Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Toon of Their Lives ❯ Greasy Learns the Truth, Doom Fakes the Plan ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: This chapter will probably answer how Roger got out of the trunk, not to mention how Katz knew about how Yami Doom & the weasels found Eddie & Jessica.

Chapter 5: (Greasy Learns the Truth, Doom Fakes the Plan)

Near the Weasely Residence, Bubbles struggled with the evil judge.

Bubbles: (thinking)I don't wanna give out my powers...but I (struggles) choice!

She then shot lasers out of her eyes, burning Yami Doom's hand a little.

Yami Doom: Ouch!

He looked at the Powerpuff and smirked evilly.

Yami Doom: Well, well, it looks like Katz was right about you: You do have super powers.

Bubbles gasped as she realized what she had done. The evil judge then pulled out his mask and turned from her as he spoke.

Yami Doom: You look like a worthy'll be a shame that I'm going to kill you and everyone on this planet.

Bubbles was about to speak more, but then heard the door slam right open. She turned from the judge (who was putting his mask on) that ran off and was surprised that Greasy with Serena & Courage had barged in the house. He motioned the two to stay as he gasped at what had happened. Sarah was on the floor crying while Bubbles watched from outside.

Greasy: Sarah? What in the world happened to you?

She looked at him with tears rolling on her cheeks and lifted her arm. It had a mark from the DIP. The four gasped as blood actually came out of it. He then glanced over at Bubbles.

Greasy: You!

He started to reach for his gun as Courage panicked.

Courage: Ooohh!

He covered his eyes from the sight. Sarah, however, put the green suited weasel's hand down as she spoke quietly.

Sarah: (quietly)It's my brother, Doom...

Greasy looked shocked about what she said.

Greasy: (thinking)Doom? But he was gone for a long time.

He looked at the mark once more as it had some DIP dripping from the sides of her arm, before it could actually dissolve her arm. He then realized something.

Greasy: (thinking)If Doom had the exact same thing as Judge Doom, then that means that...oh crap!

Serena & Bubbles looked at the scene when the weasel hummed a little song to the girl weasel while Courage nodded a little.

Courage: (thinking)I know, Alex...Judge Doom is probably your cousin's twin brother.

The two weasels hugged a little, even though it felt sappy to Greasy. The five then heard Psycho's voice.

Psycho's Voice: Hey, what's going on?

They turned and saw the white jacket weasel near the door. He shook his head a little, looking at the sight.

Psycho: (thinking)Aw man...this is not going to be our day.

The zoot weasel glanced before getting up and letting Sarah go.

Sarah: Where are you-

Greasy: I'll be taking care of it, don't worry.

The weasel went outside as Psycho went up to Sarah and tilted her head up. For the first time, Psycho looked very serious about the situation.

Psycho: All right, Sarah, tell me what happened. All of it...

She wiped a tear as she began to tell Psycho what had happened. Back at the other side of Toon Town, many of the Heartless were being slaughtered to nothing by the 3 weasels, the 2 chipmunks & their magic.

Chip: (points at a Heartless) Thunder!

The lightning appeared in the sky as it struck the Heartless. It then disintegrated while Dale was having a little trouble with the one Stupid & he were fighting.

Dale: (shoots a fireball) Fire!

It missed as Stupid tried to shake it away from them.

Stupid: Get back! Get back! (raises his club)Don't come near us or I'll-

The leader weasel just rolled his eyes and shot the Heartless straight through its head. It then turned into smoke. Wheezy had just shot the remaining Heartless as Minnie & Daisy were hidden from them.

Daisy: (glances) Now what, Minnie?

Minnie: Let's find Mickey and the others right away. We need to get out of here before we turn into DIP.

Daisy looked at the scene with the chipmunks & weasels fighting the Heartless. She then gave out a sigh.

Daisy: All right, but I don't trust those weasels to be alone with Chip n' Dale.

Minnie grabbed Daisy's hand and ran from the fight scene just as Wise Guy spoke out.

Wise Guy: All right, rodents, as soon as we're done fighting these so-called Heartless, I want an explanation about your little powers, (glares at Chip) got it?

