Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Polarity ❯ Electron Shell ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Famine sighed as she traveled to the lowest portions of her master's keep.
She hated coming down to this chamber, but there was really no choice about it. Her master had been adamant that she find and capture his prey, and to do that she would need help.
The smell was the first thing to hit her, and she was glad for the spell on her hood that blocked most of it. The cavern was enormous and had many coves in it, and as she walked to the center of the open area she could feel the eyes of hundreds of creatures on her. She stopped in the center where her peer stood.
“Famine,” greeted the heavily robed man. His voice was sickly, but strong as he turned to face her.
She responded, “Plague. I have been ordered to seek your assistance.”
“You need some of my children to keep her friends busy while you collect the Master's obsession.”
She nodded, “They are strong, and your usual creations will not be enough for this mission.”
Plague acknowledged this with a shrug and lifted an arm, pulling back the sleeve to reveal that his skin was covered in countless pustules. With a hissing sound twelve dropped to the floor and began moving, shifting, and growing. After a few minutes they had burst, and now a dozen leathery brown humanoid forms stood between the two of them.
Plague lowered his arm and wheezed out, “You will find these to be most resistant to the elemental magic's wielded here.”
By Seth
Chapter 9
Electron Shell
Note: Ranma and Sailor Moon are owned by their respective creators and distributors. I use them without permission or gain, but with respect to the work done before me.
Ranma had to admit, he was dog tired.
He was physically worn out from fighting for his life against War and then running most of the way to Juuban. He was currently camped out on the roof of one of the office buildings near the center of the district and lying out on his bedroll under they black sky. His body cried out for rest, but his thoughts were troubled and would not let him sleep.
It was because he was emotionally tired.
After his departure from Nerima he had run. He lost track of how long, and by the time he had stopped running his legs were burning and he was gasping for air, not out of exertion, but because he had used the secluded nature of the rooftops he traveled on to do the one thing he always tried not to do.
He had let his emotions out.
He had cried. He had shouted out his anger. He had raged and wept, and in the end it had taken its toll after years and years of repressed anger and fear and resentment flooded his system.
Now he felt that a weight had been lifted off his chest, at least a little and it had left him with a moment of clarity. He had loved Akane, in what little he understood about love. But it was not the kind of love that everyone seemed to want, and no one was willing to accept that.
Love was nebulous to him. Had he ever really felt true love? He wasn't sure. Instead he looked at his relations to people and saw that he had felt friendship at times, and even affection, but what he had felt was never wholly…comfortable to him.
Until he had met Setsuna Meioh, and then the Senshi.
There was a connection there, he was sure of it, and in this moment of clarity he looked back on the words of the strange, green haired woman. She had said that he was reborn from a warrior in another life that had stood along side magical guardians.
Normally Ranma would have laughed at this, but he had met Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and had to consider the possibility. Add in the deep feelings of…almost family he had felt while fighting along side them, and Setsuna's words seemed more credible.
He sighed. There was no turning back now, and he had made his choices. In the morning he would find the address listed on the card Setsuna had left him, and hopefully he would be able to start on the road towards his new life.
In the morning Setsuna sat at the kitchen table sipping her tea and waiting. It was the hardest part of her job, knowing what may happen but still having to wait for it. Sometimes it was a blessing, giving her time to mentally prepare for what was about to happen. Other times it was simply nerve wrecking.
This was somewhere in between.
Haruka and Michiru had left for the day. The duo had an appointment with a music producer who was interested in Michiru's classical sound and deeply emotional music. It was a great opportunity, but as far as Setsuna was concerned it got them out of the house for the meeting that would happen here later.
Conflict was inevitable between Uranus and Polaris, not because the two of them were enemies. Far from it, they were friends. The trouble was both of them were competitive by nature, and Ranma was still confused about who he was. Haruka would not help him at this point.
Instead Setsuna had arranged for three people who would be of great help to be here.
The first was just now stumbling her way down the stairs. Hotaru's light purple pajamas were rumpled, and her hair was a mess, and her eyes were only half open, but the young girls looked to be in much better shape after a long night of sleep.
