Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Red Star in the Darkness ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 15

While running across the moon's surface, a cloud of thick of dust started to cover the view in front of me. What I saw was actually the four super-powered SEGA Heroes fighting against the mutated sorcerer with all that they had and throwing nothing but kicks and punches at him combined with a barrage of energy blasts. Super Sonic started his assault on the sorcerer by blasting an orb of golden energy towards him and colliding with Ixis, which caused the wizard to become engulfed into a cloud of dust as it surrounded him.
However, as the dusty nimbus began to dissipate, I saw Ixis's mutated form emerge from underneath the cloud of dust, unfazed and unharmed from the attack of the super-powered golden hedgehog. Before I could even see the ugly, shark-like mouth of the evil sorcerer even open to speak, a volley of yellow energy spears were shot at the wizard with great speed and powerful impact. As he was once again engulfed into a cloud of moon dust, I turned and saw the source of where the energy spears came from. I saw Super Shadow starting to ready himself to launch another barrage of his enhanced Chaos Spear attacks, his hand glowing with the immense power gathering inside it.
As I waited to see Ixis reemerge from the pile of rubble that collapsed on top of him, I shouted to the silver hedgehog, "Shadow, did you think that attack of yours got him?!"
Before I could hear the response from the super-powered hedgehog, Turbo Tails said to me with an annoyed tone in his voice, "Miguel! Have you absorbed the power of the Power Rings yet? That attack that Shadow unleashed on Ixis isn't going to last forever, you know! So get your mind back in order and do something!"
That was when I realized the meaning of the transformed red fox's teenaged words. I looked at both of my arms and saw the piles of golden rings on them glow with anticipation. I began to concentrate by trying to harness the power of the rings around my arms when, before I knew it, a huge surge of energy started to surround my body with a sensation that was similar to the sensation I had before we were transported to the moon's surface. I saw my entire body being surrounded by a golden aura of energy that engulfed me with a beautiful brilliance.
'Whoa! What a rush!' I thought to myself as the energy inside of my body continued to flow from within. 'So this is what's it's like to absorb fifty Power Rings at once. Well, I sure hope that it's going to be enough for me to at least stand a chance against Ixis. I just hope that horned freak hasn't fully mastered the energies of the three Chaos Emeralds that he has in order to...'
My thoughts were suddenly cut short for when I heard the shouts of Hyper Knuckles saying, "Guys, Ixis is getting ready to start attacking us again! Look out!"
As the electric pink Chaos Emerald-powered echidna pointed to the piles of rubble that once buried the power mad wizard, it soon erupted with a powerful burst of dark evil energy and Ixis emerged from the dark light that was being emitted from the vile aura around his body. The ugly wizard started to charge towards me with speed that was almost similar to Sonic's when he was in normal form. Ixis soon began charging up his huge clawed hand with a dark sphere of energy, while he was planning to attack me with. But before he could even launch it at me, out of panic, I started to concentrate on making flames appear on my own fist and before I knew it, I began to throw it towards the mad sorcerer.
However, as soon as I started to launch my flaming fist at the wizard's body, Ixis had countered the attack with the black energy that was contained within his claw of a fist. As the two attacks collided with one another, the energies started to grow and explode with great intensity as the force of the explosion forced the two of us away from one another. When I turned to look at the sorcerer a bit shaken, he was still grinning at me with the same insane and ugly look on his face.
"Hee, hee, hee! I must say that I'm impressed by you, Miguel," Ixis said as he laughed with a taunting tone in his voice. "That flame attack of yours was not only able to counteract the power of my own energy but overwhelm it as well. But do you really think that, even with the absorption of all the fifty rings you have in your possession, you could ever hope to defeat me? Don't forget that I still possess the powers of three Chaos Emeralds."
That was when I started over the towering figure of the mad sorcerer and said to him, "I know that, you horned freak! But it'll take more than that fact to scare me out of this battle. So if you think that you can defeat me, then why don't you stop talking and fight me already?"
"That's exactly what all of us would like to know!" I heard Super Sonic saying as he, Turbo Tails, Hyper Knuckles, and Super Shadow landed near me and faced the mad wizard. "From the way that you keep on yakking about your victory, I'd say that you're not as powerful as you would like everyone to believe!"
