Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Between Two Worlds ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I am soooooo sorry for not posting in like 4 months!! I'm just getting used to this college thing (and especially the expanded amount of homework), so I haven't been writing much. But lately I decided to stop spending all my time working and try to get something productive done. The result: a new chapter! Yay! So I hope this clears some stuff up for you peeps about Usagi's situation. Okie, enjoy the new chapter!

Usagi drifted in and out of sleep. She could still feel Trunks' arms acting as
cushions around her, holding her close in an embrace that would have been comforting
had the circumstances not been so terrible.

What was happening to her? Could she not have a moment's peace, when she
wasn't being hurt or threatened?

Apparently not.

Letting Trunks' voice soothe her raw nerves, Usagi finally opened her eyes. She
found his gaze on her, his liquid blue eyes softening at her obvious pain.

"Tell me what I can do to make you feel better," he wanted to know.

"Just keep holding me," she murmured, pulling herself more into his arms, no
longer afraid of being considered weak. She was strong, but she couldn't be strong all
the time. And Trunks understood.

He only exhaled softly, brushing her bangs off of her forehead to plant a kiss there.
'If only that could save you, sweet Usagi,' he thought. 'Then you would never have to

They weren't the only ones worrying, though. Bulma paced uneasily across the
living room, back and forth, wanting to scream. Her husband was once again missing.
Her son was repeatedly saving Usagi from an enemy that was once faceless but now

'What the hell is going on here?' she wondered to herself, halting her pacing.

Before she could answer her own question, a door slammed, the sound
reverberating through the house while shaking the walls. A moment later Vegeta
entered the room, sporting a very unhappy scowl.

"Damnit, Vegeta, where have you been?" Bulma screamed, catching the Saiya-jin
prince off guard for once.

"It's none of your-"

"Like hell it's not!" she interrupted, stomping over until she was directly in front of
him, her face mere inches away from his. "The last time you flew off I thought hey, you
have things you need to do. When you finally show up you tell me nothing. And then
you disappear again?" Her voice kept rising full octaves until she was almost shrieking.

"Now, listen to me, woman," Vegeta growled.

"Iie! That's all I do is listen! I'm not going to listen anymore, do you hear me? No
more!" She balled her hands into fists and began to pound on Vegeta's chest. He
made no move to stop her.

"Why, why do I let you do these things to me?" her voice cracked as she began to

Vegeta too this opportunity to catch her fists. "Bulma..." he began as she lowered
her head to his chest, still sobbing. "Bulma." He curled his arms around her, pulling
her closer in an embrace that pressed her quivering form to his.

"I was just-- so worried," she sobbed, her fingers digging into the bare flesh of his
shoulders. "We don't know what that psycho is capable of, and you keep going after

"Are you doubting my abilities?" his grip on her tightened.

"Iie, I'm doubting his stability. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"It won't," he assured her. "It won't." He leaned in and captured her lips with his.

Bulma hungrily sank into the kiss, needing to feel that sense of security. Plus,
displays of affection from Vegeta were rare, so she wanted to savor the moment.

But Vegeta broke the kiss, stepping away from Bulma. "I have to go back to my
search," he told her almost reluctantly.

Bulma didn't bother trying to argue; she knew she'd never change his mind. "Fine,
but be careful."

"Always." He gave her one quick kiss before leaving.

She sighed wistfully. 'Vegeta...'

Trunks had walked into the room at this time, just barely missing his father's
outward display of affection.

"Oh, Trunks, how is Usagi?" Bulma asked quickly, trying to hide the worry in her

Trunks didn't seem to notice. "Still pretty shaken up from that encounter with that
man," he spit out the last few words with disgust.

"Exactly who is that man?"

"Someone from her past. It's too complicated to explain." He sighed, sinking into
a chair and shaking his head. "I don't know what to do. I mean, I want to protect her
from him, but I don't know where he is or how to find him."

Bulma sat next to her son, taking his hand and squeezing it comfortingly. "Trunks,
if anyone can protect Usagi, it's you. And with your father out there looking for this
guy, the chances of finding him are increased. Don't worry."

"But I do worry! I worry so much it hurts!" He looked his mother straight in the
eye. "Kaa-san, I think I'm in love."

