Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Daddy's Little Boy ❯ "That man, Son Goku, my papa, sacrificed himself to save the earth!"; Son Goku returns ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I'm B-B-B-B-Back!!!!!

First off, I would like to thank the following:


SSJ Diana

Chrissy C



They all helped me and comforted me in some way during my cat's death. Thank you so, so much and this chapter is dedicated to you.

I worked hard on this chapter so I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't own DragonBall Z! But I do own the right to say that I don't own the rights to own DragonBall Z! *gets blank stares* *laughs nervously* I do kinda own the story idea, though.


As the nights past, Usagi met Goten in his dreams each night. They would talk for a while, learning more about the other each time, and then Goten would train Usagi a little, which she had specifically asked of him.

"Um, Usa-chan...?" Goten asked quietly one time, as they took a break in their dream training.

"Hai, Goten-chan?" Usagi asked quietly.

"Do you remember when I told you about my Papa?" Goten asked, not looking her in the eyes.

Usagi blinked. She remembered. Goten had told her that he had never met his father, but the he was coming back for one day to compete in The Strongest Under The Heavens Tournament...


"What about your family Goten-chan?" Usagi asked as they both sat cross-legged on the ground in his dream.

"Well, my 'Kaasan is named Chi-Chi and my Oniisan is Gohan." Goten answered.

"What about your Otousan, Goten-chan? What's his name?"

Goten's eyes widened before he quickly looked down and his hands, squeezing his ankles.

"My Papa died before I was born. His name was Son Goku."

"Oh, Goten-chan! Gomen!"

"It's all right. He's coming back to compete in the tournament, anyway. I'll get to meet him then." He said in a shaky non-excited voice.

"You don't seem to excited about it." Usagi told him, trying to get a good look at his face.

Goten shook his head.

"I don't... I don't know if..." Goten started, but was cut off as his voice got caught in his throat.

"Nani? What are you trying to say?"

"I don't know if I.. I don't know if I really even want to meet him!" Goten cried as he pulled his knees to his chest.

"W-why?" Usagi asked, taken back. Within the week she had known him, Goten had never cried.

"I'm not even sure if I want to see the man that abandoned us! And I'm not so sure that he wants to meet me either!" Goten choked out between his hard sobs.

Usagi looked at the boy with sad eyes.

"Goten-chan... What makes you think that he doesn't want to meet you?" Usagi asked gently.

"He left just before I was born, didn't he?! It makes me think that he never even wanted to meet me!"

"Goten-chan. I'm sure he didn't die on purpose." Usagi whispered.

"Yes he did!"

Usagi looked taken back.

"What... do you mean?"

"That man, Son Goku, my papa, sacrificed himself to save the earth! And it didn't even work! 'Niisan had to beat the bad guy! And when Son Goku had the chance to be wished back, he didn't want to be! It's like never ever cared that I existed!" Goten screamed.

Usagi looked away from him. What could she say? From what he had told her, Goten wished his Otousan didn't exist.

She looked at his shaking body. She narrowed her eyebrows and stood up, then knelt in front of him, placing her hands on his shoulders.

Goten looked up at her, his eyes red and wet with tears.

"Goten-chan, listen to me. You've never even given your papa a chance. How can you possibly love him, if you've already begun to hate him? I'm sure your papa does love you and didn't just abandon you. Maybe you just haven't heard the whole story."

Goten looked at her. He was sure she was just making this up, trying to comfort him, but when he looked into her crystal eyes, he knew that she wasn't.

"Usa-chan....!" Goten cried as he hugged her. She hugged back.

*End Flashback*

"H-hai, I remember. Why?"

"Well, I asked Big Brother about it. He told me the Cell story. He said that Papa didn't want to be wished back because he was afraid that another bad guy would try to destroy the earth." Goten whispered. "You were right, Usa-chan. I didn't have the whole story. But, there's another reason why I don't want to meet him."

Usagi looked at him with curious eyes.


"I don't want to meet him because, well, because... I don't think he would want me as a son because I'm not worthy of the Saiya-jin blood in me." Goten choked out.

"Worthy? Goten-chan! I'm sure your papa won't care about that!"

