Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Second Impressions ❯ Demonis Shadow Assassins ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Second Impressions
Part II
“Megumi! The windows are open!” Misao whined.
Megumi gave a long-suffering sigh. “Yes, Misao, some of us appreciate the wonders of the sun. Natural light? Vitamin D?”
“Skin cancer? This is a secret meeting! If Kaoru were to walk by and notice the window open, she could climb up the side of the building, and use one of those special hearing-enhancers to eavesdrop!” Misao protested, using wild hand motions to add to her ideas.
“Since when did Kaoru become Spiderman?” Sano asked as he came out of the bathroom. His wet hair was limp and hung around his shoulders.
“Whoa...Sano, what did you do to your hair?” Misao said in an awed voice.
“The hair dryer is broken.” Sano explained, and then realized what he'd just said. “That is...I mean...”
“You use my hair dryer?” Megumi asked, alarmed. She had always assumed her boyfriend was the picture of masculinity. Next he'd admit to using hair gel.
“Only if you're out of hair spray!” Sano assured her. It didn't have the desired effect. Misao and Megumi exchanged horrified looks before mutually agreeing to never mention this again.
“So. Shall we start the meeting?” Misao offered.
“Hang on. I invited some of Kenshin's friends.” Sano told her. “Aoshi Shinomori and Goro Fujita.”
“Do they work with him, or what?” Megumi asked. “Although I don't think Kenshin has coworkers. When I asked him, he said he did free-lance.”
“I don't know. He introduced me to them when we went to a bar a couple weeks ago. I figured they'd want to help.”
“Would this be that one night when you were out until four in the morning and crashed at my place?” Misao asked curiously. “Because you were so drunk I'm surprised you remember their names.”
“Hey! I handle my alcohol well!” Sano insisted.
Both girls laughed. “If you think about what you just said, you'll realize why it's so funny.” Megumi told him.
A knock on the door saved Sano from further mockery. When he opened the door, he found the two men he'd called standing outside.
“Are you going to let us in, idiot?” Fujita asked.
Sano moved aside and they came in.
Misao dropped the glass of juice she'd been holding. “Aoshi?” She said, staring up at him. “I thought you retired!”
“I did.” Aoshi told her. “I run a business now.”
“No, you don't. I called some of our mutual relations, and they told me otherwise. And if you are retired, why are you here with Saitou? And aren't you supposed to be in Tibet?” Misao demanded. Her face was reddening from rage.
“What's going on?” Megumi asked sharply.
“Nothing. Just catching up on old times.” Misao snapped. “We'll talk later.”
The five sat down on the couches and chairs in the living room. Saitou/Fujita and Aoshi waited patiently for someone to explain why the heck they were gathered here.
“Sano, did you tell these two why they're here?' Megumi asked. He shook his head. She nodded in understanding. “I didn't think so. Well, the reason we are all gathered here today is because we're trying to set Kaoru and Kenshin up.”
“You called us here to interfere in Himura's love life.” Aoshi repeated. He hadn't been expecting that.
“Exactly.” Misao agreed. “Well, and Kaoru's love life too. I don't know Kenshin all that well, but Kaoru has no love life.”
“Do they even know each other?” Saitou asked.
“Yeah, we tricked them into making out in Sano's office a couple days ago and then they went to dinner yesterday.” Megumi explained.
Neither Aoshi nor Saitou showed any emotion upon hearing this, but inwardly they were both experiencing a `WTF?' moment.
“How did you pull that off?” Saitou asked
“We told her that there was a bet where she had to kiss whoever walked into the office next.” Sano explained.
“And she agreed to this?” Aoshi wondered what kind of person would agree to kiss a complete stranger.
“There was some minor lying and bribing involved. Nothing serious.” Misao said airily.
“How much did you offer her?” Saitou asked suspiciously.
`Thousand bucks.” Megumi said. “Now that you know the story, let's move on. Our next step is worm the details of their date out of them.”
“I'll go over to Kaoru's tonight and see what she'll tell me.” Misao offered. “Sano can ask Kenshin. Or one of you two can ask.”
“Once we know how well it went, we can start planning.” Megumi added.
“For what?” Sano asked. “Their next date?”