Much to his surprise, Bulma only replied, "I could tell."

He stared at her, dumbfounded. "How could you tell? I didn't even know! Is that
one of those women's intuition things?"

"Iie, it's one of those mother things," Bulma laughed, giving Trunks a quick hug. "I
take it you haven't told Usagi yet?"

"I'm almost afraid to," he confessed.

"Trunks, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I've seen the way she
looks at you."


"Absolutely. Now, if I were you, I'd go check on her. She's had a traumatic

"You're right." Trunks stood. "Arigato, Kaa-san. You made me feel better."

"Anytime, son," Bulma said as he left the room.

Once again Usagi found herself standing in the darkness, her trusty senshi backing
her up.

She could see Sailor Moon, but Usagi herself was detached from the scene, as if
she were watching a movie.

"Sailor Moon, watch out!" she heard Jupiter call as Sailor Moon dodged an attack.

"All right, that's enough!" Sailor Moon cried, standing firm. She was addressing a
figure slinking in the shadows. "Now, let's finish this."

"Whatever you want, Sailor Moon." Evil Prince Endymion stepped out of the
shadows, sneering at the champion of justice.

"You traitor!" Venus swore. "You're going down!"

He only laughed. "You honestly think you can take me? I've got more power than
all five of you put together!"

Mercury was busy typing furiously on her computer. "He may be right," she told
the others. "We have to stand together, and maybe we'll have a chance."

"Iie, this is my fight," Sailor Moon stated, her eyes glazing over as she glared at
her former love.

"Demo, we can help..."

"I said no! I'll deal with him myself."

"Good to see you haven't lost your touch, Sailor Moon," Endymion grinned
mockingly. "Now, could I just kill you already? I'm growing bored."

Sailor Moon's eyes flushed angrily. "You may have been able to kill our love, our
future, and even taint the memories of our past, but you'll never kill me." She raised her
moon rod. "Moon Gorgeous Meditation!"

She and the other senshi watched as the attack flew at Endymion. They gasped in
horror when he diverted it with no more than a wave of his hand.

He laughed. "You'll have to do better than that. Now, prepare to die!" He raised
his hands above his head, a glowing black ball of energy forming.

"Minna, stay back," Sailor Moon warned her senshi.

"Iie, let us help!" Mars protested.

"I won't tell you again! It's not a request, it's an order! Now, Endy, let's go," she
addressed him.

He cringed at the pet name. "With pleasure."

Sailor Moon once again aimed the moon rod at Endymion.

Endymion lowered the energy ball, an evil grin adorning his face. "This is the end,
Sailor Moon."

"We'll see. Rainbow Moon..."

Before she could finish her attack, Endymion launched the ball of energy at her.

She stared in horror as the energy ball flew closer. "Minna..." she croaked before it
hit her. She was slammed hard against the pavement, the energy cutting into her skin,
filling her lungs, smothering her.

"Sailor Moon!" the senshi shrieked, running over to their fallen leader. They bent
over her lifeless body, tears streaming down their faces.

"Iie," Usagi whispered as Sailor Moon didn't get up, didn't move, didn't breathe.

"Usagi," Trunks shook the girl roughly as she screamed.

Usagi's eyes flew open. "Iie!" she was still screaming.

"Usagi, it's ok! You're awake now!" Trunks grabbed her face, forcing her wild eyes
to focus on him. "I'm here."

"Trunks," her voice cracked as she collapsed against him, crying.

"Shhhh, you're all right now," he whispered, stroking her back gently, trying to
comfort the trembling girl.

"But I'm not," she whimpered. "I'm dead!"

Trunks pulled back so he could look at her. "What do you mean, you're dead?"

"He killed me! I finally remembered what happened in that battle before I was
brought here. I wasn't strong enough, and he killed me."

As she broke into more sobs, Trunks pulled her tightly to him. His eyes narrowed
in hatred and fear. That bastard! How could he have killed her? Demo, she felt alive to

As if hearing his unasked question, a gray mist began swirling around the room,
surrounding everything until Trunks could barely see the girl who clung to him so

When the fog began to dissipate, he was aware of another presence in the room.