“Good morning Hotaru.”
“Merf,” the girl managed as she walked over to the fridge and opened it, staring blankly at the shelves for a long time.
Setsuna smiled. Hotaru was actually doing a very good, if unintentional, impersonation of her Papa at the moment.
The Time Guardian asked lightly, “Would you like some orange juice?”
Hotaru lightly nodded and pulled out the carton, letting the fridge door pull itself closed behind her as she shuffled over to the counter to get a clean glass.
Setsuna stood, confident that Hotaru would manage to get through her morning and be ready for what was to come. She made her way to the door and looked at the clock, slowly counting down to herself. She reached out and opened the door just as the other two people she would need for the day were about to knock.
Usagi stood; hand raised to rap her knuckles on the door and blinked, “I really should know better by now.”
“Not at all, Princess,” Setsuna said calmly. “When you stop attempting to knock, how will I know you were going to?”
Usagi paused, thinking hard about what she had just been told. Behind her Makoto grinned and could almost see smoke coming out of her blond friend's ears.
“Don't you think it's a little early in the day for temporal mechanics?”
“Perhaps,” she said to the brunette, “but I need to keep you on your toes somehow. Please come in, our guest will arrive in a short while.”
The girls entered, Makoto pushing Usagi in, and headed into the living room. Hotaru was already there, a half drained glass of orange juice in her hand. She was absently running the other hand though her hair, trying to get it to settle. Usagi smiled and sat next to the girl, pulling a brush out of her purse and helping. The smile on Hotaru's face was welcoming and thankful.
Makoto grabbed a chair and started, “So what's this all about? I'm hoping that this isn't another trip to that nuthouse.”
“No,” Setsuna reassured, “instead one of the people in Nerima will be coming here. Polaris' reincarnation is attempting to sort out his present and his past. It will be difficult for him, for a number of reasons, and I believe that the people in this room would be best suited to help.”
She turned to Makoto, “The two of you often partnered up for missions. You had an excellent working relationship, and the two of you were good friends as well. Hotaru was very dear to Polaris, and was even considered her disciple in the fighting arts.”
Hotaru nodded as Usagi brushed her hair, “She taught me Polarian pole arm fighting. Some of the Royal Guards too.”
“The Princess is here because now, like back then, she has an honest and trustworthy spirit. That is what Ranma needs right now. He has had little trust in his life, and every time his has given his trust he has been betrayed in one way or another.”
Usagi looked up from her work, “You found out more about…him? Is he going to help us?”
“I don't know,” Setsuna answered honestly. “He has been used so often. He will most likely be on guard for some kind of deception. He'll want to fight, have no doubt, but he may not want to fight along side us. He may not be able to trust.”
Makoto frowned, “That's not good. The reason we fight so well together is that we trust each other, at least most of the time.” The last was said with a flat tone and a sharp glare at Setsuna. The Time Guardian acknowledged this with a nod and a sigh.
“I know my own fault, and I am hoping to correct them. That is why I am involving you in this instead of trying to solve this problem myself. I originally thought I could let this pass by and keep Ranma away from this. But it is in his nature to help, he's a hero. That may be just what we need in the coming days.”
Usagi thought for a moment, “He sounds nice, and maybe lonely. Tell us about him.”
“Just a little…”
Happosai looked out over the Tendo yard and sighed heavily. He had spent the night packing his things, and now he was ready for another great adventure. This time he had a reason, a purpose.
Not really, he was just not going to stick around these losers.
He felt a presence behind him and for a moment was tempted to attack. He restrained himself however, and let the person approach.
Akane's torso was heavily bandaged, and she had been told to stay in bed while her ribs healed, but this was far too important to her. She had earned this right, and nothing, not even the injuries that cheating Ranma had given her, would stop her.
“I'd like to start training, Master Happosai,” she said with fire in her voice. She could barely stand, but she wouldn't let Ranma show off at her expense. This was her right, her destiny.
Happosai slowly turned, “And why would I train you?”