“If I were you, I'd be planning your funerals.” Said a voice from the door. “My apprentice doesn't take kindly to interference in his personal life.”
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Kaoru willed the tea to heat faster. She wanted to get Misao out as fast as possible. Not that she didn't love her friend dearly, but thee were times when her unusually good senses, possibly heightened by long years of experience, or maybe freak accidents in chemistry, grated on Kaoru's nerves.
“Kaoru! Why aren't you talking to me?” Misao called into the kitchen. With a sigh, Kaoru poured the tea and came into the living room. She sat in front of Misao, who stared with intensity back.
`This does not bode well for me...please, let her swallow whatever I tell her and not start making matchmaking plans...and planning weddings like that one time in college...'
“So, Misao. Not that I don't appreciate the company, but why are you here?”
“Your date! Tell me everything about your date!” Misao said excitedly. She leaned forward, and Kaoru flattened herself against the back of the sofa, wondering if Misao would attack if she moved.
“It was fun. We had seafood. He's a sexist creepy stalker homicidal maniac and can you not invade my personal space?” Kaoru babbled nervously.
`I shouldn't have mentioned the homicidal maniac thing...or the sexist thing, now she's going to lecture me...'
“Kaoru! How many guys have you called sexist homicidal maniacs? You never give anyone a chance!”
“None, and yes, I do. What do you think this date was? It was his chance to impress me.”
“Kaoru! The first date is about making that connection! You always hold back and then it turns the guy off and then you'll become a crazy cat lady and be alone foever and ever!”
“How did we get from the purpose of the first date to my future?”
“Do you like him or not?” Misao demanded. In her fervor she had stood up on top of the coffee table, and she peered down at Kaoru with bright eyes.
“I like him, but-” Kaoru was cut off by her friend's dancing on the table.
“You like him! You like him! You haven't liked anyone I've set you up with in years! Yay!”
“What do you mean, you set me up with him? Misao!” Kaoru pulled the girl she was hugging off of her and glared.
“Sano said he had a friend who was really picky so I told him to get you two to meet! I was so happy when you told me he'd called you for an actual date! At last, you join the ranks of normal, non-man hating women everywhere!”
“I'm not a man-hater! I just don't like the guys you pick, and for good reason. Have you seen your choice in guys?”
“What's wrong with my choice?” Misao pouted. Kaoru wondered why Misao had gone in for a career in choreography when she would have made an amazing actress.
“You've dated either really boring guys, or one with multiple piercing, indecent tattoos, and weird hair colors.”
“So? I can't help it! It's just the way I am!”
“And my desire to have a normal relationship with a normal guy who possesses none of the above traits is the way I am.” Kaoru finished.
“Fine, fine. I accept our differences. But tell me about your date.”
“I did already!”
“No! I need details! Analysis! What did you talk about?”
“We discussed work, his upbringing, swords, Shaista Von Du...”
“Shaista Von Du? Why did you do that? Never discuss other women on a first date!”
“He has a restraining order against her.”
“Even worse! It'll make him wary of commitment! Swords, why did you talk about swords?”
“He was raised by a swordsman and I was raised in a dojo. This dojo, actually. It was something we have in common. Is that a safe topic, Misao?”
“Yeah, I guess if he likes them too it's okay.”
Misao continued to interrogate Kaoru relentlessly for the next hour and a half. Finally, Kaoru laid down the law.
`Misao, it's getting late and I have to work tomorrow morning. Go away.”
“Alright! Alright! I'm leaving. Call me if Kenshin calls you.”
“So glad to know you care so much.” Kaoru mumbled as she relaxed on the couch.
`Peace and quiet at last...hopefully Misao is assuaged for now...I hope she doesn't harass Kenshin...I seem to recall her interviewing every guy I've ever dated to see if they had any least I know Sano won't harass him, since he was the one who introduced us, if you can call that an introduction...'
She didn't know when or how, but somewhere in her thoughts, she fell asleep.
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Kenshin couldn't ever recall being this nervous in his life. Not even when he made his first kill. Not even when he had watched his Shishou kill for the first time. Not even when Shishou had gushed him off that waterfall to teach him how to swim and he had retaliated by spiking his sake with colorful mushrooms.
