Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online II: SAO Shippuden ❯ Arc III: Chapter 10: Recollection and Dark New Union ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Well, here we are. You knew that this was going to happen sooner or later in this ‘story series’ and the time is now. So, it won’t surprise you that there are going to be some similarities between this version of this ‘event’ and the version that happened in World’s Song of the ‘Hollow Fragment timeline’, but don’t expect it to be exactly alike, everyone! Now, before I start this chapter, I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletigerand Kanius and Kanius’ YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially this author’s The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them. I would also like to give thanks and credit to Matty G91 and this author’s story of Kamen Rider Lunar for giving me permission to use Kamen Rider Lunar, his looks, and everything about him as well as the UNI-SHOCKER organization.


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto,Queen’s Blade/Queen’s Gate, Gundam series, including Gundam Build Fighters, Sekirei, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Senran Kagura, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Tenchi Muyo series, Ronin Warriors, Dot-hack series, Log Horizon, Star Trek series, Stargate series, World of Warcraft series,Power Rangers series, Tron, Code Lyoko, Rave Master, Mouse, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction!Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense mature violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including firearms usage, mind-control, and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online II: SAO Shippuden


(Sword Art Online II music ‘Courage’ starts)


As the intro starts, we see images of swords go by and reflected on the blades of the swords are images of Suguha and Leafa with the final reflection from the blades of the sword are Rika, Lisbeth, SAO and ALO forms, Keiko, Silica, SAO and ALO forms, Shion, Sinon, GGO and ALO forms, Kotone, Philia, SAO/SAW and ALO forms, Hiyori, Kuro, and Lux.


The next shows Princess Selene then turning into a toddler Suguha Kirigaya, who then ‘ages’ into a 13-year-old Suguha Kirigaya, warping into Suguha Kirigaya of 15-16 years of age, then into Eternal Sailor Celestial, and finally, into Valkyrie Sailor Celestial. As Valkyrie Sailor Celestial turns to the skies to see some unseen sight, Rika, Keiko, Shion/Sailor Orion, Kotone, and Hiyori appear behind her.


Just then it turns into images of Ancient Egypt of Atem’s time, Atlantis, the original Domino City, Neo Domino City, and ALO before we see Suguha Kirigaya looking at a ‘shooting star’ before she transforms into Valkyrie Sailor Celestial before facing an unknown figure that uses the Seal of Orichalcos that surrounds her and her enemy.


Next, Valkyrie Sailor Celestial and Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze are seen in two separate images which change where Suguha, then Leafa, and finally, Valkyrie Sailor Celestial are using their kendo/sword techniques. Just then Rika/Lisbeth, Keiko/Silica, Shion/Sinon/Sailor Orion, Kotone/Philia, and Hiyori/Lux are seen before we see Valkyrie Sailor Celestial, using her sword techniques, is joined by Naruto, using his famous Shadow Clones and Rasengan, in this ‘fight demonstration’.


Then we find Valkyrie Sailor Moon walking slowly forward until she is face to face with Valkyrie Sailor Celestial and the two of them stare at each other before Valkyrie Sailor Celestial brings out Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (2500/2000) and Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon (2500/2000) with Valkyrie Sailor Moon brings out Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon (2500/2000) and Clearwing Fast Dragon (2500/2000) in which they go into an epic clash with Valkyrie Sailor Moon and Valkyrie Sailor Celestial clashing blades themselves.


The scene changes to Davis and Kazuto, looking a lot like his SAO avatar of Kirito, facing off against Naruto with Naruto bring out Red Nova Dragon (3500/3000) and Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon (3000/2500) while Kazuto brings out Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity (4000/3500) and Davis brings out Shooting Star Dragon (3300/2500) along with the other Signer and Duel Dragons in which they launch into an epic titanic fight.


Just then we see Sailor Celestial, Sailor Orion, Lisbeth, Silica, Philia, and Lux engaged by a legion of opponents including monsters from ALO and Duel Monsters which they fight and defeat, but then a mysterious figure brings out the Divine Serpent used by Dartz, but Sailor Celestial, Lisbeth, and Silica bring out the three Legendary Dragons, Timaeus, Critias, and Hermos, and they transform into their true forms: The Legendary Knights of Atlantis where they defeat the Divine Serpent.


Naruto and Sailor Celestial are back to back surrounded by Sakura, Hinata, Rika, Keiko, Sailor Orion, Kotone, and Hiyori as a powerful circle brings for the three Aesir, Thor, Loki, and Odin as well as the three Egyptian God Monsters: Obelisk, Slifer, and Ra in which all of them unleash an incredible attack creating a massive bright light. From that light, Black-Winged Dragon (2800/1600) emerges along with the Crimson Dragon.


The scene then switches to images of Yugi Moto, Pharaoh Atem, Seto Kaiba, Joey Wheeler, Dartz, and more before switching to our heroes and heroines with images of Neo Domino City, Aincrad/SAO, ALO, the Elemental Countries including the Leaf Village, and more as images of Suguha and Naruto from childhood into their current years are seen before Suguha turns into Valkyrie Sailor Celestial and the two of them look into the distance.


Finally, we have different scenes where we see Naruto training and mastering the Rasengan, Leafa flying through the virtual skies of ALO, Serena becoming Sailor Moon for the first time, and leading to a scene with all of our heroes and heroines, joined by Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata, racing towards some kind of unknown destination in which it finally stop at all of them assembled together flanked by Earth, Atlantis, and the Leaf Village in the background along with the Legendary Dragons/Knights, the Signer and Duel Dragons, the Aesir, and Egyptian God Monsters.


(Sword Art Online II music ‘Courage’ ends)


Arc III: Chapter 10: Recollection and Dark New Union


May 22, 2026, Tokyo, Unknown location


At an unknown location, Naruto is leading Sakura and Hinata away in which both kunoichi have haggard looks on their faces.


Naruto asks Sakura and Hinata, “Are you okay?”


Sakura tells Naruto, a bit annoyed, “Do we look okay?”


Naruto says, nervously, “I guess not.”


Sakura says, with a sigh, “She is definitely a female version of you.”


Naruto tells Sakura, annoyed, “No way! Katsuragi-chan is a nice kunoichi, but she and I aren’t the same.”


Hinata tells Naruto, a bit nervously, “Other than her perverse nature, I do see that you and she share A LOT of similarities.”


Sakura gives a triumphant smile and Naruto tells Hinata, with a pout, “Thanks a lot.”


Hinata says, nervously, “Sorry.”


Sakura tells Hinata, with a sly smile, “Don’t be sorry, Hinata. You are right on the money.” Naruto gives an annoyed pout at Sakura, who widely grins.


Just then Haruka’s voice booms out, “My, it sounds like something exciting happened.” Naruto, Hinata, and Sakura look to see Haruka walking towards them.


Naruto tells Haruka, “You can say that Haruka-chan.”


Sakura asks Haruka, “What’s up?”


Haruka says, “The leader of Neo Paradius attacked the Sailor Scouts and Digidestined again. She revealed Suguha Kirigaya-san’s history as part of the original Neo Paradius.”


There are looks of surprise from the former Leaf ninja and Sakura says, seriously, “It looks she has made her move.”


Naruto says, with a nod, “Yeah, believe it.”


Haruka says, nodding her head, “Yuuko may be most likely getting ready for her ‘big moves’.”


Sakura says, nodding her head in agreement with Haruka, “Big time.”


Naruto says, “Then we should start making our moves.” Hinata, Sakura, and Haruka nod their heads in agreement with Naruto.


May 22, 2026, Tokyo, Dicey Café


Right now, we are in Andrew’s café, Dicey Café, where we find our heroes and heroines assembled together with Andrew behind the bar and Ryoutarou is with them. We find Suguha looking outside of the window with a plain look on her face while her two Digimon partners are by her side and the others are explaining what happened earlier.


Andrew says, “Damn! That’s a lot of messed stuff!”


Mina says, with a nod, “You said it, Andrew.”


Ryoutarou asks, curiously, “So, what happened after you rescued her?”


Yolei says, “Well, we took her back home obviously.”


TK says, a bit nervously, “Through things were a bit…awkward during the trip back to her current home.”


Flashback; Earlier that same day


Our heroes and heroines arrive in an area out in the Japanese countryside where they are in front of Alita, who has her arms, in which Suguha is talking to her.


Suguha says, with a plain tone, “Since Yuuko found you, you are going to need to be protected. Thankfully the devices that we gave you will make sure of that.”


Alita says, with a scoff, “Oh, I’m certain of that.”


Suguha says, with a plain tone, “Look, Alita-san, you have no reason to trust me, but Yuuko is not one to get deterred so easily. One of these days, she will come for you and your loved ones again. The police and government have no chance against someone with such power at her command. She would slaughter them or worse! And yes, there are things worse than death.”


Alita says, with a glare, “You taught me that.” Suguha gives a sigh and Alita tells Suguha, angrily, “Do you know how much pain and misery that you put us through? Every night, I see you...YOU…in my nightmares! Do you really think saving me makes up for what you’ve done?!”


Suguha responds, plainly, “I didn’t save you to make up for what I did. I saved you because it was the right thing to do. You didn’t need to be blamed for what that man did with SAO.”


Alita says, angrily and sarcastic tone in her voice, “Oh, now, you say it! I can’t believe that someone like you is a Sailor Scout! You think that you are some kind of hero?!”


Suguha retorts, plainly, “I’m not a hero. I NEVER WAS hero.” Suguha tells Alita, plainly, “If you want to know where to go, that’s simple. Be a stronger person and return to the thing that you loved most.” Alita gives a surprised look at Suguha and Suguha tells Alita, plainly, “Be a stronger person than Yuuko is and I was. Don’t let fear rule your life and not let the organization that used me or people like her destroy your dreams.”


Alita tells Suguha, “Do you think that it is really that easy?!”


Suguha says, shaking her head, “Not in the least.” Alita gives another look of surprise and she says, “It is a hard struggle, but if your strong enough and you don’t let what I did or people like Yuuko keep you down, I know that you will rise above and do great things, Alita-san.”


As Suguha turns to leave the others, Alita asks, “Why?”


Suguha replies, “Because it is simple the right thing to do.”


Alita asks, plainly, “Who are you?”


Suguha responds, “No one special. A girl that got angry against the world, let that darkness control me, and let innocent people like you get hurt in my anger.” Suguha looks at Alita, solemnly, and she says, solemnly, “I’m just a girl looking to make up for my sins, but may not be able to since my crimes are far too numerous than you can imagine.” Soon afterwards, Suguha joins up with her Digimon partner and the rest of our heroes and heroines as they prepare to head off leaving Alita with a confused look on her face.


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Back in the present, Andrew and Ryoutarou listen to the others and TK says, nervously, “I guess that we should have saw that coming.”


