Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ a strange storry trans from ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer…I am going to make this short and sweet I don't own anything you know about. I am using real people in this fic and they know about it so there now there should be nothing to sue me over now is there???? Well better not try it or face my magic wound. Enough said enjoy the fic

I awoke a little later that afternoon feeling a bit refreshed. John is already asking about different types of doors while silver tries her best to keep her temper. Cye is cleaning up the lunch dishes when I come downstairs. He hands me some food that he had managed to keep from Kento. "Thanks." I say still really shy taking the offered plate and eating the whole thing.

"Ginny why do you call yourself Sailor Moon????????" John asks not taking the hint.

"Leave her alone!!!!!!! She doesn't have to answer that if she doesn't want to." Rowen yells something that he rarely ever did unless something upset him.

"Well then can I ask you why you look so weird?" John continues unfazed by Rowen's statement more like out burst.

"Now John you had better Shut the **** up before I knock you out again." Silver warns.

"Come we have to go to the mall you know today and get the things your going to need." Cye informs everyone for Mia who is waiting out in the car/van/jeep. (A/N: I don't care what you call it.)

"Right lets go." I say taking Rowen by the arm and sitting next to him in the car.

***********Later at the mal**************

Cye and Rowen took Silver and I through the large mall. Kento heads to the large food court. Sage is dragging Jason and both Mia and Ryo take John. Mia knew a little English as did Sage. So by process of elimination Mia and Sage got the two most annoying people in the little group of 4. Sage finally drags a protesting Kento through the mall and away from the food court. He is having a hard time keeping Jason under control as it is without the help of Kento. Jason wants to protest when he learns really fast that this is not such a good idea cause sage has a very good grip.

Rowen and Cye chose to take silver and I around. I am being very nice and letting Rowen lead me. We go into a few stores and Silver and I get what we need. After we exit one store, my legs begin to protest to the idea of movement. I find myself leaning on Rowen more as we go to the next store. Finally my legs do what I feared they would do if I had to walk long distances. Give out and I fall to the floor. Rowen picks me up before I can fall completely. He takes me over to a bench and lies me down on it. I sit up extending my sore legs and I reach forward to rub them. Cye and silver come running up to us after they see Rowen pick me up. "Is she alright?" Cye asks his friend.

"I don't know Cye she just fell." Rowen says looking at me continueing to rum my sore legs.

"Silver stay I am going to get sage for SM." Cye says running off to find the light warrior.

"SM has this happened often?" Silver asks.

"Only when I walk long distances." I reply still rubbing the pain away like that was really going to help.

"SM, if you don't mind me asking, …." Rowen starts but trails off.

"What is it Rowen?" I ask him stopping what I was doing and turn to look at him.

"Well so what do you do when you know you may have to walk for a long distance?" Rowen asks me finally though I somehow don't think that wasn't what was on his mind.

"Use a wheel chair." I reply directly to the point.

"Whats wrong guys?" Sage asks as he comes running up with Cye and a protesting Jason right behind.

"She just collapsed, I think her legs gave out on her." Silver tells the new comers.

"I can't do anything in this open mall, lets get her outside." Sage says

"Cye and I will go find the others and tell them whats up." Silver adds.

"I will go with you sage." Rowen says picking me up.

With that said we all split up again heading in our own respective directions. Cye and Silver get stuck with Jason who decides to test the limits of Cye's nerves but presses silver's nicely. She is able to how ever to keep her cool and not do anything in public that she would regret. The first person they find is Kento who is back at the food court. They relay the events of what happened to me and Kento grabs his order quickly pays for it and joins Cye and silver. Ryo and Mia are much are harder to find. So Kento is forced to split up and help look knowing how large the mall was and at the moment the small group was only on the first floor. Kento is the first to find Ryo, Mia and John and he tells them what Cye and silver had told him. John however has a comment to say about this as well after the conversation is translated for him and Mia quickly dismisses it and asks Kento if he knew if I was alright or not. Kento says he doesn't know and then says that he had better find Cye and silver because they were looking for them to tell them the same thing.

Outside Rowen places me in the back seat of the car and sage explains that he is going to try and heel me. I wait for the pain to go away which it does, but sage explains that he can't heel me completely. I tell him I don't mind really and that I was used to it but thanks for the little help he was able to offer. "Do you think you have enough things that we can go home now?" Rowen asks more then willing to take me back if it looked like I needed it.

