Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / D. Gray-man Fan Fiction ❯ Ice On Ice ❯ Enter Jasdebi ( Chapter 36 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SailorStar9: Chapter 35 goes up. This is Chapter 36. Read and review.
Disclaimers: I do not own both the animes. However, I do own the pairing, I hope.
Chapter 36: Enter Jasdebi
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Did they fuse together? Lavi gulped.
“You'll pay…” Allen hissed barely striking the smirking Noah. “You'll pay for what you did to Krory!”
“That vampire bastard. He belittled us. So we got him back.” The Noah laughed. “We did him a great service in ending his life!”
Powering up an energy ball, he pressed it into Allen, trapping the Exorcist onto a star-shaped pentacle and electrocuting him.
“What should we do with you, Allen?” Jasdebi inquired. “Ah, got it. How would you like to become a bomb? We'll take out that door using you to blow it up!”
Are they planning to destroy the door by hitting it with Allen? Lavi wondered, rushing to Allen's rescue.
“Allen!” Lenalee cried out.
“Bomb, detona…” Jasdebi almost finished their sentence when Krory broke Allen free.
“Allen…” Lavi looked at the boy. “Crow!”
“Vampire.” Krory hissed. “It's not `vampire'. My name is Arystar, Arystar Krory. Don't call me a vampire!”
“We'll call you whatever we want.” Jasdebi shrugged. “Even with all those wounds, you can still move about huh? You really are a monster.”
“Krory!” Allen called, the two younger Exorcists supporting the older man.
“Hey, you all right?” Lavi asked. “The wounds you just got are really deep, aren't they?”
“I'm fine.” Krory assured him.
“Crow…” Lavi mumbled.
“Krory, this is…” Allen blinked at the blood that seeped through his glove. “That wound!”
“Should you be pushing yourself this hard, old timer?” Jasdebi mocked.
“How many bottles of Chomesuke's blood do you have left?” Lavi asked.
“Three.” Krory replied.
The next door is already open. Lavi looked at the opened gate. For all of to be hanging around here…
“You're not gettin' away.” Jasdebi broke his thoughts. “We'll slaughter the lot of you!”
At that, the Noah fired an energy spiral at Allen, throwing him away.
“Allen!” Lavi called out.
“You son of a…” he hissed when Jasdebi used his head as a trampoline. “Fire Seal!”
“Huh? Did I get him?” he blinked as the Noah was consumed in the flame pillar.
“Hot!” Jasdebi muttered, reaching out. “Hot, hot, hot. Hot, hot, hot. Hot, hot, hot!”
“That was hot.” The Noah noted, dispelling the flames after giving Lavi a punch in the face. “We've kept you waiting. You're up next, old man.”
“Brats.” Krory spat.
“Here I go!” Jasdebi grinned, unleashing his long hair to pierce through Krory.
Not allowing the vampire Exorcist any time to retaliate, the Noah then fired an energy ball at Krory, trapping him with the star-shaped pentacle.
“Don't think of our new form, any of our attacks, or our strength as childish.” Jasdebi told Krory before blasting him upwards. “Jasdebi's current form is the strongest body ever imagined!”
After Krory fell back to the ground, both Lavi and Allen attacked the Noah from behind.
“Grow! Grow! Grow!” Lavi called forth his enlarged hammer, smashing it down on the Noah after Allen was beaten back.
“You're way too slow!” Jasdebi mocked, sitting on the hammer head. “You should train your body instead of relying on your anti-Akuma weapon, Exorcist. You have no chance of beating us!”
At that, he fired another energy spiral at the Bookman-in-training.
“Allen! Lavi!” Krory grabbed Jasdebi from behind. “Take Lenalee and the others, and head through the door!”
“Krory.” Lenalee muttered.
“Let go of us, you pervert!” Jasdebi demanded.
“Krory!” Allen gasped as the Noah's hair spikes pierced through his body again.
“Go.” Krory told them.
“An earthquake?” Allen blinked as the ground crumbled beneath their feet.
“This room's destruction has begun!” Rero quipped.
“Let go, you perverted bastard!' Jasdebi demanded. “Let go of us!”
“Allen, Lavi!” Krory told the two male Exorcists. “Hurry, this room's already at its limit. We can't allow everyone to die here.”
“Then, I'll sta…” Allen started.
“Let go! We said let go!” Jasdebi struggled against Krory's grasp.
“Get going now!” Krory ordered.
“But you're injured!” Allen protested.
“That's why I'm staying!” Krory shouted. “With these wounds, I won't be able to fight for very long. Who will protect Lenalee and Chaoji beyond the next doors? We still have to save Athena! Allen… Lavi… I trust only you with these tasks, so I'm telling you to go! I believe in you! Go!”
“We said get your hands off us!” Jasdebi ordered.
“Krory.” Allen gasped.
“Krory.” Lenalee muttered. “Krory!”
Allen hesitated, thinking back to the first battle.
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“You guys get moving.” Kanda told them.