Ken says, with a sigh, “Maybe…quite a few of us already knew and we just didn’t want to admit it.” Ken then looks at Kazuto and plenty of the others then start looking at him.


Gatomon looks at Agumon (Suguha) and Lunamon intently and Veemon asks Gatomon, concerned, “Gatomon?”


Gatomon tells Veemon, “I know what you are going to say, but I won’t make my judgment until I hear their whole story.”


Hawkmon says, “The question may be on what is their story.”


Suguha responds, plainly, “The ‘story’ is about a girl who let her anger and fury get the better of her and made a mess of so many people’s lives in the worst possible ways by letting her darkness take her over.”


There are looks of surprise and Kazuto says, lowly, “Sugu…”


Serena asks, “What happened?”


Suguha says, “You already realize that my life after big brother got trapped in SAO basically went into the gutter. First, Kazuto got trapped in SAO and he could have died at any time. Next, it was finding that big brother that I’ve known to be my big brother for all my life up to that…Well, we WEREN’T brother and sister, at least in terms of blood relations.”


Serena says, “Suguha, you know that family is more than blood relations.”


Suguha says, “I realize that NOW, but back that, it was confusing and I didn’t know what to think then. And next, it was grandson of Dracula.” Suguha shakes a bit and Suguha says, “I was beyond scared…I was prettified. A real-life vampire?! It couldn’t be real! I had to be a nightmare or something, but the pain…pain…it was real…I could feel him sucking my blood…my life…I had to do something. And to this day, I really don’t know how I got away. I just ran and ran until I was found by an officer, who was horrified to find me in this state, in which he immediately called an ambulance for me. He brought me to his nearby car and got his first-aid in which he asked me who attacked me. What could I have said? I got attacked by a real-life vampire! They would have thought that I was insane or something! I told me that some nut attacked me and he was acting as a vampire in which he bit me, with that part not being false. I gave the description of my attacker, but soon enough, I was getting weak due to the blood loss and the officer was screaming at me to hang on. I tired as best as I could, but when the ambulance arrived and the medical personal got to me, I couldn’t hold on and I collapsed.”


Ami says, “We found out from your mother that you had to have blood transfusions throughout the ordeal since the wounds around your neck weren’t closing.”


Darien says, “Probably due to Vlad’s enzymes that prevents the blood from sealing up the wound.”


Suguha says, with a nod, “Yeah, it took me a while to recover. When I woke up, the doctors got my mother and mom basically hugged while crying.” Suguha says, looking at Kazuto, “This was early into SAO and you could have died at any time, at least in our minds, and now, there was the possibility that our parents could have lost me.” Kazuto nods in understand and Suguha says, “After a while, the police came and talked to me in which they wished to ask me about what happened. Naturally, I was nervous and they knew it in which they talked me through very slowly in which I told what happened leaving out the fact that my attacker was a vampire in which I said, again, it was someone acting like a vampire…To be honest, I think I was also continuing that story to calm me down and make sense of it.”


Yolei says, “Well, that’s understandable. It was not only horrifying, but beyond belief too.”


Suguha says, “Afterwards, the police said that they will find him and he will be stopped in which they will be in touch with us, but as you already get, they never caught him.”


Amara says, plainly, “Not surprising.”


Suguha says, “After staying in the hospital for several days to recover, I went home and stay home for a day or so before I decided that it was time to get on with my life and go back to school. Mom was concerned, but I told her that I would be okay. And that’s when stuff went from bad to worse as well as weird to weirder.” Suguha says, plainly, “During nearly every single sunny day, I started to get throbbing headaches. The headaches weren’t crippling in anyway, but they were really painful and really annoying. Mom was concerned, but I always say that it was due to stress or something like that. You were trapped in SAO and I was in the hospital close to possibly dying. I didn’t want to give mom anymore grey hairs.”


Mina says, with a nervous smile, “Yeah, I’ll bet.”


Suguha says, “However, getting headaches during the majority of sunny days and not experiencing them on cloudy and rain days was…disturbing. Needless to say, I ‘powered through’ as best as I could, but things quickly turned to the much weirder. That came in the form of bats appearing everywhere I go.”


Davis asks, confused, “Bats?”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “I know that it sounds crazy, but it is true. When it is cloudy or in the dark of night, I find bats all around even at home especially at the window. And even weirder, I found that I could communicate with them.”


There are plenty of shocked looks and Yolei says, amazed, “Okay, that’s weird.”


Trista says, “Adolescent vampires do have the ability to communicate and control bats, but nothing at the level of adult vampires. And while sunlight doesn’t cause actual damage to young vampires until they reach adulthood, sunlight causes them ‘discomfort’.”


Tai asks, “So, Suguha was going through stuff that kid vampires usually go through?”


Trista says, with a nod, “Yes. Vampire children aren’t different from human children and in fact, they can go into sunlight without it causing them actual damage, but when they reach adulthood, getting their fangs and drinking blood for the first time, they lose that ‘childhood shield’ and sunlight causes them actual damage through to say that it doesn’t mean that sunlight doesn’t actual ‘harm’ vampire children. It is more ‘pain’ than actual damage.”


Izzy say, “With what Suguha is saying, we can say that her vampiric gene started to assert herself with these ‘signs’.”


Trista says, with a nod, “Yes, I believe so. But due to her gaining that gene through atavism, I would say that she wouldn’t gone beyond that…normally. I say normally since no human with a vampiric ancestry has ever had their gene ‘activated’ by ANY means, so, I can’t be assure that Suguha wouldn’t experience any other ‘signs of vampirism’ so to speak. However, remember, due to her ‘nature’ and her slowly awakening powers, it makes things even more complicated. I can say with plenty of certainty that her body could have been in an ‘unstable condition’ with her body trying to adjust to the gene especially since she is half-Lunarian as Suguha Kirigaya since we know for a fact that Queen Serenity had to make Suguha-hime half-Lunarian in this life to help both her and her mother survive Suguha’s birth in this time due to her said ‘nature’.”


Ami says, “And vampires are creatures of the night and while Lunarians ‘represent’ the ‘light of the moon’, they still ‘represent’ the moon and the night.”


Trista says, with a nod, “Correct, Ami-chan.”


Suguha says, “Well, I didn’t know that I had something like that inside of me, so, I was starting to get really freaked out. I had nightmares of becoming a vampire and what really freaked me out, there were times when my canines started to look like vampire fangs and I couldn’t stay awake in the daytime with me unable to be getting asleep at night.”


Trista says, “As I said, your body was probably in an ‘unstable state’ and it is most likely also due to the way that your vampiric gene was awakened, you may have experience more ‘vampiric traits’ that other ‘partial vampires’ through other than half-vampires, there haven’t been humans with vampiric genes that have had activated genes.”


Suguha says, “Whatever was happening to me at the time, I was confused, shocked, and afraid. With that was happening to me, my life was a mess and anything could have set me ‘off the edge’ or at least, that was how I felt. And something did happen.” Suguha says, “I remember that day well. I was walking down the streets and my mind fill with thoughts with what was happening to me. I was distancing myself from everyone else at school out of fear that I was turning into…you know. Just then I heard a scream and I say an eerie green light in which I couldn’t help myself to investigate. It would be one of my first mistakes…”


Flashback: Early 2023, Tokyo


Within an alleyway somewhere within Tokyo, we find a young 13-year old Suguha Kirigaya, in her school uniform, looking on as she sees a young man, surrounded by an eerie green column of light as another young man, with slick short black hair, jade green eyes, and dressed like he is in a biker gang with a Chaos Duel Disk attached to his left wrist, looks on with an evil smile on his lips as other young man collapses to the ground as the eerie green light column vanishes causing him to collapse in which the man dressed like a biker takes out a Seal of Orichalcos Field Spell card with the terrified face of the young man that was surrounded by the eerie green light column causing Suguha to silently gasp in shock and horror.


The man in the biker outfit says, “Your soul will be perfect for our plans.”


Suguha thinks in her mind, fearfully, “Soul?!” Suguha can’t help to shiver in fear and she slowly steps back, but she then steps on a can causing it to make sure to make the ‘biker’ focus on her.


The man shouts out, strongly, “Who’s there?!” Suguha yelps out in fear and runs for her life in which the man yells out, “Stop!” He then runs after Suguha and he grunts out as he takes out a smartphone. Suguha is running through the streets and trying to process what she saw in her mind.


Suguha thinks in her mind, “What did that guy do to that other person? What was that weird green circle on the ground and that weird light that caused that person to collapse? What the heck is going on?!” Suguha continues to run until she yelps as she is grabbed, yank into an alleyway, and make sure that she couldn’t scream out for help by a group of people dressed similar to the biker that she saw earlier. Suguha is then thrown to the ground by the group of people and the biker that she saw earlier is in front of them.


The biker shouts out, “You saw what happened didn’t you?!”


Suguha says, fearfully, “N-No! I didn’t see a thing!”


The biker responds, “I don’t believe you and now, it is your turn!” Suguha gives a look of pure terror as she remembers what she saw.


Suguha closes her eyes, shakes her head, and she screams out, “No! No! No! Leave me alone!” Suguha’s eyes shoot open to reveal a red glow causing the biker and his group to become shocked and then, seemly out of nowhere, the biker and his ‘gang’ are swarmed by dozens upon dozens of bats in which they scream out as the bats ‘attack’ them.


The biker shouts out, “What the fuck?!” The group tries to fight back against the bats, but they are hitting and knocking each other out in which one bat hits the face of the biker causing him to fall to the ground on his back, knocking him out as well in which a strange green stones rolls down onto the ground in front of Suguha.


Suguha asks, picking up the strange stone, “What’s this?” However, she hears the ‘biker’ start to stir and out of fear, she runs away as fast as she can.


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Back in the present, Suguha says, solemnly, “I never should have picked up that stone or at least, I should have thrown it away, but I was too afraid to think about it. However, it would be the start that would lead me down the path of darkness.” Suguha says, plainly, “They quickly figured out who I was, where I lived, my family, and then some. They forced me out to duel one of them with my mother and big brother under threat. They could have been bluffing, but when I saw pictures of big brother in his bed…”


The others are shocked and Amara asks, surprised, “Wait! They managed to sneak into Kazuto’s bedroom in the hospital?”


Suguha says, “They shown pictures that they took in his bedroom. I know big brother’s face anywhere and I made sure that it wasn’t photoshop.”


Amara says, with a plain tone, “That wasn’t a bluff. That was a real-life threat. If they could get in so easily to take pictures, then…”


Kazuto says, with a plain tone and finishing for Amara, “They could have triggered the NervGear to kill me.”


Suguha says, with a nod, “Exactly. I had no other choice.” Suguha says, “I came out to face my opponent and my opponent also said to bring that stone that I took with them. I should have known that was part of the trap. My opponent had planned one sick piece of what was supposed to be nasty irony. He messed with my head greatly and he then used a spell card to put his Seal of Orichalcos card into my hand.”


