Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Findings of Earth ❯ Amber ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Well I'm glad you liked the last chapter and here is another one. Thanks to everyone that reviewed. Sorry for taking so long… Hey if anyone wants to contact me, chat with me or something just look for me in MSN, my mail is Enjoy!

Chapter IV


Kenshin blinked a couple of times. A captive… he had never thought of himself as such, he always thought he was just working for them, living there. The girl in front of him, she was a captive, she had know freedom but he had forgotten it so long ago… How could he miss something he didn't even remember?

He looked up at her again and saw the tenderness in her eyes and understood that she meant every word she said. Kenshin managed to put a soft smile on his face, for the first time someone was nice to him, he had never heard anyone talk to him that way and yet that girl, who should hate him, was being so good to him.

"Why?" He asked in a whisper. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"You are hurt and you don't deserve to be this way…"

"Thank you" Answered Kenshin as he looked at her.

They couldn't talk much more since the first boss came in the room followed by some other people. He walked slowly and stopped for just a moment to look at the sight in front of him. The girl he had kidnapped earlier was in the floor leaning close to the cell were Kenshin was cuffed to the bars. He took a moment to look at the young boy. He was really injured but as Kenshin himself had said he had worst so there was no need to release him just yet.

When Kaoru noticed the man approaching she stood up and looked at him. She didn't know what to think, she had no idea why was she being held there or what the man wanted with her. Kenshin raised his head to look at the first boss, he would have stood up if it wasn't for his lack of strength or the fact that the cuffs wouldn't allow him.

"So are you two getting to know each other?" The first boss asked as he stepped closer to Kaoru's cell.

"You shouldn't keep him there in that state, he needs medical attention!" Kaoru said with a firm tone she was even surprised off.

"Well so the little girl is worried about the little boy" The firs boss answered as he approached Kenshin's cell. He looked at the boy inside it and the violet eyes that looked back at him. He grabbed Kenshin's hair and forced him to raise his head even higher. "Did he tell you that he is no innocent? Did he tell you that he is a part of this gang and that he is only there because he is being punished?"

"Yes he did!" Said Kaoru as she looked at Kenshin with worried eyes, the man was hurting him again "and he also told me why was he being punished for"

"He did didn't he? Well that was really brave of Ken-chan"

"You should really let someone take care of his injuries or at least uncuff him so he can do it himself!"

"I can not do that. He was a really bad boy and he knows very well that there are consequences for his actions. He'll have to learn to obey me and the only way to do that is to punish him when he does something wrong"

"But you are killing him!" Said Kaoru as she kept her eyes on Kenshin who was still being hurt by the first boss.

"Who Kenshin?" The man said as he chuckled a little "Kenshin spends most of his time being punished; I think he is used to it by now!"

"But his wounds may get infected and then you'll have to take care of him if you want to use him again!" Kaoru was just trying the last approached she could think of, maybe this way the first boss would help Kenshin. The first boss just looked at her in silence for a few moments and then he let Kenshin's hair go.

"Open the cells" He ordered to his men as he walked into Kaoru's cell. He approached her and stood just a few centimeters away from her. He used his hand to raise her head and made her look at him. Kaoru blinked a couple of times but didn't turn away, she just kept staring at him. He then grabbed her hard and pushed her into Kenshin's cell closing the door behind her.

"Since you seem to be so worried about this baka" said the first boss as he kept looking at her "you can take care of his wounds, but he is still being punished so I won't uncuff him just yet. Have fun!" Said the first boss as he walked upstairs.

"Bring her some supplies" He said as he left.

As soon as the men were out of sight Kaoru ran to Kenshin and kneeled beside him.

"Are you all right?" she asked as she kept looking at him, his red hair covering his face.

He raised his head again and looked straight at her with a soft expression in his face.

"Thank you" He said without taking his eyes of her. Just then when they were close enough she could really see his face and something in it caught her attention. He had a cross scar on his left cheek. She looked at it for a moment, she was fascinated with it but she didn't even know why. She had the strange feeling that she had seen it before and she somehow couldn't imagine that face without it. That scar, it was sad somehow, she knew that, but she also knew that there was something deeper about it, some kind of teaching, a making to a new life. Without even noticing it she slowly moved her hand towards it and a moment latter she was softly touching it, running her fingers gently to it. She kept looking at him and she kept looking at him, but in that moment a bound was made, something that wasn't new to any of them, something that felt natural and right.

"It was a long time ago" Kenshin said finally after Kaoru took her hand of him. "But it still reminds me of the vow I made that day."

"What was it?" Asked Kaoru only because it was the right question to asked but somehow she already knew the answer.

"I vowed never to kill again no matter what"

Never to kill again, never to kill again those words echoed in Kaoru's head, she had heard them before and that voice just sounded so familiar saying them. She closed her eyes and in a matter of seconds hundreds of images rushed to her mind. When she opened her eyes she couldn't remember them but she had seen them anyway.

