Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Journey Home ❯ The Aftermath ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Journey Home


Chapter 3

Kaoru slowly awoke to the muffled sounds of people in the background. Did I die, she thought, as she sluggishly opened one eye. Her wrist ached, wasn't her pain supposed to disappear with her death. However, the nagging dull ache in her wrists persisted, and she came one viable conclusion: she was alive. She glanced around the chamber and recognized Dr. Gensai's recovery room. Why am I here? Opening both of her blue blood-shot eyes she sat up gingerly to examine her wrists, only to find them bandaged. I didn't die.

Her eyes roamed over the clinic as she listened to the deep rumble of Sanosuke's voice as he spoke to more feminine one of Megumi's. A sudden wave of disappointment overwhelmed her knowing she was alive and in the clinic. Her plan to commit suicide had not been completed. Megumi must have saved her life.

Megumi the beautiful doctor saved her life, thwarting her plan to free them all from her tight clasp. She wanted to put an end to the shameful ruination that would become of her and her ancestors. Damn, Megumi the doctor…

Kaoru glanced back downward at her wrist and noticed the kimono she had been wearing had been changed to a light robe. Megumi again, she thought bitterly, as looked at the gray robe and moved her hands to feel the slight mound her stomach made. Everything about her was still alive.

Kaoru eyes searched the wooden ceiling as streams of tears poured out the sides. "Everything has survived. Why?" She screamed at the un-answering ceiling. Knowing she wouldn't get any response she lowered face into her hands letting the tears fall freely in her hands. Why was life tormenting her?


Yahik o looked up from where he was helping Suzume-chan eat her soup without spilling it over her kimono. "Did anyone hear that," he asked the group gathered at the small dining tables.

Sanosuke looked up and cocked an ear to see if he heard anything. "It sounds like someone crying." He shrugged. "This is a clinic, and Dr. Gensai is seeing patients."

Megumi wiped her hands on her apron and stood up, "I'm going to check on Kaoru-san. Maybe she's awake, it's been three days since I've treated her."

Sano looked up at her and sighed, "Don't put too much into it Megumi. It's been three days since she's been here and no change. I think it's time to be reasonable. Jou-chan's lost to us, now we need to do the right thing and realize this."

"NO!" screamed Yahiko as he stood to his feet lifting Suzume-chan with him. "Kaoru's fine. She's just resting; she lost a lot of blood, so she needs a lot of rest. She's fine; before we know it Kaoru will be bossing us around like before. The only thing that is going to change is that there will be no Kenshin!" The young boy slammed out the clinic leaving behind him a stunned silence.

Megumi glared at Sano as she hit him in the back of the head. "Haven't I told you not to say such things around Yahiko? He hasn't come to terms with maybe losing both Kaoru and Kenshin within a span of hours."

"But he has to deal with reality sooner or later," replied the abused Sano rubbing at his head. "Jou-chan hasn't roused in three days since we brought her here. Not only that her coloring hasn't returned either. We both know that if she doesn't wake up today--she's dead."

"Do you want her dead Sanosuke?" asked the young doctor. "Don't you hold onto the belief that she will awaken soon?"

"Of course I don't want her to die. But I will not live in a fantasy, I've done that before, and it's no fun," he spoke in embittered voice. "I once believed that the Sekihou Tai would be the champion to the common people with the governments help, and we would be rewarded for it, but that didn't happen. Then I actually believed that Kenshin would be with us forever, and eventually I would see the marriage between him and Jou-chan. But that didn't happen either. I'm not going to be betrayed by life again, by hoping Jou-chan will wake-up and be full of life."

"But what do you have left to believe then Sanosuke," she asked quietly. "What do you have left? What do any of us have left if not hope?"

Sano grunted and turned his back on her.


S ince Kenshin departed and Kaoru now lying near death, Sanosuke and Yahiko's personalities had changed dramatically. Sano who usually would have dealt with this by going away and gambling with his friends, seemed to never leave the clinic, and had taken to perverse thoughts and moodiness. Yahiko who use to practice daily, now spent all his free time with the children either picking Ayame-chan and Suzume-chan from school or helping them prepare for school.

Megumi turned away from Sano and went to check on Kaoru hoping on this day she could return with better news. Silently walking down the corridor she heard the crying that Yahiko commented on earlier. It was coming from the recovery room; she took a deep breath, pushed the curtain aside and walked in.

Sitting in the middle of one the hospital beds was an alert Kaoru, softly crying into her hands. "Why? Why didn't I die," she cried as she continued to weep. "Why--"

"Kaoru-san," called Megumi softly from the doorway.

Kaoru raised her head showing her swollen red eyes to the female doctor. "How come I'm not dead? What happened?"