In response to those words, Ixis began to give out a laughter that seemed to echo throughout the entire ruined area. Then he turned his ugly head towards the four of us and said with a menacing tone of voice, "Ha, ha, ha! You fools! Do you really want to know why I haven't been fighting with my full power? Very well then, I shall tell you. So that I would be able to do....This!" Before we knew it, Ixis threw a huge sphere of dark energy towards us at an incredibly high speed. We managed to evade the attack on time, but before I had the chance to blink both of my eyes, while the powerful attack dissipated, Ixis appeared in front of me out of thin air and soon started to throw his normal handed fist towards my face. When the mad sorcerer's fist collided with my face, I flew back only a few inches until I crashed into a nearby wall which was once part of a ruined building. Despite the fact that the pain was beginning to envelope my entire face, I peeled myself off the wall, feeling a bit dizzy in my head at the same time. The strange thing though, is that I didn't feel either the bones in my face or the bones in my body break, nor did I feel any blood start to come up my mouth or through my ears as it would a normal human being. As I got myself to my feet, I soon caught a glimpse of a blurry image of what appeared to be Ixis's huge form starting to throw his fist at the others as they began to charge at him with great speed.
Super Sonic and Turbo Tails were both knocked out from the first blow of Ixis's fist, but Hyper Knuckles and Super Shadow managed to evade the other punches just in time. Hyper Knuckles started to fire twin beams of energy from his eyes; Super Shadow launched another one of his super charged Chaos Spear attacks. The two attacks both collided head on with Ixis's mutated form and exploded on impact with the sorcerer. When I finally got off the stone wall, I started to feel the ground beneath me shaking at the same time the explosion started.
'That ought to take care of that horned-freak,' I thought to myself as I shook off the dust of the wall off of myself in order to focus my mind clearly. 'At least for a little bit, that is. Now the problem is to find a way to take this guy down for the count. I mean, the attacks that we launched against Ixis weren't enough to make even a scratch on him. How are we suppose to...?"
My thoughts were soon cut short when I saw the mad sorcerer emerge out of the huge burst of light and charge toward the two super-powered beings. As I watched Ixis charge towards both Super Shadow and Hyper Knuckles, two spheres of energy passed through the two Mobians and charged towards the power mad wizard at a incredible velocity. The two cannonballs of energy collided with Ixis's body with such great force it caused his huge monstrous form to fly into the nearest wall of yet another ancient ruin, once apart of a lost civilization.
"Now that is a very powerful team attack!" I shouted as I looked all around the area for the source of the two energy spheres. "But where exactly did those attacks come from?"
As I continued to look around for Ixis's attackers, I saw both Super Sonic and Turbo Tails flying toward the scene looking as if they hadn't suffered any injuries at all. Soon I found myself running towards the four SEGA heroes as if I too hadn't suffered any serious injuries either. It was as if all of the bones in my body were made from a special kind of strong mineral or something. My mind soon caught wind of the thought of my incredible recovery and began to process the information that it contained so far.
'Oh, great,' I sarcastically thought to myself. 'What sort of twist is this? Am I some sort of human alien that came from a dying planet in order to save this world from evil? Sheesh! That is so original! All it needs now is a robotic villain and a stone that can make me sick! But what else could explain my miraculous recovery from an attack that could've seriously injured or even crippled me for life? Whatever it is, I'm glad that miracle was working the way it did or otherwise I would've been dead by now.'
When I finally reached the four heroes, Super Sonic turned and said, "Miguel! Are you alright, man? That punch that Ixis hit you with was strong enough to crush every single bone in your body! How did you manage to withstand that kind of attack? It shouldn't be possible in your current state, even with the strength of the Power Rings boosting your power to the max!"
"Yeah, that's right!" Turbo Tails added as the super-powered fox flew towards me, examining my entire body with his black eyes. "How is it possible to for you to even breath, let alone be able to walk on your own two feet?"
Before I had the chance to respond, the ground underneath us began to shake again with a great intensity, greater than what was felt before. "Could we maybe talk about this later, guys?" Hyper Knuckles said with an annoyed tone, while looking at the piles of rubble where Ixis was lying in. "Right now, we have bigger problems to worry about: like Ixis!"
As I turned my attention towards the erupting piles of the rubble, Ixis's huge and mutated form appeared out of the burst of what appeared to be an angry red light. He was also screaming so loud that it nearly made both of my ears start to pop from the impossibly high sound of it. When the sorcerer's mad roar finally began to die down, he started to point his ugly and insane looking face towards the five of us shouting, "Who is responsible for attacking me without my knowing?! Who would dare launch such an assault at my very being?! Who?!"
The answer to Ixis's question soon came to him as a familiar female voice started to answer him while it echoed throughout the area that we were in, "Those responsible for attacking your so-called being are closer than you think, sorcerer!"