Chip just continued on with the fight. Dale then pointed his finger at the one that Stupid was trying to fight off.

Dale: Deep Freeze!

The creature was hit and it froze in front of Stupid.

Stupid: (sweatdrops) This is probably a sign that aliens are coming!

Chip looked at him just as the last Heartless was disintegrated.

Chip: (confused) Aliens? (slaps his forehead) You're worse than Dale!

Dale: Hey!

The leader weasel looked around, to make sure there weren't anymore Heartless around. Wise Guy then pondered about this while not noticing the chipmunks leave his side.

Wise Guy: Now, why do those things want us for? It doesn't make any sense.

Wheezy: (smokes his cigar) Whatever they are, we better contact the judge (coughs) quickly.

Wise Guy: Good idea, Wheezy.

The two weasels headed towards the van while Stupid looked at the bottle he had received earlier.

Stupid: (thinking) Maybe we shouldn't do this...Besides, Alex is right. If Toon Town is destroyed, our friends & family will be killed.

Wise Guy's Voice: Stupid, get in here, pronto!

Stupid put the bottle up as he walked towards the van.

Stupid: Hey, wait up, guys!

Back with Minnie & Daisy, the two saw Mickey & Bugs with Donald, Goofy, and a concerned Daffy.

Daffy: ...What I don't underpthstand ipths why are the Heartlepths after you guys?

Minnie: (waves) Mickey!

The Toons turned around and saw Minnie & Daisy.

Mickey: Minnie! Daisy! Where were you?

Goofy: Yeah, we've been kinda worried about you.

Daisy: (pants) It's a long story...

Minnie: But right now, we have to get all of the Toons out of Toon Town quickly!

Bugs: (chews on his carrot) Eh, why's that?

Daisy: Cause we found out that since Marvin ACME's Will hasn't been found, they're going to destroy Toon Town at Midnight tonight!

Donald: (shocked) What!? (angrily)No one hurts Daisy and gets away with it!

Minnie: More bad news is that the Heartless found us!

Mickey: (looks at everyone) We've gotta get everyone out of here fast!

Goofy: But Mick, we haven't found the Princess yet.

Donald: (glances) No time, Goofy!

The duck grabbed Goofy by his hand as Daffy looked at them.

Daffy: And what am I, a great pthstar in picturepths, pthsuppose to do?

Bugs: (grabs Daffy's hand) Get all the other Toons we know to meet up outside of Toon Town!

The 2 Looney Tunes left them as Minnie nodded to Mickey. The mouse nods back to her as he got out his giant key.

Mickey: Meanwhile, the rest of us will have to find the keyhole and seal it up before the Heartless get to it.

The two mice left the center. Daisy was about to go with Donald, but looked up in the sky first.

Daisy: careful out there.

She then raced to where Donald & Goofy went to. Back at the Weasely's home, Psycho came out of the house with the expression still very serious.

Psycho: I know what you've been doing.

The green weasel looked shocked about what he just said.

Greasy: How long have you known?

The white jacket weasel then smiled, and as he spoke, his expression turned back into his normal one.

Psycho: (smiles) As long as you were making that smirk before leaving the office. Be glad I'm keeping it a secret. He-he.

The weasel ran in all fours back to where the Toon Patrol Van was. Greasy sighed a little and was about to head out. He then looked at the three time travelers, who all three gave him a sad smile.

Bubbles: (thinking)We understand, Greasy.

Serena took Bubbles & Courage's 'hands' and walked from him. The weasel smiled as he walked away from the house. Inside the house, Sarah was washing away the mark she received. It was then the door knocked. The weasel girl wiped her tears off, turned off the sink, and ran towards the door. She opened it and there stood Daisy.

Daisy: Ma'am, you have to get out of Toon Town. If you don't then you'll be killed.

The girl weasel gasped as the duck girl grabbed her hand. The two then ran into the streets of Toon Town, making Sarah worry more and more. Back with Bubbles' group, Courage was looking at the alley.

Courage: How the heck are we gonna get outta here?