Megumi walked cautiously to the bed, her eyes watering with every step she sat down next to Kaoru. "Kaoru-san, you're awake," her voice wavered as she gazed into the young girl's eyes clasping her hands. "We almost gave up hope that you wouldn't come back to us. You've been asleep for three days. Dr. Gensai and Yahiko kept a vigil the first day. Tae-san sat with you the second day. The girls tried to stay with you the third day but Ayame-chan and Suzume-chan had school." She rushed the jumbled sentences out of her mouth, as her mind tried to calm down her heart that was rapidly beating against her chest.

"I asked how come I'm not dead, not who sat with me." Kaoru's eyes had remained stony, through Megumi's tearful one-sided reunion.

Megumi rapidly blinked at the harsh tone used. "Kaoru-san you were found in a puddle of blood inside Kenshin's room, where both Sanosuke and Yahiko rushed you here." She watched a flicker of emotion flash in Kaoru's eyes; "I treated you for deep lacerations to both of your wrists. After treatment you stayed sleep for three days, where we feared you were dead. I also told everybody that you were pregnant," she finished in cool matter of fact voice.

Kaoru looked at her out of surprised blue eyes. "You know? And you told everybody."

"Kaoru-san, I'm a trained doctor," Megumi snapped at the young girl still not liking her attitude since she found her sitting up in the bed. "I told everybody because you had no right keeping it from us. I'm guessing Kenshin didn't know?"

"I guess I have no secrets left," she smiled ruefully. "No, he didn't know. The day he left I was going to tell him I was pregnant. I honestly thought things had changed between us." Kaoru glanced down at her hands. "I'm sorry about my reaction, I'm still tired. I think I'll rest some more."

Megumi stood up and watched Kaoru roll over on her side. "Kaoru-san don't worry, we'll take care of everything. We will always be here for you." She walked out the room.

In the quiet room Kaoru let tears run down her face. She had tried so hard to fix things so she could let her friends free, and now she only succeeded in clutching them closer to her breast.


Ke nshin walked slowly down another dirt road he didn't even know where he was it was just another faceless nameless town as the last one he went through. The many miles that he put between him, Tokyo, and Kaoru wasn't weakening the heartache he was feeling. Several times he had to forcibly stop himself from turning around and pleading with his friends to take him back--to admit that he made a mistake.

He still couldn't believe he acted so bold with Kaoru the night in that shack. Bold was one way to put it, but he liked to think of it as stupidly. His becoming one with Kaoru might have been heaven for the moment, but reality came back to him soon after. As he lay next to Kaoru with her warm body snuggled in the crock of his arm, his thoughts began to plague him. For his night of soul binding passion with Kaoru he had permanently changed their fragile relationship. That night a wedge had been formed.

That night in the shack with the rain beating down upon the roof he became weak looking into his Kaoru-dono's blue eyes he let loose his raging storm that he kept bottled up inside him underneath his polite façade. But now with the new development that he unleashed their relationship moved in the wrong direction. Kamiya Kaoru had finally really become his true weakness--and he had to leave her.

Traveling down the dust road Kenshin knew there was only one place for him to go: he had to go home. He hoped his Shishou would welcome him back.


Megumi closed the door to the recovery room and noticed that either Yahiko or Sanosuke had moved the breakfast dishes. Well, she'll just have to thank them with some good news. She walked to the door and found Dr. Gensai, Sanosuke and Yahiko sitting on the porch drinking green tea.

Sano looked up when she stepped onto the porch, and then quickly turned away showing her the 'Aku' on his broad back. "Come to smack me in the head again, Fox."

Megumi narrowed her blue eyes him, "No, but I should anyway. No doubt you probably said some things that warranted it while I was gone."

"Yeah, he did," replied Yahiko staring absently at his cup his brown eyes intent on the swirling green mist his tea had become. "You should have heard the things he called you, too."

Sanosuke's black eyes glared at the young boy. "Traitor," he muttered.

"Ah, Megumi-kun," called Dr. Gensai diffusing the situation before any more problems could arise. "Sanosuke-kun, said you went to check on Kaoru-chan. How is she?"

Megumi's eyes gathered tears, "Kaoru-san, is…"she choked on her words dropping to her knees, "Kaoru-san is--" she couldn't hold back the tears. Leaning forward she sought comfort in Sanosuke's arms hoping to bring her tears under control.

The three men stared at each other, all their eyes held the same answer: Kaoru was dead. There had been no change since she came to the hospice three days ago. Sanosuke tightened his hold on Megumi symbolically apologizing for the words he'd spoken earlier, because he knew he spoke an untruth he'd really hoped Jou-chan would wake-up. And now she was dead. Sano moved his hands up and down her back as he felt her flood of tears soak the wrappings on his chest. He thought he hated Kenshin before, but now, if he ever saw the redheaded rurouni, he'd kill him no questions asked.

"It's all right," whispered Yahiko as he stood up and tossed his tea away. He watched the green liquid soak into the ground. "I knew she wasn't going to get better. There was so much blood." His haunted eyes filled up as a few errant teardrops slid down his brown cheek. He absently wiped at them, "I think she liked the yellow kimono best. I better go get it."

