Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Ranma, the Demon Sorcerer ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi
Rumiko. All characters (that I have not created or
borrowed from other sources) belong to her. This is
a fan fiction, and is not intended to violate the
rights of those who hold control over the Ranma
series. The same can be said of the Jackie Chan
Adventure series and those who create it.
Sailor Moon also belongs to their creator.
I have no money for legal problems and
would very much appreciate it if no one tries to
sue me. Thank you very much.

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Ranma, the Demon-Sorcerer
Chapter 9
<Panda sign>

Akane sat down and thought about the events that had followed the attack on the Tendo home
from the forces of the Dark Chi Wizard, Daolon Wong. After making sure that everything was
going to be alright, the Chans left to continue with their lives and their mission to stop
the forces of evil. That left Cologne in charge of the fate of her family and the others.

The matriarch had stepped up the training of her students, speeding up the training of the
different chi spells and their effects. Plus the methods of creating the spells. The only
things that seemed to stay the same was the chant. The parts of a demon repelling device. Her
sister seemed to be picking up the training quickly.

It was nice to see Kasumi living her life again, even if it was in a strange way. Her sister
had always seemed magical, but finding out that she was training to be a chi wizard was a
little heavy. Part of her wanted the old Kasumi back, but most of her was glad that her sister
was chasing a dream. Even if she was getting closer to Ranma.

There was the look of romance between Kasumi and Ranma. They were getting closer together.
Akane wasn't an expert in love, but she found that there was some kind of bond between the
demon cursed and her sister. Which just made Akane more furious with the young man.

First he comes to her house to be engaged to her or one of her sisters. Then he turns out
to be some kind of demon with powers that could beat her easily. Then he's flanting Shampoo
while making eyes with her Kasumi. Now he was even making moon eyes with Sailor Pluto. He
was definately a womanizer. Still his power and the power of Shampoo frightened her and made
her nervious around them. He was capable of anything and she would most likely follow him.

Worse, he had brought danger with him. Danger that could hurt her family. Danger that was
these other demon cursed who seemed to want to hurt him. She hadn't seen the fight with Ryoga,
but the idea that another demon was out there and could harm her family darkened her mood to
the fire demon boy. Plus there was this Daolon Wong that was also attacking. First with his
dark chi warriors, then with his tiger beast. A beast that had stopped one of the most
powerful group of heroines in all of Japan.

Akane was of two minds with Ranma's relationship with the Sailor senshi. He had allowed her to
meet the women that she had been idolizing for months now. She would have given anything to be
able to meet and learn the secret identity of the Sailor senshi. And now she did because of
Ranma and Shampoo.

Only it had cost a high price! The senshi were now powerless. All save Usagi, Sailor Moon.
Their elemental powers blocked by the dark chi of Daolon Wong. They were as helpless as normal
teenaged girls. Their only hope was a spell that was being developed by Cologne and her
students. Part of Akane felt guilt that it had happened...but most of her blamed Ranma.

Ranma, Ranma, RANMA! He seemed to be the source of all of this conflict. If they could just
get rid of him, they might be able to avoid all of this trouble and chaos that had drifted
into their lives. But the only one close to being on her side was Nabiki...And Kuno. The rest
were on Ranma's side. And Nabiki had her moments where she seemed to try to figure out a use
for Ranma. Akane also hated being on the same side as Kuno for anything.

Akane just didn't know what to do. There had to be a way to protect her family. To show them
the danger that Ranma and his allies were to their life. A way to save her family. But what was

Ranma sat and mediatedon his life so far, as he was told to by Cologne. He couldn't help but
feel guilty over the attack that had occured while he had ran off in fear from the, ugh, cat.
That demon had been hunting for the power held by Shampoo and himself. The powers of the demon
sorcerers. It had threaten their new friends and his new family. Plus it had done a nasty deed
in blocking the power of the heroic Sailor senshi. All before it was destroyed by Cologne and
that Uncle Chan guy. But that wasn't the only guilt that he was feeling at that moment in time.

His love life was also a disaster that was casuing him trouble. Trouble and self loathing.
Poisons that could be affecting his chi in an adverse way. Which had lead him to this point of
mediation and self examination. To purify his chi so that he could cast his spells from a more
positive place.

He was a womanizer, or that was the way that he saw himself. He was attracted to three
different women. Each beatiful in their own way and each seemed to be attracted to him. At
least that's what it looked like to him. He was trying to decide from the three of them who to
choose. And it was proving problematic. He looked over the choices that he had to choose from.

There was the cute and perky Shampoo. Even given her curse form of the Thunder Demon, Tchang
Zu. She was cheerful and lively. She was also a skilled martial artist that could keep up with
his fighting style. They had much in common with their lives devoted to training and the
sharing of the Demon curse. She was even his age.