I heard exactly where the voice came from and immediately turned my attention to where I thought the source originated from. Then, suddenly I saw the entire group of Sailor Scouts, including Tuxedo Mask, standing while facing him with a look of determination on each of their faces. I also noticed that each of them were surrounded with an aura of golden light that seemed to engulf their entire forms.
"SO IT WAS YOU FOOLS WHO ATTACKED ME WITHOUT MY KNOWING!!" Ixis shouted to the group of Sailor Scouts as he looked at them with a mad and hateful look on his impossibly ugly face.
"You bet the three horns on your head that we are!" Sailor Moon replied to the insane sorcerer's words with determination in her voice. "Do you honestly believe that all of us are just going to lie around and allow you to continue with this crazy scheme of yours, then you got another thing coming! For I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice, and in the name of the moon, it is my duty to punish those who threaten to take over both the Earth and the moon to use for evil and that means you!"
"And the rest of us are here to punish you as well!" I heard Sailor Jupiter shouting towards Ixis before the rest of the entire group of Sailor Scouts could join her to continue their chant.
"For we are the Sailor Scouts!" they all shouted in unison as the golden aura of energy continued to surround their bodies. "We are also warriors who fight in the name of justice!
"Well, it's about time that all of you managed to harness the power of the Power Rings!" Super Sonic remarked as he looked at the group. "I'm assuming that those energy spheres that we saw hitting Ixis were your doing?"
The answer to the golden hedgehog's question soon came to him in the form of Sailor Uranus saying to him, "Actually, both Neptune and I were the ones who gave that horned freak a taste of our newly enhanced strength before could get the chance to reach the five of you. So be a little more grateful for when..."
That was when her cousin Neptune/Michelle cut in on her partner's words by saying with a somewhat weak smile on her face, "Uh, do you think that you two could maybe save this chat for later?"
"Michelle's right, you two!" Sailor Mars added, pointing towards the muscled wizard who was still looking at them with undying hatred. "That horned freak is going to start attacking if we don't shut up and fight him off right here and now!"
"Raye's right, you guys!" Sailor Mercury said as she looked at Ixis with a bit of fear on her voice. "Ixis is starting to raise his energy level again! And this time, it's rising higher than what we felt before!"
"Well then, what are we doing just talking and standing around here like dorks?!" Venus said with a enthusiastic tone of voice, cornering the sorcerer toward his right side. "Let's go and get the jump on this guy before he starts beating the living daylights out of us!"
"My thoughts exactly!" Hyper Knuckles said as he readied himself while pounding on his two huge white-gloved fists for battle as he confront Ixis, positioning himself to the left side. "If we let this dirt bag live and get away with this, then the entire universe will be in real danger!"
"So let's show this coward who he's really dealing with a give him a fight that he would never forget!" Super Shadow said as he started to float in order to join Hyper Knuckles, attempting to keep the dark and ugly wizard from getting away.
Before I knew it, we surrounded Ixis, blocking the sorcerer from having any means of escape. Turbo Tails, along with both Super Shadow and Hyper Knuckles, flew above Ixis while Super Sonic and I were in front of him, facing his ugly excuse-for-a-face with no fear showing on our faces. I saw the entire group of Sailor Scouts join us in containing the crazy wizard, while still emitting the power of golden light all around their entire bodies. When I saw that he was looking around at us, Ixis started to chuckle under his throat a bit and soon found him laughing his head off in a crazed fit.
"Now what in the world is so funny now, sorcerer?" I heard Sailor Pluto telling Ixis as he continued to laugh a crazy fit as his laughter which echoed throughout the area.
"Perhaps the freak has finally lost it," replied Tuxedo Mask as he readied his cane like a swordsman would do getting ready for a duel to prepare himself for anything that the sorcerer might try to do.
As if he had heard everything that we were saying, Ixis suddenly calmed his mad laughter and started to responded with a ugly grin on his face, "Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee! Do you fools honestly believe that all of you could beat me? If you all think that, then you're more foolish than I thought you would be! Especially when I have all of you where I want you to be! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
"Look, you horned-freak of nature," I soon found myself saying to the dark and mutated form of the wizard, "just exactly what do you mean by that? Have you finally lost all your marbles?"
The sorcerer turned towards me and responded, "Hee! Hee! Hee! No, I have not, "lost my marbles," as a human like you would put it, Miguel! What I'm trying to say to all you fools is that all of you are like pawns in a chess game; you have followed exactly what I have thought you all would do from the very beginning! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
We gasped in horror when the realization of Ixis's words actually dawned on us. Super Shadow was the first to speak to the mad wizard as he spoke to him. "Are you saying that you were just been manipulating everything that we did from when Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Miguel, and I first arrived to this world?" the super-powered silver hedgehog said, staring at Ixis with a look of annoyance and anger in his voice.