"I already told you mi name" said Kenshin when he realized he didn't know the name of the angel beside him. "But what is yours"

"My name is Kaoru"

Kaoru, that sounded just right, that name was perfect for her. He didn't know much about her but he could tell that that name fit her just perfectly. Kaoru, his angel's name was Kaoru.

* * *

It was another uneasy night for him. Kaoru had cleaned his wounds and almost cried in the process but he was still cuffed to the bars and that was just too uncomfortable. His whole body ached for the awkward position and his wrist hurt so much that he could even fell the blood in his arms. He was glad she hadn't noticed that, she was just so upset about the other wounds that he didn't know what she would have done if she had paid closer attention to his wrist. He opened his eyes and looked at the mattress where she laid sleeping peacefully. He took a deep breath as he contemplated her beautiful form in the dark. Just looking at her made him feel comfortable and warm. Soon his pain was gone or he just forgot about it and he fell into a peaceful sleep with her name on his lips.

* * *

He didn't know exactly what woke him up. It was like a sixth sense that alert him that something wasn't right, that something wrong was about to happen and it did.

He opened his eyes and looked at her. She was still resting in his mattress unaware of anything outside her dream word. Then he heard the steps going down the stairs. He could tell just by the sound that two men were on their way down. He incorporated the best he could but the cuffs didn't let him stand. The lights remained off but he could see the men in the corridor walking to his cell. He recognized them immediately, they were members off the gang and he could sense they didn't have good intentions.

He heard them unlocking the cell and coming in. He kept his eyes in them but he could also see Kaoru still sleeping peacefully. He watched as the men locked the door behind them and one of them put the keys in his pocket. Kenshin was waiting for the blow to come and the pain to start again. It wouldn't be the first time, the men in the gang enjoyed hitting him so the used every chance they had to do so, and what better moment that when he was cuffed to the bars of a cell completely vulnerable and unable to defend himself. He just hoped that Kaoru wouldn't wake up, he didn't want her to see, he knew it would cause her a lot of pain and he didn't want that.

Kenshin widened his eyes as the men walked away from him and closer to the mattress where Kaoru laid. A realization hit him, they weren't there for him, they were there for her. No, that couldn't be happening, not to that angel in front of him!

He watched as one of the men approached her and put his hand on her shoulder. Kaoru woke up and open her mouth to scream when she saw the man so close to her. The man was faster and he put a hand in her mouth to prevent any sound to be heard.

"Just relax sweetie" He said as he leaned closer "I promise you this wont hurt, you may even enjoy it!" He was about to continue when he heard a sharp voice he had never heard before, a voice that made the hairs on the back of his neck raise.

"Remove your hand from her now or I'll kill you!"

The men and Kaoru turned to look for the owner of the voice and they were astonished to find out that it belonged to Kenshin. They looked at the boy, something was different about him, they could sense it. Kaoru looked at him without knowing what to think. She noticed that his eyes had changed color, they weren't the gentle violet they had been before, they were a deep shade of amber. Those eyes could strike fear into any soul, she knew that, but she also knew that he wouldn't hurt her, no matter what, she wasn't afraid of him. The men on the contrary were very afraid. The knew Kenshin was one of the best fighters of the gang despise his looks but he was always so docile, so gentle. The person in front of them wasn't like that at all, they could see the seriousness of his words and the deep meaning behind them. They had threatened something precious to him and he wouldn't allow anything to happen. Yes, the person in front of them was dangerous, but he was also cuffed to the bars, there was nothing he could do then and there so the men decided to ignore him, it had been a long time since a pretty girl like that came into their safe house and they wouldn't throw the opportunity away.

A few moments latter the men were again putting their hands on Kaoru's soft skin and they were so distracted by it that they missed seeing Kenshin pulling hard at his cuffs and finally breaking them. It was a matter of seconds, that was all he needed to leave the men unconscious on the floor and without even using a weapon.

Kaoru was breathing hard she finally realized what had just happened and looked up at Kenshin and found herself staring back at the usual violet eyes. Whatever had happened to him was over now.

"Are you all right?" He asked

"Yes" She answered on a trembling voice "Thank you"

Kenshin only nodded and then walked to one of the men and got the keys out of his pocket, then he opened the cell and walked back to the mattress to help Kaoru get up.

"Come on" He said as he took her hand in his "I'll help you get out of here"

"What?" Kaoru asked as she stopped walking and stared at Kenshin.

"You can go now, I'm sure there'll be people outside that can help you"

"You mean you are not going?"

Kenshin looked at her for a moment "This is my place" He said finally.

"No it is not! You can't stay here! Who knows what they'll do to you once they found that you help me escape!"

"I've been punished before"

"No!" Screamed Kaoru irritated "I'm not leaving without you!"

"Shh, they may hear us"

"I'm not leaving without you!" Kaoru repeated in a softer tone of voice.

Kenshin looked at her, he could see the determination in her voice and that nothing that he could do or say would change her mind. Maybe it was time for him to try a new life, to get away from that place, to learn to be free again.