Ken says, getting what Suguha was saying, “He was planning for you to activate it.”


Suguha says, nodding her head, “And then beat me.” Suguha says, explaining, “I did my best to resist that temptation, but his ‘mind games’ was getting to me more and more. He said that he didn’t need to play that card to seal my soul away and instill fear in my heart. That part of his planned…worked. I played the card.” There are gasps of shock and Suguha says, solemnly, “I don’t know how to describe the surge of power that went through me. Feeling of empowerment…pleasure…and all my fear turned into rage…fury…anger…I didn’t want to just beat my enemy…I want…needed to destroy him. To crush him. To completely destroy him. And that’s when I got my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon. He was born from the darkness of my heart and the Orichalcos brought it out. The tied turned and my opponent’s plan backfire immensely as well as his fall from grace and mine…”


Flashback: Early 2023


Currently, we can now see a duel between a 13-year-old Suguha against a young male duelist with spiky brown hair and grey eyes with the young man having a Chaos Duel Disk while Suguha has a Neo Domino City duel disk, but she also has glowing red tint in her eyes and the Orichalcos mark on her forehead with a dark wicked look in her eyes while Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon (2400/2000-3200/2000) looms over them with the dragon also infused with the dark powers of Orichalcos.


The man asks, stunned, “How can this be?!”


Suguha roars out, with a dark angered tone, “How? This is how, you worthless ass! You called me a monster? Well, it looks like your plan backfired and it is time for you to pay the price!”


The man responds, “You can’t…!!”


Suguha roars out, with an evil smile, “I can’t! Oh, but I can!” Suguha says, with a dark serious tone, “Red-Eyes, destroy this worthless fool right now! End this with Inferno Dark Fire!” Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon shoots out a breath of dark flames that slams into the man and he screams as his life-points hit zero in which the seal shrinks until it surrounds him.


He screams out, “No! No! Please master…don’t let this happen…please…don’t…!!” However, his screams died out as his soul is sealed into the Seal of Orichalcos card and his body collapses to the ground while the card comes out of the Field Spell slot of Suguha’s duel disk with a face of the man within the seal while Suguha looks at it with a dark impassive look before she tosses the card in a dark uncaring manner.


She then hears someone clapping and a dark male voice says, “Well done, Suguha Kirigaya.” Suguha turns the source of the voice to see a mysterious figure cloaked in shadows coming over to her and while he can’t see his features, she can see that he looks to be a young man with well-groomed short black hair.


Suguha says, with a dark sneer, “Who are you? And don’t give me any crap! I’m not in a good mood!”


The mysterious figure says, in the dark male voice that Suguha heard, “The one that gave him the power that you just used.” Suguha gets into a defensive stance and the mysterious male figure says, “Easy, Kirigaya-san. I am not your enemy.”


Suguha says, with a dark snort, “Forgive me if I don’t trust you.”


The mysterious male figure responds, “Understandable. However, you have to understand that our work is a noble one.”


Suguha asks, surprised, “Noble?”


The mysterious male figure says, with a nod, “Yes, Kirigaya-san. We are purifying the world of wicked things that are tainted it. Things that create monsters like…Akihiko Kayaba.” Younger Suguha’s dark glare becomes more intense as her eyes narrow and the mysterious male figure says, “The people that you saw we sealed away were evil people that would only spread corrupted and destruction to our planet. That’s the purpose of the Orichalcos and you have done well to harness its power. You have proven yourself more than worthy to use it to its full potential.”


Suguha says, with a dark annoyed tone, “Whatever.” However, a feeling of ‘dark exhilaration’ starts to come over her and it can be seen in her eyes.


The mysterious male figure says, “I know that you have felt the power that the Orichalcos has given you and I know that you are one of the ‘chosen ones’ that will create a better world.”


Suguha responds, starting to walk away, “Not interested.”


The mysterious male figure asks, “Even if it means saving your brother and ensuring nothing like SAO would happen to anyone else.” Suguha turns around and glares at the mysterious figure, darkly, and the mysterious male figure says, “You felt what power it gave you. You can do it, Suguha-san. You can change this world. This so-called world has taken your brother and your humanity from you, but you, now, have the power to take it back and show this world that it doesn’t screw you over, Kirigaya-san. Join us…it is your destiny.” Suguha tries to resist the temptation, but then the mark of the Orichalcos appears on her forehead and her mind is filled with dark thoughts including seeing Kazuto’s motionless form in the hospital bed with the NervGear, learning the truth about their ‘relationship’, the vampire attack on her, and so much more filling her heart with pain, anguish, and fear which turns into rage and anger. After a while, the anger and rage wins out and Suguha goes over to him.


Suguha says, “Deal.” Suguha shakes the hand of the mysterious male figure, who gives off a sinister smile.


End Flashback, Return to the Present


Back in the present, as the others listened to her story, Suguha says, solemnly, “I lost myself to my anger and rage. All that dominated my mind was the bad things that happened in my life since the start of SAO and I just felt the anger and fury against the world. Unfortunately, I used the people of Argus as my ‘punching bags’.” Suguha sighs and she says, solemnly, “I hunted them down because, in my currently twisted mind, they were just as responsible for what happened to Kazuto with SAO just as much as Kayaba through it wasn’t truly the case. I kept saying even to myself that I hated VR and what it did…but in actually, I was raging against the world. Big brother trapped in a ‘death game’ where he may die, confusion on your relationship with said brother due to the fact of finding out that you aren’t blood related, at least as siblings, getting bit by a real-life vampire, nearly dying in the process, and seemly turning into one of them in the process. I was pretty scared, confused, and deep down, angry and wrath against the world itself. The Orichalcos just brought all that rage and anger and cause it to dominate my mind. And a lot of good people suffered from my rage.” Suguha says, looking at her two Digimon partners, “During this time, I also became a Tamer and met up with Agumon and Lunamon. They sensed that the person that they met wasn’t my ‘true self’.”


The other Digimon look at Suguha’s two Digimon partners in which Patamon asks, “Really?”


Agumon (Suguha) says, with a nod, “Yeah! The instant that we met her, we knew that something bad was making the boss be the way that she was.”


Lunamon says, nodding her head in agreement, “We quickly realized that it was the Orichalcos that was controlling her thoughts and emotions bringing out all that ‘dark stuff’. We knew that the real Suguha was somewhere ‘covered up’ by that darkness. It is the reason that we stayed with her despite all that was happening with her. We hoped to find a way to bring the real Suguha out.” Lunamon says, with a sigh, “But it was difficult since that nasty stuff had a major hold on Suguha.”


Amara asks Suguha, “And it caused that ‘situation’ with you and Alita-san?”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “She has dominated my nightmares until this day. What happened between her and I…when I forced her to duel…it shouldn’t be surprising that she was completely traumatized. It was the reason that I didn’t want to use my Red-Eyes cards during that duel.” Suguha says, solemnly, “In every nightmare, I scream at myself to stop, but it never works.”


Davis asks, plainly, “So, what was the deal with you and Yuuko? Did you met when you ‘joined’ them?”


Suguha says, shaking her head, “No. I was the one that recruited her.” There are looks of shock and surprise from the others and Suguha explains, “The leader of Neo Paradius used me for recruitment since I had a sibling trapped in SAO…”


Darien says, with a plain tone, “He wanted to use you to get more recruits since you would relate to those effected by SAO. The relatives, friends, and those ‘close’ to the victims of SAO.”


Suguha says, nodding her head, “That’s right. Yuuko was one of those that I recruited. She was shocked when she learned that I had a brother trapped in SAO. Needless to say, my attention was gotten when I found out that her brother was trapped in SAO. It started something between us. Normally, I wouldn’t associate with anyone in Neo Paradius, but learning about her brother being trapped in SAO got me interested. The two of us started an ‘accord’ with each other and I learned that Yuuko and her brother, Yugo, were really into VR since the first day that the NervGear came out.”


This got the interest of everyone and Lita asks, “Really?”


Suguha says, with a nod, “They truly believed that Full-Dive VR was the future…not just of gaming, but everything. A new ‘virtual universe’ that will improve our lives. They saw the possibilities of Full-Dive VR, but that dream turned into a nightmare with SAO.”


Kazuto says, “When her brother was trapped in the game.”


Suguha says, with a nod, “That’s right. However, despite that, Yuuko still believed in Full-Dive VR, and I couldn’t understanding her on that point. Remember, I wasn’t a fan of VR to say the least.” Suguha says, “However, it would be a point for me. Yuuko’s plan wasn’t to destroy Full-Dive as I wanted to do. She still believed in Full-Dive VR, but she felt that it needed to be ‘purged’ of everything that was Kayaba. All of the technology that Kayaba developed had to be purged and Full-Dive VR had to be rebuilt from the ground up.”


There are amazed looks and Ami says, “That’s very unrealistic. All that we have now is based on Kayaba’s technology.”


Kazuto says, with a plain tone and a nod, “Like it or not, he is the bases of Full-Dive VR technology and VRMMO today. He was the one that crafted ‘The Seed’ that allowed VRMMO games to survive and the Amusphere is just a modified version of the NervGear. The Medicuboids are medical versions of the NervGear itself. As much as plenty of us don’t like to think about it, the ‘VR universe’ that’s growing and starting to thrive is based on Kayaba’s rare breed of genius.”


Serena says, solemnly, “It is why that it lives under the shadow of him.”


Suguha says, with a plain tone, “That’s much of what I was thinking at the time. However, Yuuko was admit about this. She felt that by purging ‘everything Kayaba’ from Full-Dive VR and rebuilding from the ground up, her and her brother’s dream will be fulfilled.” Suguha says, with a sigh, “Well, her determination became obsession when the worst thing happened.”


Keiko asks, solemnly, “You mean…?”


Suguha says, with a nod, “The day that Yuuko’s brother, Yugo, became ‘another statistic’ of SAO. It happened in February of Twenty-Twenty-Three and happened during a time when there were a lot of deaths exceeded only by the first day and the first month of SAO.”


There are gasps from the SAO survivors of the group and Asuna asks Kazuto, “Kirito-kun, could it be…?”


Kazuto says, with a nod, “It must have been during the time when we arrived during the twenty-fifth floor of Aincrad.”


Ryoutarou says, “Don’t remind me of that disaster.”


Andrew says, with a nod, “No joke, bro.”


Suguha says, plainly, “It was then that Yuuko became consumed by anger and rage even more so since her father was consumed by despair causing him to be unable to run his company. That’s what turned Yuuko’s determination into obsession and fury. On that day, I swore to her that we would get her ‘justice’ and she took that ‘justice’ to heart…which allowed darkness, anger, and rage to very well consume her.”


Hotaru says, “It seems you were close after all.”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “In that organization, she was a friend. However, things went downhill after ‘that’ day’.”