He held the phone in his hands, but he couldn't summon the courage to dial her number.
He had realized when he had called her for dinner that this conversation would eventually have to occur. He knew no good relationship was based on lies. He would had to tell her the truth.
But on the second date did felt a little early. If Shishio hadn't been moving in on him with his pet swordsmen, if there weren't so many people coming into the city for the express mission of destroying him, he would have probably put it off for a very, very long time.
After all, Sano still hadn't told Megumi anything. And he was about to pop the question.
So now Kenshin had to spill his entire life story out to a woman he had only known for about a week and hope she didn't totally freak out.
`This would be much less scary if my life didn't involve so many dead people...and crimes...and more dead people...most of whom I killed...not to mention I run an illegal police force as my night job...yeah, she's going to take this really well. How do I start, anyways? `Yeah, when I said I do free-lance consultant work, I lied, I kill people.' Maybe I should try and plan for this. I made a list of things I should and shouldn't say if I ever had a girlfriend. I should probably dig it out.'
Kenshin realized even his thoughts had descended into nervous babbling and knew that if he didn't call her soon, he would manage to convince himself to not tell her.
He dialed the number.
“Kamiya residence, Kaoru speaking.” He nearly dropped the phone and cursed his nerves. `I am going to need therapy when this is over.'
“It's me, Kenshin. How are you?”
“Fine. How are you?”
“I'm fine. I was wondering if you were free this weekend.”
“This coming weekend? I have Sunday afternoon free.”
“That's perfect. I was wondering if you wanted to drop by for lunch.”
“Lunch.” She repeated. Kenshin wondered if she was interpreting his intentions wrongly and decided to rectify the situation before she turned him down.
“Yes, lunch. I have nothing better to do then cook, and I'd rather cook for two than one.”
“Sure. Lunch is fine.”
“What should I make, then?” `Almost over. Please just give me a straight answer so I can go figure out what the hell I'm going to tell you.'
“Italian.” She told him. “Is one okay with you?”
“One is perfect. Should I come pick you up?”
“No, I have a shoot in the morning. Where do you live?”
“Tenth District, Smoking Towers. Penthouse apartment. Just take the elevator all the way up.”
“Okay. See you then.” Kenshin hung up, relieved. Now he needed to call Sano and ask him what to say.
Sitting in her office and editing a sot of a model climbing a tree, Kaoru picked up the phone and dialed Misao.
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“You're going to WHAT?” Sano yelped into the phone. “I haven't even told Megumi yet!”
“I know, but it's not safe for her to not know. Especially because-”
Sano had interrupted him then with a litany of reasons he shouldn't tell Kaoru anything whatsoever.
“It's the second date, you two hardly know each other, and it'll put her danger-”
“She already is, Sano, why do you think I'm-”
“How will her knowing all the gory facts help?”
“How will it help to not tell, Sano?”
Sano was silent. Kenshin knew he was wondering if he should tell Megumi.
“Yeah, I guess it can't hurt. Make sure you edit out all the gory details, will you?”
“I know. I'll call you afterwards, assuming she doesn't decide to kill me.”
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The Online Journal of Kaoru Kamiya
June 6th Lunch Laced With Arsenic
Today was long and grueling. Four models didn't like their shots and wanted me to retouch them even further. Three agents threatened to sue me for stuff I didn't do. And Roma told me she was thinking of firing me.
“Kayla, I'm thinking of letting you go. You've worked for six months, and I think its good to have fresh faces, you know? So get ready. I'll probably fire you next month.”
Yes, this is actually what she said, and believe me, I was shocked. Who does that? God, that woman needs severe therapy or something.
At least I have my date in an hour to cheer me up. Assuming he's not planning to poison me or anything. Great. Lunch, laced with arsenic. Can't be any worse than my cooking, right?
I saw Sano earlier since I had to drop off some stuff of Megumi's I'd borrowed. When I mentioned my date, he got all weird on me. I don't think Sano would let me go to Kenshin's for lunch if he thought it was poisoned, so that makes me wonder what exactly Kenshin has planned...and whether it involves actually eating lunch or something more intimate.