Akane blinked and answered, “I'm the true heir to the anything goes school now. Ranma gave it up, and good riddance. Mister Saotome was right all along, he was a disgrace to the school.”
Happosai took out his pipe and slowly packed a bit of tobacco into it, “And why was he a disgrace?”
“He was a jerk and a pervert,” Akane said with certainty. “He was a coward who was always attacking nice people like Ryoga. He ran out on the engagement pact and this family. He was an idiot that deserved to be cast out, to be a ronin.”
Lighting his pipe with an old match, Happosai closed his eyes for a long moment.
“Horse feathers,” he answered simply. “If anyone in this house is a pervert, it's me. Ranma is about the least perverted person I know, despite temptation. The poor boy is a total innocent. As for cowardice, that's impossible. He's a braver man then I am, that's for sure. As for your pact, to hell with it. It has caused nothing but misery, and I'm glad the whole fiasco is over.”
Then the old Master got a dangerous glint in his eyes, “And if I ever hear you say he deserved to be cast out again I will personally insure that you never are able to practice martial arts again.”
Walking past the stunned Tendo girl, Happosai collected his small backpack and began heading out the front. In front of the door he found Soun and Genma waiting for him, bowing on the floor.
“Master,” Soun cried out, “Are you going to retrieve Ranma for us? We are so grateful to you, Master.”
Genma nodded, “If anyone can teach that brat respect it is you, Master. Once you have him back we can put all this madness behind us.”
Happosai slowly shook his head, “You two really are a piece of work, aren't you. No, I'm not going to `retrieve' Ranma! Leaving you idiots is probably the first intelligent thing that boy has done since I've met him. As far as I'm concerned, you have had this coming for a long time now, so suck it up and deal.”
Genma and Soun looked up in confusion and Genma asked, “Then where are you going, Master?”
“I'm actually going to follow Ranma's advice. I'm going out into the wide world once more to find my life. I've been cooped up here too long, and the road is calling out to me. I have a few years left in this old body, and I think I still have goals…dreams to fulfill. It's been a hundred years since I chased my dreams, and I'm going to start again.”
He hopped over them and opened the door, and feeling a sense of drama, perhaps even the touch Ranma had felt, he turned back and spoke with authority.
“Oh, by the way. I am banning you two and that useless daughter of yours from practicing my art. This is no longer an Anything Goes dojo, and I'll be taking the sign with me as I leave.”
Leaving the two shocked men in his wake he walked down the path to the front gate and jumped up outside, pulling down the dojo sign and sliding it through the shoulder straps of his backpack
“Are you leaving too?”
The old Master turned to see Kasumi walking up the street. Her dress was rumpled and her hair was slightly askew. Happi could tell that the young woman was more energized then she had been in a long time, and even if he normally would have scoffed at the idea, his keen senses could tell she was going commando at the moment.
Forcing down his lecherous thoughts for a moment, Happosai answered, “I'm sorry, my dear. But with Ranma gone I really have no reason to stay. I hate to leave these fools to you…but my guess is that you have found a way to deal with the stress.”
Kasumi blushed, but a blissful smile crossed her lips, “I just followed Ranma's advice. I think that Ono and I have come to an understanding about our relationship.”
“I bet,” cackled the old man. “Are you going to get out of this town as well?”
“No,” Kasumi answered, her mood deflating slightly, “as a doctor, Ono has a responsibility to his patients at the clinic. That is something I understand and respect. I don't think I'll be staying at the house for much longer though.”
Happosai smiled lightly, “Oh? Your relationship had gone that far already?”
“I waited for him for four years,” Kasumi replied, “and he didn't act on his feelings out of fear and confusion. Now I…and even I don't believe this…I've taken the initiative. I'm not going to wait another four years for him.”
Happosai laughed loudly at the smile on the eldest Tendo daughter's face. They looked at each other, and knew it was time. Happosai bowed to the young woman, but Kasumi surprised him by dropping to her knees and hugging the old man. They stayed like that for another moment, and before he fell into tears Happosai pulled away and took up his pack.
“Take care, Kasumi.”
“And you, Grandfather.”