"Well, that's almost true, you silver-haired rodent" Ixis responded as he began to chuckle underneath his throat menacingly. "Hee! Hee! Hee! Would you all believe me if I said that I have been watching and plotting against you all from the start since Miguel had his first encounter with a Chaos Emerald?"
All of us were caught in silence after Ixis had said those words. No one spoke a single word as we while the sorcerer continued with his explanation.
"You see," Ixis began to say, "while I was imprisoned in my realm, the Zone of Silence, and since the defeat that I suffered at the hands of both the Quickster and his two-tailed friend, I've been devising a plot that would not only get my vengeance on those two fools, but take over a world as well! That was when I soon discovered that I had the hidden ability to see into other worlds and realities as well! That was also when I first saw the image of the Quickster and Tails fighting the mechanical tyrant Robotnik alongside with Miguel, who was meeting the blue rodent for the first time."
"Wait up, bozo!" I said to the sorcerer, shocked by the information that had been given to me. "Are you trying to tell me that you've known all about me long before even Sonic or Tails arrived to my world?"
"That's exactly what I'm trying to say to you, boy!" Ixis responded as he looked at me with pure madness and satisfaction on his ugly face. "While I have been watching your battle against the fat bloated excuse-for-a-tyrant Robotnik, I have also come to find that I could reverse the time of the world that the image was producing in order to find out more about you, Miguel! I also know of your past, your present, and your future. Hee! Hee! Hee! That's what helped me come up with this scheme! So no matter what all of you do, I will always be five steps ahead of you! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
As the sorcerer laughed his head off, Sailor Moon told him with an annoyed tone of voice, "That's enough out of your filthy mouth, you three-horned freak! Either you tell us exactly what you're planning to do or all of us will have to give you a good beating that will last a lifetime!"
In response to this, Ixis started to laugh his head off which echoed throughout the area we were in. "Do all of you fools really want to know exactly how I'm planning to conquer this world by pulling it into the Zone of Silence? Alright then, perhaps a little demonstration would help to clear things for you all."
Before we could react, Ixis started to speak to himself, chanting in a language that I had never heard before. From the way it sounded, the chant seemed like an ancient and forgotten language. 'What in the world is that freak trying to do?' I thought to myself, as I continued listening to the sorcerer's chant. 'Whatever it is, I don't think that's considered a good thing. He said something about demonstrating how he's going to pull this world into the Zone of Silence. So why in the world is he...?"
Before I could finish the question in my mind, I started to hear Ixis's ancient chanting began to grow louder as the ground beneath me suddenly started to shake uncontrollably with great force. "What in the world is happening?!" I heard the voice of Super Sonic shouting as the ground continued to shaking with unstoppable force. "What is that horned freak trying to do?! Blow up the moon with all of us on it?!"
"Not really, foolish Quickster!" Ixis responded as I turned to face him again, seeing him grin like a nasty shark again. "The spell that I've just chanted is actually the same spell that I used when I first arrived at my new home dimension, the Zone of Silence! The first time, I was only able to open a small gateway to the zone because of the small amount of power that I once possessed! Now, with the powers of three Chaos Emerald at my disposal, I am able to open a gateway that is large enough to swallow this entire world, starting with its moon!"
"Why are you allowing our former home to be swallowed first by that huge portal of yours?!" I heard the voice of Sailor Moon shouting at the sorcerer while I saw her looking at him with an angry expression. "Isn't it enough for you to have the power of the Chaos Emeralds that you have already to use for your own sick plan?!"
"That's where you're wrong, young lady," Ixis responded to the Scout leader, indulgently knowing that he caused her to be angry. "You see, not only does this former ruined kingdom of yours make a nice spot for my new world order, but it also acts like an amplifier of sorts.
"You see, it's not enough for me to just absorb the power of the Chaos Emeralds in order to pull your world into the Zone of Silence. No, even with the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds, it would take a large amount of my physical energy in order to create a gateway large enough to swallow this world. That is one of the many reasons why I wanted the power of the Star Sword that Miguel possessed. But when I traveled to this kingdom and sensed a large amount of great and potential energy flowing through this world, I came up with a plan to use that energy combined with the great powers of the Chaos Emeralds, pulling this world into my private paradise, and making all of its inhabitants bow down to me! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
"You're nuts!" I started to shout to the sorcerer with a bit of rage of in my voice. "Do you really think that we are just going to stand around and let you get away with that?! Well, not on my watch, buddy!" Before I knew it, the golden light that once surrounded my body started engulfing my entire form as it did before I began my assault on Ixis.