Bubbles: I do remember a sign that said Gingerbread Lane. Maybe we could try going over there, since it'll be midnight in about 20 minutes here.

Serena: Bubbles, Toon Town can't have a faster time!

Bubbles: No, I remember something just before we got off of Benny...He told me that time's faster outside of Toon Town. So that means that it's near 11 by now.

Voice: (claps his hands)Very good, my dear...but it won't get you far.

The pink dog gasped as a chain of duranium was thrown and tied around the three.

Courage: OOOHHH!!

The three then heard a familiar laugh as sinister music played in the background. The shadowed figure revealed to be Katz, the one who caught them.

Katz: Thank you for the information, my dear. But I'm afraid you won't be able to stop My or the judge's plans.

Courage: You knew about this the whole time?!

Katz: Actually, Dog, I was meant to be of the rest of you. I have been wondering in that movie you were all watching how the judge and weasels knew Valiant was in Toon Town. Then it hit was probably someone, which is me, that gave them the info.

Bubbles: (glares) You're just a big meanie!

Katz: (takes out the radio) On the contrary, I know alot about this...

He turned on the radio and spoke to it.

Katz: Judge Doom, I have some very valuable information for you to know.

Serena: Don't do it! (cries) You're gonna kill all the Toons I love!

Bubbles: Either way, show my powers or not, there's no way I can break out of these chains.

Courage: This is not good, not good at all!

Katz: (ignoring) Valiant is here in Toon Town, since you're in Toon Town right about now.

Yami Doom's Voice: Thank you, Katz. I will make sure he doesn't interfere with our plan.

Bubbles: We know you're gonna just kill all of them for fun!

He put his hand over her mouth as he spoke more.

Katz: Judge, one last thing before I sign off. If that detective does manage to follow you down Gingerbread Lane, make sure you have a canister of DIP ready for them.

Yami Doom's Voice: That I can make sure. I will contact the Sarge while I'm at it. Over and out.

The red cat turned off the radio as he picked up his victims.

Katz: And now my dear friends, it's time that you have a taste of your own medicine.

The red cat laughed evilly, not noticing Courage trying to hold onto the handle of Jessica's trunk, only to break off. The victims were then inside a jet black car, hauled into the back, and lying down while Katz drove towards Gingerbread Lane, not noticing Jessica's trunk opening & Roger awakening.

Roger: (rubs his head) What happened?

He then gasped at where he was.

Roger: Hey, what am I doing here in Toon Town? I'm suppose to be helping Eddie look for the murderer!

The rabbit then looked at Eddie's car.

Roger: Maybe I could use Eddie's car to get back to the studio...even though I can't drive.

He hopped inside the car and turned on the car.

Roger: I hope I find the right way!

Then the car went in reverse, taking the rabbit with him.

Roger: (sweatdrops) YAAAAAHHHHH!!

He then disappeared into the streets of Toon Town. Near the center of Toon Town, Mickey, Minnie, and almost all of the Toons in Toon Town (mostly 1940s Disney & Looney Toons w/ Sarah) were trying to figure out how they were gonna get out of Toon Town. The conversation they were having was only heard by Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Minnie, and Daisy themselves.

Goofy: Maybe we can use our ships to get us out of here, that'll make sure everyone's safe and the Princess is safe too.

Donald: (glances) Goofy, we're not suppose to meddle in other worlds, remember?

Mickey: Donald's right, Goofy. Even if we had a bigger ship, we still couldn't take the whole world with us.

Daisy: Then what are we suppose to do until Toon Town's destroyed?

Minnie: (concerned) That's not gonna happen. We're gonna make sure we stand together, and hopefully the judge won't kill all of us together.

Daisy: Look, Minnie, the only kind of Toon that can survive that DIP is a Half-Toon!

Minnie: Daisy, you know Half-Toons don't exist!

This made the girl duck shriek a little as she realized it.

Daisy: We're doomed!

Goofy: (looks around) Speaking of Toons & Doom, where are Chip 'n Dale?

Minnie: (gasps) Oh no! We've left them with the Weasels!