Gatomon asks, plainly, “So, it is true?”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “Yes, it is. Neo Paradius was the one that attacked the orphanage that you, Veemon, and your partners were staying at. The mission was to destroy the ‘healing chambers’ based on the Medicuboid. I was the leader of the attack.”


There are looks of shock and Gatomon asks, looking at Agumon (Suguha) and Lunamon, “I have only one question: Can you say that without hesitation that you aren’t saying that Suguha refused to attack the orphanage when she heard about the Digidestined orphans and was tricked to save your partner’s skin?”


Lunamon and Agumon (Suguha) look at Gatomon, sternly, and Lunamon yells out, strongly, “No! It is the truth! Yuuko lied to Suguha saying that there were no orphans there! That’s the truth!”


Agumon (Suguha) yells out, strongly, “Yeah!”


Gatomon says, plainly, “You are telling the truth. I can tell.”


Kari says, surprised, “Gatomon…”


Gatomon says, plainly, “Speaking with such emotion and that look, I know that look well, just tells me that they aren’t lying.”


Suguha says, solemnly, “What does it matter if I was tricked or not? I had ‘the gun’ and I pulled the ‘trigger’. I’m responsible for all that destruction and the near-deaths of Davis and Kari as well as them being trapped in Rainbow Gardens for all that time. That’s a fact.”


Everyone looks at Suguha in surprise and Gatomon says, plainly and crossing her forward paws in front of her chest, “Just explain what happened and we’ll see about that.”


Kari gives a surprised look at her Digimon partner and Suguha says, plainly, “Fine, you want the truth. Neo Paradius learned about the orphanage and it’s leader put me in charge of it. With my ‘current attitude’ at the time, I took the assignment with pleasure. However, I didn’t know that it was an orphanage at first. But then I got a report that there were young Digidestined and Tamers and they were orphans. Naturally, I was shocked. While I was pretty much wanting to get rid those Medicuboids, but not at the cost of orphans. But the report was sketchy, so, I had a recon team led by Yuuko herself find out if it was true. She came back and she told me that there was no orphans. It wasn’t an orphanage, but a facility where Digidestined and Tamers are working with Full-Dive VR technology.”


Gatomon says, “She lied to you.”


Suguha says, with a nod, “She did.”


Flashback; Late 2023, Neo Paradius headquarters


Yuuko is with Suguha, dressed in her Neo Paradius outfit, as Yuuko gives the report about the orphanage to Suguha albeit with some ‘modifications’.


Suguha asks Yuuko, “Are you sure about this Yuuko?”


Yuuko responds, with a nod, “Yes, Suguha. The talk about orphans is nothing, but rumor. Most likely, it is some kind of front.”


Suguha asks Yuuko, “Are you certain?”


Yuuko replies, “You doubt me, Suguha-chan?”


Suguha retorts, shaking her head, “No, I would never!”


Yuuko tells Suguha, “I’m sorry, Suguha, but you and I joined for the same reason. I know what you are thinking and you are right, but we can’t hesitate. Remember what that monster and his technology has done to our families?”


Suguha sneers as the Orichalcos seal appears on her forehead for a moment, she holds her head, and she responds, with a dark plain tone, “No, you’re right. I shouldn’t hesitate. Launch the attack. Burn that place to the ground.”


Yuuko says, with a nod, “Agreed, Suguha.” Suguha walks away from Yuuko as she heads off with Yuuko having an evil smile on her lips while Agumon (Tamer) and Lunamon having worried looks on their faces.


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Back in the present, Suguha says, solemnly, “I had no reason not to trust Yuuko, but there was a ‘pang’ in me that said ‘no’. However, the darkness warping my head ‘negated’ any doubts and the attack went ahead.”


Kari asks, curiously, “Were you part of the attack?”


Suguha replies, solemnly, “No, I wasn’t. Doesn’t mean that I tried. However, the leader of Neo Paradius ordered me to stay back, sitting reasons about being commander of the operation and all, which annoyed me, but I followed orders. Most likely, he knew the truth and didn’t want me to find out as well as getting cold feet. However, I was a good distance away and what I experienced haunts me to this day…”


Flashback; Late 2023; Digidestined orphanage


Some distance away from the Digidestined orphanage, in which a good amount of their facilities are in flames, Suguha is looking at the sight with a pair of binoculars with Agumon (Tamer) and Lunamon looking at the whole scene with shock and horror.


Lunamon thinks in her mind, “Is this what you really want Suguha?”


Sounds of screaming and battle are heard and Agumon (Tamer) asks, “Is that screaming?”


Suguha responds, with a dark plain tone, “Don’t bother partner. They are getting what they deserve.”


Agumon (Tamer) says, “But they sound like little kids…”


Suguha yells out, with a dark stern tone, “Don’t let that fool you Agumon. You already know that there are no innocents in there! They are just guilty as that monster that trapped my brother and the others in SAO!” Agumon (Tamer) winches from Suguha’s dark stern tone and Suguha says, with a dark plain tone and a sigh, “If this gives you a problem, let’s go home.” Suguha then walks off into the distance while her two Digimon partners just look back at the burning facility before they follow Suguha off into the distance.


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Back in the present day, Suguha says, with a solemn tone, “That day haunts my nightmares. I turned away and let the screaming go on. Later on, I found out the truth.”


Amara says, “That you were lied to.”


Suguha says, with a nod, “Somehow that ‘shock’ managed to snap me from the control of Orichalcos through it might a bit of ever awakening powers that had a hand in it too.” Suguha says, with tears threatening to stream down her eyes, “Horrified at the fiend that I had become, I ran…ran…and ran back home. I just felt…lethargic…I kept seeing what I had done in my nightmares…I couldn’t sleep at all…being haunted with all of the lives that I hurt and destroyed…” Suguha’s form starts to shutter as if going into shock or something, but she shakes her head, takes a sip of a drink given to her by Andrew, and she says, “And then I was offered a chance to repair the damage that I had done.”


Kazuto says, “The Legendary Knights.”


Suguha nods her head in agreement and she says, “Yes, big brother. They came to me one day and I was shocked that they would ask me to be their ‘avatar’. Me of all people. I asked them and they just replied that I was the only one that could do it. I didn’t know. Why choose me? Someone that has done such fiendish things? However, they managed to convince me and I took this chance to repair the damage that I caused. I fought a one-woman war against my former group and the Legendary Knights in their dragon forms, I had managed ‘turn the tide’, but then…”


Darien says, “You fought against Yuuko.”


Tai says, “Your partners told us about it and we got to see a bit of it.”


Suguha says, “I’ll never forget that day. She and Machinedramon fought us for all that it was worth. I only had Agumon and Lunamon with me and they only managed to get to Ultimate level. Then somehow, I boosted their power to Mega level, but it caused a backlash in the digivice, overloading it, and busting it wide open. However, it was just what they needed to defeat Machinedramon and win the day. Yuuko ran off and glaring at me with such hatred and betrayal…” Suguha pinches her nose and Suguha says, “Agumon and Lunamon were left weakened and exhausted after the fight. Soon enough, I met up with Mirei and left them as well as my digivice. After making follow me into such darkness, I had hoped that they would find a better partner one day.”


Agumon (Tamer) says, “No way, boss! You are the only partner for us!”


Suguha smiles lightly at one of her two Digimon partners and Suguha says, with a sigh, “And then I went into the final fight with him…”


Darien says, “The leader of Neo Paradius.”


Suguha says, with a nod, “That’s right. It was an intense duel. He brought out a powerful monster known as Divine Serpent with infinite attack and defense points, but I united the three knights to form a power that rivaled it and beat it. The whole of Neo Paradius’ headquarters collapsed and I escaped with the knights. Afterwards, the knights returned to their realm. However, I kept wondering why they kept calling me ‘princess’, but these days, I know why. Somehow, they knew WHO and WHAT I truly is.”


Trista says, “That shouldn’t be too surprising. The home realm of the real-like versions of the creature that are in the Duel Monsters game has much ancient knowledge of our ‘realm’.”


Rika and Keiko looks at the Claw of Hermos and Fang of Critias Legendary Dragon cards and Keiko says, “And now, they are with us.”


Hiyori asks, looking at the Eye of Timaeus Legendary Dragon card, “Is it because of Neo Paradius’ return?”


Kazuto says, “Most likely, Hiyori.”


Amara says, “And despite their defeat, for Suguha, it never really ended.”


Everyone looked at Suguha and she says, in a solemn tone, “It never did. The ‘prisoners’ were freed and Neo Paradius was defeated, but it never really ended for me. The nightmares continued and the reminder of my sins came in front of me.”


Flashback; January 2024


Right now, Suguha is walking with a group of classmates as they leave their school.


One of them says, “Man, Kirigaya! You seem so…so different!”


Suguha asks, curiously, “Really?”


Another classmate says, with a nod, “Yeah! Just weeks ago, you wouldn’t give us the time of day and now, you are talking to us as if we are old friends or something!”


Suguha says, nervously, “I’ve been going through a lot lately.” Suguha then waves goodbye as she heads down the way home, but out of the shadows, a young girl wearing a hooded cloak appears before her causing her to recoil back.


Just then hooded cloaked female says, in Yuuko’s voice, “Hello, Suguha.”


Suguha says, shocked, “Yuuko.”


The hooded cloaked female, Yuuko, asks, “Do you really think that you could escape?”


Suguha tells Yuuko, “Yuuko, it’s over. Please stop this.”


Yuuko responds, “Over? You are mistaken, Suguha. It is far from over.”


Suguha says, “Neo Paradius is gone.”


Yuuko says, “Gone? You are mistaken, Suguha.” Yuuko says, pointing to Suguha, “As long as you and I live, Neo Paradius lives on.” Suguha winches from that and Yuuko asks Suguha, “Do you really think that you can go back to your happy life if your brother leaves SAO? Do you realize who and what you truly are?” Suguha is taken aback as Yuuko goes over to her and whispers into her ear, “Do you truly think that your sins can ever be forgiven?” Suguha gasps as a look of fear appears on her face.


Just then a female voice shouts out, “Suguha!” Suguha turns towards the source of their voice to see one of her classmates running towards her and when she turns around, Yuuko has vanished from sight leaving a shocked Suguha in her wake.


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Back in the present day, the group is looking at Suguha, with a solemn look as tears threaten to escape from her eyes once more, and she says, “After a while, I always kept an eye on my back and looked over to make sure that she wouldn’t try anything including to big brother. However, nothing happened, but…she had a point. As I said before, the nightmares didn’t go away and reminders of my past kept coming up.”


Kari says, “When you came to Rainbow Gardens and met us.”


Suguha says, with a solemn nod, “That’s right.”


Tai says, “After Davis and Kari explained about what happened to them, you immediately realized it was them.”