"Miguel's right, Ixis!" I heard Super Sonic shouting to the sorcerer. "You're nothing but a power hungry psycho that just wants to use it to take over the world!"
"I agree with the hedgehog!" Sailor Mars started to say as she became engulfed with the same golden radiance around her body as the one on mine. "You're just a crazy and greedy nut job that wants nothing more than to conquer the world, no matter who you hurt!"
"That's right, Mars, you tell him!" Sailor Venus said to him as golden light continued to surround her body as well. "That guy is just out of his mind!"
"I agree! Totally!" added Sailor Uranus. "If a wacko like you thinks that you could just come to our world and claim it as your own, then you've got another thing coming!"
"That's right!" the rest of the group shouted together while they readied themselves for the battle of the lifetime.
"Now that we have all agreed on something," Super Shadow said, while getting himself ready for the fight, "it's time for all of us to put a freak like you in your place and teach you that it's not right to take a world that doesn't rightfully belong to you!"
"My thoughts exactly!" Hyper Knuckles said as he did the same thing as the silver hedgehog. "We won't allow you to get away with your mad scheme!"
"Now the time has come to take you down for the count!" Turbo Tails said as he became covered with the same aura of energy as both Hyper Knuckles and Super Shadow.
"And end this crazy plan of yours once and for all!" Super Sonic added as he readied himself to charge at the insane sorcerer at full speed.
As soon as all was said and done, I started to ball up both of my fists and began to say to the monstrous sorcerer, "You heard everyone, Ixis! If you're going to try to rule this world, then you're going to have to get through all of us in order to do so! So get ready for the fight of your life, you cowardly freak!"
When all of us had finished what we wanted to say to the insane wizard, Ixis began to laugh at the top of his lungs. "All of you dared to call me a crazy?!" the sorcerer shouted as he looked at each of us with an insane glare on his face. "Hee! Hee! Hee! Well, if you really believe me to be so, then I guess I have no choice but to demonstrate the full extent of my true power! I'll show all of you mortals how true a freak that I can be! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
As the sorcerer continued his crazed laughter, I suddenly heard Sailor Mars say, "Ooooookay! Now it's official! This wacko's mind has finally gone off of the wagon! Just what does he mean by showing the true...!?"
As if to respond to the Sailor Scout's question, I saw an aura of black darkness start surrounding Ixis's monstrous body. That was when the ground beneath my feet started to shake even worse than before. I started to hear the others panic in fear as I felt the wizard's own power starting to grow larger than before.
'What the...?! This feeling in my body," I thought to myself, keeping both of my eyes on the sorcerer. 'It's continuing to grow with every minute that passes. Could it be that what I'm feeling is Ixis's power and magic increasing at an incredible rate? This is too...'
"Everyone! Look at the sky of the moon!" I heard Super Sonic shouting to us which took my attention away from my thoughts, but towards the sky of the moon.
I looked up to see what the golden hedgehog was staring at and noticed a black hole appearing out of the starry sky which was once called space. I heard the reactions from the others as the hole began to grow bigger by the minute. I became so in awe from staring into the black void that I didn't hear a word that the SEGA heroes or the Sailor Scouts had to say about it.
'What in the world is that?' I thought to myself. 'Is this what that freak was trying to do? Is this...?'
My mind's voice was soon cut off by Ixis's terrifying voice say, "Hee! Hee! Hee! You're quite correct, Miguel! If you thought that, then you are brighter than you look! By the way, if you and your friends are trying to figure out what I'm doing, I'll just tell it to you straight! You see, what I just did was chant a spell that I have been working on since I have been inside of the dimension that grants me ultimate power: the Zone of Silence! What you're seeing right now is a portal that leads straight to that dimension; only that it's about a hundred times the size of what I used when I tried the spell the first time! Even as I speak these words, the portal to my realm will grow at a size that's so great, it will be able to swallow not only the world's moon, but the entire planet as well!"
Just then I decided to shout at the sorcerer with an even angrier tone, "Ixis! You're insane! What are you trying to do by pulling this world to the Zone of Silence, because you also want me dead just so that you could gain the "Great Power" that you wanted so badly, you are willing to kill to get it?! Don't you think that just by gaining the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds, that would be enough for you to pull any world that you desire into your dimension!?"