“I believe in you!” Krory shouted. “Go!”
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I see. Allen realized. For me… for all of us, faith is a precious thing.
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“Huh? Gone.” Jasdebi blinked as the smoke cleared. “Gone. Gone. They're nowhere to be found! Your friends abandoned you! Woo!”
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“Krory!” Lenalee cried as the rest of the group proceeded through the door. “Even though he's injured, he… if we don't go back…”
“Lenalee.” Allen told her firmly.
“Let go of me!” Lenalee demanded. “We can't keep getting separated!”
“Lenalee!” Allen called out. “Don't worry. We'll definitely all go home together. That means Krory and Kanda too. I'm not giving up. I'm struggling and struggling to protect everyone. This isn't like the strong Lenalee I always knew. You're older than me, aren't you, Lenalee?”
“Your big bros here aren't gonna give in, either!” Lavi cut in. “Plus, Crow still has…”
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“We figured they'd run away.” Jasdebi remarked as he walked towards the gate. “We'll catch up with them, and…”
The Noah's sentence was cut off when a vodka bottle was thrown at his back.
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“Three bottles of blood from Chomesuke.” Lavi finished his sentence. “If any man can do it, it's Crow.”
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“You're not going anywhere, brats.” Krory smirked, getting up after he downed the second bottle of Chomesuke's blood.
“We're gonna dust you, vampire.” Jasdebi grinned.
At that, Krory charged.
“An Akuma's oil blood!” he exclaimed in horror after taking a lick. “How could you drink that? You must be nuts!”
“That so?” Krory asked. “I think it tastes not unlike tomato juice.”
“Lair!” Jasdebi accused. “You give us the creeps. We bet you're an outcast among humans. What a disappointment you must be, huh? You pals even left you behind. They're probably glad to be rid of you, don't ya think? A monster of a human like you!”
“Have humans said the same of you, then?” Krory smirked. “What's wrong? Right on the mark?”
“Not a chance! You…” the Noah's grin widened as he charged towards the Exorcist. “Monster! Monster! Monster!”
“Monster!” Jasdebi smirked after delivering a series of successful punches onto Krory and holding him up in a chokehold.
“Monsers'll keep getting back up unless you smash them into pieces, right?” the Noah asked, trapping Krory onto a star-shaped pentacle and smashing the injured Exorcist onto the ground.
“Let's make a sandwich!” he added, forming another pentacle and using it to crush Krory.
The Noah grinned after the two pentacles compressed the Exorcist between them.
“Oh, aren't you supposed to kill a vampire by driving a stake through its heart?” Jasdebi questioned. “Whatever.”
“I wasn't killed by a stake through the heart.” Krory corrected. “This vampire died after drinking the blood of the woman he loved. The only one allowed to call me a vampire is no longer in this world. So don't call me one. It pisses me off!”
“Right now, I am the Exorcist who will eliminate you two.” He informed the Noah after breaking free of the pentacles. “I have no need for a coffin.”
Before the Noah knew what had happened, Krory was already behind him, knocking Jasdebi off his feet.
“Ouch! That hurt like hell!” the Noah complained.
His hands are becoming like rubies. Jasdebi noticed as Krory crossed his clawed hands before himself. No, we're wrong. That's blood. The blood is encasing his body, making it stronger. Perhaps his Innocence's power resides within his blood? But why? Just a short while ago, it looked as if he really would die. Where did he find this strength? Do vampires convert their anger into power? No, something such manga-ish could never…
Then the Noah realized after seeing something glitter in between the pentacles. It can't be! That's a different bottle from before! He drank Akuma's blood and used it for power? Does this guy have more Akuma blood on him? At this rate, things'll get irritating if he keeps drinking more.
I'm down to one bottle of Chomesuke's blood. Krory noted. So before I'm forced to drink it, I must defeat this Noah.
“It's so shameful to kil children….” He remarked.
“Don't worry about it! You'll never be able to kill us!” Jasdebi grinned and fired an energy spiral at Krory who merely punched through it before dashing towards his opponent.
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In Road's room…
“Hey, what are you doing?” Tyki asked.
“Tyki, you should change too.” Road told him, picking out a suitable dress.
“Why?” Tyki asked.
“Allen's gonna be here soon!” Road beamed.
“You serious?” Tyki inquired.
“I'm serious.” Road replied.
“What happened with Jasdebi?” Tyki questioned.
“They're still fighting, but it seems Allen got away from them.” Road answered.
“Allen did?” Tyki raised an eyebrow.
“Jasdero and David have the memory of bonds, right?” Road reminded. “It may be their strongest weapon, but it's also their Achilles' heel.”
“Bonds that are too strong create flaws over time.” She explained.
“Something like that, huh?” Tyki sighed.
“Oh right! I've gotta get dinner ready!” Road exclaimed.
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Back with the fight…
Jasdebi was dodging and blocking every blow Krory threw at him.
“Well now, that tiny bottle of blood certainly has made you energetic.” Jasdebi mocked, after Krory managed to scratch him.