Next to the bed stood a woman he'd never seen before. She wore a fuku similar to
that of Sailor Moon, only this woman's was accented by deep purple and maroon. Half
of her emerald hair was pulled into a bun, while the rest cascaded down her back to her
knees. In her left hand she held a tall staff in the shape of a large key.

Usagi felt her presence, and she looked up. "Pluto?" she asked hesitantly, eyes

"My princess," Sailor Pluto bowed before her.

"Pluto, what- how did you know where I was?"

The older senshi stood. "I sent you here."

"Nani?" Trunks and Usagi both cried simultaneously.

"Pluto, I demand an explanation," Usagi ordered.

"Matte..." Trunks interrupted, still holding Usagi protectively. "Who is she?"

Usagi's eyes never left Pluto's. "This is the senshi of time, Sailor Pluto. She
normally resides in a timeless vortex and guards the Gate of Time, but I guess we're
privileged enough to have her come to us." Her words took on a sharp edge. "She's
going to explain why both she and I are here. And the explanations had better be
damn good."

"My princess, I trust that when you hear my reasoning, you will agree that my
actions were for the best."

"Very well, then. You have not steered me wrong yet."

Pluto nodded, taking Usagi's half-smile as a cue to start her tale. "You know it is
forbidden for me to alter time and actions, but this was for the good of the world. I
watched your battle with my prince with the utmost scrutiny. It was never supposed to
happen. Then again, he was never supposed to cross over."

"What do you mean, cross over?" Trunks wanted to know.

Pluto glanced at Usagi, whose face was expressionless. She continued. "He was
tempted with dark powers, and he gave in to them instead of trying to fight them."

"You mean, it was his own choice?"

She nodded sadly. "Hai, unfortunately. Anyway, you wanted to know why you
were brought here, and you are probably wondering how you are alive. Well, you were
never dead, at least not completely. You were barely breathing and your heart had
slowed until your heartbeat was almost nothing, but you were never dead. It just
appeared that way. If I had not taken your body as quickly as I did, I know Mercury
would have figured it out."

"You took me from the battle?" Usagi grew agitated with this information. "What
about my senshi? Were they just left there to face Endymion?"

"Iie, of course not," Pluto reassured her. "After you disappeared, so did he. The
senshi did not know what happened. They are all safe. At least, as safe as they can
be. You have to defeat him. It's the only way to save everyone."

"Demo... why did you send her here?" Trunks was still confused, and he was
growing irritated that everything was not coming together quickly. (that temper was
inherited from his father. ^*^ )

"I knew of another dimension with strong warriors. I believed that if Usagi spent
time with these warriors, she would increase her own strength, which would allow her to
defeat Endymion and save both her senshi and the world. That is why I sent her to

"To... me?" Trunks repeated wonderingly.

"Not just to you, but to all of you. I have been watching her training, and I am very
impressed with how much her strength has increased in the short amount of time she
has been here. I believe that if she were faced with Endymion in a fight, she might be
able to defeat him."

"Demo demo, look what happened last time!" Usagi panicked, darting her eyes
nervously. "He would have chopped off my head if it weren't for Trunks! I can't beat

"You can, Usagi," Trunks told her softly. "Before you were caught off guard, and
you were still sorting through your feelings. Now that you remember what happened,
that will make you stronger next time you have to fight him."

"Do you... really think so?"


Usagi grinned up at the man who held her. "I trust you."

"It will take a lot more than trust to win this fight," Pluto warned. "You have to be
ready to make the ultimate sacrifice: to kill your love."

Her face took on a look of solemnity. "He's not my love any more."

"I must leave you now. I have already stayed too long."

"All right. Arigato, Pluto, for saving my life."

The stoic senshi smiled before she disappeared in another cloud of smoke.

"Now what?" Trunks asked when she was gone.

"Now we kick some evil ass."

So, how was it? I tried to throw in some background to get to the actual plot of the fic. Plus I got to bring in Pluto. All hail the time senshi! Anyway... The next chapter should have a lot more action in it. And don't worry, I'll reach the romance soon! If ya don't have author alert and wanna know when I update, just leave your e-mail addy in your review and I'll add it to the list. Thanks for reading!