The old master bounded away, leaping to the top of the nearby wall and running off. As he sped along he felt himself get lighter as he contemplated the future. Jumping to the top of Furinkan High as he passed it, he yelled out at the top of his lungs.
“Look out, ladies of the world! Happi is back on the prowl!”
Ranma stood before his destination, still hesitant on if this was the right choice.
The house was in the suburbs of the district, and even with his limited experience with urban life he had to admit the place was nice. It was a moderate sized house, smaller then the Tendo place but still a good size. There was no wall around the property and no dojo, but Ranma realized that not everyone in the world was a martial arts nut like the people he knew. The house did have a two car garage, but Ranma had never ridden in a car, so it didn't really interest him.
The place didn't even have ninjas in the shrubbery waiting to jump out and try and kill him.
The place looked like…well…a home.
Taking a deep breath, Ranma shouldered his pack and walked up the sidewalk to the front door.
Raising his hand he grumbled to himself, “Come on, Ranma. She said it was alright, that you could talk to her anytime. May as well do it now.” With that he knocked.
Inside, Setsuna had finished telling a much abbreviated life story about Ranma. The reactions of the three other girls were similar and different at the same time. Each was saddened by the hard life their past friend had. At the same time each of the Senshi was furious at the way Sailor Polaris' reincarnation had been treated.
Makoto was in the kitchen, using her cooking as therapy as she poured her heart into making snacks for the gathering. She had thrown out her first attempt after turning an apple into puree while trying to peel it. She may have been mad, but she did not want to make mistakes like that. She loved her friends and her cooking, and cooking for her friends was one way she knew to make them feel better.
Hotaru was torn between running back up to her room and crying on her bed and pulling out her Silence Glaive and going hunting. She had been treated as a thing before, an experiment by her own father and a freak by her classmates. To be treated in such a way was disgusting to her, and to have Polaris-sensei treated like that boiled her blood.
Usagi could only sit as she processed the story. To her it made no sense at all. She never doubted her parent's love for her, and she knew that her friends cared for her as well with no strings attached. She could not fathom the situation Ranma had been in, and the idea that it was all right with Ranma's parents was enough to make her sick to her stomach.
Setsuna looked at her charges and frowned. They had reacted this much to less then a tenth of Ranma's true story. This meeting was going to change everything, and may take away some of the Senshi's innocence. She hoped she made the right choice in setting things in motion by leaving her card with Ranma.
When the knock was heard she knew that the point of no return had arrived.
“Princess, could you get the door?”
Usagi shook herself and stood, going to the door and opening it, still in somewhat of a daze. On the other side was a young man in red and black with an overstuffed backpack on. She looked up, and instinctively looked into his eyes.
It was something she had been aware of for a long time now. It was not a power gained by her past life, or by use of the powerful Silver Crystal, but it was something she had always been able to do. She could look into another person's eyes and see their heart. It had become second nature to her and had turned more then one foe into a friend.
Now she looked into this young man's eyes and almost burst into tears. But inside his despair she saw that there was hope, and that was enough for her.
“Excuse me,” the young man said nervously, “I'm looking for a woman named Setsuna. Does she live here?”
Usagi nodded, “Are you Ranma?” He nodded again and she continued, “Please come in, we've been expecting you and…”
The young princess was an emotional person, and even though she was desperately trying to hold it in she couldn't hold on anymore and pulled the surprised young man into a comforting hug.
“I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry,” she whispered as her walls broke down.
Ranma thought the blond girl's hug was anything but comforting and he froze, instantly alert for any attacks. His senses picked up no hostility, no lethal intent and no jealous rage. He did the only thing he could think of and looked up to see if a giant meteor was about to wipe out Tokyo. Still there was nothing.
He knew, absolutely and without a doubt that he was going to die in the next five seconds.
Five seconds later he really started to get nervous.
Finally Usagi let go and looked up to see Ranma nearly quivering in fear. His reaction was all the proof she needed that the boy had been damaged by the treatment of the people that were supposed to be close to him.
“I'm sorry,” she said softly, “I guess I got a little carried away there. Please forgive me.”
