Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Being a Princess Doesn't Mean You are Helpless ❯ Hajimemashite, Usagi desu... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Being a Princess doesn't mean you are helpless

Disclaimer: Shoujo Kakumei Utena and Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon do not belong to me, and I make no money from this work of fanfiction.

Note: This is a crossover, and will be a real AU, because I have only seen through the S series in SM, and through the Student Council arc in SKU, though I know what happens later. I have tried to find as many spoilers as I can... *shrugs* I have some of the Stars manga, as well. There will be a major divergence from BOTH original plot lines, thus, it will be an AU. Pairing is Juri x Usagi. Thanks For-chan, for the idea of how to get them in the same vicinity.

Usagi nearly trembled as she looked at the gates of her new high school. She felt desperately lonely, without her friends or lover there by her side. They were always supposed to be together, right? Go to the same school, create a new world... Together.

Yet, now they weren't.

Usagi wasn't even sure how she had gotten with into this exclusive school in the first place. She had a vague idea- she had made an absent wish over the silver crystal- that she would go to where she was needed. Frankly, she had thought that would mean she would be with her Senshi forever, because they needed her. It never occurred to her that she would be needed somewhere else...

This didn't really touch her conscious thoughts, because they were so tangled up with worry about how was she going to survive HERE? At Ohtori?

Swallowing hard, she took that final, fateful step; she passed through the massive, ornate gates of the school, looking around at the cheerful throng around her.

She felt an odd tingle along her skin she walked along, feeling like her mind was being lulled to sleep. It was but a moment for her to shake it off. Her nervous energy made that easy- she was so wired Usagi wondered why she wasn't running, or spinning like a top.

Then, without realizing it, she had walked into someone.



Usagi looked up into a pair of the greenest eyes she had ever seen, confused and almost frightened, from her spot on the paving stones.

Without realizing it, she had burst into tears, sobbing with terror.


Juri had been on her way to classes, after a Student Council meeting- an extremely frustrating meeting, because Touga had been acting like an ass, Miki had gone manic with his stopwatch, and Nanami should have been bitch slapped. They still didn't know what to do about Tenjou, they hadn't heard from Ends of the World for a while, and they needed to get money for the next dance.

The orange haired tigress rubbed her temples... Life sucked at times, and she missed (hah, missed! I am so pathetic, she thought) Shiori, despite herself.


"HEY!" she snapped, feeling a smaller body bounce off her.

Looking down, she saw a younger student looking at her in fear- and burst out crying.

That was new. She knew people were scared of her, but this..? Oh lord. She felt like yelling at her to get a spine, but- she couldn't. The deep blue eyes of the girl made her feel the same kind of protective instincts she felt for Shiori (mustn't think of her, no, no way) and her eyes softened.

"Its okay, you don't have to be scared..."

Usagi didn't know what to think, because while she heard the woman's words, she didn't get the meaning. She was so lost in her own hysteria that she didn't realize she had been pulled to her feet again, or walked inside a new building. She was, however, aware when a glass of water was splashed into her face.

Sputtering, she focused again on the taller girl.

"What? Who?" she asked, eyes still wide and dilated. Juri frowned, realizing that she wasn't the cause of what happened.

She couldn't deal with this. She had to get to class. Touchy feely-ness was something she was not good at. Looking around, she caught sight of a familiar, hilarious scene:

"UTENA! UTENA! UTENA MY LOVE!" Then the sound of two bodies hitting, and one girl nearly falling out of a window.

"Someone... a little help here..?" begged the pink haired would-be prince, and Juri smirked. She steered the still confused blond over to the genki Wakaba and her victim, who were dangling out of the gaping window. With casual strength, the Student Council member hauled Wakaba from Utena's back, leaving her friend to cough, getting her breath back.

"Hello, Tenjou... this is...?" she looked at the girl, now noting her interesting hair style, and her amused expression at what was going on.

"Tsukino Usagi," she supplied, and Juri nodded.

"This is Tsukino-san, and she is a princess you need to help because I have to go to class. Have a nice day," Juri murmured, before turning on her heel to get to class. Her nerves were so bad she didn't want to put up with the genki-ness of it all- and Utena said she wanted to rescue young girls, right?

However- she couldn't help but feel a little guilty over pawning her problem off... Sighing, she left, and wondered if this would come back to haunt her later.


Usagi stared into the bright blue eyes of the pink haired girl in front of her, who gave her an easy smile, and hesitantly smiled back. Both she and her friend had grabbed her, one on either side and had hauled her off, trying to find her homeroom. "I'm Utena," said the tall girl in the boys' uniform, and her friend introduced herself as well.

"I'm Wakaba!" she chirped, her brown ponytail bobbing along as they walked. Usagi felt an immediate kinship with her. The other girl had the bearing of… of… royalty. Of a hero, or a prince and Usagi felt a bit of awe. "I am Usagi," she said, and wanted to bow, but she could because she was still being hauled along. "I just transferred here." "How'd you get Juri's attention?" Wakaba asked, immediately becoming the gossip queen.

