Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Path of Discovery ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yuusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama were at the door of the Shiseiju Castle. Kuwabara grumbled as he looked at the place where the four of them all met for the first time.

"You'll excuse me if I don't have any nostalgia looking at this place," grumbled Kuwabara. "And they replenished the welcoming parties inside, too..."

"Yeah, they didn't want us to be bored while going to this place," snorted Yuusuke. "They want us to use as much energy as we can before the main event."

"Then, let's get a move on and be weary," snapped Hiei. Kuwabara and Yuusuke looked at him, blinking. Kurama shrugged to keep the charade, but he felt Hiei's concern for Makoto.

The Koorime was scanning the area in front of them. They better not use the same traps as they did the first time we came, thought Hiei, we would get out of them easily... Hiei blinked he smelled something, something familiar. He entered a room, and saw the entire room was filled with plants. It smelled like honey and the blossoms were purple.

Kurama was advancing with the other two when he smelled it. First, the aroma was nice, then he felt dizzy. Yuusuke and Kuwabara gasped when they saw Kurama shift into his Youko form. He started to run towards the corridor Hiei disappeared into.

Hiei blinked and remembered the plant, Fox lotus. Its aroma was impossible for a fox spirit to ignore. When a fox spirit would find a patch of that plant they would roll into it and eat it. Fox lotus had the same effects on fox spirits as catnip on a cat, only the narcotic effect was much more severe. The ingestion of the plant was a strong drug and would leave the fox spirit quite incapacitated. Hiei shuddered. There was a roomful of that stuff.

Hiei heard fleeting footsteps coming at high speed towards him. Kurama... he thought. Sorry, Kitsune, you might hate me for doing this but now is not the time to get wasted. You'll thank me when your mind will be free of the pull of Fox lotus. It's a good thing I got here first.

Hiei extended his hand and the plants started to catch fire. Hiei turned around and braced himself to stop Youko Kurama who was blind to everything except the call of the Fox lotus.

"RRRHHHHHIIIIEEEEIIII!" called Kurama, enraged. Hiei stood his ground. That plant sure had a pull on Youko. Those who had put it there knew that Kurama wouldn't be able to resist. And sure enough, Hiei felt Kurama trying to bypass him.

"SNAP OUT OF IT! KURAMA!" yelled Hiei as he tried to stop his friend from jumping in the pyre he created.

"GRRRRRR... OUT OF MY WAY!!!!" growled back the Youko.


Yuusuke and Kuwabara saw Hiei battling the much bigger Youko and trying to keep him from jumping into a flaming room. The two boys grabbed Kurama and pulled him away. Yuusuke didn't like the glint in Kurama's eyes. He looked like a madman. Him and Kuwabara were having difficulties holding on to him.

"WHAT'S HIS PROBLEM?" yelled Kuwabara.

"YOU ARRRRRE!" yelled back Kurama. "GET OUT OF MY WAAAAY!"

"FOX LOTUS! HE'S GETTING HIGH ON IT!!!" yelled back Hiei. He took a step back and gave Kurama such a slap in the face. Kurama's head jerked in the opposite direction. Kurama shook his head and glared murderously at Hiei. Hiei hit him again and again. Hiei was about to strike him again when Kurama's head jerked out of the way.

"It's okay, Hiei... I'm myself again..."

"Prove it, transform into Shuuichi." warned Hiei. He wanted to be sure that Kurama had shaken the plants' effect. They saw the form shrink and the hair become red again. Kurama shivered.

"Are they all burned out?" he asked, his voice harsh and sharp.

"Hai..." replied Hiei. "Come let's get a move on... Let's get away from here." The others nodded and helped Kurama cross the room.

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Botan entered the portal first, followed by the other senshi. She hovered over them until all those who were supposed to come had transferred.

"I cannot stay with you," she informed them. "My presence would jeopardize your mission. You must wait here until the one who will guide you arrives..." And with that, she vanished as the portal closed.

"So that's the Makai?" said Minako as she surveyed the area. "Sounds like an... 'interesting' place to visit but I wouldn't want to live here..."

Mamoru noticed Rei was shivering. Concerned, he went to her. "Hey, Firecracker. You okay?" Mamoru only used that nickname to relax the atmosphere. Rei turned around and faced both he and Usagi.

"I'll be okay..." she told them. "It's just that, well, since this is the demon world... I'm afraid that with my Shinto training, I feel the evil presence on this plane and it's kind of putting me on edge."

"I agree." said Taiki. "There are some peaceful places in the Makai. But somehow I doubt this is one of them."

"Yes, be careful Minna..." added Seiya. "As for you Rei-chan, maybe you should keep some Ofudas handy. You never know..." Rei nodded and took some out, but because they were in the Makai... The Demon world, she hoped they would work.

"Who is that person we have to meet anyway?" asked Ami looking at the trees around her.

"That... would be me!" said a deep voice behind them. Rei started her litany. The stranger stopped her. "Hey! I'm here to help you. Don't throw things at me!"

"In that case identify and show yourself..." said Mamoru.