Mickey: (slaps his forehead) Oh no!

Back with the weasels, inside the van, as Mickey spoke over, Chip was hiding inside Stupid's shirt while Dale was hiding inside Greasy's hat.

Mickey's Voice: If those two chipmunks are found, then the Heartless will attack and they'll be killed without our help!

Chip was looking at the green suited weasel, looking very concerned.

Chip: (thinking)Wait a second, that one looks sad. I thought he was suppose to be happy about killing us...guess the Duke back home was right, for once. He did say that not all of them are gonna be happy...

The green weasel reached inside his collar and pulled out a necklace. It almost looked like a crown and was completely gold.*

*The necklace is the opposite color of what Sora in Kingdom Hearts has.

Chip: (thinking)Strange...that almost looks like the same necklace that the legendary Keyblade Master had, except it's gold instead of silver.

The window was opened as Psycho peeked into the back. He noticed that Greasy was looking sad while looking at his necklace.

Psycho: Thinking of your mom again?

The weasel clutched onto the necklace as he glanced at the weasel.

Greasy: Why would you be knowing? Your parents haven't dumped you or got killed when you were younger like what happened to me.

Stupid: Yeah, Psycho. Alex is hurt by what happened at 1938-

Greasy snapped at Stupid as he looked angrily at him.

Greasy: The name is Greasy, Stupid! And don't you dare be reminding me of what happened nine years ago!

The chipmunks looked surprised about the situation.

Dale: (thinking)And Chip says I have a problem.

The leader weasel stopped Psycho before the crazy weasel could do anything.

Wise Guy: Leave him alone, Psycho! We need to focus on the mission, not haunted pasts.

Wheezy: (points to the road) Uh sir...the road?

Wise Guy: (turns his eyes to the road)What?

He then saw the light out of the tunnel, making a smirk.

Wise Guy: Relax, Wheezy, it's just the end of the tunnel...there's nothing to be-

But then Stupid saw the familiar glowing eyes near the end of the tunnel.

Stupid: GAH! (points to the eyes) That black thing again!

Greasy: (tips his hat) Will you shut up? You're being too superstitious just like that chipmunk.

The other weasels, however, looked where he was pointing at and saw not only Judge Doom & a busted Benny, but also Jessica with Eddie Valiant on the floor instead of the Heartless (which disappeared before they saw it).

Wise Guy: (shakes his head) You worry too much. It's just the judge, (smirks) and besides, we have a little arrangement to attend to.

Stupid: Uh, is it someone's birthday?

Wheezy whacked the stupid weasel with the club, rolling his eyes.

Wheezy: Damn it, can't you say something smart for once?

The zoot suited weasel chuckled a little as Dale glared at Wheezy.

Dale: (thinking)Hey, they shouldn't treat him like that! (rubs his head)I oughta know, Chipper bops me too many times for not believing me.

Outside the van, the weasels slowly stop near where Yami Doom (in his human getup again) was.

Wise Guy: (getting out) Good work, fellas.

The judge turned to the weasels, looking very serious.

Yami Doom: Don't just stand there, help them!

As the weasels helped the detective & Toon up, the judge continued speaking.

Yami Doom: Put them in my car...I think they'll enjoy attending the ribbon cutting at the Acme Factory.

Wise Guy: (hoists Eddie up) Come on, ya mugs.

The crazy weasel laughed his usual way as he noticed Katz inside the same car he drove in.

Katz: (glances) Having a little fun, Justin?

As the other weasels were heading to the car with their hostages, Psycho just glanced at Katz.

Psycho: All right, who are you really...what were you doing in Toon did you know my name, and were you near my girlfriend while in Toon Town?

Katz: (smug smirks) Why the only thing I did in Toon Town, young weasel, (points to the back) was to make sure we've caught our spies...

As the door opened from the car, the weasels were shocked that Bubbles, Serena, and Courage were in the back.

Serena: (crying) Oh, this is so humiliating! We're never gonna get home now!

As she cried, the pink dog was trying desperately to chew through the chains like the dog he was. Unfortunately, to the notice of Wheezy, Courage's teeth were all but gone.

