not the kind we wear here.)

The village was in utter chaos. Women, children, and old men ran through the streets, carrying all they could to safety. Ketsa picked his way though the panicked hoard of people. Suddenly, everyone began to scream, burning arrows, lit aflame rained down upon the streets. Houses caught on fire, and those who were unfortunate enough to become hit, fell to the earth, and skin charring. Ketsa did the only thing he could think of, run. It was like a stampede, the inhabitants of the group moved as one, running. If you fell behind, you were as good as dead. Ketsa, frustrated since he was heading the wrong direction, broke off from the group and headed down an alleyway. Not long after, a group of ishin shishi charged down the street he had been on. Screams of pain and terror caused Ketsa to freeze in his tracks. A shiver ran up his spine. He turned to look, to find three of the samurai heading towards him. There was only one thing Ketsa could do. and that was run.

Kaoru clung to her big brothers back. Burying her face into the back of his shirt. She was so confused, what was going on? The two weaved in and out through burning streets, narrowly dodging falling pieces of fire. They lost their chasers when they slid down a hill, and hid in a cave at the bottom. Staying there until nightfall, they didn't emerge again until dawn. Crawling back up the hill, Ketsa held a crying Kaoru in his arms.

They stared in wonder at the sight before them. All the fields, all the houses were burnt down. All that was left was the old school house. Other survivors littered the streets. Everyone headed toward the schoolhouse as another messenger cried to the crowd. "Attention all inhabitants! Please head to the elementary school for first aid treatment!"

It was there that Ketsa found out the whereabouts of his mother. He didn't dare till his sister that their mother was dead. Ketsa, handed Kaoru their mothers ring, claiming that she wanted Kaoru to hold it for their mom. That night, they stayed at the school, and headed to Osaka the next morning. For a month, the two stayed at an aunt's house. However, their stay there didn't last long.

"At least my family does something to help the war. My daughter is out there every day, helping the injured. My husband, helping to ward off the raids and fight the fires. THEY at least earn their dinner. You're old enough to fight the fire's Ketsa, why don't you help? Lazy boy. I feed you, and this is the thanks I get?" the aunt raged on as she handed Ketsa another bowl of rice.

Kaoru, angered that this woman dared to talk to her brother that way, muttered. "But it was our rice in the first place." Moreover, what she said had been true. The brother and sister had sold their mothers old kimono's to for a jar of rice. (Remember, they had buried supplies.)

"Oh, so that's how you want to play it now? I have an idea, how bout we each make our own dinners from now on, until you apologize." The aunt scowled. Impertinent child, she thought. This was wartime, and food didn't come by easy. It was hard enough having two extra mouths to feed.

Therefore, from that day on, Ketsa cooked meals for him and his sister. Yet still, their aunt complained. Finally, during another raid, the two ran down to an old cave. "I hate living there, why can't we live somewhere else?" Kaoru complained

Ketsa brooded on that. Suddenly, and idea came to him. His aunt's last words floated through his mind. "Headed for shelter again Ketsa? Your old enough to help fight. you can live in that shelter for all I care. Like cock roaches.. You can't get rid of them, and they're never grateful."

This was when they started to live in that cave. Spreading out a futon, and mosquito netting, they had a comfortable home, and Ketsa traded their mothers clothing for food. He bought a stove, and for a while, life was perfect. Then one night, they decided to catch as many fire flies as the could, and put it inside their home. For you see, Kaoru was deathly afraid of the dark. And that's how they slept; their cave alit by a soft green glow made by at least 30 fireflies.

The next morning, Ketsa awoke to find his sister digging a hole. Stalking up to her, he asked. "What are you doing Kaoru-chan?" He eyed her activities warily. By the hole was a small fruit drop can, which was filled with flowers. Kaoru began scooping a large pile of dead fireflies into the hole. She didn't answer her brother until she had finished burying them.

Placing her hands together, she answered before murmuring a small prayer. "I'm making them a grave. Just like they made a grave for mommy." Bowing her head, she began whispering for a safe journey for the firefly spirits.

Ketsa stiffened, his eyes became moist. Images of his dead mother flashed through his mind. The last time he had seen his mother, she was a blood mess, wrapped in bandages. The only skin that was showing was her lips, and her eyelids. He remembers watching as they threw her corpse along with the others into a large hole for a mass burial. Feeling his knees goes weak, and he fell to his knees, wrapping his arms around his sister. Refusing to cry, he squeezed her tight. "How.. How did you know?" He had hoped to spare his sister the pain. He never wanted his sister to think that their mother would never be there for them again.