In response to my loud words, Ixis started to laugh harder as the purplish aura around his body now became the size of a giant flame going out of control. "Hee! Hee! Hee! Well, sad to say on my part," the sorcerer said with a calm voice, while pointing his demon-like eyes towards me, "that the combined powers of both this moon kingdom and the seven Chaos Emeralds isn't enough to enable me to pull any world, like the Earth, into the Zone of Silence. The energy required would have to be that of a God in order for me to pull any planet that I want into my realm. That is why I need you, Miguel. For you possess the very same power in your body that I want, so that I may be able to use it to rule every world that I pull into the Zone of Silence! SO PREPARE TO LOSE YOUR LIFE AT MY CLAWED HAND, HUMAN!"
With those words said and done, Ixis soon started to charge towards me without warning. Before his sharp clawed hand could reach my chest, I soon started to shout out, "Chaos Control!" Then suddenly the time around my very being began to freeze as soon as I shouted the special ability.
When I turned my attention towards Ixis, I saw that his clawed hand was only about a few inches away from my chest. I sighed in relief as I moved away from the monstrous wizard and went behind him before the effects of the Chaos Control wore off. After the time freeze affect wore off, I soon started to concentrate all of the enhanced Chaos Energy that was inside my body and created an electrical current all around my leg.
Then I gave Ixis a strong kick using my electrified leg and shouted, "Thunder Kick!" When my leg collided with the huge sorcerer, he was soon knocked into the nearest wall of another ruined building, while being surrounded by the electrical field, which paralyzed him.
As the sorcerer crashed into the stone wall, Super Sonic began shouting out to everyone, "Everybody attack! It's pretty clear that Ixis isn't going to stay down and surrender that easy! We have to finish him off here and now or otherwise every planet in the entire universe would be under his control! Let's go!"
With those words said, the golden hedgehog started to fly towards the place where Ixis has crashed into along with Hyper Knuckles, Turbo Tails, and Super Shadow. Soon after, I started to follow them along with the entire group of Sailor Scouts as they each continued to glow with the same golden aura that radiated to from their bodies as before. While running to the place where Ixis was lying in, I soon started to see a horrible violent green light starting to erupt from the place where the sorcerer was lying.
"What in the world is going on over there, guys?!" I heard the voice of Sailor Venus shouting while I continued to focus all of my attention towards our destination.
"I don't know, Mina," said Sailor Mercury, with caution in her voice. "But whatever it is, I'm sure it won't be pretty!"
"Just keep your guard up, everyone!" I heard Sailor Uranus shouting to her friends. "Whatever this freak is up to, we can't let him know that he has the upper hand!"
"Amara's right!" Neptune spoke a moment later. "I'm sensing his energy raising to a level that's stronger than what it was before!"
As we continued to go toward the erupting light, I saw the most horrifying thing when I got there. I not only saw the entire image of Ixis starting to scream in pain, but something else as well; the wizard's muscular body starting to change in size and shape again with the dark aura around it.
'What in the world is going on?' I thought to myself as I watched the screaming sorcerer growing in size. 'What is that horned freak trying to do now? It's got to be another trick that he's trying to pull on us in order to get the upper hand. But then, why would Ixis's dark energy start growing out of control like...?"
My thoughts were soon cut short when I heard Sailor Moon start to shriek with fear shouting, "AAAHHHH! EVERYBODY LOOK AT IXIS'S BODY! HE'S CHANGING INTO A HORRIBLE MONSTER!!"
"Serena! Stop being such a crybaby and start acting like a super hero!" Sailor Mars shouted to her leader. "What happened to all the courage that you had when you made that little speech of yours?!"
I ignored the fight that was brewing between Sailor Moon and Mars and kept my attention towards the transforming and screaming figure of Ixis. Staring at the sorcerer whose body was starting to grow out of control, I started to say to the golden hedgehog and the rest of the super-powered beings that were hovering above the screaming wizard, "Super Sonic! Do you know what's going on with Ixis?! I have a feeling this isn't a good thing!"
"I know, Miguel!" he shouted to me as I saw him staring at Ixis, who was still screaming like he was in pain. "Ixis is starting to increase his power from beyond anything that we could've ever expected! This shouldn't be possible unless...!"
That was when Ixis chose that moment to speak to us while he continued growing out of control with power. "You are correct, Quickster!" the sorcerer screamed as his body mutated minute by minute. "My power is becoming much more intense with each passing second the portal takes to grow! As you, the human, and the rest of the rodents can also see, my body is starting to change as I get closer to taking over the planet that those Sailor Scouts worked so hard to protect! All I need now is to acquire the remaining Chaos Emeralds from your bodies which will make me unstoppable!"
"In a pig's eye, you would!" I shouted towards Ixis, charging towards him with my fist which became engulfed in flames as I ran.