Wheezy: Yeach, who does your teeth, dog?

The pink dog chuckled a little before being sat on by the Toon dame & detective.

Bubbles: Hey, watch it!

Wise Guy: (smirks) Let's see you and those allies of yours help you get out of this one, Jessie!

He slammed the door as the car started to drive off. At the front of the car, Katz glanced at the mirror that shown an image of the weasels following them.

Katz: So, what do you propose we should tell them?

Yami Doom: (smiles evilly) Don't worry, Katz, I have an idea on how to fake the plan...

Courage was confused when he said that.

Courage: (thinking)What did he mean by that? I thought building that stupid freeway was his real plan...

Later on, inside the factory, Katz was holding onto Serena and her chained up friends while Eddie was being frisked by the weasels while Stupid (as he was helping Wheezy) watched what they were doing.

Stupid: I still think we shouldn't do this.

Wheezy: (coughs) Why, cause of those so-called "Heartless"?

Stupid: Listen, I may be not smart enough to know, but that doesn't mean I'm entirely stupid. Those Heartless are trying to tell us that our time's probably up...(looks down) and I don't wanna go away just yet.

The gray weasel just rolled his eyes as he took another brick out & threw it at him.

Wheezy: Stupid, will you stop acting like an idiot for once in your life? You need to be focusing on the plan right now!

Stupid: (sighs) Okay...(thinking)I'm only worried a bit.

Little did he knew was that Chip was already out of his shirt after he heard what the weasel had said.

Chip: (thinking)Maybe the time travelers are right...maybe they're not so bad after all.

He then runs towards where Eddie was being frisked as Judge Doom started to come down from some sort of lift. Wise Guy looks up and shouts to him.

Wise Guy: We've searched Valiant, Boss! The will ain't on him!

Yami Doom: Then frisk the woman!

This made Wheezy worry.

Wheezy: Uh oh, you know how he is with woman.

Stupid: Yeah, but he usually either gets hit by one or booby trapped by one.

The gray weasel glanced at him as Greasy slyly walked towards Jessica.

Greasy: I'll handle this one...

Greasy rolls up his sleeve and puts his hand between Jessica's breasts, almost making his tongue drool. Then, there was a snapping sound and Greasy rapidly withdraws his hand with a man trap on it. This made the other weasels, even Dale who was still hidden, laugh at him.

Greasy: (in pain) Yaaaggghhh! Yaaaahshamatalla! Yaaggh!

Valiant: (leans to Jessica) Nice booby trap.

As the zoot suit weasel continued to yelp in pain, Yami Doom whacked him into a pile of boxes, spilling false eyes all over the floor. The other weasels stopped laughing as both Katz & Yami Doom glared at them.

Yami Doom: Do they have the will or not?

Wise Guy: (as Psycho snatches a letter)Nah, just a stupid love letter.

Yami Doom: No matter. I doubt if that will is going to show up in the next 15 minutes anyway.

Valiant: (as he snatches back the letter & puts it up) What happens in the next 15 minutes?

Yami Doom: Toon Town will be legally mine: Lock, stock, and barrel.

Bubbles: (shocked) Lock, Shock, and Barrel?! (slaps her forehead) That's so lame!

Katz: (glances) He said "stock", not "shock".

Serena: (gulps) Uh...judge, question. Once you get rid of all the Toons, (crying) what's gonna happen to the rest of us?!

Yami Doom: (smirks) I will make sure the rest of you live, if you tell no one about this.

Courage: About what!? We don't even know what you're gonna do to us!

Before the judge could walk up and slap Courage, Stupid called to him.

Stupid: Uh, Toon Town's right on the other side of the wall, Boss. (thinking)I'm just hoping he doesn't hurt my dad or mom...

The judge then walked over to a huge cloaked object as he spoke.

Yami Doom: You see, Mr. Valiant? The successful conclusion of this case draws a curtain for my career, as a jurist in Toon Town. I'm retiring, to take a new role in the private sector.

Courage: Private what!?