A dark figure dropped from one of the many trees of the area. They gasped when they saw him fold his black wings. He had long black hair held in a ponytail, what looked like the remains of a hat, a brown leather sleeveless jerkin. He also had leather straps bound around each arms, A gray long robe that was split in the front and some dark leather pants and boots.

"Geeze..." whispered Minako. "Does everyone around here dress so tacky?"

"The name is Kuronue..." said the winged stranger.

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Haruka was looking over Kiku in the park while the others had gone either to the Makai or to get some drinks. She looked on as the little kitsune fished something out of one of his pockets and was looking at it intently. Haruka was intrigued as the kitsune looked left and right, just like he was afraid of being caught.

When he looked back down to what he was holding, Haruka got up and walked to him, silently. Without making any noise on the rocks of the pathway, she tiptoed until she could peer over his shoulder. She gasped.

"YOU LITTLE THIEF!" She growled, scaring the child who yelped and bolted away from her. He had clasped his hands on what he was holding and ran, Haruka in hot pursuit. Redi, Setsuna and Michiru were coming into the park while Haruka was grabbing the little kitsune who was crying and wailing.

"GIVE ME THAT, YOU LITTLE THIEF!!!" yelled Haruka trying to pry his hand open.

"Nooooo... Leave me alone you're mean! BWAAAAAA!" cried Kiku pitifully.

"Listen, kid, the sweet and innocent act stops here..." warned the tall woman still trying to open the kit's fingers.

"RUKA! STOP THIS INSTANT!" a voice that was ordinary so soothing yelled at her. Haruka cringed. Michiru wasn't pleased at all. She let Kiku go and as she expected the little kit went to run to Michiru, crying. Michiru glared at Haruka and took the little kitsune in her arms.

"Haruka! What possessed you to do that? You frightened Kiku-chan. There, there..." Her voice softened as she talked to the kitsune. "Don't be scared. It's all right..." She saw that Kiku was holding his hands together as if to hide something from her.

"Michiru... " started Haruka, calming down. "Do you remember this morning when we came to the park? Shuuichi-san asked us if we saw his ring, the one Taiki and Seiya gave him." Michiru nodded. She remembered. "Well Kiku-chan has that ring... as well as an identical one, Yaten's most likely. He stole them!"

Redi cast a wondering gaze to Setsuna. The older woman gestured her to stay silent. Redi bit her lip and returned her attention to the scene that was playing out.

Michiru looked down at Kiku. "Kiku-chan, what do you have in your hand?"

Kiku lowered his gaze and looked away. "Nothing..." Michiru wasn't duped. She knew that look. Hotaru, when she was small, had given her that look when she caught her doing something she shouldn't have.

"Please, won't you let me see? I promise I won't get mad." smiled Michiru.

"... no."

Michiru frowned slightly. That's when she felt something in her back. Giggling, Chibi-chibi swung over Michiru's shoulder. Mo! thought Michiru, how did she manage that?

"Chibi-chibi..." giggled the girl. "I wanna see!"

"NO! GO AWAY!" warned Kiku. "LEAVE ME A..." As Kiku was yelling at her, Chibi-chibi woke up at Kiku's hand and the toddler succeeded in making the small kitsune release the viselike grip hold he held. "NO!" He screamed as two rings flew out of his hands.

Haruka dove and caught the rings before they even hit the ground. She opened her hand and, sure enough, in her hand she had both Yaten and Kurama's ring. Their design were unmistakable, entwined roses with stars. Each star was a small diamond, except for the big one that was amidst the roses in the middle of the ring, a light green Peridot.

Kiku twisted out of Michiru's grasp and ran to Haruka. She gave Kiku-chan a glare that would have frightened any small child. But Kiku, undaunted, kicked her in the shin.

"OW!" yelled out Haruka as she held on to the rings with one hand and tried to keep Kiku from hitting her again with the other.

"Give them back! They are not yours!" said the little kitsune hotly, as he successfully hit Haruka again.

"OW! Those aren't yours either! They belong to Yaten and Shuuichi," replied Haruka.

"I need them..." said Kiku, jumping to get the rings to no avail. Haruka was too tall for him. "The rings don't belong to them, anyway!"

"Listen, Kiku-chan... I was there when Seiya and Taiki gave them the rings. If the rings don't below to them, to whom then?" asked Haruka, while Michiru reached into her bag and took her mirror out. She wanted to check if Kiku's story held. She pointed her mirror in his direction and hoped she would see something.

"The rings belong to Kaasan and Tousan..." said the kitsune adamantly. "I need to bring the rings back to them, so they will be happy again!"

Michiru peered into the mirror. She saw Kiku appear on it, also next to him appeared 3 other little kitsune, with silver hair and green eyes. Then behind the small band of kitsune, two figures appeared. Michiru gasped.


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"Che... What's wrong?... Never saw a guy with wings before?" asked Kuronue, a little annoyed by the way the senshi were looking at him.

"Well yeah... I mean no... ara... Never mind!" blurted out Minako.