I launched and collided my fiery fist towards Ixis's huge mutating body while shouting, "Volcanic Punch!" In an instant, the flames on my balled hand soon started to erupt into a large explosion of tremendous heat and energy and began to surround the sorcerer in a river of hot molten lava, which caused him to fly away from the moon's uninhabited and deserted surface, about a thousand miles from where we were.
As the body of Ixis continued to become scorched with flames, I heard Sailor Moon shout, "Everybody attack all at once! We mustn't give Ixis the time he needs to regain his energy!"
With those words said, I charged towards the burning heap where the mutating sorcerer was lying in, while preparing to launch another explosive flame attack. When I was close to where Ixis lie, I heard and saw everyone yelling and launching his or her own individual attack.
"Chaos Spear!" I heard Super Shadow shout as the black hedgehog shot spears of energy from his arms.
"Thunder Arrow!" Hyper Knuckles screamed while the electric pink echidna was creating a thunderous amount of electricity, shaping it to match arrow heads as they followed the silver hedgehog's attack.
"Sonic Wave!" I then heard Super Sonic yelling while throwing a wave of intense blue energy shaped like a blade which joined along with the two other attacks in a loud booming sound.
"Tornado Crush!" I heard Turbo Tails shout before I became deaf from the noise of the golden hedgehog's attack, which included a powerful whirling gust of wind that came out of the palm of the young fox's hand and fused together with the powerful attacks of his three friends.
It was then when I decided to join in on the assault. I screamed out the words for my Volcanic Fist attack to erupt its powerful flames at the sorcerer's direction and joined with the four super-powered SEGA powerful attacks. As I saw the five waves of energy combine to become one huge beam of light, I heard the entire Sailor Scout group start to shout out their own individual attacks, although the sound that was coming from Super Sonic's attack was much too loud for me to hear. When I saw all the powerful energy attacks combine to create a powerful beam of white light and collide with Ixis, a huge explosion of intense energy and magnitude erupted from the place where the sorcerer was. The large vibrations that the pillar of light caused almost made me lose my balance as I stood there and watched the explosion consume everything within its path.
While the huge pillar of light continued to raise and shake the ground beneath my feet, I suddenly felt the presense of the someone coming towards me which gave off a small portion of Chaos Energy from his or her body. "Miguel, did that attack work? Is Ixis gone?" he heard the familiar of Sailor Neptune saying to him as he felt the Chaos Energy within her body starting to dwindle. "He must be! We unleashed all of the power of our attacks along with the powers of the Power Rings in order to launch that powerful beam."
"Neptune's right, guys," Super Sonic said as he landed on the ground near me while I continued to watch the pillar of exploding light. "There's no way that Ixis could've escaped that attack without putting up some sort of shield! When all of our attacks collided with him, he didn't have enough time to put up a barrier that could withstand its awesome power!"
"That's for sure!" said Sailor Mercury, "The explosion that was created by our combined attacks had enough power to annihilate an entire country! It was a good thing that it was focused enough to hit in one direction or otherwise a part of this entire moon would've been destroyed, causing problems for the Earth's ecosystems!"
"Well, let's just be thankful that all of our combined attacks are focused to shoot up towards the sky like a pillar on impact with Ixis, or we all would've been dead by now!" I heard the teenaged voice of Turbo Tails say.
"I just hope this will would be the end of all our troubles!" Hyper Knuckles said. "I mean, there's no way that Ixis could have survived a blast that powerful!"
"I'm with you on this one, Knux!" Super Shadow responded as I heard his voice with an surprised expression. "There's no way that Ixis withstood the intensity of all of our combined attacks, even in his current form!"
"I have to agree with Shadow on this as well!" I heard Sailor Mars saying while keeping all of my attention towards the fading white light pillar. "With our attacks enhanced with the power of the Power Rings, only one of our attacks would be enough to wipe out an entire city block!"
"Well, it seems as though Ixis was all talk and no action after all!" Sailor Uranus said, as I saw the bright pillar of light almost fading from sight. "I mean, like Super Sonic said, there's no way that Ixis was able to survive an attack that powerful without putting up some sort of shield! He couldn't have!"
"Well, one thing's for sure, everyone!" I finally began to say as I saw nothing but thin air from the crater that all of our combined attacks made, "The hole to the Zone of Silence shouldn't be around the planet any more! Without Ixis's magic to power the huge portal, it won't have enough power to grow larger than it should and would have started closing right about now!"
Suddenly I heard Sailor Moon start to shriek as she said, "Guys! Look up at the sky! That black hole is not closing! It's just getting bigger!"