Then there was the beautiful, yet demiure Kasumi. She was the classical Japanese house wife,
yet he had been watching her blossum with her training in the mystical arts. She seemed to have
a natural knack with the spells that Cologne had taught her. It was also giving her a sense of
confidence and sense of self. He really felt a connection with her as they worked together to
perfect their Chi powers.

Finally, there was Setsuna. Also known as Sailor Pluto. She was sexy in a myesterious kinda
way. She was an engma. She was very private about herself, saying very little. But she seemed
to be trying to help him with the power that he was using. She definately knew much more than
she said about the power of the Demon Sorcerers. Both of them had held great least
till Daolon Wong blocked her.

Anyone of them would make a wonderful girlfriend, yet he was cursed in having feeling that
could develop into something deeper. The chocie was hard to make as he thought over the three
women. How could he choose between them? He must have them all!

Suddenly, Ranma thought of Kuno for a moment and was distracted from his mediations. Why was
he thinking of that fool?

If only there was a way to compromise the choices. To have his cake and eat it too. But how
was that possible? He couldn't ask them to share him, could he? It might have been possible
in the old days of Japan, but in the modern era it was impossible. Ne?

Ranma when back to his mediations, trying to think of a way to find happiness.

Tso Lan floated through the earth dimension looking for the one to hold his body. The being
that held the power that he had given up to become the astral form that he know took to look
for a body. He hoped to find one with his old powers that could be used to further his plans
of power. He followed the sensation of being in two places at once to find the body.

He found it. A look of shock and idgust crossed his face. It was in the shape of a turtle. A
small and useless turtle! How could this fool be stuck in such a form? Then it became clear as
he noticed the power of the talismans of Shendu at work. 'The monkey talsiman must be the
source of this change. But why hasn't he used his demon powers to change back? Unless...'

It was clear that this mortal didn't know how to use all of his demon powers. The mortal
didn't deserve the perfect body that he had been given! A body that he would take back as
his own. The astral form of the demon creeped into the cage that was holding the turtle
demon. Only to be struck back with a great force as a symbol of powerful magic glowed on
the turtle.

The red flare burned the demon's soul as he looked at the creature that was wearing his
shape. The powerful good magic that coated the demon's body pervented Tso Lan from entering
the home he sought.

Rage burned through the demon's mind as he realized that the body he had desired was now
out of reach. He yelled out his fury as he realized that his planes had been dashed to pieces.
But perhaps he could still find a way to turn this failure into success. He could use this boy
to further his plans for the powerful crystal of the Moon Princess. The boy just needed
guidence...guidence to follow Tso Lan's plan!

"Awaken, young one! I am here to free you of this prision. I am your rescue. AWAKE!" Tso Lan
cried out to the boy that was trapped in the turtle form. The turtle stirred as he heard Tso
Lan's voice for the first time. It turned to the spiritual form of Tso Lan. "I bring you hope
for your future. First, I bring freedom. It is part of your demon powers to alter your shape.
To change you merely have to picture the form that you want to take and then you will take that

Mousse stirred as he shifted in form. From a simple turtle, the boy shifted into a more
complex form of a human being. The human being that was the form that Mousse had been born
with. That had shatter the cage with a crash!

"Now focus your gravitational energy down to lift you in flight. You still have your demon
power in your human form as long as you haven't been doused by hot water. Now flee!" Tso Lan
told the boy, getting ready to flee with the boy. To give him 'advice'.

"Thank you," was Mousse's only reply as he lifted himself to the sky and freedom. Tso Lan

Much Later...

Ryoga headed back to Nerima, looking for Ranma. He knew now that Ranma had been the one
to curse him with his demon form. The same creature that Ranma had turned into their fight
had been the one to kick him into the pool that had contained the curse. Now he had the
ability to take the form of a powerful being. One that was strong and powerful. One that
controled the power of the earth.

He knew that Ranma also contained the power of a demon. One that was the equal to his power.
Ranma had used some cheap trick of his demon form to get out of Ryoga's way at the last minute.
That had ended their fight for that time. Still it had been interesting to see the Sailor
senshi try to fight his demon form. It wasn't everyday that you fought with real live super

Now he was wondering around the city looking for Ranma.He was looking for signs of the boy
and the demon that was the martial artist. He was lost again and he was still looking. It was
a big area to cover. Especially given his tracking ability. Then he felt something following
behind him. He turned to look for the person following him.

It was a little, short lady that was hopping on a cane. She kept coming towards him. She had
an aura of great power and skill. She stopped before him and asked, "Ryoga Hibiki? I have been
looking for you. My name is Cologne. I have come to give you protection from the forces of
darkness that are trailing you. A force called Daolon Wong!" She told him.