"Ok, let's go"

* * *

A/N: So that's it, I hope you liked it, please don't forget to review and tell me what you think about it!


omochi: I used what you said in your review to convince the first boss to let Kaoru take care of Kenshin's injuries. Their new life has to be hard, they had to earn their way to heaven. I hope you liked this chapter and thanks for reviewing!

star-chan: You are always so sweet in your reviews, thanks a lot! I hope you liked this chapter too. Hope to hear from you again soon.

Val: Thanks for your review! I hadn't hear from you in a long time, it's nice to know you are reading the sequel as well and that you like it!

Kriska: I hope you liked the chapter. What the gang want with Kaoru would be revealed in latter chapters (sorry). Kenshin and Kaoru are together but that doesn't mean that they'll live haply ever after… Thanks for your review, hope to hear from you again.

Grace Ann (Ann-dono): Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to you too. Thanks for your review and I hope you liked this chapter too. Please write and tell me what you think.

Naomi: Kaoru is sweet isn't she? As I promised the chapter is up today! I really don't know where do I get the ideas from, I just start typing and see where the story goes. I hope you liked this chapter too and as always thanks for reviewing!

Joey: I'm glad you liked the chapter!!! Kaoru is always special and I believe she can really look into the soul of Kenshin and off course I understand what you mean! Kenshin already decided that he wouldn't kill again so the boss used him in other jobs but he still is a very important member of the gang since he is such a good fighter. Thanks for reviewing *hugs Joey!*

Jason M. Lee: Well they are getting out aren't they? But they still have to leave the building… Thanks for reviewing, hope you liked this chapter too!

Skipper: I know they are sweet! I just love when they are like that, don't you? How did you guess that they were going to escape? I'm glad you liked the last chapter and I hope you liked this one too!

Shuno No Miko: I'm glad you liked the update and I hope you liked this chapter too! They are remembering their pass life little by little, I don't want them to remember it all at once, it wouldn't be fun! Thanks for reviewing!

Kaoru Himura!: Me encanta que te halla gustado el capitulo! Eres la primera persona que se queja porque un capítulo es largo, normalmente se quejan por lo corto, pero es verdad el capítulo anterior fue más largo que los demás y este también. A propósito, de donde eres? K&K ya están recordando ciertos aspectos de su vida pero como le dije a Shuno No Miko quiero hacerlo despacio… Gracias por tus comentarios!

Sabrina-star: Que bueno que la última parte te puso alegre, espero que esta también te halla gustado. Es divertido que me pidas capítulos más largos ya que Kaoru Himura! Se estaba quejando porque el pasado fue muy largo. Éste estuvo más largo que los demás también. La verdad es que yo planeo en mi cabeza lo que va a pasar y cuando escribo llega un momento en que el cerebro me dice que pare y deje el capítulo ahí y es así como determino que tan largos son, lo hago al momento de escribir. Gracias por tu review!

White Rose: Thanks for your reviews, the three of them!!!! I'm so glad you liked my stories and that you told me. I only know people are reading because they review, not for anything else… Thanks a lot and I hope to keep hearing from you.

Me me me and only me: Thanks for reviewing hope you liked the update!!!

The *Spangled* Pandemonium: We all feel the need sometimes just to reach into the computer or the TV to hug Kenshin, he is just so great!!!! I hope your keyboard still works since you cried on top of it. I accidentally dropped some coke in my best friend's keyboard and now I have pay for it since it's broken… Anyway thanks a lot for your review, is very encouraging!

Chiki: Don't worry I won't stop writing this fic, I love it too much! I'm glad you liked the last chapter and I hope you liked this one too! Your reviews are always so good and I hope you and aren't fighting any more!

C-Chan & Eko: I'm glad you like the story so far… it's so good to know! I hope you liked this chapter too and Happy new years to you too! Tell Eko that sometimes I enjoy the violence too, I just couldn't resist the thought of a beat up Kenshin…. *blushes* Well anyway thanks for your review!!!

Shizuka: I'm glad you are liking this fic and don't worry about the reviews, it's nice to know people are reading it. I'm glad you like Heavenly Lost too!!!! Yes I know poor Kenshin… I hope you liked this chapter too and to hear from you again! Thanks for reviewing!

Yume Kuroi: I'm so glad you liked the last chapter and I hope you milked this one too!

Thanks for reviewing! *Misanagi sees Yume Kuroi's ghost coming into her room* So I guess you are really death but at least I hope you found some good stories to read. Now would you please get out of my room! I promise I'll write the next chapter soon! Thanks for putting this story and Heavenly Lost in your favorite story list and thanks for putting me on your favorite author list!!! That makes me so happy!!!!

Kyaa-Kyaff: Thanks for your reviews but I have to say that he is not your Kenshin, he is MINE!!! Ok ok we'll share, but just because I like you a lot and you always review! Yes is nice when you finish a chapter and you know there is another one waiting for you! Hope you liked this chapter anyway and I hope to hear from you again soon!

Michiru: Thanks for putting me in your favorite author list!
