Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Ruroken Haiku Collection ❯ Tomoe ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing Ruroken, although the world would be a great place if I could say thatI owned anything that good!
Ruroken Haiku Collection
White plum blossoms fall
Like blood raining from the sky,
Staining the snow red.
Author's Note: Just a little collection of Rurouni Kenshin Haiku. Although honestly, my roommate tells me that they are Houku because with the exception of this chapter, "Tomoe," they aren't nature focused. (shrugs) I'll just call them Haiku and stick with the old Junior High rule of "a haiku is 5-7-5 syllables" even though I know it's wrong. I might confused people if I called it the Ruroken Houku Collection... Because I know I just confused myself.
A lot (if not all of them) will focus on Kenshin. Either spoken by him or to him... or they are about him. But I'm sure I'll break that trend pretty quickly... (laughs)
Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing!
Dewa mata!