Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Senshi & Gundams ❯ CHAPTER IX: A MINOR DEFEAT FOR CHAOS, DEPARTURE OF THE DARK LORD, AND PASTS REMEMBERED!! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]




Dark lighting crackled around the Gates' Entrance and everyone was knocked from their feet…well, almost everyone. The sound of Lord Riveka's weapon igniting was barely audible due to the noise of Chaos's attack, but what was more easily heard was the sound of the dark lightning being blocked and sent back at its caster.

"Is that the best you can do?! Come on, my Grandfather throws better lightning bolts than that!" Came the sound of the Dark Lord's taunt. "You Senshi better get your heads out of your assess!" Riveka bellowed at them, "I cannot keep this thing busy for long!"

Kafir gritted his teeth and pushed himself to his feet, ignoring the pain from the dark lightning coursing through his body. Solace's golden eyes opened to mere slits as he lifted his head to stare at the weight across his chest; Hisharo's face was white and his mouth was a thin line as he stubbornly shielded the Sol Prince from the dark lightning. Solace sat up, carefully shoving Hisharo off of him. Hisharo's eyes opened and he shakily stood, pulling Solace up as well.

"Sire, your orders?" Kafir asked through pain-gritted teeth.

"Senshi, Knights, get up! If Chaos gets through us, nothing can stop It from taking the other dimensions!" Solace bellowed.

Ryoken shoved himself to his feet and he could hear Makoto, Minako, Trowa, Heero, Rei, and Alantas doing the same behind him. His garnet eyes closed as he focused on the block in his memories; there was a way to stop Chaos in those concealed memories, there had to be! ~I am the Senshi of Pluto, Warrior of Ice and Time, Guardian of the Gates of Time and Space, the Crown Prince of Pluto, I must stop Chaos, I must protect the Gates with my very existence, just like I vowed all those thousands of years ago…~ He thought, and he felt the block slowly crumble. He increased his focus on the block and unknowing to him, his royal birthmark, his planetary symbol appeared on his brow. Ryoken's Time Staff materialized in his hands and his head snapped upwards, his eyes flying open as he stared without fear at the attacking force. ~I remember!!~ He thought, ~I remember what I can do, what I must do!!~


To the astonished ears of the Senshi and Pilots, Chaos screamed in pain and denial as It was forcefully removed and the Gates sealed themselves with black, dark green, and maroon energies. Ryoken's breathing was harsh and erratic as all eyes swung to him. He smiled weakly right before his garnet eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed.

"Ryoken!" Makoto exclaimed as she lunged forward and caught the Senshi.

"He has used up a great amount of his personal energy reserves to banish Chaos." Setsuna said grimly.

"If you have no further need of me, I must return to my training." Lord Riveka stated in that oddly mechanical voice.

"I thank you for your assistance, my lord, but we can handle from here on out." Setsuna said to the Dark Lord.

The Sith's helmeted head nodded slightly in the affirmative before Riveka stated, "Then may the Force - both the Light and Dark Sides - be with you." The Sith straightened and extinguished the silvery-blue energy blade of the weapon that was gently clasped in dark blue gauntlet covered hands.

"Thank you, Lord Riveka. Good luck." Setsuna said as she regally waved her Time Staff, sending the Dark Lord to the dimension from whence the Sith came in a flash of dark green and maroon light.

"And to you, Senshi." The gravelly, mechanical voice of the Dark Lord of the Sith said right before the light faded, taking the dark-sider with it.

"Ryoken?" Makoto whispered as she gently shook the Soldier Senshi of Pluto. He groaned slightly as the glowing emblem of his planet vanished. Ryoken opened his garnet colored eyes and his eyes instinctively went to Makoto.

"Mako-babe?" Ryoken asked in a voice strained from the use of his powers, "I remember everything. I remember my past, my family…and us."

"Us?" Makoto asked in confusion.

"Hai. We were engaged back in the Silver Millennium." He told the stunned Sailor Senshi of Jupiter, "I know you probably don't want to be engaged to a goof-ball baka like me, demo…"

His voice was cut off as the crying Jupiter-hime kissed him.

"I remember too…" she whispered against his lips, "Ai shiteru, Itooshi."

"I have my itooto back…" Setsuna whispered happily as she leaned back in Kafir's arms.

"I am happy you are happy, Ai." The Shi-no-Senshi whispered as he lightly kissed her neck.

