Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Findings of Earth ❯ The Price to Pay ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I can not believe the support you guys gave me for the fic!!! Thanks so much!

To answer some of your questions… The little girl Kenshin didn't kill isn't Kaoru. The story is set in modern times in Japan. Now to the story….

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Chapter II

The Price to Pay

Kenshin was lying in the floor looking at the dark ceiling. There was really nothing to see but he didn't want to close his eyes because he might fall asleep and that was the last thing he wanted. He couldn't tell time but he thought that he had been in that dark cell for two weeks more or less. They had stop hitting him, the last visit he had of that type was when the first boss slashed his face. Since then he had been locked there having just one glass of water a day and a piece of old bread. He was hungry. He was cold, the floor of the cell was freezing and there was no way he could warm himself. The nights were the worst, they were the coldest and they appeared to last forever. He was tired too but he didn't want to sleep. At first he tried to stay awake so the punishers wouldn't take him by surprise but now he was just avoiding the dreams. Since that last time they hit him he had a lot of weird dreams. He saw a lot of images but when he woke up he didn't remember them. He just remembered a dark feeling of sorrow, regret and loneliness. His heart ached every morning and it hurt even more than his physical wounds. He hated the work he had to do for the gang but he still wanted to go outside that dark cell. He was beginning to miss the sun light and the fresh air of the streets. Kenshin never knew what freedom was, it was taken away from him when he was very little so he learn to appreciate the little things, the moments of peace he had, to contemplate a sunset or to just have some time for himself. He was beginning to miss those little things. He looked at the ceiling again. "At least there is a ceiling to look at"

The door opened with a loud noise. Kenshin listen the footsteps approaching him, he gathered all of his strength and slowly arose. He looked at the man in front of him. It was the first boss and this time he was alone. He stood in silence for a moment looking at Kenshin; finally he approached him and hit him hard in the ribs. Kenshin gasped but didn't scream and amazingly didn't fall to the floor.

"Go to your room" He said and then left the cell leaving the door open.

Kenshin slowly started to walk out of the dark cell. The light of the corridor outside blinded him for a moment and he closed his eyes waiting for them to adjust to the almost forgotten light. He slowly walked to the end of the corridor and started to make his way up to his room. Every muscle he moved hurt him. His hands were still cuffed together but he knew that the cuffs wouldn't be removed unless the first boss allowed it. On the way to his room he encountered other members of the gang but they didn't talk to him, they just stared at him as he slowly walked. Finally he arrived at his room. He closed the door behind him and inspected it. He missed that place, it was the closest thing to a home he had and he just wanted to return to it. Kenshin slowly walked to the mirror. He wanted to look at himself. What he saw wasn't a pretty sight. His eyes were swollen; his face was bruised and swollen too. His lip was cut and his left cheek was covered in dry blood. He slowly started cleaning his face and when he was finally done he could see the new scar that was in his face. He had a cross scar in his left cheek. He blinked a couple of times as he stared at his reflection. The new marking in his face looked strangely familiar. He ran his fingers through the scar and closed his eyes. He opened them again in less than a second and in that second he kept them shot hundreds of images appeared in his mind but he couldn't remember them. He knew he had seen something but he didn't know what.

Kenshin was really tiered and decided to get some sleep even if the images would appear again. He lay down in bed and accommodated himself the best he could with his hands still tied. He knew he would be punished for a long time and he was willing to accept it. He knew his life was their property but he also knew that some times he could make a difference and that by doing so he brought peace to his heart.

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Kenshin didn't know his real birth day, that along with all his memories from the past, was lost. Someday the first boss decided that Kenshin was sixteen and he finally got his gun. He was trained in its use and quickly he became a very good shooter. He was really good at fighting and he learned quickly. Kenshin thought that that was the only reason they kept him alive and didn't kill him. Since that time when he got the scar Kenshin was constantly punished because he continuously disobeyed the bosses. He had made a vow to himself never to kill again, no mater what, and he had paid that vow in blood and bruises. He was taken from his room cell in the second floor and was given a small cell with open bars in the first basement. This one didn't even have a bed, only an old mattress that was taken away whenever they pleased. The basement cell didn't have a window and was very cold. The only light was the one of the hall. Kenshin was locked in his room during the night but he could wander freely in the safe house during the day, that was when they didn't discipline him. He missed the view of the window but he accepted his new sleeping arrangements, one window wasn't enough to make him take a live. His bosses finally understood that the kid wasn't going to kill anyone so the used him in other type of missions like robbery.