'Liked the yellow kimono best...' thought Megumi as her tears dried up. She pushed away from Sano's chest and brought her head around to gaze at the sloping shoulders of Yahiko as he stared off the porch. Didn't he understand what I said--Kaoru's alive! She quickly replayed her conversation in her mind; an embarrassing blush flowed into her cheeks. "Gomen nasai, Yahiko," spoke Megumi breaking into his tortured silence. "I'm sorry to all of you. In my haste to tell you news of Kaoru's health, I was overcome with three days of pent-up emotions."

Dr. Gensai leaned over placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, "It's okay Megumi-kun, and we understand how you feel." The other men nodded along with the old doctor. "We know how hard you worked to save Kaoru-chan and we're grateful for it." He shrugged. "Sometimes these things happen."

"No," replied Megumi as she shook free of remorse-giving hands she stood up and spun Yahiko around to face her. "I'm sorry not because Kaoru-san is dead." She watched his black eyes dilate at her statement, and in a split second his sadness was replaced by hot fiery anger. Before he could utter anything, she drew him into her arms and hugged him, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you she's alive!" She listened to the resounding gasps from the men.

Sanosuke jumped to his feet. "Are you lying Fox, because if you are...if you are…" he couldn't finish as his voice began to crack, and hot tears flowed in tiny rivulets down his face. Jou-chan was alive. He leaned his head back and letting his own tears run into his head. I guess Buddha and life does come through once and awhile.

Yahiko arms hung loosely around Megumi her words of Kaoru being alive was slowly sinking through the thick cloud of hate and sorrow surrounding his brain. Kaoru is aliveKaoru is aliveKaoru is alive. The mantra pounded into the thick wall of despair striving to break through. Kaoru is alive...alive. "Kaoru is alive," he whispered softly as his hands clinched Megumi tightly. "She's alive," he cried out tears pouring out of his young eyes. "Can, I see her now," he asked turning out of her arms. He moved toward the door along with Sanosuke.

Megumi bit her lip. She didn't want to stain the moment, but she had to, "Kaoru's sleeping right now, Yahiko, Sanosuke." She smiled at them. "We're going to have to wait for her to surface again, before you can talk with her."

They frowned at her.

Dr. Gensai stood up, and cleared his throat. He saw how badly they wanted to see Kaoru-chan. He also saw that this was the first time in three days that any animation except bleakness or anger was on either of the young men's faces. "Megumi-kun let Kaoru-chan rest for a couple of hours, then wake her up. It's has been three days of non-stop sleeping so, she needs a little break in her schedule."

"Hai, Gensai-sensei," replied Megumi as she smiled at the older doctor.

The porch residents turned in looked at the other occupants and grinned.


Kenshin wiped some sweat from his brow. He made it finally, with only minor incidents along the way. He looked up at the long mountain path and reminiscing about the many times he'd "trained" using the path to go up and down the mountain, while fetching his Shishou's favorite sake. Bending down he picked up the simple pack of food and ingredients he'd would be using to cook dinner tonight. He'd bypassed going near the Aioya, he'd didn't want to deal with Misao's questions…or accusations, so he bought his meager stuff from a local road merchant.

Twigs snapped underneath his feet, while animals scurried to get out of his way as he made his way up the mountain. It hadn't even been a week since he'd left Kaoru, and saying their final good-byes, but to him it felt like several weeks had passed; his soul was weary from his journey away from Kaoru and his journey to Kyoto. Kenshin laughed softly to himself, every time he left Kaoru he ran to Kyoto. Was his life destined to begin and end in Kyoto?

Kenshin glanced away from the path and his own footfalls to see he was approaching the tall grass, and the dense trees signifying that he'd come to the top. He walked a little further out of the grassy abyss to see his Shishou seated as always. He was wearing his huge white and red mantle, back turned away from the path (civilization), drinking his sake while starring into his kiln. That was his master Hiko Seijuro 13th a master of the sword, and now the master of pottery.

He cleared his throat announcing his presence.

Hiko didn't move.

Kenshin nodded his head and walked toward the small house, hoping he wouldn't be plied with questions tonight.

Hiko watched his student walk cautiously toward his house. He could tell he was carrying a burden far heavier, than the one on his back. I wonder what has brought him back to me? He looked closer into the violet eyes of the boy he reared--the boy was running away from something. Baka deshi. He raised the saucer to his lips and drank. I won't ask. I'll wait.

Kenshin had been doing his own observation of his teacher from the side of his eyes. It was unusual for his master not to say something to him. He didn't even open his mouth to insult him. He was thankful. He pushed open the door to the small domicile.

"Kenshin," Hiko called finally.

"Hai," he answered back his arm still outstretched ready to push open the door or turn away. He'd almost made it.