Usagi blinked. "Who?"

Wakaba gestured impatiently. "The girl that brought you over here; she is usually so cool and calm about everything. She ignores us lesser mortals."

"Don't be so hard on her," Utena murmured. "She has had it rough lately- the Student Council is a burden to those on it." Usagi was completely lost. "Juri? Student Council?"

"Oh yeah! You're new here!" Wakaba said, and started, without pausing for breath, to tell her everything she knew about the school, the students, the Student Council, lunch, the weather, her Utena-sama… By the time Usagi got to her class, she was even more confused, dizzy, and disoriented. However, she wasn't feeling as lonely, because now she had two new friends.


Lunch rolled around, and Usagi wondered why it hadn't been Ami chosen to go to this school... The teachers were HARD! Biting her lip, she kept working, and then noticed that Utena was rather spaced out, looking at a beautiful rose ring on her finger. There was an odd quality about the ring, like... Not possessed, and it didn't hold the same kind of power as the Silver Crystal- which was safely stowed in the heart shaped red broach on her new tie- but it seemed hold an, an echo. Of what, it didn't feel evil. The opposite in fact. It didn't come from Utena, it didn't seem to want to trap her. It seemed to bolster her spirits in ways that Usagi was confused about... She shrugged to herself. It wasn't like she was a mystic like Rei- she couldn't feel spirits, right? The bell rang.

She, Wakaba, and Utena all stood up and yelled:



As was traditional at all schools, the mad scramble to get out of the building to eat was loud and pushy, elbows getting jabbed in weird places. Usagi, looking around, saw Wakaba waving at her and she dashed into the crowd to find her- only to get lost again.

Lost, except that when she took a step back, she collided with a familiar tigress.

Whipped her head around at the muffled exclamation she heard, Usagi didn't know to be scared or relieved when she saw Juri's face. The stories that Wakaba had told her had made her very nervous- but Juri's manner, while abrupt, had been kind. So, stealing herself, she apologized.

Juri paused for a moment, confused. Truthfully, she hadn't even noticed that she had walked into Usagi again, although her sheer presence usually cleared the way for her.

"Are you lost again, Usagi?" Juri replied, but her tone was far more kindly than it could have been.

Usagi struggled for a moment, trying to think if this was insulting or not. She decided on not- because while the words could have been harsh, she sensed that Juri wasn't angry. The Student Council member just seemed… unused to being kind.

"Ye-yeah," she whispered, timidly. "I was going to have lunch with Wakaba and Utena, but they disappeared on me."

Juri wanted to sigh as she looked into the utterly guileless blue eyes that peered up at her. There was no way she could turn her down. It would be like kicking a puppy.

"The lunch area is this way…"

Usagi trotted along behind her, clutching her bento. Juri felt at a loss as to what to do next, being social was something foreign to her.

"Have you got a place to stay yet?" Juri said awkwardly, as they walked to the clear open square of green where most students had lunch. Usagi mumbled something. Juri blinked at her.

"You are going to have the entire building to yourself, including your own room, except for Utena and Anthy," Juri remarked, somewhat stunned. The Student Council had control of who got what assignment. She couldn't remember even reading Usagi's name...

Stranger things tended to happen in this school though, didn't it?

So, she shrugged it off.

"Well, hello there," said a smooth voice, and Juri sighed. Mr. Anal Retentive, otherwise known as Kiryuu Touga, had arrived to check out the fresh meat. Usagi stared at him, giving first a confused, then deer-in-headlights expression.

"What's a pretty thing like you going around unescorted?" Touga asked, tossing his long scarlet hair. He smiled seductively at her, his body language all 'worship me I am god's gift to women'. Usagi would usually be all over a man like that- it wasn't that different from her lover Mamoru's usually cool, calm and mysteriously sexy attitude. Yet, this man unnerved her. Backing up, she felt the solid form of Juri behind her, who put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Her confidence returned.

"Ah, don't you want a prince?" Kiryuu smiled again. "Most princesses do."

This caused Usagi to frown. "I may be a princess… but you are someone I can do without. Being a Princess doesn't mean you are helpless."

There was an odd round of blinking at that statement. Touga backed away, looking at her like she was something alien. This caused Usagi to smile then turn to Juri.

"Thank you, Juri-sempai," she said quietly. Juri felt a smile tug at the corners of her mouth. The sensation was odd, but not unpleasant.

Then a cry was heard, as Wakaba spotted Usagi, who grabbed her and drug her off for lunch with Utena, and Usagi waved back at Juri.

The last time she saw the beautiful tigress, Juri looked forlorn, before being hidden again behind her cool mask.

To be continued!