Suguha says, nodding her head, “Yes, I did. I was shocked to the core. I didn’t know how I kept myself together. I guess that I had more important things to worry about at the time.” Suguha says, solemnly with tears starting to stream from her eyes once more, “But the facts are the facts. Davis and Kari would never have been trapped in the virtual world and nearly died because of me!”


Mina says, “Hey, girl, it wasn’t your fault!”


Lita says, “Yeah, that Orichalcos was messing with your head.”


Suguha says, with a plain tone, “Well, it wasn’t have been able to mess with my head if I didn’t let fear take over and gave the darkness the chance to corrupt me in the first place. All my existence has done has caused nothing, but pain and misery for others. Sailor Scout and Guardian of Reality? Ha! What a joke! I’m a failure as a Sailor Soldier and Guardian!”


Mina says, “Hey! You are overreacting!”


Suguha responds, with tears and distress in her eyes and irritated and distressed tone in her voice, “Then explain why I haven’t been able to use my Etherion to perform ‘miracles’ that could help people at all?!” Mina flinches from Suguha snapping at her and Suguha says, “I keep fighting and fighting, but it never ends.”


Amara says, “You have been fighting for redemption.”


Suguha nods her head and she says, solemnly, “But no matter what I do, the nightmares won’t go away. I can still feel their pain…their agony…and it is all my fault. Even if my brain was being messed with, it is still my fault since I played that wretched card! I gave into my fear…my anger…and my rage…and innocent people paid the price! So many have suffered because of me…!!” As the hot tears flowed down her eyes, she becomes surprised when Kari hugs her.


Kari tells Suguha, “It’s okay, Suguha. I’ve already forgiven you.”


Suguha’s eyes widen and Davis says, with a nod, “Same here. You can’t let this ruin your life. In my mind, this isn’t your fault. It is those Neo Paradius’ jerks fault! They played you like a fiddle and messed up your mind! Like what that fanged freak, Myotismon, did to Ken with that fucking Dark Spore!”


Ken thinks in his mind, with a smile, “Thanks for reminding me, Davis.”


Kari tells Suguha, stilling hugging her, “My big brother is right, Suguha. I’ve already forgive you long ago. Now, it is time to forgive yourself. Please let go.”


Tears start to flow from Suguha’s eyes, but she then releases herself from Kari’s hug and Suguha says, solemnly, “I wish that I could, but I can’t.”


Gatomon leaps up onto a table and she shouts out, “Come to your senses, girl! If you are feeling guilty about Yuuko, she made her choice when she lied to you! If she cared about your feelings, she wouldn’t have lied to you, but she did! All she carded about was her own fucking agenda and she used you to get her way!”


Suguha doesn’t say a word for a moment, but she then says, “You may be, but even so, I’m the one that brought her into Neo Paradius. I created our current enemy and it is my responsibility to end it.”


Amara shouts out, strongly, “No way! This isn’t just your battle! It became our battle too since she attacked us too!”


Hiyori says, “Suguha, we have the Legendary Knights.”


Suguha says, seriously, “I don’t know why they have chosen you, but they shouldn’t have gotten you involved!”


Kazuto says, “Sugu…”


Suguha yells out, with a very stern tone, “I said NO! Stay out of this fight! I’m finishing this myself!” Suguha then starts to walk off and she says, seriously, “Agumon! Lunamon! Let’s move out!” Suguha’s two Digimon partners winch, sigh, and they follow their partner out in which she slams the door behind her.


Ryoutarou says, with a winch, “Dude, your sister can be scary.”


Kazuto says, with a solemn sigh, “And so stubborn sometimes.”


Rika says, with a sly smile, “Pot meet kettle.”


Kazuto glares at Rika, causing her to giggle, and Gatomon says, shaking her head, “That girl is putting too much on herself.”


Kari says, solemnly, “She just can’t forgive herself.”


Trista says, “And it may be the reason that she is suffering from those bouts of ‘dark rage’.”


Everyone looks at Trista and Hotaru asks, “Really, Trista-mama?”


Trista says, with a nod, “Yes. Remember, Suguha is the Sailor Scout of Reality and Reality encompasses everything in existence including positive and negative.”


Michelle asks, “So, you are saying that Suguha’s negative emotions, the feelings of guilt and negative feelings towards herself, causes those bouts of ‘dark rage’.”


Trista says, nodding her head, “That’s right, Michelle. Her negative feelings are causing a ‘negative reaction’ with her powers including her Etherion possibly. As long as she has that ‘cross to bear’, her powers may be in that ‘unstable state’ due to the fact that her emotions aren’t ‘fully stable’.”


Lita says, with a nod, “That’s for sure.”


Keiko asks, “So, what do we do now?”


Shion says, with a plain tone, “I have an idea.” Everyone focuses on Shion and she starts to discuss something with the others.


May 22, 2026, Neo Paradius headquarters


At an unknown location that’s Neo Paradius’ headquarters, Yuuko is looking at none other than former members Illaster, Professor Frank and Commander Koda, as Kana walks over to Yuuko.


Kana asks, “Aren’t these members of the Illaster organization?”


Professor Frank replies, “Formally, my dear. We had cut our ties to that organization long before it was dissolved.”


Commander Koda says, “Yuuko-sama has ‘hired’ us to ensure that we get the justice that she and we deserve.”


Yuuko says, “However, in order to get that justice, you need to first duel Akiza’s successor as the Signer of Black Rose Dragon.”


Commander Koda says, with a sinister smile, “With pleasure. From her profile, she may seem like a sweet and innocent girl, but her actions prove otherwise. She is a danger to society. No one should have all that power and it will be a pleasure to crush her, seal her away, and destroy Akiza’s legacy by destroying her successor before I crush her and the one that she loves the most: Yusei Fudo.”


Professor Frank says, with a sly smile, “I’m curious about Luna’s successor as the Signer of Ancient Fairy Dragon. She is…quite interesting.”


Yuuko tells Professor Frank, “I hope that you don’t let your interests supersede your mission, Professor Frank.”


Professor Frank says, with a bow, “I won’t, Yuuko-sama.”


Yuuko says, with a nod, “Good.” Yuuko tells Commander Koda, “Koda, you shall make the first move.”


Commander Koda responds, with an evil smile, “With pleasure, Yuuko-sama.” Commander Koda and Professor Frank bow and then leave Yuuko and Kana alone.


Kana tells Yuuko, “While they might be controllable, some of your new ‘allies’ may not be as such.” Kana looks in another direction and when Yuuko looks in the same direction, they see two humanoid figures with their forms covered in shadows, but their red glowing eyes are seen.


May 23, 2026, Tokyo, Rath headquarters


Within the headquarters of Rath, Suguha, Agumon (Suguha), and Lunamon are together with Luke and Datamon where we find Suguha wearing a hospital gown as she lies down on what looks like a hard table.


Suguha tells Luke, “I’m amazed that you got all this arranged.”


Luke says, “Trust me, it wasn’t easy.”


Datamon says, with a nod, “Indeed.” All of them then looks at a very large rectangular cuboid machine that, along with the console and cooling equipment, can take up an entire large room, nearly reaching the ceiling at the top. Similar to the Medicuboid, this machine comes complete with a three meter long gel bed attached, where the user lies down, and a protruding helmet-like interface that completely covers the user's area above the shoulders.


Suguha says, “This is the Soul Translator.”


Luke says, with a nod, “The fourth generation Full-Dive machine.”


Suguha says, with a plain tone, “I doubt that we will be seeing this in homes anytime soon.”


Agumon (Suguha) says, “No joke, boss.”


Luke says, “You have to remember that using the Soul Translator will make it that virtual world that you are in is indistinguishable from the ‘real world’, Suguha.”


Suguha says, with a nod, “Got it.”


Lunamon says, “I don’t get why you don’t use an Amusphere or one of the modified Medicuboid, Suguha.”


Suguha says, “I need to really feel that I belong in that world, so, I don’t catch any attention while I go to find Yuuko’s brother.”


Datamon says, “Even if you do find him, it will be impossible to restore him since the technique used to restore Yuuna-san could only work once and this person doesn’t have a body in this realm anymore.”


Suguha says, with a nod, “I know, but maybe…Yuuko will listen to him.” Suguha lies down on the bed and the helmet-like interface is connected to her head.


Luke asks Suguha, “Ready?’


Suguha responds, “Ready as I will ever be, Luke.”


Luke then goes over to a group of controls and he says, plainly, “Good luck, Suguha.” Luke then starts to type on a keyboard in which Suguha then closes her eyes as if she fell asleep.


Lunamon says, concerned, “Be careful.”


May 23, 2026, Rainbow Gardens


Within the virtual realm of Rainbow Gardens, we are out in the fields and there is a ‘sphere of light’ and out of that ‘sphere’, Leafa emerges from it in which she looks around.


Leafa says, “That looks familiar.” Leafa looks over herself and she asks, surprised, “I’m in my ALO avatar?” Leafa then says, realizing something, “Well, Luke did say that the Soul Translation would create an avatar from my self-image. Guess that the way that I view myself, at least in places like these, is as Leafa. I can’t help to wonder what big brother and sis would look like with this machine. Probably their SAO avatars…maybe.” Leafa then goes over to a tree and she feels the tree in which she says, amazed, “Whoa! This…This is incredible! I…I can’t tell the difference at all! This feels like I’m in the real world! This is incredible! This is WAY better than the Amusphere, big time! I can’t help to image I flew in ALO diving in this thing…” Leafa then stops her words and she says, with a smile, “Maybe we should wait a while. This tech is awesome, but I don’t think people are ready yet. They are still getting used to current VR technology and with what happened with SAO and all, people might get worried about getting lost in VR worlds and such. One day, but I don’t think that the world is ready yet.” Leafa then says, “Anyway, I had better get going and see if I can find any clues on Yuuko’s brother. Since all of the minds of those that died in SAO were kept in the ‘black box’ that we found, we put them in here since their bodies were already long cremated when we found them and even if their bodies were intact, their brains were practically destroyed making their bodies useless. Yugo-san may not have a body to return to, but I hope that he can help me stop this before it has to go even further.” Leafa then races off into the distance on her mission to find Yuuko’s brother in the hopes to stopping Yuuko through some kind of reasoning.


May 23, 2026, Tokyo, Odaiba District


On the meanwhile, back in the Odaiba District, we find Kari Kamiya and her Digimon partner, Gatomon, rushing to Kari’s apartment home in which they find that the door to their apartment home is open.


Kari asks, surprised, “Huh? The door is open?”


Gatomon says, her eyes narrowing, “I don’t like this.” When Kari opens the door, she gasps to see the inside of home is wreck with her elder brother, Tai Kamiya, and his Digimon partner, Agumon, getting back to their feet with Tai rubbing his head.


Kari yells out, concerned, “Tai!” Kari and Gatomon race over to Tai and Agumon and Kari asks, concerned, “What happened?”