"Vegeta-san, Trunks-kun's Otousan, does! He's always telling him that he has to get stronger!"

"Demo, Goten-chan, didn't you say that your Oniisan is training you?"

"He is. But I've missed two weeks already because I've been weak from the last dream attack from losing so much blood." Goten said, slightly touching his biggest injury, the cut on his throat. The other cuts and bruises were starting to go away, the cuts scaring, but the one on his throat would still bleed at times. It wasn't even starting to heal yet.

"So? You're still strong." Usagi told him.

"But not strong enough..." Goten muttered, mainly to himself.


"Goten-chan! It's time for breakfast!" Chi-Chi's voice came from no where.

"I've gotta go now Usa-chan." Goten said, putting on a smile. "I'll see you next time!"


As more and more nights past, Goten continued to sleep well. He believed that he was sleeping well because of two reasons: Usagi and Trunks' dream catcher.

Goten liked Usagi, even though he thought her Sailor fuku was weird.

Usagi took a liking to the young boy that was like her in so many ways. She was amazed at his strength.

Goten did, however, see the Death Phantom and Usagi being killed during the day while he was training.

He would always be there when he closed his eyes, taunting and blaming him.

Soon, it came time for The Strongest Under The Heavens Tournament...


"How's the dream catcher working?" Trunks asked on the jet copper on the way to the tournament. He hadn't been able to go and see Goten since the day he had given him the present due to Vegeta's training.

Goten smiled.

"It's working great, Trunks-kun." He told him. "I haven't seen Death Phantom in my dreams since you've given it to me." It wasn't a full lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either.

"Good. So are you nervous?"

"'Bout what?" Goten asked, blinking.

"You know. Meeting you Otousan?"

Goten's eyes became sad. He remembered back to his talk with Usagi about his papa.

"Yeah, but not for the reasons you're probably thinking."

"What do you mean?" Trunks asked, confused.

Goten looked up at him. Then closed his eyes and smiled.

"It's nothing." He told him.

Suddenly, his closed eyes tightened and he grabbed his forehead with one hand in pain.

"Goten? Are you okay?" Trunks asked, putting his hand on his best friend's shoulder.

As soon as he touched him, Goten's eyes shot open.

"Are you okay?" Trunks asked again worried. The last time Trunks saw that look on Goten's face was when he had been attacked in his dreams.

Trunks looked at Goten's scared neck, the cut still visible, before looking back at Goten's face.

"H-hai, I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

Goten nodded his head.

"Posi-" Goten started but was cut off by Gohan.

"I was wondering if we could agree to not go Super Saiya-jin." Gohan asked.

"Why not?" Vegeta asked gruffly. He was more than against the idea.

"Well, someone might recognize you from the Cell Games and I don't really feel like having TV cameras and journalists all over my front yard." Bulma told him as Trunks and Goten turned around in the seats.

"Fine. No Super Saiya-jin transformations." Vegeta muttered, angry about not being able to use his Super Saiya-jin strength.

"What about you two? Do you agree?" Gohan asked the two young boys.

"That's fine with me. How 'bout you Goten?" Trunks asked, looking at him.

Goten nodded.

"That's fine with me too, Big Broth-" Goten began before his eyes fell shut and he slipped down his seat and fell onto the floor.

"G-Goten? Goten?!" Trunks yelled as he and Chi-Chi both got onto the floor next the unconscious demi Saiya-jin.


"Today, Young Saiya-jin, you will meet the darkness. And welcome it!"

Goten's eyes flew open and looked into the dark cloak of Death Phantom.

Goten gulped.

"What... d-do you mean?" Goten stuttered.

"I mean, today is the last day you will live in the light! Today you will join me in my plan. You will meet your end today!" Death Phantom yelled before laughing.

Death Phantom disappeared as Goten's dream world went black.


"Goten-chan?! Goten-chan?!" Chi-Chi asked her son frantically as she shook him.

Goten's eyes shot open.


"You're awake! Thank goodness! I was afraid something was going to happen again!" Chi-Chi cried as she hugged him.

"I'm okay, 'Kaasan."

"Everyone! We're here!" Bulma called out as they reached the island.


