Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ a strange storry trans from ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer I don't own anything so don't even try it……that includes my friends who nicely let me use them in a fic…….so try me and well let me just say that you will find a very unhappy author if you try to sue me kay…

A/N: I decide that even though I hate it that everyone is going to * shutters* school. Now here is how it is going to go. The Ronins are all the same age and attend high school. I am also in high school and in the 12th grade. The guys are in the 11th and silver is in the 9th grade. Jason is in a special school and John is in elementary. Since I don't know how people in Japan split up their students I am going to do it the way its done at my school which is students are all spread out and in some classes you may have like some 9th 10th and 12th in the same classroom. And the students get in their classes a few times a year for a meeting…that students in their respective grades do for short periods of time. Everyone understand that?? Okay enough said enjoy the fic!!!!!

Everyone is in the large living room while Rowen Silver and I explain things to everyone. The three of us decide that it would be best if we talk to the rest of them at once Silver and I talking to Jason and john while Rowen talks to the others. Cye also decides to help silver and I with john and Jason in case they want to try something funny. "As you know we have school starting next week and these kids cannot be here alone in case something were to happen…." Rowen begins

"So Rowen and I have talked it over and we meaning Jason John Silver and I will attend school as well." I continue.

"What?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?" John protests rather loudly.

"So that means we as well as everyone else present will be going to school. Meaning Someone will have to get on the phone and get books for me and Jason." I add ignoring john which is not that hard to do.

"But…but… said your self …gi….." John begins to protest again but is cut off when silver's mallet hits him in the head.

"Now all your questions will be answered as soon as we are done talking GOT IT???" Silver asks raising her mallet above her head read to hit anyone else that was more then willing to get in the way.

"Kento, Ryo, and Mia will be working on there English during this week so we can help the girls and boys out with their school work and stuff." Rowen informs then quickly adds before Kento can protest, This will also help you in other ways.

"But….more work and school hasn't even started yet. Kento complains almost as loud as john.

"SM and I will do all the paper work. Now any questions??" Rowen finishes ignoring Kent's protests and complaints and give everyone a death glare that said if looks could kill.

"But you said yourself SM that were not going to school cause of a different time and place." John protests.

"Well I changed my mind. We need to go and act like normal people while we are here for all we know this could be our new home." I explain through gritted teeth. Jason plays smart and keeps his mouth shut.

And to make Rowen's point clear Ryo shows Kento the English books they would working from. For the rest of us we get started on various things. Silver and Cye go off talking and making lists of different school books that may be needed. Rowen and I go to another room where I contact Library of Congress to request the school books that will be needed and ask where if anywhere I could find a branch of blind services that would receive the books and when to expect them. Rowen gets on next and requests the paper work from Hana High and two other elementary schools. Of Chores they wanted to see Jason at the specal school that Rowen had found. He tells them that it would be fine and he along with me would come along but what he didn't say was in sub armor. The guys learned from the mall trip if you go anywhere with Jason you where ware sub armor..this was bound out when Jason kicked Sage in the leg with one of his fight rants and he wares braces on his legs so…well plans are made to go to this school tomorrow afternoon. By the time Rowen and I have finished it is very late and like it or not we will have to get up early the next morning. With a yawn Rowen and I go to our rooms for sleep.

*********The next morning***********

I wake up and promptly through the alarm clock against the wall affectively braking it into little pices before falling back to sleep. This didn't last long however, because realty hit me dead on and I knew that I had a job to do. I sit bult upright in bed and fall out of it with a loud crash. This wakes Rowen and he comes in my room to find me sitting on the floor with a very unhappy look on my face. "Are you alright?" Rowen asks as he comes in more.

"Sure just forgot." I reply quietly.

"Forgot what?" he asks me helping me out the tangle I got myself into.

"We along with Mia have to take Jason to the school remember." I answer standing.

"Oh right I will leave you to get dressed. I'll get ready too." He says.

"Meet you downstairs for breakfast then." I reply turning to pick up the mess.

"Sure thing." Rowen says heading his room.

A few minutes later I am dressed and come downstairs still half asleep. Cye hands me a plate and I take it and sit down. Shortly after Rowen comes down in his sub armor then runs back upstairs after seeing himself in a nearby mirror. "What was that all about?" Silver asks.

"What?" I ask looking up.

"Rowen was in sub armor." Silver repets still confused.

"Oh yea he is going with us to help Keep Jason under control and though it might best to ware his sub armor in case Jason does something." I explain.

"When is our appointment?" Mia asks pointing at Cye to translate.

"In about two hours I believe. Rowen has all the details." I answer and again Cye translates.

"Much better." Rowen thinks coming down stairs again.

"Why do you look like a freak???!!?!!" John yells making a small scean.

"John for your info that was just plain wrong!!!!!!" I scream back at him "now go somewhere else."

"I can't believe that boy sometimes." I think shaking my head.

"You alright?" Rowen asks me concern in his voice.

"Sure I will be fine. Come on lets go." I reply then add I need to get out of here."