Hiko snorted as he picked up the jug to pour him another generous amount of the liquor he so loved. "Take a bath first."

"Aa," came his reply as he pushed open the door to unburden himself. He could stay.


Dr. Gensai silently walked over to the back room where Kaoru had been sleeping soundlessly for three days, since her ordeal. He pulled back the thin door and peered inside, and she was still sleeping. He wished Kenshin had came and talked to him before doing something so foolish. Maybe he could have stopped him with the news of his unborn child. Kaoru thought she could hide it, but she forgot that he had more experience telling women they were expecting than she had at hiding it. He silently gave her credit for hiding her pregnancy from her friends and, surprisingly enough, Kenshin, too. That was feat in itself, but he wondered why she hadn't told Kenshin. He leaned against the doorframe; I thought she loved Kenshin, so why did she hide her pregnancy from him? How come she didn't wait until she was married? Now she was going to face something greater than loosing Kenshin or giving birth. "The Moral Matrons," he whispered.

"Who are the Moral Matrons," asked Yahiko coming up behind him.

Dr. Gensai gave a startled jerk and clutched his chest. "Ah, Yahiko-kun, you shouldn't sneak-up on old men," he admonished gently.

Yahiko smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, but who are the Moral Matrons?"

The doctor shook his head. "A terrible force that Kaoru will have to deal with if she decides to live in this town after she has the baby."

"Why? What do these 'Moral Matrons' have to do with Kaoru and her baby?

Dr. Gensai sighed. "Let's just say that we should be thankful we're men Yahiko."

Yahiko gave the man a hard look that spoke volumes. He demanded an answer.

He sighed. "The Moral Matrons rule over all young women in Shimatachi, they make sure single women abide by the moral guidelines they set."

"But, Kaoru hasn't broken any guidelines by those old women," said Yahiko. "So, I don't know why she should be wary of them."

"She's broken two rules that I know of," he spoke quietly as he halfway closed the door. "First she's allowed a man who was not her husband to live with her, and now she is pregnant with his child. They will come down on her."

Two gasp sounded from behind the pair drowning out any reply Yahiko said. Yahiko and the old doctor turned to see Megumi and Sanosuke standing behind them. "I was coming to wake Kaoru-san up, I wasn't eavesdropping."

"I know that Megumi-kun," said Dr. Gensai. "I was just telling young Yahiko one of the many troubles, our Kaoru-chan will face when she come through."

"These Moral Matrons," inquired Sanosuke "what can they actually do to Jou-chan?"

"I don't know for sure."

"They can do anything," spoke Kaoru from bed she'd awaken when she heard Yahiko and Dr. Gensai talking. "I've been up against them before."

The members standing outside the doorway slowly piled inside the room the last one shutting the door firmly behind them. Megumi took a pillow and sat down on it, while the men sat without any cushion around her.

Kaoru tried a shaky smile.

They frowned at her.

"I guess the first thing I should say is: gomen nasai," she quietly spoke to the group gathered around. "I was trying to fix things, but I've messed things up worst than before."

"You damn idiot," growled Sanosuke. "Did you think killing yourself would be a way to fix things! Did you think about our feelings at all," he began gesturing to the people seated around her. "Did you?"

"I was trying to set you free," she repeated as tears began welling up in her eyes.

"Set us free from what, Kaoru" questioned Yahiko his fist clenched on his green pants.

Kaoru glanced up at the young man who was both her student and younger brother. Looking into his brown eyes she could see the hurt and anger. She hadn't meant to hurt him; she was just trying to set him free. In her quest not to be alone she'd gathered people to her and clutched them to her breast. Never once giving them a chance to move on or tie themselves to anyone else. Look at the good job she did with Kenshin. She tried to keep him tethered to her, but only ended up in pushing him away. Kaoru shifted her eyes away and saw the same aching question in her other friend's eyes.

"I was trying to set you free from me. You don't belong to me. I felt like I was holding you back. I want you to live your own lives and not worry about me. I want you to explore this country of ours and learn the lessons that you need to learn without worrying about leaving me behind like Ken--" She paused and took shaky breath. "I don't want to say his name. So, I'll say like the other person who left me." She stared into the blue eyes of Megumi, "I want you to live out your dreams, and be reunited with family, which you haven't seen in awhile." She turned to Sanosuke, "I didn't want to temper a wandering soul, that wasn't native to this town, but unfortunately got caught in my web." Tears began to spill over her cheeks, "I wanted my friends to be happy."

"So, you think what will make us happy is that crap you just spewed," Yahiko quietly spoke in the room. "Bullshit."

"Jou-chan," spoke Sanosuke rubbing at his throbbing temple. "I know that you wanted the best for us, but knowing you're dead would not make us happy."

"The rooster-head is right," came the womanly voice of Megumi. "You can't presume what will make us happy. Of course, I would like to see my family again one day, but right now I'm not ready." She slapped her hand down on the floor. "Don't make or try to force any decision on me. I am more than capable of thinking for myself, I may make mistakes, but trust me I can think for myself!"

