Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Serena's New Found Love ❯ Chapter 27

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author: Thanx for the reviews! I’m getting close to that 400 mark ^_^, hopefully I’ll make it there! I hope you enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the characters in this story.

“Hey!, who delivered the kids Serena?,” asked Amy curiously. Serena grinned.

“Vegeta!,” exclaimed Serena. Every paused and looked at Vegeta, and then to the twins, then back at Serena.

“DETAILS!,” shouted everyone in unison. Serena grinned and Vegeta groaned. Soon Serena was sitting cross-legged on the floor with everyone surrounding her in a semi-circle. They had grins on their faces, wanting to hear the story.

Bulma and ChiChi held onto Trunks and Bri for dear life, not wanting anyone to touch the little angels. Vegeta stood a little to the side, leaning against the wall. Arms crossed, usual frown on his face.

“Man, this is going to be so embarrassing,” mumbled Vegeta.

“Ok guys, it went like this. Vegeta and I were out training right, and all of the sudden this liquidy stuff trails down my leg. Then Vegeta goes, ‘Did you pee on yourself woman,” said Serena mimicking Vegeta’s voice.

“I was like no you idiot, I’m having the baby. He was like “OMG OMG OMG,” said Serena, flailing her arms around, eyes wide. “He picked me up and flew me to the bed and laid me down. Then he was like, ‘I have to get help,’ I was like, ‘You cant leave!,’ Then I grabbed onto a pillow and tore it open. I mean I was in some serious pain, plus I had no medication, it sucked,” exclaimed Serena.

“So anyway, Vegeta was saying who was going to deliver the babies. I was like, ‘YOU’ You should have seen the look on his face, it looked like he was going to have a kid himself. It was priceless. A major Kodak moment,” said Serena with a giggle. Vegeta rolled his eyes with a sigh.

“So, when he finally got himself under control, I had to guide him through the pregnancy, because he didn’t have a clue what to do. He also made this real cute disgusted face, when he saw Trunks’s head come out, I would of laughed, but I was hurting too much. So, when I had Trunks, we thought that was it, until we saw another little head poking out, which happened to be little Bri.” said Serena, looking at her precious angels. Rini looked at Vegeta and giggled at him. Vegeta shot her a glare, which caused Rini to laugh even harder.

“So after that, Vegeta wrapped them up and cleaned up. Then we named the babies,” said Serena, finishing off the story. Everyone looked at Vegeta.

“Man, I can’t believe he actually delivered, not one, but two children,” said Bulma. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

“Oh man, I got some awesome pictures that will be going into the baby book,” squealed Serena with excitement.

“Oh oh, on what?,” exclaimed the females within the group. Serena grinned.

“Mainly on my man with his children, they are so cute!,” exclaimed Serena.

‘Oh God!,” thought Vegeta, ‘ I should have destroyed that camera when I had the chance,”

“Oh do tell on what,” said Bulma.

“Well there is one where he’s changing the twins, washing them, feeding them, playing with them, and so much more!,” said Serena.


“Oh hell no, there is no way you’re posting those around the house woman!,” exclaimed Vegeta. Serena laughed.

“I wouldn’t do that to you Vegeta, but they’re going into the baby book,” said Serena reassuringly. “Oh and speaking of pictures, I wouldn’t have been able to take them if it weren’t for Kame, who gave me the camera in the first place. Thank you,”

Kame smiled, “Your welcome,”

“Hey Vegeta and Serena, why don’t you go home and get some rest. Spend some time with your kids.” said ChiChi. “ You guys look like you need some sleep, as well as the kids,”

Serena looked down at her children and saw them yawning, “Yeah, I guess you’re right,”

ChiChi and Bulma unwillingly gave up the twins. Serena turned to Rini, “ Hey are you coming?,”

Rini nodded and went after her mother. The family of 5, flew up into the air and where gone in a split second. Before they knew it, they where in front of capsule corpse. They walked inside, feeling as if they haven’t been in their for ages.