Ranma blinked, “Um…aren't you going to try and kill me now?”
“Of course not,” Usagi said with a smile.
That got Ranma even more nervous, “You aren't engaged to me or anything are you?”
Usagi shook her head, “I already have a boyfriend.”
“Never stopped anyone before,” Ranma grumbled. “You aren't even going to hit me?”
Now it was Usagi's turn to feel odd, “Why would I?”
“It's what normally happens when someone grabs me. I get hit, or clobbered, or shot at. It's kinda the way it goes, you know?”
Usagi went wide eyed and shook her head violently from side to side, her ponytails thrashing behind her. The two teens looked at each other in wonder for a few moments, forgetting where they were. Ranma was unbelieving of the situation as he was not in traction yet. Usagi unbelieving of the situation as the boy seemed terrified of simple human contact.
Finally Usagi remembered the reason for being here and moved to one side, “Um…please come in. Setsuna is waiting in the leaving room and Makoto is making snacks.”
Ranma blinked, taking this in, and answered, “You had me at snacks.”
Usagi smiled at this, but still noticed that the boy was very cautious as he moved by her. He was a wound spring, and she could almost feel the stress rolling off him.
Leading him into the living room, Usagi saw that Hotaru had collected herself and was now fighting the urge to go and hug the young man who had saved her last night. Setsuna was aware of Saturn's gratitude and affection for the former Senshi, but it was not yet time.
“It's good to see you again, Ranma,” Setsuna greeted in level tones as she stood and gestured for the martial artist to sit.
Ranma nodded, “Yeah…um…sorry about dropping in like this, but I really needed to talk to someone who may understand what's going on.”
“That's all right. What would you like to talk about?”
Ranma sat in an armchair away from the girls and cleared his throat before scratching the base of his ponytail. He knew he was stalling, but his senses were sending him all kinds of odd feelings. He KNEW that he knew these people from somewhere. The older, green haired woman he had met before, and knew the tingle along his spine was telling him that he had met her before the encounter at Tofu's clinic, but the two new girls gave off the same feeling.
Ranma squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, “This is driving me nuts. Who are you people? I know you were talking about past lives and stuff at the Doc's place, but I swear it's more then that.”
Usagi asked the frustrated boy, “What do you mean?”
“I don't know,” Ranma growled out. “I feel like I've forgotten something important, and I know that I've forgotten it. At the same time it's like I'm trying not to remember, or I don't want to. Between that and bailing out Starsprite last night…”
Hotaru's eyes went wide, “What did you say?”
The young girl pressed, “You said `Starsprite'.”
Ranma shook his head, “Did I…I was saving some girl…”
He looked around and saw a faint glow of life energy coming form the odd locket on the blonde's blouse, but wasn't able to pay attention as his head started to spin.
Hotaru nodded, “That's what you used to call me back on the moon.” She slowly pulled out her transformation pen and held it up to show the young man.
Ranma's eyes locked on the crystal orb at the top, the symbol for Saturn slowly spinning under its clear, purple surface. Suddenly his ki sense screamed as a flash of white light spilled out of Usagi's broach.
Ranma shot upright; his eye's rolling back, and fell face first into the coffee table.
Setsuna rushed over to check him and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the durable young lad was all right. Looking up at her charges, she saw Hotaru's worry, but Usagi was looking down at the open Silver Crystal locket.
“What is it, Princess?”
“The Crystal,” Usagi said softly, “it's…talking?...showing?...communing with him. It's jumbled. I'm not sure I understand.”
Makoto suddenly came into the room, earphones dangling around her neck and taking in the collapsed boy.
“Um…did I miss something?”
To be continued…
Endnote: It may take a little longer, but I will get these chapters done as soon as I can. I do appreciate all the positive feedback I've gotten, and am glad a lot of you seem to like my ideas. For those who have asked, yes, Ranma will get her transformation…maybe (snicker). Next time, hold on Toto, `cause Kansas is going bye-bye. Until then I've replaced something in your refrigerator, but I'm not saying what…