He had learned to use many weapons but the one he was best at was the sword. No one ever trained him in its use but somehow the kid knew how to handle a katana. In an era where guns and fire arms were the main weapon there was a kid that worked for an unknown gang that preferred the sword. After he learned how to shoot he was forced to take his gun in some missions but he never used it. He hated the gun even if he was good at it. Somehow it didn't feel right. Eventually the bosses allowed him to drop the gun and use a sword only because he was so good at it. He discovered that with the sword he could defend himself without causing much harm. He was given a beautiful Katana that was built in the ancient times, some said it was from the early years of Meiji others said that from the Bakumatsu, it was stolen in one of their missions and they only gave it to him because he was the only one who could use it in the gang.

Kenshin liked the sword; it was really good and very sharp. He could cut all sorts of objects with it but when he was defending himself he flipped the blade or used the handle. He wasn't going to use that blade in another human being.

It was a dark night and Kenshin was in another one of his missions. He was inside some house and he was guarding the door while the bosses searched for something inside. He was dressed in black but his red hair shined making him really visible. His sword was at his side hidden in a black coat that he was wearing. Suddenly a scream was heard from inside the building and then some gun shots. Kenshin put his hand in his sword as he listened carefully trying to understand what was going on inside. "Someone is coming" The door was opened from inside as a thin and small man tripped and fell in front of Kenshin. The man had a terrified look on his face. He looked up and met Kenshin's eyes and the boy could read a plead in the older man's eyes. Kenshin took a deep breath; he looked at the man one more time and then closed the door preventing the members of the gang inside to run after the thin man. The man stayed where he was as he looked at Kenshin with unbelieving eyes.

"I can't hold them for long so you better run if you want to live another day"

Those words brought the man back to the world and he just did as he was told, he ran as fast as he could.

The men inside pushed at the door and finally got it open. The first thing they saw was the small figure of Kenshin standing in front of them.

"Where did he go?" Asked one of the men.

Kenshin remained silent. When he let the man go he knew he was going to be held responsible for that and that he would be punished again. He didn't care. The man was safe, if he had stop him some other member of the gang would have kill him and his vow would be broken.

Kenshin felt strong hands shaking him.

"Did you let him go kid? Did you let another witness live?"

Kenshin didn't say a word but the men needed no other reply.

"The first boss is gonna have you for this"

Kenshin looked at the moonless night from his window as they drove to the safe house; he was going to enjoy the view, who knew when would he be able to see the stars again?

* * *

Kaoru walked quickly through the streets. The night was dark and there was no moon. Everything was closed and there wasn't a soul in sight. She knew it was dangerous, that she should have waited in her friend's house for someone to pick her up but she had a strange felling in her heart that told her to go home. She was almost running and as she approached her house the felling was getting stronger and stronger.

Kaoru didn't want to leave her father that afternoon but he had convinced her.

"Kaoru is your seventeen birth day, you already had lunch with me so I think is fair that you go and have fun with your friends"

She smiled and finally decided to leave but she didn't enjoy any time she spent away from her home and finally she ran through the door making up some excuses as she left.

She arrived at her house. The first thing she saw was that all the lights were off and then she saw that the door was open. Her heart started beating faster and faster as she slowly entered the dark place. She walked slowly through the halls leaving the lights off, she was too afraid to turn them on. She arrived at his father room. The door was shut; she stood in front of it for a moment looking at it. Then she slowly reached the handle and opened the door. It was dark but she could see a figure laying on the floor and she recognized it. Her hear stopped as she froze in the door looking at her father. Suddenly the scene was unfrozen and she realized what she was seeing.