Vegeta plopped down on the couch, Serena handing him Trunks. Rini sat next to Vegeta, as Serena sat next to her daughter , holding Bri.

“Mom, can I hold one of them?,” asked Rini.

Serena smiled, “Yea, of course you can.”

She handed her daughter Bri, telling her how to hold the child.

Rini marveled at the baby, seeing how small they were. Vegeta walked into the kitchen to grab some juice. When he walked in, he heard the question that all parents dread.

“Hey, where do babies come from?,” asked Rini. Juice sprayed from Vegeta’s nose, as he coughed some of it up as well. Serena looked at her daughter wide eyed.

“What honey?,” asked Serena.

Rini grinned, “Where do babies come from?,”

Serena looked at Vegeta, as he did the same.

She turned back to Rini, “Well honey, umm,”

Vegeta turned around, trying to go back into the kitchen. Serena whipped her head around and glared at Vegeta.

“If you dont bring your butt back in here, you’re going to get it!,” exclaimed Serena in a low growl. Vegeta cringed. He knew that voice and it meant business.

He slowly turned around, “ I was just going to put the cup into the sink woman,”

“Like hell you were,” growled Serena, then turned back to her daughter with a smile.

“My god, how her mood changes so quickly, must be that time of month, ” mumbled Vegeta.

“What did you say?,” growled Serena.

“I SAID!!!,” started Vegeta.

“HEY! You guys didn’t answer my question!,” shouted Rini, becoming aggravated. Vegeta sat back down in his spot and placed Trunk’s on his lap again.

“Lets see rini, um, babies come from…uhh,” started Serena.

“The sky!,” said Vegeta. Serena looked at Vegeta like an idiot, “What?,”

Vegeta shrugged his shoulders, “Yeah the sky,”

Serena shrugged her shoulders as well and Rini turned to them, “ The sky?,”

Both Serena and Vegeta nodded their head in unison.

“Yea, it rains babies sometimes,” said Serena.

“Really?,” asked Rini.

“Yea, brat,”

“How come I Haven’t seen the raining babies?,”

“Because, it only happens when little kids are asleep,” replied Vegeta.

“But, won’t the babies cry when they hit the floor from the sky?,” asked Rini. Vegeta and Serena looked at each other again.

“Um, well they don’t hit the ground because… the stalks swoops down and grabs them!,” said Serena, with a grin. Now it was Vegeta’s turn to look at his woman like an idiot, he rolled his eyes, this was getting ridiculous.

“So, it rains babies, and then the stalk swoops them up before they hit the ground, while I’m asleep?,” asked Rini.


“But, how do mommies stomachs get big then?,”

“Well the stalk come to your house and the baby gets absorbed in the mother’s stomach,” replied Vegeta, a proud smile gracing his face. Rini looked at them, and then looked at Bri.

“Then how do they get back out?,”

“They just do kid!,” exclaimed Vegeta. Rini quirked an eyebrow.

“What ever you say,” said Rini, before she gave Bri back to Serena. She walked over to the stairs, then looked back at her parents, before she walked back up the stairs mumbling stuff under her breath. The two adults gave a sigh of relief.

“That was close,” mumbled Serena.

Vegeta nodded his head, “Yea, too close,”

Serena suddenly looked over to him, “Babies come from the sky?,”

Vegeta shrugged his shoulders, “ I had to think up something, plus you the one that said the stalk swoops down and catches them.”

“So, its better then saying babies being absorbed inside of the mother‘s stomach.”

“Well, I was thinking fast so…what ever woman,” said Vegeta.

Serena laughed, “Come on, lets just go to bed,”

Vegeta smiled, "Yea lets go,” while he grabbed both of his kids and brought them upstairs, with Serena trailing behind him.

Author: Thanks for the reviews, I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the wait, I had a little writer’s block for this and I also wanted a break from writing as well. Sorry I didn’t get to read over the story, dad’s bugging me to get off the computer!