Tai responds, with a grunt, “Those Neo Paradius goons…” Tai’s eyes open wide and he shouts out, looking around, “Mom?! Mom!”


Kari asks, looking around, “Wait! Where’s mom?!”


Tai replies, “Damn! Those goons kidnapped her!”


Kari says, worriedly, “Kidnapped?! Oh no!”


Tai says, “Let’s call the others!” Just then there is a beeping sound and Kari takes out a smart phone from her sub-space pocket in which she gasps at what she sees on it.


Gatomon asks, “What is it, Kari?”


Kari says, “They are on the roof and they know that I just arrived home. They want me on the roof with my dueling deck in five minutes or mom dies!” There are gasps of shock and Kari says, “They also want us…All of us up there alone and if there are ANY other Digidestined and Digimon than the four of us or any other Sailor Scouts than me, mom will die. And they have technology that will detect anyone other than us. They mean business, Tai.” Kari then shows a picture of Tai’s and Kari’s mother tied up on Kari’s smartphone.


Tai says, with a snarl, “Damn them!”


Agumon asks, “What do we do?”


Gatomon asks, concerned, “Do we have a choice?”


Tai says, “They want to make sure that we don’t have a choice.”


Kari says, shaking her head, “We don’t, Tai. And we don’t have time to argue. Mom needs us.” Kari races off with Gatomon immediately following her in which Tai growls as he and Agumon follow soon after. On the roof of the building, Kari, Tai, and their two Digimon emerge onto the roof where they find Commander Koda waiting for them.


Commander Koda says, with a nod, “On time. Well done.”


Tai yells out, strongly, “Cut the chatter! Where is mom?!”


Commander Koda says, pointing elsewhere on the roof, “She is safe…for the moment.” When two Digidestined and two Digimon partners look where Commander Koda is pointing, they gasp to see their mother, her arms and legs bound, being held by a pair of Phantomon with two Digimon Tamers as partners.


Kari shouts out, “Mom!”


Mrs. Kamiya shouts out, “Kari! Tai! What’s going on here?!”


Tai says, plainly, “A long story, mom.”


Commander Koda says, taking out a pink-rose red Real Solid Vision Duel Disk, “Actions will speak louder than words.” Commander Koda throws the duel disk to Kari and she grabs it in which Commander Koda says, displaying a Chaos Duel Disk with a dueling deck inside, “And don’t even think of trying something. The instant that they see your digivices glowing, they are ordered to instantly remove your mother’s head. I think that you understand.”


Kari says, with a nod, “Crystal.” Kari attaches the duel disk to her left arm and inserts a dueling deck from within her sub-space pocket into the duel disk.


Gatomon says, “We can’t trust him, Kari!”


Kari tells Gatomon, “I know, Gatomon. We don’t have a choice.” Kari looks at Tai and she says, “He is holding all the cards, Tai.” Tai growls and turns his right hand into a fist, knowing that Kari is right with Agumon looking at his Digidestined partner in concern as Kari goes over to duel against Koda. The two of them activate their duel disks, their decks are shuffled, and when their duel disk’s touch screens display 4000 life-points for each duelist, both duelists draw five cards from their respective decks as they begin their match.


“Duel!” Kari and Commander Koda say in unison as their duel begins.


Starting Scores:

Kari: 4000

Commander K oda: 4000


Commander Koda says, with a sly smirk, “Ladies first, my dear.”


Kari says, annoyed while drawing a card, “Thanks a lot. My turn! I draw!”


Commander Koda says, with a grin, “It isn’t like you will surprise me. I’ve read up on you and you used to use a lot of Light and Fairy monsters in which since you have Black Rose Dragon, now, since taking her place as the Signer of Black Rose, it doesn’t take a genius to know that you have plant monsters to support that dragon.”


Kari says, putting one card into the main slot of her disk, “Did you predict this one? I play my Foolish Burial! With this card, I can send one monster from my deck to my graveyard!” A card comes out of Kari’s deck, she puts it into her graveyard slot, and she says, “That monster was my Glow-Up Bulb! When he is in the graveyard, I can send the top card of my deck to my graveyard to summon him!” Kari discards the top card of her deck to her graveyard causing Glow-Up Bulb (100/100) to appear on the field in defense mode and Kari says, discarding one card from her hand, “Now, I activate the effect of that card! It is a monster known as World Carrotweight Champion! When he is in the graveyard, by sending one Plant monster from my hand or field to the grave, I can revive him as well!” Just then World Carrotweight Champion (1900/0) appears on the field in attack mode and Kari says, “And now, I tune Glow-Up Bulb with World Carrotweight Champion!” Glow-Up Bulb turns into one star that turns into one ring that surround World Carrotweight Champion causing it to become transparent and when Kari gets a Synchro Monster card from her Extra Deck, a column of light appears on the field. Kari then says, “Guardian of the garden, sprout forth and bring forth the beauty of nature! Synchro Summon!” Kari puts the Synchro Monster card on her duel disk and she yells out, “Come out, Garden Rose Maiden!” Out of the light, Garden Rose Maiden (1600/2400), a silvery-blond beautiful woman in a white dress with black rose in her hair, appears on the field in defense mode.


Commander Koda says, surprised, “That wasn’t in the data!”


Kari says, as a card comes out of her deck, “Garden Rose Maiden has an ability that you probably didn’t know about either! I can put one Black Garden field spell from my deck to my hand!” Kari puts the card that she took from her deck into her disk’s Field Spell slot and she shouts out, “And I use it now!” Just then the whole area becomes a massive field of thorny wives with dark violet roses coming out of the vines.


Commander Koda says, with a sneer, “Not this again.”


Kari says, putting two cards into the main slot of her disk, “I end my turn with two cards face-down.”


Commander Koda says, drawing a card, “It is time to puck this overgrown weed of a field spell!” Commander Koda gives an evil smile and he says, putting the card into his disk’s Field Spell slot, “And here it is! I activate my Seal of Orichalcos!”


Tai says, worriedly, “Oh no!”


But when Commander Koda’s disk starts to give off an eerie green glow, Kari says, pushing a button on her disk’s touch screen, “Wrong! You’ve triggered my trap: Curse Seal of the Forbidden Spell!” Kari’s face-down card is then revealed to be the Curse Seal of the Forbidden Spell counter-trap card and Kari says, discarding one card from her hand, “By discarding one spell card from my hand, your spell card’s activation is negated and destroyed!”


Commander Koda yells out, flabbergasted, “What?!” Just then the Seal of Orichalcos Field Spell is flung out of Commander Koda’s duel disk and seemly shatters into light particles that enter the graveyard slot of Commander Koda’s disk.


Kari says, with a sly smile, “By the way, thanks to this effect, you can’t use same card that I just destroyed with this effect for the rest of the duel!” Commander Koda gives a gasp and flabbergasted look of shock and Kari says, with a sly smile, “I realized that the Seal of Orichalcos may be indestructible when it is on the field, but until it gets on the field, it is still a spell card and that means that it is vulnerable and now, I just defeated your ace in the hole!”


Tai shouts out, excitedly, “Way to go, Kari!”


Gatomon says, with a sly smile, “She sent that cheating spell card packing!” The Tamers of the Phantomon are shocked by this and they look at each other while Koda’s expression morphs from shock to anger.


Kari says, drawing two cards, “The spell card that I discarded from my trap card was Card of Compensation! When it is sent my hand to the graveyard, I get two new cards!”


Commander Koda says, putting one card into his disk’s main slot and with an angered tone, “You will pay for that one, witch! I end my turn with a face-down!”


Kari says, drawing a card, “My turn!” Kari says, “I switch Garden Rose Maiden from defense to attack mode!” Garden Rose Maiden then switches from defense to attack mode and Kari yells out, strongly, “And now, I attack you directly with Garden Rose Maiden!” Garden Rose Maiden unleashes multiple thorny vines that slam into Commander Koda causing him to winch and stumble back as he loses 1600 life-points.


Commander Koda says, pushing a button on his disk’s touch screen, “I guess that you aren’t as unpredictable as you think! I activate my trap card: Crime and Punishment!” Commander Koda’s face-down card is revealed to be the Crime and Punishment trap card and Commander Koda says, with a smirk, “And now, one monster on your field is now destroyed!”


Kari says, pushing a button on her disk’s touch screen, “Wrong! I activate my Frozen Roars!” Kari’s face-down card is revealed to  be the Frozen Roars Quick-Play spell card and Kari says, “I release one monster on my field and then apply the effect based on what type that I removed from my field! I release Garden Rose Maiden!” Garden Rose Maiden becomes entrapped in brown thorny vines in which she vanishes and Kari says, with a sly smile, “You just lost your target!”


Commander Koda says, putting one card on his disk, “But I can now summon one monster at the end of the Battle Phase this turn! And I choose Agent of Hatred!” Agent of Hatred (0/0) appears on the field in defense mode and gets wrapped up in thorny vines.


Kari says, “Thanks to Black Garden, your monster’s power is cut in half and I get a Rose Token!” Just then a Rose Token (800/800) appears on Kari’s field in attack mode.


Commander Koda says, with a smirk, “Too bad that Agent of Hatred doesn’t have attack points for you to drain! By the way, my Agent of Hatred allows me to regain the life-points that you just took from me!” Commander Koda then glows as his life-points go back up by 1600 points.


Kari says, putting two cards into the main slot of her disk, “I end my turn with a couple of face-downs! And now, the effect of Frozen Roars activates! Since I used it to release a Plant monster, I draw two cards, but I discard one card from my hand!” Kari draws two cards from her deck, discards one card from her hand, and she says, “That’s all from me.”


Commander Koda says, drawing a card, “Then it is my turn! I draw!” Commander Koda says, putting one card into the main slot, “First, I equip my Agent of Hatred with Mist Body equip spell! This card prevents my monster from being destroyed by battle!” Commander Koda says, putting two cards into main slot of his disk, “Then I end with two cards face-down! That’s it from me!”


Kari says, drawing a card, “It’s my turn then! I draw!” Kari says, putting one card into the main slot of her disk, “I play my Pot of Greed! This card allows me to draw two more cards from my deck!” Kari says, putting one card into the main slot, “Then I play my Rose Seeder spell card! Since I have Black Garden out on the field, I can summon Rose Tokens equal to the number of Plant monsters on the field!” Just then another Rose Token (800/800) appears on the field in attack mode and Kari says, “However, for every token appear on the field, you get to draw a card from your deck!” Commander Koda draws a card from his deck and Kari says, “And now, I activate the effect of my Black Garden!” As the roses and thorny vines start to wilt, Kari says, “By sending this card to the graveyard and destroying all Plant monsters on the field, I can revive one monster with the same number of attack points equal to attack points of the destroyed monsters!”