"DADDY!" She screamed as she ran to him and kneeled beside him.

Tears were falling from her eyes as she held her father's lifeless form in her hands. She opened her mouth and was about to scream again when she felt a hand press firmly in her mouth. She tried to get free from it but the person holding her was a lot stronger so she finally surrender and turned her head around to look at him. She didn't recognize that man so she struggled again.

"What shall we do with this girl? It looks like she is the daughter of the mark" Asked the man holding her.

She stopped struggling when she heard those words. Those were the men that murdered her father and now they were determining her fate. Whether she lived or not was in their hands.

"Tie her up and bring her, I have plans for her"

She didn't recognize the voice but she knew that whoever spoke was the boss. Before she could think about it any further the man holding her twisted her arms behind her back and cuffed her wrists. She was blindfolded and a gag was put on her mouth. Kaoru felt new tears streaming down her face as she was pushed into some vehicle and just waited for the ride to finish so she could find out where they where taking her.

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Kaoru was drag through some stair and some halls. Her eyes were still covered so she tripped with every step they took but some strong hands didn't let her fall and pushed her forward. Finally they stopped. Kaoru felt someone taking the gag from her mouth and the cuffs from her wrists. The blindfold was removed and she opened her eyes slowly to find that the place she was in was almost as dark. A dim light illuminated the room and Kaoru could see the three men standing in front of her.

"You might make yourself comfortable" said the one she thought was the boss you are going to be here for a while."

Kaoru looked around her. She was in a small cell with open bars that showed two more cells in front of her, they were empty. There were two beds with one blanket each and in the back was a very small bathroom. There were no windows and the light was the one of the hall. She didn't reply, she couldn't talk, her whole world was broken in a mater of minutes. She felt new tears falling from her eyes, she looked down at the floor just wanting to wake up and realize that it was all a dream, but it wasn't.

She felt the boss approaching her but he stopped when he heard someone entering the basement. Kaoru looked up and found the boss talking to some other guy. She couldn't hear what the guy said but she did see the expression in the boss's face change as the words were spoken.

"Get him down to the solitary!" He ordered the other man "I can't believe he did it again!"

With those words the boss left her cell with the other guys behind him and locking the door. The walked to the left and disappeared down some stairs. Kaoru wondered what was that all about when suddenly she saw a figure roll down the stairs in the right side of the hall. He hit the floor hard just beside her cell. He was dressed in black and his face was covered by his long red hair. His hands were cuffed behind his back.

The first thing he saw when he hit the floor was the cell bars just beside him. He was being punished again and he was going to the solitary, he knew that. What he didn't expect was seeing a couple of feet inside one of the cells.

Kaoru could see the man slowly raising his head. He was looking at her making his way up from his feet to her neck and then she finally saw his face.

Violet eyes. She was lost in his violet eyes and somehow as she dived into them a feeling of comfort and peace filled her soul.

Blue eyes. The most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. They were as deep as the ocean and he found himself smiling at that sight.

The last thing he saw before he was pushed down another staircase was her smile.

The spell was broken and Kaoru gasped as she saw that man, that boy, pushed down the left stairs and disappeared from her sight. Her sorrow was replaced for another feeling, she was worried.

The door in the solitary was closed and Kaoru sat in her bed crying for that man he just met. One floor below Kenshin smiled as another blow hit his body, he didn't know why but he knew his life was about to change.

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A/N: Sad I know. I hope you liked it anyway. Please write and tell me what you think. To all of you thanks for reviewing!!! ^_^x


Fabi-chan: Well you see the girl was just some girl but Kenshin still has a long way to go.

Jason M. Lee: I hope the bloopers at least made you laugh. I hope your doubts about Kenshin and Kaoru were clarified, if not ask me again. About Hiko, I don't think he'll be in this one, I love him but I just don't think he'll fit very well in the story.

C-Chan: It was nice to meet Eko, she sounds like a nice muse. I'm glad you liked the beginning and I hope you liked this chapter too!!!