"Wow. It sure is crowded." Chi-Chi murmured.

"Yeah. I wonder if Son-kun is here yet." Bulma asked.

Goten felt his stomach jump. Part of him was hoping that his papa was here, while the other wanted him not to come.

"Hey, everyone, look. It's Mr. Satan and his daughter. What's her name again..." Oolong started.

"It's Videl." Gohan said.

"Oh yeah!" Bulma exclaimed. "Say, don't you go to school with her, Gohan?"

Gohan nodded.

"She isn't as stuck up as her father is she?" Krillan asked, holding one of Marron's hands while Android 18 held the other one.

"Iie." Gohan whispered.

"Well, I just want to find Goku." Chi-Chi said, looking around.

"Well, Son may not be here yet, but if you look over there, someone else we know is." Muten Roshi said, pointing over to a nearby tree. Under it stood Piccolo.

"It's Piccolo-san!" Goten said.

"Piccolo-sama!" Gohan exclaimed as he ran over to Piccolo. "Wow Piccolo! You came!"

"Of course I did." Piccolo looked at Gohan's outfit. "You're actually going to fight in that, aren't you?"

"Of course I am!"

Piccolo sweat dropped before turning to the rest of the group.

"Has Goku arrived yet?"

The group shook their heads.

"I'll go look around!" Krillan said, beginning to take off.

"I'll go too!" Yamcha told him, starting to follow Krillan.

Just before they left, a figure in an orange and blue gi appeared out of nowhere. He had messy black hair and coal black eyes. Above his head floated a gold halo. Next to him, an old lady with purple hair dressed in a witch costume was floating on a crystal ball.

Goten knew instantly that this was him. The man. Son Goku. Papa.

'It's really him...' Goten thought.

"Ohayo! I'm back everyone!"

Goten looked at everyone else. Everyone but Trunks, Vegeta, and Android 18 all looked happy, most of them looked like they were going to cry.

Goten backed up behind his mother, not wanting to be seen. But he poked his head out from behind her.

"You've all changed in 7 years!" Goku exclaimed. "Gohan! You're huge!"

"Otousan!" Gohan cried happily.

"It's really him." Bulma smiled.

"He's finally back." Ox King said.

"Welcome back, Son." Muten Roshi whispered.

"Goku." Piccolo said under his breath.

"So are all just going to stare at me all day, or what?" Goku asked.

Bulma, Oolong, Gohan, Krillan, Yamcha, and Puar all ran forward and hugged him.

"Goku, I've missed you." Chi-Chi whispered as tears formed in her eyes.

"I've missed you, too, Chi-Chi." Goku told her, before he suddenly looked down. Goten's eyes widened as he quickly hid behind Chi-Chi again.

"Goten. It's okay." Chi-Chi reassured him.

"Um, Chi-Chi? Why is there a chibi me behind you?"

Goten slowly put his head back out.

"I'm Son Goten." He whispered.

Goku's confused face turned into a smile as he gently pushed Krillan and Oolong out of the way and walked toward Chi-Chi and Goten.

"Well, I'm Son Goku! Hi!" He exclaimed.

Goten and Goku look at each other for a few seconds. Goten didn't know what to think. Maybe Usagi had been right. Maybe he should give him a chance.

Goten eyes began to water as he let go of Chi-Chi's hand and raced forward.

"Papa!" Goten yelled as he jumped at Goku, who kneeled and caught him.

"Wow! You're strong, aren't you? Probably stronger than me!" Goku told him.

Goten smiled and hugged him. He felt happy, yet he felt like crying.

"Remember Goku, you only have one day. That is all that I can do." The lady told Goku, interrupting his and Goten's laughing.

Goku nodded.

"Hai, I know. Arigatou, Baba!" Goku said as she flew away.

'Papa....' Goten thought as he laid his head on Goku's shoulder.

"We've only got a few minutes to sign up. We better get going." Piccolo told the rest of them.


A/N: So? How was it? I hope you liked it because I worked hard on it!

Thank you again for helping me in my time of need. You have no idea how much all of your comforting words meant to me!

~Angel Abi (or Angel-chan)~