Kaoru flinched back from the hard words. She was prepared for their anger, but not this extreme rage. "I'm sorry. I just thought--"

"Just don't think Jou-chan," Sano interrupted. "You've been thinking too much for us. Why won't you let us think for ourselves?"

Yahiko had been sitting quietly; his mind wasn't on the issue at hand. As far as he was concerned the matter was settled. Kaoru said she was sorry about what she did, and well, he kind of now understood her reasoning. What he was worried about now was these 'Moral Matrons.' Kaoru said that 'they could do anything.' "Oi, Kaoru," he finally spoke up breaking back into the conversation. "What will the Moral Matrons do to you? What did you mean that you went up against them before?"

The room hushed as they turned to Kaoru to explore this new information that was revealed. By an unconscious consensus they agreed that Kaoru's attempted suicide would be forgotten--for now. At that moment they had more pressing business to attend to with the Moral Matrons.

Kaoru took a deep calming breath before she began, "They are the women who police the conduct of young unmarried females in this town, especially women who have no mothers, and are left on their own. I know the head matron, Emi-sama." She placed a hand on her slightly rounded stomach, "She's going to be disappointed in me, and I owe her so much for…"

"What do you owe her for," asked Megumi suspiciously.

"I owe Emi-sama for letting me keep Yahiko with me, and keeping the other women silent, and when I allowed that person to stay with me." Kaoru began to rub her stomach in circular motions. "I also owe her for allowing me to let Megumi-san stay with Dr. Gensai and his granddaughters."

"What?" the three cried out in unison, while Dr. Gensai remained silent. He'd figured that something like this happened he'd wondered why the Matrons hadn't bothered to come when Yahiko, Megumi, and Kenshin came to live with them. His poor old pride actually believed the Matrons trusted him to know what was best for Kaoru.

Kaoru pulled some of her raven-hair behind an ear as she gazed down at her hand that was massaging her stomach. She couldn't face her friends they didn't know what kind of trouble she was in now. "The Matrons didn't think it was wise for me to have Yahiko live with me, since his past dealings with a Yakuza, they thought he'd be a bad influence on the children. I appealed to Emi-sama to let him stay with me. She got a majority of the Matrons to side with her, so he was allowed to stay." She stopped the rubbing motions, and looked up at her friends. "It was basically the same story with all of you. Kaede-sama will be the most opposition to me," a rueful smile found its way to her lips. "I would ask for help from Emi-sama, but I turned into the one thing that she warned me about, when taking that person into my home. A pregnant, unmarried woman, whose lover has left her." Kaoru began to chuckle silently to herself as tears of shame fell from her eyes. "I argued most vehemently that He wasn't that kind of person. And He wasn't, it was me who pushed myself into this corner. I pushed when I should have pulled." She rubbed at the tears on her face. "Alone and pregnant."

"And what makes you think you alone," said Sanosuke. "You have friends all around you who care for you. What I don't get is why didn't you tell Kenshin, you were pregnant?" Megumi and Yahiko nodded their head along.

"I second that question," said Dr. Gensai speaking for the first time, since they entered the room. "If you would have told Himura-san, then I'm sure he'd would have married you.

"Yeah," said Yahiko leaning forward to stare Kaoru in the eyes. "I'm sure Kenshin would have married you, if had told him about the baby, then you wouldn't have to worry about these Moral Matron bitches."

Megumi rolled her eyes. Men, they would never understand anything.

"I didn't want him that way," came her whispered reply. "If it makes you feel better, I was going to tell Him the day, he left." A few more tears slipped down her face. "His news was bigger. I didn't want him to stay with me if he didn't want to. I didn't want him to feel trapped. I wanted him to be free."

Sanosuke slapped his hands on his knees as he stood up. "Yosh, fine I understand, although we are going to have to cure you of your habit with wanting to set things free that don't belong to you," he flashed a toothy smile at her. "Right now I have some business to attend to." He strode over to the door, "I'll be back." He looked toward the others in the room. "Take care of Jou-chan until I get back. Keep all sharp objects away from her." He flashed his smile again and went through the open door.

"What's with him," asked Yahiko looking at the others in the room. "Did we say something that set him off?"

"I don't know Yahiko," replied Megumi as she watched Kaoru rub her stomach again. "But I think it's time for us to let Kaoru-san get some more rest."

"I agree," said Dr. Gensai as he gingerly got to his feet. I'm getting too old he thought to himself. "Plus, Yahiko-kun, I think it's time to go fetch Ayame-chan from school."

Yahiko inclined his head as he jumped to his feet. "Ja na, Kaoru."