“Thanks for that.” Krory retorted, not relenting on his attack.
“You've got it wrong. That wasn't a compliment!” Jasdebi corrected giving Krory a kick on his face which the Exorcist caught with his hand and tossed the Noah to the ground.
The Noah snorted, extending his hair to wrap around Krory and sending the Exorcist crashing into a bookshelf.
“Have any more of that stuff on ya?” Jasdebi asked. “Made for the purpose of killing humans, it actually makes one stronger, creating monsters like yourself. Innocence is really despicable. You all right? Do you know you're being made into a monster?”
“Let's see here. You think you had capture me?” Krory retorted, breaking free.
“Bring it on!” Jasdebi declared, sending more of his hair strands towards the Exorcist.
“Knock it off.” Krory remarked, dodging the hair.
“You'll go bald.” He added, smashing the solidified hair strands.
“You ass. You're one really annoying guy.” Jasdebi commented.
Right now, he and I are pretty even, but if I match my strength with his… if I drink the last bottle of Akuma blood, I'll most likely be able to finish him off. But I can't drink it yet. Seems it's not my imagination. Akuma poison is spreading throughout my body. When I was wounded earlier, I drank blood so I could keep fighting. My weakened body must not have been able to filter out all the virus. Krory mused.
“What's wrong? What're ya thinkin' about?” Jasdebi inquired before dashing to attack Krory.
If I drink the last bottle now, my body would most likely succumb to the Akuma's virus and kill me. Krory noted, meeting the Noah head-on.
“The virus is…” he gasped after exchanging a coupe of blows with the Noah, realizing the virus had activated within his body.
“What an opening!” Jasdebi grinned and attacked.
“We're not done yet. This isn't enough to atone for the sin of letting Allen Walker get by us.” The Noah grabbed the weakened Exorcist, knocking him upwards into a bookshelf. “Have a nice trip!”
It's no good. Krory noted, grabbing onto a shelf to prevent himself from falling down as the Akuma virus started to spread. This is no time for hesitation.
“You were planning on drinking your last bottle, weren't you?” Jasdebi was suddenly beside him. “You wanna know how we know you have one left?”
“Too bad for you…” the Noah added, retrieving the last bottle with a clump of his hair.
“Hair?” Krory gasped.
“Our beautiful golden hair!” Jasdebi corrected. “Excellent work. That bottle's really his last right?”
“I see.” Krory realized. “You hid some of your hair within my clothes then?”
“We're so glad that everything went as planned.” Jasdebi mocked. “No more doping for you. Wanna die now?”
“Shit!” Krory's eyes widened when he realized what the Noah had wanted to do.
“What the hell are you doing, dumbass?” Jasdebi cried as Krory cut through the clump of hair, causing the bottle of fall to the ground. The two opponents then dived to retrieve the bottle.
“I don't care if the virus consumes my body! I don't care if I die!” Krory remarked, reaching out to grab the bottle. “Right now, all I need is that last bottle! Please! Let me retrieve it! I… I want to protect Allen and the others!”
“Blood.” He muttered. “My last…”
“How unfortunate.” Jasdebi mocked when Krory realized he had caught nothing.
“You were so close, monster.” He taunted, skewering Krory onto the ground with his hair, the last bottle of Akuma blood in his hand. “If you had gotten this blood, you may have been able to beat us. So how are ya feeling? Mortified?”
“Stop it.” Krory warned as Jasdebi downed the last bottle. “Stop it! Don't drink that! Cut it out!”
“Damnit.” He cursed. “Damnit. Damnit. Stop! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!”
“That tasted awful.” Jasdebi grimaced after finishing the bottle of blood. “Vampire? Hey, vampire. You dead?”
“You should give up. It's futile.” He advised, blocking Krory's enraged punch.
“Perhaps…” Krory replied. “But I can still make you two go down with this room.”
“Get real!” Jasdebi retorted, crushing Krory's head into the cracked ground. “That's the time limit.”
“Farewell, vampire.” He added, as the room crumbled around them.
“You think I'd let you go?” Krory stuttered out.
“You said you didn't need a coffin, right?” Jasdebi scorned, summoning two halves of an Egyptian-style casket with numbers spikes from the ground. “We'll drain that filthy blood from your body, with every one of these hundred spikes.”
Krory let out a horrified scream as the casket closed in on him.
Jasdebi laughed at the Exorcist's demise but his joy was short-lived when Krory pried the vault open. Reaching out to grab the Noah, Krory's body finally gave in to the Akuma's virus and the defeated Exorcist collapsed as the coffin closed in on him.
“He truly was a monster.” Jasdebi remarked, walking away, confident of his victory.
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SailorStar9: My comment after this episode: the study's so trashed after this fight. And if you think Krory's beaten, think again; our favorite vampire Exorcist climbs back up into the fight after a vision from Athena and a spiritual visit from Eliade. Stay tuned to find out what happens next. In the meantime, read and review.