"Why are you here to help me?" Ryoga asked curious, at this woman's care for his health.

"You posses the power of Dai Gui, the Earth Demon. Giving you the power to control the
very earth below us. My people once fought against this force of darkness, to imprison this
beast with the powers of the Eight Immortals. But Jusenkyo's power has released them back
into the world under the care of mortals. But there is those who would take this power as
their own. Those who would use them for evil. Like Daolon Wong." Cologne told the boy, trying
to convince Ryoga to accept her help.

"What are you going to do? Why should I trust you?" Ryoga asked, wondering if what she said
was true.

"With your permission, I will enchant a spell that would prevent your power from being
drained. As I have with the others that have been curse with the powers of the demons. Ranma
with the powers of Shendu the Fire Demon. My Great Granddaughter Shampoo with the powers of
the Thunder Demon Tchang Zu. And a nuicance named Mousse with the powers of Tso Lan the Moon
Demon. You should trust me as I'm willing to help you train with Ranma, in both human and demon
forms. I will even set up a match between you and Ranma to test yourselves." Cologne told him.

Ryoga nearly salaviated at the idea of fighting Ranma in combat. To prove that he was the
better martial artist. All it would take was trusting that this woman was casting a spell that
would protect him from evil. It looked like a win-win situation. It was a no brainer. "I agree
to your offer. I will let you cast the spell that will guard me from the forces of darkness!"
Ryoga said, sure of himself.

Cologne pulled out a bottle and a brush. She dipped the brush into the bottle of reddish
solution. "I will have to paint, then chant to lock in the spell. This might tickle!" She
brushed the paint into his flesh.

It did tickle.


Usagi thought about her friends and the situation that they had gotten into. They had
lost all of the powers they had gained through their fight against evil. They were all regular
girls now. With her as the only exception, as she still held Ginzuishou which granted her power
even while her main powers as Sailor Moon were "offline" as it were. Or that was what Ami was

But they were at their weakest at the moment. Their Henshin pens were shattered. Her compact
was gone. They had now way of changing into their sailor forms. Their only hopes lay with the
powers of the chi master powers of Cologne. It was their hope that her good chi powers would
be able to break the dark chi spell of Daolon Wong. It came down to a waiting game.

Each of the senshi were dealing with the lack of power in their own ways. Minako tried to
perk up their spirits with jumbled words of encouragement. Makoto worked on her martial arts,
joining with Ranma, Shampoo and the Tendo's to open herself up to more styles.

Rei and Ami used their various abilities to keep an eye out for danger comming from different
sources. Rei's fire readings were turning up nothing they hadn't learned about the wizard from
the Chans. Ami's computer scans were turning up the same thing. Rei was trying to figure out
more of Cologne's secrets of chi magic. Ami was scanning the magic that Cologne was doing to
return their powers. It was quite "an interesting power readings", Ami had said.

They had less contact with the Outers. They had kept their talismans, but they seemed to be
heavier or harder to use as non-senshi. But Michiru was still using the Deep Aqua Mirror to
find out more about the enemy. It revealed more of Daolon's past, the dark deeds that he done
over the century. Perhaps even beyond. Michiru shared this info with Usagi, even if it made
them both sick. Michiru hadn't even shared it with Haruka, wanting to protect her lover from
the deeds of the dark wizard.

Hotaru was still working on her school work, while she was without Sailor status. Her powers
still being held in check by her force of will. Haruka and Michiru helped to make her life

But Setsuna was the most mysterious of all of the senshi at the time, as she always was. She
had managed to find a way back to the Time Gates. She had been observing the future and the
past to check out what was happening. She must have been watching the past as she looked down
as if she had seen something dark. But that was the beginning of her news.

Crystal Tokyo was no more. The events of the last few days had placed it out of reach of the
senshi for now. Their hopes and dreams were gone. Usagi's first worry was the fate of her
future daughter, Chibi-usa. The good news was that she still existed. She was part of the
future that was yet unformed. She might not be princess of Crytal Tokyo, but she was still
alive in a manner. That gave Usagi hope.

But the other bad news was that there were many dark shadows growing in strength. Forces from
out of the past and the present were moving to take on the future. Setsuna was sure that they
were gathering around the focus point of Ranma and the other Demon cursed. They were a nexus
point in the fabric of the future. Forces of Darkness would gather around them like they had
gathered around the senshi when they came.

Usagi was determined at that point that the future of the senshi were tied to the fates of the
accursed. Each one of them had a great power that could be used in the force of good. For the
future of the world, they must be protected and guided. Crystal Tokyo might be in shattered
pieces, but it was still hope for a future that was as good or even better than the one they
had been fighting for.

Usagi decided to make plans for her next move. Daolon Wong would be stopped as well as
anything else that tried to ruin the future!