Commander Koda says, with a snarl, “Just great!”


Kari yells out, “That’s right! I revive my Garden Rose Maiden!” When Black Garden is off the field, Garden Rose Maiden (1600/2400) returns to the field in attack mode and Kari says, as a card comes out of her disk’s graveyard slot, “Thanks to her ability, when she is special summoned, I can return Black Garden from my graveyard to my hand!” Kari then says, putting the card into the Field Spell slot of her disk, “Now, I reactivate my Field Spell…!!”


Commander Koda says, pushing a button on his disk’s touch screen, “I don’t think so! I activate my trap: Dark Bribe!” Commander Koda’s face-down is revealed to be the Dark Bribe counter-trap card and he says, with a sly smirk, “With this card, you get one new card, but your spell card has to hit the road!” Kari glares as she draws a card from her deck and Commander Koda says, with a grin, “I had a feeling that you would try that trick. It is a good thing that I was prepared for it.”


Kari says, putting one card on her disk, “I doubt that you are ready for this. I summon Red Rose Dragon!” Red Rose Dragon (1000/1800), a baby dragon with red roses coming out of its back, appears on the field in attack mode and Kari says, putting one more card on her disk, “When I have a Plant or Dragon tuner, I can play White Rose Dragon as well!” White Rose Dragon (1200/1000), a small dragon with a white rose bloom coming out of its back, appears on the field in attack mode in which Kari shouts out, “I tune my level three Red Rose Dragon with level four White Rose Dragon!” Red Rose Dragon turns into three stars that turn into three rings that surround White Rose Dragon, turning it transparent, and when Kari gets a Synchro Monster card from her deck, a column of light appears on the field causing Kari to say, “Cold flames shall envelop the whole world. Pitch-black flower, come into bloom! Synchro Summon!” Kari says, putting the Synchro Monster card on her disk, “Come into a full bloom, Black Rose Dragon!” Out of the light, Black Rose Dragon (2400/1800) appears on the field in attack mode causing Kari’s Mark of the Dragon to glow brightly.


Commander Koda thinks in his mind, with a confident smirk, “There it is.”


Kari says, “And now, I activate my effects of my White and Red Rose Dragons! White Rose Dragon, when used as Synchro Material, I can send one level four or higher plant monster to my graveyard!” A card comes out of Kari’s deck, she discards Botanical Lion (1600/2000) monster card, and Kari says, as a card comes out of her deck, “And since Red Rose Dragon was used for Synchro Material, I can summon one Rose Dragon monster from my hand or deck! And I choose Blue Rose Dragon!” Kari puts the card on her duel disk and Blue Rose Dragon (1600/1200) appears on the field in attack mode in which Kari says, taking another card from her deck, “And since Red Rose Dragon was used to Synchro Summon a Plant type Synchro Monster or in this case, Black Rose Dragon, I get another card from my deck! But now, Black Rose Dragon’s ability activates and I unleash her power to destroy everything on the field! Go, Black Rose Gale!” Black Rose Gale unleashes a powerful storm of petals that destroys Kari’s two face-down cards, Koda’s single face-down card, his Agent of Hatred with the equip spell card attached to it, Garden Rose Maiden, Blue Rose Dragon, and itself.


Commander Koda says, with a smirk, “But now, you are defenseless!”


Kari says, “Blue Rose Dragon’s ability now activates! When it is destroyed, I can revive one Plant monster or Black Rose Dragon!”


Commander Koda yells out, stunned, “What?! No!”


Kari yells out, “Return, Black Rose Dragon!” Soon after, Black Rose Dragon (2400/1800) returns to the field in attack mode and Kari shouts out, “Direct attack! Black Rose Flare!” Black Rose Dragon unleashes a powerful violet flame surrounded by black rose petals that slams into Commander Koda causing him to roar out causing him to stumble back as he loses 2400 life-points.


Tai yells out, excitedly, “Nice, Kari!”


Kari says, putting three cards into the main slot of her disk, “Then I end with three face-downs.”


Current Scores:

Kari: 4000

Comman der Koda: 1600


Commander Koda says, with a snarl, “You are going to pay for that one, missy!” Commander Koda says, drawing a card, “My turn! I draw!” Commander Koda says, with an evil smile, “Now, it is time for you to experience the power of Orichalcos, brat!”


There are looks of shock from the two Digidestined and their Digimon partners in which Agumon asks, “What?”


Kari says, seriously, “You can’t! Thanks to my trap card, you aren’t allowed to play your Seal of Orichalcos for the rest of the duel! It is useless to you even if it is returned to your hand or deck!”


Commander Koda says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “Ha! You don’t know the true power of the Orichalcos! I activate my Orichalcos Curse Seal continuous spell card! This card can only be activated when the Seal of Orichalcos is in the graveyard! It acts exactly as the Seal of Orichalcos!”


Tai yells out, stunned, “You are kidding me!” A burst of eerie green comes from Commander Koda’s disk and he roars out as the Seal of Orichalcos appears on the field in which it surrounds Kari and Commander Koda, entrapping them, while Commander Koda gains the insignia of the Orichalcos on his forehead with his eyes gaining a red glow.

Commander Koda says, with an evil smile, “By the way, as long as the Seal of Orichalcos remains in my graveyard, this card remains active and you can’t negate or destroy it with any effects!”


Gatomon says, with a snarl, “Just great.”


Commander Koda says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “And now, to start your destruction, I activate my Matching Profile spell card! By cutting my life-points in half, I can play one monster from my deck that has equal stars to one monster on your field! And you know, I’m choosing your Black Rose Dragon!” Commander Koda’s life-points are cut in half, a card comes out of his deck, and he says, putting the card on his disk, “I play my Angel O-7!” Soon after, Angel O7 (2500/1500) appears on the field in attack mode and Commander Koda says, with an evil smile, “And he gains a boost by the Orichalcos since my Curse Seal acts as the Seal of Orichalcos!” Angel O7 gains the insignia of the Orichalcos on its forehead and red glow coming from its eyes as it goes from 2500/1500 to 3000/1500 in which Commander Koda says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “Then I activate my Card of Sanctity! Forcing both of us draw until we have six cards in our hands!” Both Kari and Koda draw from their decks until they have six cards in their hands and Commander Koda says, putting two cards into the main slot of his disk, “Perfect! Now, I activate two copies of Fiend’s Sanctuary! This gives me two Metal Fiend Tokens on my field!” Soon after, two Metal Fiend Tokens (0/0-500/0 X 2) appear on the field in attack mode and get infused with the Orichalcos’ power in which Commander Koda says, putting a card on his disk, “And then I release them all to bring out my ace: Mad Profiler!” Angel O7 and the two Metal Fiend Tokens vanish in which Mad Profiler (2600/1600-3100/1600) appears on the field in attack mode in which he says, discarding Mind on Air (1000/1600) monster card, “And now, I activate his ability! By discarding one card from my hand, one card that’s the same type as the card that I discarded is removed from play! So, say goodbye to Black Rose Dragon!”


Kari says, strongly, “I don’t think so! I activate the effect of Blooming Rose trap card in my graveyard! With it, I can remove Black Rose Dragon from my play to put this card on the bottom of my deck! However, during my next Standby Phase, Black Rose Dragon can return to the field!” Black Rose Dragon roars out as she is teleported away with a bright flash of light and rose petal while Kari takes said trap card from her disk’s graveyard slot and into the bottom of her deck.


Commander Koda says, “You might have saved your dragon, but there is no next turn!”


Kari says, pushing a button on her disk’s touch screen, “For you anyway! I play the final trap card of the duel: Cosmic Blast!” Kari’s face-down card is revealed to be the Cosmic Blast trap card and Kari says, “Since a Dragon Synchro Monster has left the field, you suffer damage equal to its attack points!”


As an image of Black Rose Dragon appears on the field, Commander Koda yells out, stunned, “No!” The image of Black Rose Dragon ‘explodes’ into thousands of rose petals in which he yells out as they slash into him as he loses 2400 life-points and ending the duel.


Final Score:

Kari: 4000

Commander Koda: 0


With the end of the duel, Commander Koda collapses to his knees as the Seal of Orichalcos shrinks around as it seals his soul away into the card within his graveyard while the attention of the Kamiya siblings focuses on their mother.


Tai says, “Okay, Kari won the duel! It’s time to let our mother go!”


One of the Phantomon says, “Commander Koda didn’t promise that we would release her if you won the duel.”


There are gasps from the Kamiya siblings and their Digimon partners in which Gatomon yells out, angrily, “You rotten sleaze!”


One of the Neo Paradius Tamer says, “Don’t try anything.”


Tai then says, with a smirk, “We won’t, but they will!” Tai looks behind them and when the two Tamers and their Digimon look, they find themselves looking directly into the face of Imperialdramon Fighter Mode and he goes up into the sky to tower over them.


The Phantomon that spoke yells out, stunned, “Imperialdramon!” Before they could say or do anything else, Imperialdramon FM grabs them in his hands and flings them away.


Agumon says, excitedly, “Nice one, Imperialdramon!” As the rest of our heroes and heroines, human and Digimon, minus a certain Sailor Scout of Reality and her Digimon partners, burst onto the roof, the two Neo Paradius Tamers teleport away in fear.


Davis runs over to Kari and he asks, “Are you okay, Kari?”


Kari says, with a smile, “Just fine, Dai-kun.” On the meanwhile, Tai, with Agumon following him, goes over to his mother and helps unbind her.


Tai asks, concerned, “Are you all right mom?”


Mrs. Kamiya responds, “Just fine, Tai. But what the heck is going on? What kind of trouble have you, your sister, and your friends gotten into this time?” Tai and Agumon give nervous looks as the others goes over to her while Imperialdramon Fighter Mode returns back to Veemon and Wormmon.


May 23, 2026, Tokyo, Hanzo Academy


Within Hanzo Academy, Asuka, Ikaruga, Yagyu, and Hibari are talking with ‘ninja teacher’, Kiriya, about something in which the four young ladies give shocked looks about.


Ikaruga asks, “Are you serious, sensei?”


Kiriya says, “Yes, I am. Our agents had spotted Katsuragi riding on the same Duel Runner with Naruto.”


Asuka asks, “Why would Katsu riding a Duel Runner with Naruto-san?”


Just then a familiar female voice yells out, “Come on, can’t a girl enjoy an awesome high-speed ride with her boyfriend?” Everyone looks towards the source of the voice to find Katsuragi right in front of them.


Asuka yells out, shocked, “Katsu?!”


Katsuragi retorts, with a sly grin, “Yo! What’s up?!”


Ikaruga asks, sternly, “How can we be sure that’s you?!”


Katsuragi gains a mischievous grin and she says, slyly, “Well, I’ve got a solution for that and Asuka can help me.”