Kaoru smiled as her eyes began to droop realizing that she was indeed tired. Before she could lie completely down Yahiko's young arms found themselves around her. She hugged him back, and mentally called herself all kinds of names, to think that she wanted to leave Yahiko behind. "I'll be here alive when you come back Yahiko. I'm sorry, I'll never do anything as stupid as suicide again."

Yahiko pulled away from her and wiped at the few tears on his brown face and smiled. "I'll take that as your promise."

Megumi and Dr. Gensai smiled and nodded at each other as they waited for Yahiko at the door.


Kaoru lugged another bucket of water to the to the laundry bin. It had been three days, since she'd been able to leave the clinic, and in those three days she swear that her stomach shot out more then in the three months she'd been with child. She poured the steaming liquid in the tub, and wiped at the sweat on her brow. It was hard, exhausting work drawing water from the well, to the kitchen to boil, and then back to the laundry tub. But at least it kept her mind occupied from worry about when the Moral Matrons would come for her. She plunged her hands into the hot soapy water, and began to wash the last load of clothes. It also, kept her from worrying about where Sanosuke went, after he disappeared from the clinic. He swore, he'd be back, but when--and where did he go? Her mind on various things Kaoru didn't hear Yahiko walk up behind her.

"Busu," he screamed his faced contorted with rage. He watched her jump and fall back on her rump.

Kaoru struggled to sit up, and pushed at the ground before Yahiko's brown hands pushed her shoulders forward allowing her to regain her balance. "Thanks." She wiped at the sweat on her brow. "Now, then Yahiko. Don't scream at people it's rude."

"Fine," Yahiko said. "But didn't I tell you to leave the all the hard labor to me. You don't need to be lugging boiling water from the kitchen to the courtyard in your condition."

"My condition? Yahiko I've trained my body since I was seven years old to withstand harsh beatings, mental strains, and severe weather, and believe it or not carrying boiling water to do laundry is not a hindrance to me."

Yahiko snorted. "You must have read that in one of my books. I will tell you this once again: leave all hard labor jobs to me."

Kaoru glared at him that cheeky boy; I'll fix him. "You know Yahiko since I was sick, (that's what they began to call her suicide attempt) you've been left on your own too much." She got up from the ground and pinched on of his arms. "Flabby." She looked at him and tsk'ed while shaking her head. "I can't believe you've let your discipline wan Yahiko. What kind of Samurai are you?"

"What?" asked Yahiko confused. Sure he'd stopped practicing, but he'd had other more important things to worry him. "Have you've been out in the sun too long?"

"As a disciple of Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu," said Kaoru as she began circling and eyeing his small lean frame like a shark before he takes a bite. "You should have been practicing daily to increase your skill level, but from the looks of it I could beat you with one hand in 'my condition.'" A large smile took over her face as she watched the continuing look of confusion flash in his dark eyes. "So, as your Shihondai it is my duty to put you back into shape."

"Put me back into shape," parroted Yahiko.

"Yes, let's see first we'll do a hun--no make that three hundred downward shinai swings." Kaoru watched his eyes widen and jaw drop when he heard the large number. "Then you'll wax the dojo and the porch two hundred times around. Next, we'll move onto somersaults, you need to practice those, and we'll have you do a hundred and fifty of those. And lastly you'll do maybe fifty push-ups and sit-ups, then the rest of the day is yours." She turned and looked at Yahiko's face now resembled a gaping goldfish bug-eyes included. She held back her laughter.

"Y-Y-You're kidding right Kaoru," asked Yahiko.

"You're right Yahiko," she smiled at the relaxed look on his face. "You should do sixty sit-ups and push-ups."

"What!" exclaimed Yahiko and his mouth once more fell open. "That isn't what I meant."

Kaoru blinked at his with wide blue eyes the look of pure innocence on her face. "Whatever are you talking about Yahiko? How can I train you to inherit Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu when you've let yourself go?" She blinked her lashes at him, "I'm only doing my duty as a Shihondai to help my prize student improve himself."

Yahiko mumbled and muttered underneath his breath what she could do with Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu. "Fine, I'll got get my shinai." He rounded one corner huffing out a breath and ran straight into something soft. "Ara."

"Yahiko-kun, where's Kaoru-san," she demanded.

"Kaoru?" He gazed up at her with a confused look in his brown eyes. "She's in the courtyard doing laundry. Why?"

Not answering his question Megumi pushed the junior samurai aside and heading for the courtyard. "Kaoru-san" called Megumi as she spotted the quarry she'd been hunting all over for. "You have no time to do the laundry."

"Huh, what," a confused Kaoru asked as she gingerly rose to her feet and wiped her hands on her apron. She shifted her baffled blue eyes toward Yahiko who had followed behind the female doctor, but he just shrugged at her silent question. "What's going on here? Why can't I finish the laundry?" She looked down at her wrists. "I feel fine, and I kept my wrist wrapped."