As soon as we heard Scout Leader's voice, I immediately looked up at the sky and saw that the huge dimensional hole above us, (that the sorcerer Ixis made), was getting larger by the minute. We all gave out a huge gasp of horror when we saw the black hole still hanging above the moon continuing to grow by each passing minute.
"That's not possible! This shouldn't be happening!" I heard the voice of Sailor Venus shouting as I continued to look up at the huge dark gateway. "I mean, wouldn't blasting the horned wizard out of existence stop the hole to the Zone of Silence from growing?!"
"I agree with Mina!" said Sailor Pluto. "Without the power that Ixis was generating, this hole shouldn't even be here! Why is that huge doorway still opened?!"
Before I could come up with an explanation for the phenomena that was developing, I started to hear the voice of Turbo Tails start to say to with a shaky tone in his voice, "Uh, guy? I don't know how to tell all of you this, but......he's back!"
"Who, Tails?" I started to ask the red orange fox, while feeling an intense feeling that started to make my body shiver a bit. "Please tell me that it's not who I think it is! Say that it's not true!"
"I think that I know what both you and Miguel are thinking, Tails!" I heard Super Sonic said as his voice started to become as afraid as both me and Turbo Tails. "Ixis...that horned freak, is still alive!"
"But that's not possible!" I heard Super Shadow shouting as I looked around the area to look for the evil sorcerer. "How can that horned freak still be alive after an assault that powerful?!"
"I have to the agree with Shadow!" Hyper Knuckles said nervously. "There's no way that Ixis was able to survive the combined power of our attacks!"
"Then exactly where in the world is that wizard?!" shouted Sailor Uranus as I continued to look around the area and heard her starting to shout to the sorcerer. "Come and show yourself and fight honorably, coward!"
Her words were soon answered by the towering voice of the evil sorcerer which came from all over the area. "DOES A FOOL LIKE YOU REALLY WANT TO FACE A TERRIBLY POWERFUL FORCE SUCH AS MYSELF?! THEN I SHALL GRANT YOUR REQUEST AND GIVE YOU YOUR CHALLENGE!!"
"Then where are you, coward?" Tuxedo Mask shouted back towards the warlock while he along with the entire Sailor Scout group and the four SEGA heroes started looking all around the area.
Then nothing but dead silence fell over us. The ground beneath our feet suddenly started to rumble with a force so great that it almost made the one that I had felt back on my home dimension, feel like a little soft horse back ride. Then I felt a huge jolt of energy surge throughout my body which gave me the most disturbing feeling I had ever felt in all my life. What I felt was an energy that was not only disturbing, but full of pure insanity and evil as well. It made me started to look desperately around for the source of the strange power which flowed throughout the entire area.
When my eyes stopped exactly at the place where the pillar of light was once present, I looked up at the sky and saw what had to be the most monstrous and hideous sight I had ever seen.
"Oh, my...guys its Ixis! Look!" I shouted to everyone as I pointed towards the air of the place where our powerful attacks had collided with the sorcerer.
As I looked at what I saw that was once Ixis Naugus with frozen eyes, it made me gasp with fear, watching his body once again undergo another transformation. I heard the horrified gasps of the others while I continued to keep my eyes on the now towering form of the sorcerer. His entire body had grown quite a bit in size and muscle which stretched his black outfit although that was not what shocked me the most. What I saw on his shoulders as well as on his knees, back, spine, calves, elbows, and entire arms were thick frightening spikes of different sizes and lengths. When I turned my attention towards his demon possessed eyes, the light that it gave off was a deep emerald green.
"Guys...please tell me that I'm seeing things. Is that really Ixis floating above the air looking like a spiked monster?" I heard Sailor Moon start to ask in a fearful tone.
But before either of us could answer the leader, Ixis's newly transformed voice started to booming throughout the area, loud enough for the entire world to hear. "HEAR ME, MORTALS OF THIS UNIVERSE!" the sorcerer said with a hiss and towering echo to his old and menacing voice. "THE POWER OF THE ZONE OF SILENCE IS ALMOST TO NEAR COMPLETION!! BUT THAT ALONE ALONG WITH THE POWER OF THE THREE CHAOS EMERALDS IN MY BODY WAS ENOUGH TO TRANSFORM ME INTO THE GREAT BEING THAT YOU ALL SEE BEFORE YOU!! NOW EITHER YOU SUBMIT TO THE WILL OF UNIVOS IXIS OR PREPARE TO SUFFER AN ETERNITY OF PAIN AND DESPAIR!!"