"The Knights' memories are returning as well." She continued, "As are the hime-sama's"

"We Senshi seem to be regaining our memories much more swiftly." Kafir mused, "It must be from our mental connection; we keep feeding each other our knowledge."

"The Knights' mental connection must have weakened over the passing of time. Either Ryoken or myself should reestablish the connection." Setsuna said, a slight frown marring her features.

"Later, when we are fully rested from Chaos's attack." Kafir told her and silenced her protests with a passionate kiss.

Heero sighed and pushed his bangs from his eyes as he stared at the blurry computer screen before him. He cursed mentally as he rubbed his gritty Prussian blue eyes.

"Here." Came the soft, gentle voice of the young woman named Mizuno Ami.

He looked up and gratefully to the cup of coffee she offered him.

"Doomo, Ami-san." Heero thanked her as he gently blew on the steaming liquid. His eyes closed in appreciation as he sipped the coffee.

"Have you been able to find anything out about your life in the Silver Millennium?" Ami asked curiosity on her beautiful features.

"Apparently in that life I was a lesser noble of the Earth and Uranus. I was made a Knight of Quatre, the Prince of the Moon when I was very young… It's very similar to this life actually…" Heero repressed a blush; he was talking more than he was used to on a non-mission related subject.

"From my research I was apparently the 13th Crown Princess of Mercury, as well as the Sailor Senshi of Mercury." Ami said before frowning slightly, "There are mentions to a Soldier Senshi of Mercury who was my twin brother but I have no memories of that…" <<A/N: Can we say sequel?! ^^ >>

"Hmm." Heero said as he leaned closer to peer at his laptop. He suddenly blushed. "Did you find out if you had a love interest in your past life?"

"I have yet to move to that category… Why?" Ami asked suspiciously.

"Because it says here that in my past self was involved with the Crown Princess of Mercury." He said, pointing to the screen.

"Nande kuso?!" She exclaimed and all but lunged over his shoulder to stare at the computer screen, leaving poor Heero in the rather interesting predicament of his cheek being a few centimeters away from the side of Ami's breast; if he turned his head, his nose and lips would be touching… ~Down, baka! You are the perfect soldier, you do NOT get turned on by a pretty girl leaning over your shoulder!~ he mentally scolded his libido.

"Its true…" she said, as she straightened up. "Oh kami-sama…"

"You don't have to make it sound like you were stricken with the plague…" Heero muttered crossly as he stood, rubbing his lower back; sitting staring at the laptop wasn't only murder on the eyes, but the back as well.

She blushed. "Gomen ne, Heero-san, its just that you probably wouldn't want to be stuck with a boring brainac like me…"

Heero cut her off by pressing his lips to hers. Ami's eyes widened before drifting closed as she lifted her arms and placed them on his shoulders and parted her lips, granting him permission to deepen the kiss…

Shawn grunted as she tumbled away from Hisharo's sweep kick. She sprung back onto her feet and lunged at the Soldier Senshi of Uranus, her fist hurtling through the air, aimed for Hisharo's face. He slapped her fist away and grabbed the front of her shirt; with a flick of his powerful wrist, he sent her hurtling through the air over his shoulder. She landed on her back and the air painfully whooshed from her lungs. Hisharo sighed as he shook his head slightly. He offered his hand to the only female Soldier Senshi who took it wearily.

"I recommend you trained the Knight of Silence," Hisharo said, tilting his head over to where Trowa and Alantas were sparring, "He keeps avoiding attacks while you take them on fully. Mayhap the two of you will learn from one another."

"I agree." Alantas grunted as he slammed a claymore down where Trowa had once been standing. "Dodging is all and well, but you need to know when to take a blow and deliver your own at the same time."

"Shawn, Trowa, you heard them." Solace said quietly from the sidelines where he had been observing the training spars.

Shawn grunted before bowing to Solace and walking over to another sparring arena. Trowa stared at them for a moment of contemplation with his single visible green eye before bowing slightly to Solace as well, going over to train with Shawn.

"What was the other reason you wanted those two to train together, Hisharo?" Solace asked of the redhead.

Hisharo smirked and said, "To help them remember; the two were engaged during the Silver Millennium."

A single golden brow was upraised and nothing was said from the Ouji-sama.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I know it's been a while since I wrote and I am very sorry! L Updates will be whenever because right now typing is rather hard at them moment… ::looks at her bandaged arm and sniffles:: Damn dog…