Megumi shook her head sending her raven-hair cascading over her shoulder. "Tae-san sent me a note, the Moral Matrons are on their way here. They've come to judge you." She became dragging the girl toward the house. "Dr. Gensai has shut down the clinic and I'm going to prepare tea and rice cakes. You need to change clothes." She gave Kaoru a push toward her room.

Kaoru walked off dazed. The Moral Matrons were coming to pass judgment upon her; if she'd had never met That Person, she'd have never had to cross paths with them so often. A few errant tears feel down her face as she reached her room. For better or worse, she'd made her bed and now she must lie in it.

Megumi watched the young girl walk around the corner before she raised a shaky hand to her mouth. "I didn't want her first few days to be spoiled like this. I was hoping that they'd would forget about Kaoru-san and let her live her own life." She turned to Yahiko, "You had better change out of that training gi, and into those nice clothes that Kaoru-san bought you. I have to go and make the preparations." Where is Sanosuke, that baka!


The living room was quiet as all the inhabitants politely drank their tea and ate the rice cakes. Instead of the whole group arriving from the Moral Matrons, they sent two emissaries instead: Kaede-sama and Emi-sama. Both of whom Kaoru expected to come. Kaede-sama as she always hated Kaoru and her family, and Emi-sama, because she'd always been fond of Kaoru and her family.

Mahidhra Kaede was a hard bitter woman, and prided herself upon always knowing the correct and moral way of doing anything. She was brought up in family where the women weren't seen in the company of any man without a male relative present. If even a hint of any impropriety about the women was heard, either a wedding was planned or the female relative disappeared. Now she had to do so for this unfortunate girl. "Kaoru-chan," said Kaede as she placed her teacup down. "We've become aware of your situation, and I must say we are most displeased. As you know we informed you this would happen, if you kept such an association." Her face held a superior smirk.

Tsukino Emi rolled her eyes at her companion. Although Emi had an upbringing similar to her associate, she was far more lenient and understanding toward the women of the town. She knew certain urges overtook men and women alike. Of course she knew Kaede couldn't help but be smug in this victory as Emi herself backed Kaoru-chan. "Kaoru-chan--"

"Please Emi-sama," whispered Kaoru as her looked down at her hands folded neatly on her lap. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I feel this must be said, before either of you continue. I'm sorry for any distress or embarrassment that I've inadvertently brought to our humble town. I also beg the forgiveness of the Matrons," she looked up into Emi's soft brown eyes. "For any direct embarrassment suffered for their previous support of me."

Emi smiled softly at Kaoru. "We acknowledge your apology and accept it on the behalf of the town and everyone."

Kaede silently snorted. She knew whom that 'apology' was meant for. Kaoru was a dirty and needed to be treated as a soiled dove. "Yes, we accept your apology Kaoru-chan," her voice dripped with sarcasm. "But unfortunately an apology won't make what you did disappear." She glanced around at the assembled group: the old doctor, the female doctor, and the young thief--quite a dissatisfactory gathering of people. "Because you insisted on keeping a menagerie of unhealthy associations," she eyed the group daring them to disagree with her proclamation. "We came prepared for dealing out your punishment, which was rendered the first time you approached us to ask for leniency on that lone swordsman: Himura Kenshin. Emi-san will now read to you."

"Emi-sama," interrupted Kaoru again. "Please don't punish my friends for something that I did. Leave all punishment to me."

"But," protested Yahiko breaking his silence. He jumped to his feet and pulled at the neck of the navy blue hakama shirt. "Kaoru we never said that you were going to take the blame yourself."

"Sit down young man," said Emi quietly. Her eyes narrowed as Yahiko tried to defy her, but he plopped back down next to Kaoru. "As much as it pains me to read this, especially knowing how much you care for Kaoru-chan she was warned what could happen when she took all of you into her home." She unfurled the piece of parchment that she had clasped in her hands. "Kamiya Kaoru is hereby restricted from public for the duration of her pregnancy. She is not permitted to leave her family compound until the birth of her baby. She is officially a soiled dove, and will be publicly named so."

The group gasped as they heard the creed. Kaoru was going to be treated as a pariah.

Kaoru clenched her hands. "H-H-How am I supposed to earn a living," she choked out as the tears began to roll down her face. "I teach across town in another dojo. If I'm banned from public, then I won't be able to feed myself and family."

"Well," said Kaede as she picked up the teapot and poured her some more tea. "I guess you should have thought of the ramifications of lying down with one who wasn't married to you." She sipped her tea, as she glanced around the dojo. "I guess you could sell this place and move away."

"My ancestral home," sniffled Kaoru. That was unthinkable. She'd already sullied the Kamiya name, but to sell her ancestors…no she couldn't do that. Not ever. "I can't do that. Not even to appease the Matrons."

"Then I'll guess you'll have to abide by the punishment handed down to you Kaoru-chan," said Kaede as she placed her teacup firmly down. "Because you know in my days, the women had enough decency to kill themselves rather than bring shame to their families." She looked pointedly at the scars on Kaoru's wrist. "Well, at least you did try to do something decent."