Misao certainly thinks so; she kept insinuating things on the phone when I called her after Kenshin called me, as per her instructions. Kenshin did sound pretty nervous over the phone. He sounded fine when he discussed killing his employer, so killing doesn't bother him. Maybe he is planning something more romantic and less evil.
I hope he makes good Italian food. Bad Italian food is evil. The only thing that's worse is bad Indian food, or bad Thai food. Judging by the leftovers he brought to Sano's after we...met...he's a decent cook. Although I may feel that way because my food is less than edible.
I've given people (like myself) food poisoning twice, okay? It could be a lot worse. Or a lot better. Gah. At least I know one meal I get tomorrow will be edible.
I need to leave this café and head to Tenth District. Bye!
Kaoru Kamiya
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After extensive, exhausting thought on the matter, he had finally figured out what he should tell Kaoru.
Unfortunately, that still left him with the problem of telling the girl we was dating that he was...well, he was abnormal even by nonhuman standards.
He was going to start by asking her if she was nonhuman. If she was, she'd ask questions, which he would answer, and eventually she'd ask the right questions and he wouldn't have to volunteer information.
He wasn't going to give her any details if possible, because the majority of his existence had been ruled by blood.
The table was set, the food was ready, and the apartment was cleaner than usual. With nothing to do, Kenshin sat, thinking, for a quarter hour before someone rang the doorbell.
He opened the door.
“Hi.” She said. Kaoru looked up with surprise at Kenshin. He seemed pale and bloodless. `Is he sick?'
“Hello. Come in.” Kenshin said, knowing from the look on her face that his apprehension was visible on his face. There went his plan to ease her into his secrets. She knew something was up.
“The food looks good.”
“Thank you.” He pulled her over to the couch, ignoring her surprised face.
“Kaoru, we need to talk...”
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The Online Journal of Kaoru Kamiya (locked entry)
June 7th, 2007 Untitled
I...I...Oh my God. I don't know why I'm writing all of this here, but it's locked and I plan to delete it once I'm done anyways. But I need to talk about it, and I don't know how to face my friends just yet.
Well, it was a date I'll never forget. I wish Misao had been right. I wish I had been right. But it was totally unexpected.
“Kaoru, remember how you called me a homicidal maniac? Well, I am.”
That's not what he said, of course. I think his exact phrase was “demonic shadow assassin”, actually. Not that is any better.
To recap what our...conversation...entailed, let me tell you this. Kenshin is a nonhuman. Well, that didn't surprise me. Did you see his eyes? Humans generally don't have amber eyes. Or hair that shade of red. Him being a demon didn't bother me at all. I was just glad he wasn't a vampire.
He recognized me as a nonhuman, although he didn't know exactly what I was. Another reason I'm glad he wasn't a vampire- vampires have a taste for siren blood.
Now I'm getting to the good part. It's easy to be calm, writing this. In my mind, it's a confused and freaky jumble. I'm terrified and disturbed and can't help but wonder if he couldn't have waited until after a few more dates.
He runs the nonhuman police force. Or one of them. I know about those kinds of groups, but I'm not in the underworld of nonhumans. I know other nonhumans, I'm part of the community, but I don't go out and feed on human flesh and whatever else the underworld does. I suppose nonhumans do tends to have certain advantages should they choose a career in crime.
But I chose a career in photography, so it doesn't concern me.
And I was right. He does kill people.
It should bother me more then it does. I know that. Maybe it's the fact that he kills criminals that softens the blow. Or maybe I'm still in shock.
He spoke of his past. He's old, by my standards, but young, he told me, by his standards. He's been in wars since he was a teenager. I don't want to go into the details. As weird as that is, it's not the big thing.
He knows more about me then I would ever, ever have told him. He knows. He saw it.
The spell carved into my back. That really scares me, because there's a reason it's secret. I didn't realize anyone could see it, but he claims it glows to him.
Do other people know? Can it be used to track me? Why is my life falling apart?
Kenshin told me that if I wanted to stop seeing him, I needed to call him so he could arrange for protection. He didn't tell me all this on a whim. Apparently his enemy is coming to town and he thought it would be safer for me to be aware.
I suppose it's sweet. Perhaps it's irrational, but I would rather be ignorant.
Now what do I do? I'll have to kill Sano; he did make me kiss a homicidal maniac.