Kuronue shrugged. Kids! he thought, they are sending kids... Mpht! I hope the Reikai knows what they are doing... How did Kurama hook up with these kids anyway...? He must have changed a lot this past hundred year.

"Well... Are you coming?" asked Kuronue. Taiki coughed.

"How do we know you're the one that we were asked to wait for...? For all we know this might be a trap..." next to Taiki, Ami nodded and frowned.

Kuronue turned his head with a slight smile on his features. Well, what do you know?... Some of them do have brains after all... he thought. "I was told of your presence here by Botan, special envoy and ferry maiden of the souls of the departed..."

The senshi looked at him suspiciously. "Listen..." he added. "If I was the enemy, you guys would be dead by now..." He saw that his little speech didn't convince them. "Have it your way... I know how to get in that castle without having to take the long way in (unlike the Reikai Tantei). But if you don't want my help... I'll just go."

Kuronue opened his wings and was about to fly away when Seiya told him to wait. Kuronue folded back his wings and looked at him.

"Why do you wish to go there?"

"My brother and our friends have been kidnapped... The Shiseiju kidnapped them in order to get back to the Tantei, for something they did in the past." replied Seiya.

"Oh, so that was your brother I saw... And let me guess, he's Kurama's boyfriend?" asked Kuronue. Che, he thought, knowing Kurama, that's a sure bet.

Seiya blinked. "You know Kurama?"

"Hai... He's an old partner of mine... Enough talk! Ikkimasho!" replied Kuronue as he started toward the Castle. "We are wasting valuable time in chit-chat and if you wish to rescue your friends and the Reikai Tantei..."

Seiya was intrigued by the fact that this guy knew about Kurama, but like the others he followed Kuronue for now. His questions would have to wait.

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Kurama was fighting the effects of the Fox lotus when they arrived in a long corridor. They gasped when they heard yells and shrieks as well as growls.

"What the?..." said Kuwabara. "YUKINA-SAN!"

As soon as he said that, Yuusuke and Hiei saw Yukina, followed by Keiko and Makoto running away from 3 mean looking demons. Yuusuke didn't hesitate and used his Reigun to kill the one that was running after Keiko. Kuwabara called forth his Reiken and slashed the creature as though it was nothing. Hiei jumped in front of the one that was rushing Makoto and slashed him into bits. Hum... he thought, that was almost too easy.

Keiko jumped into Yuusuke's arms. Yukina did the same and jumped in Kuwabara's arms.

"Oh! Kazuma-san! You are so strong and powerful. I am so happy you came to rescue me."

Kuwabara took a proud pose as Yukina cooed. "But of course, Yukina-san. I am as always at your service, my beautiful Ice maiden! You don't have anything to worry about when Kuwabara Kazuma, your knight in shining armor is there..."

OH, PUH-LEASE! Thought Hiei he glared at Kuwabara's bravado.

Kurama blinked and went to Makoto. She seemed to be surprised he was there. "Mako-chan, where is Yaten? Isn't he with you?"

"Hum... aaa.. you see..." started Makoto.

Keiko and Yuusuke were about to kiss when Keiko replied for Makoto. "He's dead..."

"WHAT?" gasped Yuusuke, he looked at Kurama. The red haired boy had just collapsed to his knees, his face devoid of all colors, his green eyes dull and filling with tears.

"No... no... It can't be true... Yaten can't be dead..." Kurama's tears started to flow as he yelled like a wounded creature. "I failed you Koibito, noooo...." Kurama collapsed to the ground, his hands over his face, his body wracked with sobs.

"Kurama..." breathed Yuusuke, sensing all too well his friend's despair.

"That Man Tiger killed him... Yaten jumped him when he wasn't looking. His sacrifice enabled us to escape..." said Makoto.

"It was horrible. We saw him being... ripped to shreds..." added Keiko.

"Kami-sama... Kurama... I'm so sorry..." said Kuwabara.

Kurama had put his hands over his ears to block the horrible story of Yaten's death. Already he felt the bitter bile in his mouth. He was about to be sick. Hiei looked at the scene, strangely calm.

"Yes, it was horrible..." said Makoto as she walked to Hiei.

"Oh, Kuzama-san, I'm so scared. Please take me in your arms and kiss me..." Yukina batted her eyes.

"Hold me Yuusuke..." said Keiko, getting closer in a kiss. Yuusuke sidestepped and went to Kurama. He couldn't let his friend down like this. He couldn't kiss Keiko in front of Kurama. If Yaten was dead, he just couldn't. Keiko flashed an angered glare at Yuusuke. Makoto was almost near Hiei when Yukina spoke again.

"Onegai, Kazuma... I need your strength. I feel so faint... Please kiss me..."

Kuwabara blinked and, seeing Yukina in his arms asking so sweetly to be kissed, Kuwabara couldn't say no to her. As he was starting to bend to kiss her, he saw a blur of black behind Yukina.

Kuwabara yelled. He saw Hiei's katana pierce Yukina's body and blue blood gushed out of her. An inhuman shriek tore from her throat.

"KAMI-SAMA! HIEI! YOU KILLED HER!" growled Kuwabara. He would kill Hiei for what he just did.