Kyaa-Kyaff: Your review was so good! It made me so happy!!! I'm glad you liked it even if it was angsty, is going to be a little angsty for a while. THANKS FOR PUTTING ME IN YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR LIST!!!!!

White Plum: Bueno ya se vieron por primera vez, espero que te halla gustado. Voy a dejar la historia solo de Kenshin y Kaoru, creo que el resto del Kenshingumi no cuadra muy bien. Tampoco creí que Tomoe cuadraría, ella esta en el cielo viviendo feliz con Akira no? Si son de la misma edad. Gracias por tu fantástico review! Eres lo mejor!!!!

moon goddess: I thought of changing their names but that just wouldn't be the same ne? I hope you liked this chapter, thanx for your review.

Naomi: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PUTTING ME IN YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR LIST!!!! Yes I know is sad but it is supposed to be hard, he has to earn his way to heaven. Things didn't get better for them in this chapter… sorry. Yes they are going to remember things but its going to be a confusing and dark road. Well I hope you liked this chapter, talk to you latter!

Chiki: I'm glad you liked it! I'm glad you liked the angst because there is going to be more of it. About Kenshin and hell, that is something you'll have to read to find out. I hope you liked this chapter too and thanx for your wonderful review.

Red Ninja: Thanks for your review. I hope you liked this chapter too!! I'll try to have more cuteness for you.

Sakura Alex: Me alegra saber que leíste mi otra historia y que te gusto. Yo solo se si le gusta a la gente por los reviews así que te agradezco que te hallas tomado el tiempo de dejarme un comentario. Gracias por decir que tengo una gran imaginación, es una batalla diaria mantenerla viva. Que bueno que mi fic te gustó, eso me hace feliz. QUE VIVA LATINOAMÉRICA!!! Yo solo conozco Cancún en Mexico, es muy lindo, me gustaría conocer más… algún día… Espero saber más de ti pronto y de nuevo gracias por tu review!!!!

Sabrina-star: Que bueno que te guste la segunda parte!!! Lo de la promesa lo use en éste capítulo, ellos recuerdan su pasado así no se den cuenta de que lo hacen. Espero que te haya gustado el primer encuentro entre Kenshin y Kaoru. Lamento haberme demorado tanto en el capítulo, la verdad no tengo excusa. :( Gracias por tus comentarios!!

Fuuko-san: I'm glad you like this store too!!! It's always nice to know that you can make someone smile! Thanks

Skipper: Yes I know is sad but I hope you liked it anyway!

star-chan: I'm so glad you like the sequel too, thanks a lot! The story is going to be angsty I just think it makes the characters more interesting. I hope you'll like it anyway. Don't worry, there was no confusion. Thanks for your nice reviews!

Gypsy-chan: I'm so glad you like this fic!!!! Well Kaoru is there and that doesn't mean that the story is going to be short. I hope the time question was answered. I don't know if a reincarnation fic is supposed to be A/U, I'll let you be the judge of it. It's nice to know you read Heavenly Lost too; I was surprised to see your review. Thanks for reviewing.

Joey: Yes I missed you but id you missed me? I'm sorry, I know I can be cruel sometimes but I say it wouldn't be easy. Please put that shinai again I'm sorry! I'm making K&K the same age in this fic (17); they did arrive in earth at the same time. I'm so glad you like this, I'm so happy!!! Sorry if I made you wait to long. *Misanagi hugs Joey and steal his shinai* Thanks for your great review!!!

kwaii sakura-chan: I'm glad you liked the start. Kenshin has killed before but he promised himself never to kill again. Thanks for your review!!!

Kriska: Well I'm glad you liked Heavenly Lost and that you are enjoying this one as well. Thanks for finally leaving a review and letting me know that you read it and liked it! I hope you'll like this one too.

Kaoru Himura!: I'm so glad you like this one too!!! Yes it's set in modern times but I don't have a year, sorry. I hope you liked this chapter too and thanx for your nice review!!!

*** THANKS TO: FLeeCe, SakuraCherryBlossom, Laie Himura de Fanel and Neoblade26 for putting me in your favorite author list! And to everyone that reviewed!!!