"I know the feeling all to well." Rowen tells me as we leave.

*****At the school********

The drive to this special school is silent. Jason for once does not talk instead he sleeps. The school where Jason may attend is right near the high school which is a very good thing for us. The elementary school however is far away. The school we are going to for Jason is rather large and has nice wide hallways. We go in to a waiting room and wait fro the principal to come out and meet with us. Our wait isn't long and soon we enter the main office. Rowen quickly explains the reason why so many people came. "Well lets get started then shall we." The principal instructs.

"Well I would like to enroll Jason Stewart in your school. He needs special help. Lets just say he finds it interesting that he can spell his name and he can very violent too." I start to explain.

"I do not!!!!" Jason yells kicking Rowen in the leg as if to prove my point.

"I see your point miss. He shall start Monday." The principal states then hands me some paperwork.

"See you sir." I reply and then bow.

"Well that went well." I tell Rowen as he kicks a screaming Jason in the same spot as Jason had kicked him before.

"I agree now for these forms." He replies then adds "we have to get them in by tomorrow."

"Well we can work on them til late tonight then." I sigh knowing that this is only the beginning.

Rowen takes my hand and I accept it. I bite my lip to hide my tears and to hopefully keep from crying. He leads me to the jeep and Jason has to sit next to mia while Rowen and I sat in the back. I would not look back instead I just stare off into space. I don't even know we reached home until Rowen shakes me a little. Cye comes out and informs us he is going to start diner and asks how things went. I walk past everyone think why for everything that happened to me. For some strange reason that is all I could think about. Maybe I shouldn't have opened my big mouth. I just don't know I think to myself as I walk past everyone and to my room..

A few minutes Cye comes up and knocks on my door and I do not make no move to answer the door. I can hear the door open slowly and Cye ask me if I was alright. Again I don't answer. He comes closer to me and calls my name softly. I turn to him wiping away the remaining tears. He sits down next to me on my bed and asks me whats wrong. Without thinking I grab onto him and start crying again. I stay like that unil I fall asleep again from crying. I don't even feel it when Cye place me back on my bed or hear him leave the room. "Is Sm alright?" Silver asks when she sees Cye come out of my room.

"I don't know silver. She was really upset. I am going to tell Rowen to keep an eye on her." Cye says running into Rowen on the stairs.

"Hey Cye is SM alright?" Rowen asks Cye.

"I think that she will be alright just needs a friend and some time to think." Cye answer his friend and goes in the kitchen to save me some food.

Later that night I come down and ask Cye for something to eat. He pulls out what he had saved and after eating, I return to my room for bed.

*******Next day*******

Rowen and I miss breakfast and sleep in. When I finally do get up it is really late in he afternoon and Rowen got up before me. I yawn and head for the bathroom. Once done I head for the kitchen and proceed to look for something to eat. I can hear Kento complain and part of it I understood. He had spoken a little n English. Shortly after Kento's complaint, Rowen comes in to give me a hand. We eat quickly and head into another room to get started on the mountain of papers. Rowen tells me we are lucky to get into a school on such short notice. I agree but we both know Pluto had a lot to do with it. It was if she knew that we would go to school.

The rest of the week went on as normal as could but it also seems to be going a little to fast for me. Ryo is doing really on his English as well as Kento. He now knew how to bug me for food. I also taught him the word NO and the words Get lost while I am cooking. Yes I learn how to use the stove. Rowen and I also finish the needed paper work in plenty of time. On Saturday, Rowen and Mia and some of the others went to the mall again this time for school supplies and clothes for Jason john silver, and myself. We had to ware some kind of uniform. I didn't mind it to much but though I wished that I didn't have to. As the days passed and school got closer I stared to become more and more nervous. One day Rowen comes in to talk to me about it. "I am just a little scared is all I think. I have had bad experiences with school and I wish it wasn't so hard for me." I tell him not sure what to do or say.

"It won't be so bad and if you want I will help you get through it." Rowen promises.

"Thank you, I knew I could count on you." I reply.

"Come on then lets go down for diner." Rowen says .

"Better get some sleep you all have school in the morning." Mia instructs in perfect English later that night.

"But I am not tired." John complains.

"Mia is right now move it!!!!" I tell him a hint of frustration in my voice.

"What has gotten into you Ginny, you used never to be like this? " John asks.

"Well your not around me all the time so of chose you wouldn't know what I go through now do you." I continue to tell him getting really mad.

"Move it now john or I will come after you with my mallet." Silver informs the arguing boy.

"Yes mam." John finally says clearly afraid of silver's mallet.

"We should be doing the same now. Good night all see you in the morning. What I don't need is to be late on my first day of school." I say with a fake smile on my face.

With that everyone including mia went into bed to get some sleep for the long day ahead.

A/N: I almost forgot the Ronins are in the 11th grade, john is going into 5th and the school Jason is attending is really like a place for people to send kids that have special problems but are to old for a pre school. So I hope that clears everything up until the next chapter Ja Ne!!!