"Well nothing that we can't make a second trip for, but I would like something to eat if that isn't to much trouble." I request.

"Sure Sage will stay out here with you while I go get you something to eat and hten we can go home. Its almost dark anyway we should be heading home." Rowen says as he gets out and heads back to the store.

Soon after Rowen had gone in Kento Ryo Jason john silver and Mia come out. Sage explains what happened and tells the group that is nothing to worry about and that Rowen went inside to get me some diner. "Well we will head home. Soon Rowen returns and hands me something to eat with a coke and we drive off toward what silver Jason john and I would now call home for who knows how long.

Once home, I am refreshed enough to walk into the house on my own and I know how to find my room now so that is what I do. Mia suggests since it was such a long day that everyone go to bed which they do. Silver pays me a visit and she gives me something that she says I forgot and I calmly thank her for it. We talk a little more then she goes to her room and I finding that I can't sleep right away turn on my laptop and plan on typing when it decides it has other plans. I try to make the dial up connection go away but it refuses and continues to dial me up. With a sigh I let it and check my mail knowing that this just has to be a dream or something. Once done I shut my computer off and go to bed.

********later that night***********

In the middle of the night Rowen tosses and turns in bed. For some reason he can't sleep. He gets into a light sleep when sailor Pluto comes in and wants to talk him. She taps him lightly on the shoulder and Rowen turns over shrugging it of thing that something fell off the nightstand. She is not going to be taken lightly by this and starts to shake him awake. Rowen jumps up in shock and blinks at the visitor in his room. "Who are and what do you want?" He asks in a low tone all the same ready to put on his sub armor if needed.

"I see Sailor Moon has already spoken of me." Pluto states then adds, "I am the keeper of the time gate. I have sent Sailor Moon and Silver_stargazer here on a mission. A new evil is coming and you and your friends are going to need their help to fight it. You must watch over her and keep her safe and happy. She not must be afraid for she will need to be strong for what is to come. I can't tell you yet what threats this world but when the time comes Sailor Moon will know what to do. Protect her until the time comes." Then Pluto leaves leaving Rowen to think about what just happened.

******The next morning************

Things proceed as usual everyone except Rowen and I are up and enjoying each others company. John tries everyone's patience and silver knocks him out again with her trusty mallet. When john comes to he complains that no one told him why Rowen is the way he is and none of your business was not the answer he was looking for. Kento pulls out the Nintendo ® and he challenges John to a game with it. This only distracts john until lunchtime. He is back at again when Rowen and I come down this time in time for the start of lunch. "Hello sleep heads your just in time for lunch." Cye says while hitting Kento with the back of a mettle spoon.

"Let me help with those Cye." Silver offers taking some full plates of food and placing them in different places around the table.

"Thank you silver." Cye replies putting some more food on the table.

"SM can I talk to you about something after lunch?" Rowen asks after a few bites of food.

"Sure no problem." I reply finishing my meal in silence leaving the rest of us to do the same.

******After lunch*********

The others go about doing various things while Rowen and I go somewhere to talk. I am not scared and let him lead me into the room he shares with sage who was at the moment out in the woods or something. "I think I saw sailor Pluto last night." Rowen states once the door is shut.

"What???? Really??? What did she want??" I ask eagerly thinking she may have to told him something she is refusing to tell me.

"Not much I can go on. All she said was to protect you and make sure you are not scared. She also said you would know what to do when the time comes." Rowen says a hint of sadness in his voice.

"That's alright Rowen I have come to expect that from her. She does that to us a lot. My friends and I mean." I explain.

"What do you think we should do about it?" Rowen asks.

"Well we probley are going to live here so we should live like you do. I mean go to school and stuff like that. Meaning Ryo and Kento are going to have to learn English." I explain.

"Right I will tell Ryo and the guys while you go talk to silver." Rowen suggests.

"Right that I will." I agree as we left to find the others.


Rowen and I join up after we had talked to silver and the other Ronins about what was to happen. Ryo aggress totally with Rowen and I came up with. He also seemed eger to start due to the fact school started up again in a week. Kento was going to be hard to teech, but with some luck he would learn in time. Mia takes Ryo to the libery to get a book on English while Silver and I had a little talk with Jason and john about what was to happen in the next week.

A/N: sorry this is so long but there was so much stuff I wanted to put in here so enjoy the next chapter may not be so long. Well that thing with my legs being so week is true and the doctors know nothing about it. * sighs* guess I have gotten pretty used to it.