Katz: He means he's doing something new, you twit.

The pink dog glanced at him as Valiant spoke again.

Valiant: That wouldn't be Clover Leaf Industries by any chance?

The leader weasel waved his gun towards the detective, chuckling a little as Yami Doom turns to him.

Yami Doom: You're looking at the sole stockholder.

Bubbles: (gasps) I knew it! You do own Clover Leaf!

Katz slapped the Powerpuff, glaring at her.

Katz: Shut up! You'll ruin the mood, you stupid little bi-

Just as Katz was about to say it, Courage pulled out a scoop full of acid, though it was starting to melt. He poured it quickly into the metal chains. And in an instant, it broke, freeing the three.

Courage: Yes!

Katz: What the-!?

The pink dog quickly grabbed the girls' arms and ran towards where Greasy was knocked at. Dale, who was with him, was trying to use a healing spell on him.

Dale: Come on, you gotta get up!

The green weasel turned a little as Bubbles sighed in relief.

Bubbles: Thank goodness he's all right.

Courage: (shivers) He's all right?! What about us?

Just then, Yami Doom dropped the silver tray onto the floor, puts it where the nosil was, and turns the handle. He spoke as green liquid was being poured onto the tray.

Yami Doom: Can you guess what this is?

This made Jessica more scared as she saw it.

Jessica: Oh my God It's DIP!

Yami Doom: That's right my dear. Enough to dip Toon Town off the face of the Earth!

He pulls the cover out to reveal a very large machine. Psycho went up the machine that shoots DIP in an instant as some of the other weasels (minus Wise Guy & Greasy) were helping load the DIP tank as the judge spoke more.

Yami Doom: A vehicle of my own design. 5000 Gallons of heated Dip, pumped at enormous velocity through a pressurized water cannon. Toon Town will be erased in a matter of minutes.

Serena: That's not good!

Jessica: I suppose you think no one's going to notice Toon Town's disappeared?

Yami Doom: Who's got time to wonder what happened to some ridiculous talking mice when you're driving past at 75 m.p.h.?

Jessica: What are you talking about? There's no road past Toon Town.

Courage: She has a point there!

Yami Doom: Not yet!

As he walked towards the captives (and almost slipped from one of the eyeballs), he continued speaking.

Yami Doom: Several months ago I had the good providence to stumble upon a plan of the city councils. A construction plan of epic proportions. They're calling it, a Freeway.

That was when Greasy got up and looked angrily at him.

Greasy: (thinking) A Freeway? Hello, Doom! Someone already did that, you idiot!

Chip: (runs towards Serena) That's not what I've heard! He's lying!

Katz: (glances/snatches Chip) You better shut up or else!

Just as he was about to swipe his claw on him, Valiant spoke.

Valiant: A Freeway? What the hell's a freeway?

Courage: (thinking) And I thought everyone knew about it.

Yami Doom: Eight lanes of shimmering cement running from here to Pasadena: Smooth, straight, fast. Traffic jams will be a thing of the past.

Bubbles: (thinking) That's not true! There are still traffic jams, even with a Freeway!

Valiant: So that's why you killed Acme and Maroon? For this Freeway? You're kidding.

Yami Doom: Of course not, you lack vision. I see a place where people get off and on the Freeway: on and off, off and on, all day, all night. Soon, where Toon Town once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tire salons, automobile dealerships, and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see...(smiles evilly) My god, It'll be beautiful.

Serena: No, that's terrible!

Greasy: You're telling me...

The green weasel walked slowly towards the judge as Valiant spoke again.

Valiant: Come on, nobody's gonna drive this lousy Freeway when they can take the red car for a nickel.

Yami Doom: Oh, they'll drive, they'll have to. You see, I bought the red car so I could dismantle it.

Katz: (thinking/crosses his arms)A phony plan to cover up our real this person I like.

As the green weasel was about to take out his gun, he felt a rumble underneath them manhole he was on top of.

Greasy: (looks down) What the-?

Courage: (covering his eyes) Ooohh! I can't watch.

That was when the geyser of water bursted out.

(End of Chapter 5)