Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Twisted Anyone? ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Twisted Anyone?

RK doesn't belong to me, though, I wish I did own Enishi-sama…and Hiko-sama, and Kamatari-chan…and that's about it, but, I think no one would allow me to have any of them.

AN: This fic came from the idea offered to me by Full Moon. And even though she may never know this fic is up, I would still like to thank her for the suggestion that happened so long ago…but, it still counts that I am actually doing something with it other then let it sit on the computer and never do anything with it. Right?


So long ago, but she could still remember the feel of heated lips and deadly hands as they caressed her cold body in the darkness of that god offal place. She never wanted it, what made him think so…oh, wait, he was a son of a bitch, that's why. But, for the love of God! No feelings of hate came for him, only the distaste for what he thought was fun, but love, the thick sense of belonging. Twisted anyone?

So, what was she to do? He had already had his way with her-more then once-and they had been dating for all of their high school days. And the bastard didn't get a single clue as to what SHE wanted. It wasn't like he ever did in the first place, but that really beside the main point. She wanted to be his, forever and ever, in the lock of marriage. But, as fate decided to play, he didn't want that.

He wasn't afraid of marriage, having said once he would like to be married with a house full of kids, but it appeared that he didn't want that-or at least with her. Having fun, playing around while running from the cops for various acts of shit that was all his fault; he wanted that with her, not the marriage and the house full of kids. But sex, partying and the endless track of drugs and alcohol that he inhaled like it was air.

It made her so mad sometimes, and she often thought of just leaving him for a better man, one who would think about her needs and wants and not just their own. But, as she had said, she loved him, and didn't wish to leave his side until the day she died and he soul went t the fiery pits of Hell. Oh the joy that wold all be…unless it could never be.

Which is how it seems.

The view in front of her was hot-the two were practically smoking! There stood Yukishiro Tomoe and Himura Kenshin, locking lips like there was no tomorrow. It wouldn't have hurt as much if it had been Tomoe's boyfriend there kissing her, but it just had to be Kaoru's one and only.

They didn't notice her as she stood there, stunned as the two hands started to go into their clothing, trying to closer to each other and away from the protection of clothing.

Kaoru wanted to yell, scream; to say anything, but nothing could get past the lump in her throat as she looked on. Slowly, her feet brought her back, heading in the direction she came from as she broke out in a full run, tears coming from her sapphire eyes. Nothing in her life seemed fair-it was like the whole world was against her!

She ran and ran, not stopping until she was home, the slamming of her bed room door echoing through out the house as her mother rushed up the stairs after her dear daughter.

"Kaoru-chan?" Her mother called out, knocking softly on the door and going to opening it, expecting it to be locked but finding unlocked. "Kaoru-chan? Are what's the matter dear?"

She walked through the dark room, heading for the bed where she could see the crying figure of her child curled up on the covers, clutching the stuffer dragon Kenshin had won for her at a festival when they first started going out. She sat down next to her, patting her head and felt her move so her head was in her lap instead of resting on the stuffed animal that was thrown across the room in a sign of anger as a choked sob came past the lump that held everything back.

"He…I…" Kaoru tried to speak, but the sobs, the tears, the pain of it all had left her with nothing.

"Shh, just let it come when your ready…" Kaoru's mother held her daughter close to her body, knowing that this had to do with the sweet Kenshin. Well, she thought he was sweet-she and her husband both, neither of them knew about the boy's secret life.

It was more then an hour until something came out, and a mumble of words was all it was, and most she couldn't make out, but knew it had nothing to do with the situation, just the fact she ditched what was left of school sense she saw the two.

And finally, there they where, the words she couldn't get out until now. "I saw him kissing…Yukishiro-san…"

"You saw him kissing Enishi-kun?" her mother asked, knowing who it was, but just trying to add a little humor on the situation.

"NO!…" a choked laugh or cough came out. "Tomoe-san…in the hall for almost everyone to see!"

More teas came, and Kaoru buried herself into her mother, trying to hide her self from everything. Her mother smelled like freshly baked chocolate cookies, and warm to the touch. Kaoru felt like everything could have just been ended there-including her life. Which was how she would've liked it.

Her mother didn't really know what to say, Kenshin was her first love, the man she believed she would be forever with-and the words saying that they would've be wold hurt her more then what she had seen.

"Aren't you going to say something kaa-chan? Anything?"

"I don't know what to say honey, except for something you won't like…"

"Anything, kaa-chan! Please! Tell me everything is going to be okay, that Kenshin didn't mean to do anything with that bitch, that he loves me and only me!"

"I can't sweetie, but I promise that you will be okay, that somehow everything will turn out right…"

Kenshin knocked on the door to Kaoru's house, a red head with dangerous amber eyes. He had missed seeing Kaoru in class after lunch, well, he hadn't seen her during lunch, being busy with something else-which he didn't quite enjoy all that much. Tomoe wasn't a very good score, and he couldn't figure out how Akira could stand her every night. She was hardly any fun at all.

"I'm coming!" called a voice he knew anywhere. There she was, wearing a skimpy pair of pajamas and an opened zip-up sweater. "Ken...shin…"


She didn't say anything, just looked at him with misty eyes.

"I saw you with Tomoe-san…and well…"

He was stunned, so she did see them. Kenshin knew someone had walked upon them on the dark halls, and it had been her. Anger coursed through him, the little bitch thought he would go for another willing whore when he had her and her alone?

"And what, Koneko-chan? Will you break up with me after so many years? After what we had done in that graveyard?… Oh, do you not remember that night? I can give you a little remembrance…"

Reaching for her, he cupped her cool face between his warm hands, kissing her on the lips in a hard and heated kiss. But that wasn't enough for him, or her, and the two were slowly going deeper in their kiss, one of his hands slipping down around her waist, bringing her closer to his body, to the hard length that was hidden underneath.

"No!" she pushed him away from her, tears running down her checks as the reality of it all came crashing down on her. He was just going to screw her again and again and again, no stopping of it at all. "Kenshin, please, just give me time to think…to readjust to what I saw…please…"

"You want time to adjust? I will give you that time, but don't think I will EVER give up to you!" He grabbed at her, pulling her into his body in a rush, giving her another hard kiss that she had always known. "Remember that little one."

He left, not bothering to close the front gate behind him as he did so. She sank to the floor, all the energy that she had before leaving her body in a rush, leaving her just a puddle of flesh and bones.

She had gotten off easy, but this only meant that the hard stuff would come soon enough.

And boy was she right.


AN: O.o …I need a doctor, I need to sleep, but I would rather stay up and watch stuff playing at midnight on the TV.