"Kaoru-chan," spoke Dr. Gensai from behind her as he frowned at the Matron Kaede. "I'll help support you and your baby. You know I've always thought of your family as part of mine."

"No," she whispered. "I can't take charity from you Dr. Gensai. You have a family to support, too." Kaoru turned and looked at him. "I know you and Megumi treat a lot of your patients without taking money. I can't take food from your granddaughters' mouths. "

Yahiko looked back at her, "Well, I have my job at the Akabeko, that could help." He offered up, but he knew that his small salary wouldn't help pay for the simplest items. He now understood the dire circumstances facing him and Kaoru. He'd never thought about it, but Kaoru always paid for everything. And now they weren't even going to let her work. They were going to try and starve Kaoru to death, or make her to leave town with their forced imprisonment. "Bitch," he muttered underneath his breath. The Matrons were no better than Kenshin in his mind.

"I guess that leaves me to take care of the Raccoon-girl," spoke a deep masculine voice as the paper thin door to the sitting room was drawn open revealing Sagara Sanosuke. He was dressed in an outfit, which bore a resemblance to his usual attire, except this one was red with white trimming, even the 'Aku' on his back had been written in white. "Hi," he waved and shut the door behind him. "Sorry I'm late, but I was taking care of last minute details." He plopped down next to Dr. Gensai.

"Sanosuke," whispered Megumi who let out a breath that she'd been holding since he disappeared and she feared he had left Tokyo to chase after Kenshin. "Where have you've been?"

"Opening up a business," he replied like it was normal thing for him and need not further explain.

"A business," snorted Yahiko. "What kind of business can you run? You can barely handle your gambling debts."

Sanosuke smiled. "Brat." Then he turned to the Matrons. "I had a friend do some research on what you might do to Jou-chan so I took some precautions. I opened up my own small dojo, and I'll be the one taking care of Jou-chan until she has her baby."

Kaoru shook her head. "No, Sanosuke. I can't allow you to do that."

"You can't allow me not to do it Jou-chan," he shot back. "When I left you at the clinic, I was pissed at you and Kenshin. But then I began to think. Kenshin may have protected us with his sword, but you protected us with yourself. You begged for us, and opened up your home to us. You even lent some of us money when you didn't even have the extra money to lend." He ignored the 'it was only you' that came from Megumi and Yahiko's direction. "I thought it was time I helped you. But what could I do? I'm an ex-streetfighter, and gambler so what skills did I have other than fighting." He smiled at the Matrons. "I opened up my own school to teach my fighting style. I call it 'Fist of Sagara.'"

Kaede arched a perfect brow. "And how to you suppose to get students to come to this 'school' of yours to make it profitable."

"Oh, I've already got students," said Sanosuke. "When people heard I was opening up a school to teach my fighting technique I had a full class before I even bought the sign." He stood up and smirked. "Jou-chan will adhere to her 'punishment,' but she won't be leaving town."

Emi smiled at the young man. "Our duty is finished here." She rose to her feet. "Kaede-san shall we leave."

Kaede frowned. Damn, cheeky criminal. "Fine, Emi-san." She took one last venomous look at the group. "Too bad Himura Kenshin can't celebrate in this joy also."

"Kaede-san shall we leave?" reiterated Emi as she moved toward the door. "Kaoru-chan, mina-san, sayonara."

"Arigatou Emi-sama," said Kaoru as she walked the matrons to the front door of the compound. She gave a polite bow. "Arigatou."

Emi smiled and Kaede sneered as they bowed back to the soiled dove before stepping into their shared carriage.

Kaoru walked back to the living room and looked at them. They were smiling at each other and laughing. "So," she said as she looked into the dark eyes of Sanosuke. "Tell me about this 'Fist of Sagara, again.'" She listened to Sanosuke launch into talk about his new idea and business.

Kaoru pressed her hand hands to her slightly bulging stomach; she was going to survive with or without Himura Kenshin in her life. She had other lives depending on her.

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End Chapter 3. Created [07/30/01] and Finished [08/10/01]. Hey all thanks for the wait. I'm terribly sorry, but this year has been trying and continues to be. But I swear, I haven't given up on this story or any other story, it's just taking me longer than I expected to finish this story. Thanks for the e-mails; it was nice chatting with all of you. Next to Come: Where have all the Years Gone? Like always if you have any questions, comments, critiques, and flames send them to me at: Or if you like drop me a message in the guestbook. Shishou M.

Lunatic's Ravings:

The Moral Matrons-- I can't remember if it was a Chinese or Japanese film, but in it they had older women who took on the moral responsibility of the young women in the town. Those with or without mothers--in my fanfic I just made them without mothers. But in the movie, the women found out this one unmarried girl got pregnant, visited her, gave her a knife, and told her to kill herself. So, that is where I got the idea of the Moral Matrons.