Asuka asks, curiously, “I can?” Before anything could be said or done, Asuka helps as Katsuragi gets behind her and Katsuragi then starts to ‘touch’ Asuka’s *ahem* ‘assets’ in which Asuka yelps out.


Katsuragi says, slyly, “How I missed having your massive ton-tons in my hands!”


Ikaruga grabs Katsuragi, yanks her off Asuka, and Ikaruga says, “It’s you all right.”


Katsuragi says, with a grin, “You know it!”


Hibari asks, curiously, “What did you mean by boyfriend?”


Katsuragi says, with a grin, “You heard me, Hibari. Naruto-kun and I are boyfriend and girlfriend now! I ever got him to take my cheery!” Kiriya’s eyes widen at those remarks while the four young female ninja-in-training just blink for a few seconds.


Just then all four female ninja shout out in unison, flabbergasted, “WHAT?!!!”


Katsuragi retorts, curiously and confused expression on her face, “What?”


May 23, 2026, Neo Paradius headquarters


Inside of Neo Paradius’ headquarters, the two Tamers and their Digimon partners, the twin Phantomon, are looking at Yuuko and she motions for them to leave in which they do so quickly.


Yuuko says, “A girl not to be underestimated. I was wise to have a test of that new card.”


Kana comes over and she asks, “The one that draws on the power of the Orichalcos if it is in the graveyard.”


Yuuko says, “While the Seal of Orichalcos is powerful, it isn’t invincible. While any ‘normal card’ can’t destroyed it while it is on the field, until it is on the field, it is still like any other card.”


Kana says, plainly, “Meaning that it is vulnerable.”


Yuuko says, “Exactly. Hikari Kamiya did what Yugi Moto, Seto Kaiba, and Joey Wheeler never could: Send the Seal of Orichalcos to the graveyard. Pharaoh Atem only did it with the power of the Legendary Knights…same as ‘her’.”


Kana asks, “So, you believe that this will help the others develop anti-Orichalcos tactics?”


Yuuko says, “I don’t believe. I KNOW so. That’s why I developed the card that I gave to Commander Koda and the test was a success. Now, even if the Seal of Orichalcos is sent to the graveyard, the power of the Orichalcos can still be harnessed. However, I will have to develop a way to do so in case the card is removed from play. Since they know that I have developed this card, they will be figuring out ways to counter this. I need to ‘counter their counter’.”


Just then a male voice says, slyly, “It sounds like they are a real problem to you, my lady.” Kana and Yuuko look towards the source to a man walking over to them.


The man is in a green suit which covers a yellow shirt. He also sports a pair of stylish orange glasses with a crimson "V" shape, which similar to the shape of a heart, in the center. His hair is a similar green to his suit with a lighter green fringe. He is wearing a golden suit covered in pink hearts. With this costume, he also wears a top hat with a similar style as well as a bow tie covered in spots.


Yuuko says, plainly, “Heartland.”


The man responds, with a respective bow, “And hello to you, Lady Yuuko. A very fine day.”


Kana asks, plainly, “Our newest ally?”


Yuuko says, with a nod, “Yes. Mister Heartland, he is from a city known simply as Heartland City, which is obviously named after him. Heartland City doesn’t exist on this Earth.”


Kara asks, curiously, “He is from another Earth?”


Yuuko says, with a nod, “Indeed. With the technology that I ‘acquired’ from UNI-SHOCKER, I’ve been exploring other worlds for ‘possibilities’.”


The man, Heartland, says, with a grin, “And I’m one of those ‘possibilities’ that she found.”


Yuuko says, as she brings out a with a black and dark red energy inside, “The remaining strength of Don Thousand, the dark sovereign of a realm known as Barian World.”


Heartland says, with a wicked smirk, “The fool thought that he was a deity and yet, he was brought down by a teenage brat by the name of Yuma Tsukumo. I managed to scavenge enough of his power and bring it here.”


Yuuko says, “A power that will prove useful to us.”


Kana asks, curiously, “How so?”


Yuuko says, “You’ll see.”


May 23, 2026, Rainbow Gardens


Inside of the virtual realm of Rainbow Gardens, Leafa is walking around a city and looking around as if looking for something or someone.


Leafa thinks in her mind, with a sigh, “Man! I had forgotten how vast this place is! It is like finding a needle in a haystack! But I can’t give up!”


Just then a familiar female voice calls out, “Leafa?” Leafa looks to the source of the voice to find Sachi walking up to her.

Leafa says, “Sachi-san!”


Sachi says, with a smile, “Hello, Leafa.”


Leafa tells Sachi, “I wish that I could say that I’m here for a visit, but I’m here on something important.”


Sachi asks, curiously, “What’s wrong?”


Leafa says, with a sigh, “I need to find someone, Sachi-san.”


Sachi asks, curiously, “Who?”


Leafa tells Sachi, “Can we talk someone else? It is a bit of a long story.”


Sachi says, with a nod, “Okay.” Sachi and Leafa then walk off for the two of them to talk alone.


May 23, 2026, Tokyo


Somewhere deep underground, we find Vlad Dracula III and Camula, the vampire duelist of the Shadow Riders, are in the darkened underground as they are looking at a figure.


Vlad says, with an evil smile, “Even through you aren’t flesh and blood, we share a comrade of sorts.”


The figure says, in a familiar sinister male voice, “All of us share a dislike of humanity.”


Vlad says, “And our goal is allied with your enemies.”


The figure retorts, “Which makes our alliance all the more obvious. Those wretched brats have caused me never-ending trouble and now, it is time for them to pay.” The figure then comes out of the shadows to reveal none other than one of the greatest of the Odaiba Digidestined’s greatest foes, the vampire Digimon, Myotismon, who was supposedly destroyed by the world-wide Digidestined alliance several years ago.


Vlad says, with a sly smile, “Patience, my friend. We need to strike when the time is right.”


Myotismon says, with a nod, “Indeed.” Myotismon gives an evil smile in which the alliance between the two vampires and vampire Digimon in their preparation for their plans to battle our heroes and heroines to achieve their goals with one of Myotismon’s aims being revenge against those that defeated him.


May 23, 2026, Tokyo, Juuban District


Inside of the Juuban District of Tokyo, it seems really quiet until we see a ‘rainbow glow’ coming from an alleyway and after the ‘glow’ fades away, we find towards that alleyway in which a figure manages to come out.


The person is a young man of around 18-19 years of age with light blue-grey eyes, pale skin and blonde hair that is curled up in a point with a dark green spiked front, also featuring dark green bangs. His attire includes a black trench coat with a high collar over a grey shirt, a finger-less black glove on his right hand, and white pants with black boots. He also has a belt with two purple deck boxes for his cards.


The young man looks around for a few seconds and just then somewhat high male voice says, “Kite! Kite, come in!”


The young man brings up what looks like a diamond shaped duel disk attached to his left wrist and he says, “I’m fine, father.”


The male voice responds, “Good. Have you arrived in the right world, Kite?”


The young man, Kite, has a strange deep blue tattoo form around his left eye, and after several seconds, he says, plainly, “He’s here all right. I’ve got Don Thousand’s energy signature.”


The male voice says, “Good. I’ll inform the others right away.”


Kite says, “Don’t bother. This mission will be done in no time flat. Heartland is a pathetic coward.”


The male voice responds, “That he is, Kite. However, an idiot he isn’t and we know this son.”


Kite says, with a sigh, “I know. I still don’t get how he survived after Vector used those fake Numbers created with Don Thousand’s power to vaporize him.”


The male voice retorts, “As I said, Heartland is a crafty one. When he was given his new Barian powers, he used them to find a way to save himself if the ‘worst case’ happened.”


Kite says, with a sneer, “He has been always a slippery snake.” Kite says, “However, I don’t get how any of Don Thousand survived.”


The male voice responds, “Remember, Kite, Don Thousand might have been defeated and is gone, but his power is energy and as you know, energy can’t be destroyed or created only changed. The use of the Numeron Code allowed Shark and the other Barian Emperors to be revived as humans, but it doesn’t mean that power of Don Thousand that they carried inside of them is gone.”


Kite says, “Namely, their Numbers, the Numbers that carried Don Thousand’s power and curse with them. We know now that the power was expelled out of them and not purified in which Heartland managed to obtain as well as use to gather any other scraps of Don Thousand’s remaining energy from our universe.” Kite says, “Speaking of Numbers, I have to thank Astral for use of several of his Numbers to combat. Namely those best used with my Galaxy-Eyes.”


The male voice says, “Indeed. With the improvements that we also made, your new deck is far stronger than your previous one. You are going to need it if you are going to combat the remnants of Don Thousand’s power and Heartland.”


Kite says, “Hopefully, I will be able to find him before he can start trouble in this world.”


The male voice asks, “What is it like?”


Kite says, “By the looks of it, I’m in this world’s version of Tokyo, the capital of Japan.” Kite says, looking around, “From I can see, they still use fossil fuels for their vehicles.”


The male voice responds, “Well, son, our world is still hasn’t completely covered from fossil fuels to ‘alternative fuels’ as well. Heartland, our city, was the most advanced city in our world and it will take time for the rest of the world to catch up to our home. Rome wasn’t built in a day, my son.”


Kite says, “Says the person able to create an interdimensional gateway that can go into other Earths.”


The male voice says, “I’m a genius, not a miracle worker!”


May 23, 2026, Another universe


Somewhere in the vast multiverse, on a familiar starship, a certain head doctor on said familiar starship, sneezes (A/N: Yes, the gag is old, but it is still funny to me.).


May 23, 2026, Tokyo, Juuban District


Back in our heroes’ and heroines’ universe, Kite is coming out of the alleyway and he then spots a magazine in which he picks it up.


Kite says into his duel disk, “Father, are you still there? I have an idea why Heartland is on this Earth.”


The male voice, Kite’s father, responds, “Really? Why do you think Heartland is on that Earth?”


Kite replies, “I believe that he is after someone. Someone of incredible power.” As we look at the article that Kite is looking at, we find that certain cover is about none other than Sailor Celestial herself.


End of Chapter 10


And now, the other heroes and heroines have learned about Suguha’s ‘dark history’ in this ‘timeline’ and obviously, the reaction of Davis and Kari is quite obvious. However, the reaction was different and there is a reason for that. Unlike the ‘Hollow Fragment timeline’, Suguha was ‘carrying this burden’ for much longer than other said ‘timeline’ and she built ‘a bit more guilt’ than she did than in the ‘Hollow Fragment timeline’, so, she is having a harder time forgiving herself and ‘examples’ of her ‘dark history’ are more apparent with not only Yuuko, but a REVIVED Neo Paradius organization fighting them. That’s my reasoning for what happened in the ‘Hollow Fragment timeline’ NOT HAPPENING in this chapter, but it doesn’t mean ‘that’ won’t happen later on in the story. When? You are going to have to wait and see! Read on and please review, but no flames, please! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!