It wasn't until then that Kaoru began to cry. Pearls rolling down her cheeks. "Why do fireflies have to die so fast? They were so beautiful last night. just like mommy. Auntie told me. she said that they put momma in a grave ."

Weeks pass and times grew harder for the two. No farmers would sell them food. It was wartime after all. Finally, Ketsa had to resort to stealing. Most of the food he took went to his sister. However, one day, he was caught. Though Kaoru was only four at the time, she still remembers vividly as her brother was beaten. His words still etched into her mind. "Please.. My sister.. Kaoru.. Please.. She needs the food! She's sick.. please!" She had never heard her brother beg. He did it all for her.

Soon, stealing was not an option anymore. Ketsa did the best he could to provide for his sister. However, it wasn't enough. Kaoru became weaker everyday. The doctor diagnosed food. Malnutrition was the problem. Ketsa didn't know what to do. he was so hungry, but every food he got was given to his sister. Finally, he realized what a mistake it was. Even living with their aunt was better than this. Nevertheless, they couldn't go back now. He told their aunt that they would never come back. As he was trading for food, he came upon news, the war was over.. the Meji era had begun. Returning to the cave, with a single watermelon, he fed it to his sister.

Kaoru weakly smiled at her brother. She felt so drained, and it took all her energy just to move. However, move she did. Nudging two stones at Ketsa, she rasped. "Look brother. rice balls... I made them for you."

Ketsa stared at them horrified.

Kaoru, seeing the look, "What's wrong... you don't like them..?"

Shaking his head, Ketsa merely stated. "I love them, just rest..., and eat." Handing her the watermelon, he ran out the cave, in search of more food.

While he was away, a young man, around the age of 30, walked by the cave. He was just getting back from the war, and looked forward to getting home. Needing a place to camp for the night, he found Kaoru in the cave. Worried for the girl's life, he grabbed her and rushed her to a doctor. The girl was barely breathing, and if he hadn't of come along, not long after, she would have died.

When Ketsa returned, Kaoru was gone. Panicked, he searched all over town for her. Not being able to find her, he sunk into a state of depression. Nothing mattered to him anymore. He decided to rest under a bridge, with the other town bums. As a couple of police officer walked by, they nudged him. The only response was a thud, as he fell to the ground.

Shaking his head, the police officer murmured to his partner. "This one's a goner to. You can see it in their eyes." He then began to search Ketsa, to find identification, and found only one possession, a fruit drop can. Ketsa's last words, before he fell asleep later.. "Kaoru"

By the time Kaoru awoke, she was snug in a futon at the Kamiya Dojo. No matter how much she tried, the man who lived there wouldn't hear of letting her leave. It wasn't until a year later that she met a police officer, which knew of her brother's whereabouts.

The police officer had somehow been stuck with the job of babysitting Kamiya Kaoru. Therefore, to amuse her, he told her stories about some of his adventures. Kaoru, not believing that he had been at Osaka, since his description of the place was a bit off, demanded proof. As proof, the police officer handed her an old battered fruit drop can, claiming he found it under a bridge in the town. Kaoru, instantly recognized the can, and turned it to peer at the bottom. Her suspicions were confirmed. Engraved there was the message. "Surprise! - Love Ketsa" Her brother always remembered how much she used to love those fruit drops.

End flashback

I don't know why I never really felt any hatred towards the imperialists. It actually at times shames me to think that I cared so much for the group that had stolen my family's life from my hands. However, as Mr. Kamiya adopted me, and raised me as his daughter, I began to understand that my loathings of the members of the ishin shishi were pointless. Everyone lost loved one's in war, some more than others did. Yes, at times, deep in my heart, I felt a grudge against Kenshin. Nevertheless, as I got to know him, that grudge transformed into love.


Sigh I'm sorry.. I realized I might have rushed the prolog a bit. but I wanted to get it over with, so I could start the real story. Btw..

Grave of the Fireflies, and Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X, does not belong to me.

This entire chapter was based off of the movie Grave of the Fireflies, except with a different ending... and RK characters. After this point, it has no ties to Grave of the Fireflies.