Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Red And Blue ❯ The Semi-Final Fight, Part Two ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
And so begins yet another fic of mine. This is Chapter 3.

Disclaimers: YYH and Sailor Moon aren’t mine.

Chapter Summary: The fight between Team Urameshi and Team Uratogi continues. And Pluto and Saturn arrive at the Makai to meet up with Icy. Meanwhile the Senshi, determined to rid themselves of the ’demon’, tries to track Icy down through the Sacred Fire and the Ginzuishou.

Note: Words in italics refer to mental thoughts. OOC-ness is expected.

Chapter 2: The Semi-Final Fight, Part Two

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With both Ura Urashima and the newly transformed Yoko Kurama trapped in the ring, the true battle began.

Yoko finally showed himself, and unleashed an attack known as the Death Tree.

Yoko Kurama then demanded that Ura Urashima tell him the secret of the Idunn Box.

Ura protested that he had no idea, and that he only joined Team Uratogi because Shishiwakamaru promised him riches.

Yoko obviously knew that he was lying and threatened to kill him.

Ura finally started telling the truth.

He admitted that he was not even Ura Urashima, and both Kuro Momotaro and Makintaro were not who they seemed either. That they were together when Shishi and Onji showed up, and he was about to say something else when a sword flew into the ring, hitting Ura, who then changed into a wolf-like creature.

As the smoke cleared, it was seen that it was Shishi that threw the sword. Juri then declared Kurama the winner.

Shortly after the smoke cleared, Kurama returned back into his regular form.

The teams both roll their dice, and for Team Uraotogi, it's none other than the captain Shishiwakamaru.

For Team Urameshi, it was a free space.

Kurama, Hiei, and Kuwabara then started fighting over who should go.

They then decided to settle it with a game of rock-paper-scissors.

Kuwabara won, but Hiei replied he unfolded his hand later than he and Kurama.

Kuwabara complained, saying how was he to know, and Hiei's ever-creepy Jagan Eye glowed.

They were about to play another game, when Icy let out a ‘I can’t believe I know these guys and I’m mates with one of them period’ sigh and leapt on the arena.

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Meanwhile, Yusuke was still tortured by Genkai's ‘Spirit Wave Globe’ absorption test, but after Puu became endangered, Yusuke finally absorbed the orb, saving the bird.

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Meanwhile, Setsuna and Hotaru had arrived at the Makai Tournament, and appearing behind Koenma and George.

“Setsuna-san. I see you’ve arrived.” Koenma noted.

Jumping off his seat, the infant-like Koenma nodded at Hotaru.

“And this is the Senshi of Silence, yes?” he questioned.

Hotaru looked down at the child and nodded in acknowledgement.

Despite his looks, the senshi of Death could feel that Koenma was not what he seemed.

“Then the both of you are just in time. Icy, or Mercury, as you know her as, is about to start her battle.” Koenma remarked.

“Please, take a seat.” he gestured to the new arrivals.

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Facing off against Shishiwakamaru, Icy immediately pulled out an ice sword from a swirling orb of snow.

It was a duel between a sword of pure elemental energy and a sword of steel.

Shishi was obviously a little more skillful than Icy.

They battled on and on until Shishi unleashed one of his two special items known as the ‘Cape of No Return‘.

Shishi threw the cape at Icy, but she somersaulted up to avoid it.

Taking no chances, Icy reached out her left arm and unlatched the arm band she had around the arm.

The leather strap fell easily out of the arena.

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“She won’t…” Koenma gasped when he realized what Icy was about to do.

Both Setsuna and Hotaru gave him a questioning look.

“Icy’s about to morph into her demon form. Shishi’d better watch out. She’s a Class A demon in her beast form.” Koenma explained.

“Dang it!” Kurama muttered, comprehending what Icy was about to do.

“What?” Kuwabara asked.

“That.” Kurama pointed to the mist that had erupted from the arena.

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A white icy mist exploded from Icy, surrounding the girl as she morphed within the wall.

Mere seconds later, a huge paw stepped out of the mist.

When the fog finally subsided, a new creature stood there made of pure light and power, energy made manifest.

The fabled nine-tailed ice fox is in the house.

A pair of beady, frost-blue eyes stared at the stunned Shishi, as he felt immense raw spirit energy cracking literally from nine-tailed kitsune.

Behind the fox, her nine tails spread out like a fan.

With her claws drawn, the fox took a defensive stance.

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“W.O.W.” was all Kuwabara could say.

Hiei’s jaw hit the ground.

Kurama’s mouth just went dry. No matter how many times he had seen her transform, Icy was still so majestic in her kitsune form.

Close your mouth dear. Otherwise a fly would get in. Icy’s joking voice entered his head.

Kurama flushed and shut his jaw.

Kuwabara reached over to Hiei and pushed his jawbone up.

“Ami-nee… she’s so powerful.” Hotaru gasped, as she felt the pure intense power that radiated from the arena.

Setsuna nodded in agreement. With that much power, not even the Ginzuishou could do anything to her. Then again, the crystal was not all-powerful as proven during the battle against Galaxia.

“When did Mercury become a Spirit Detective?” Setsuna asked Koenma.

“After the battle against Queen Beryl. I know she had to guard the Tsuki no Hime, so I made her a part-time Spirit Detective. Besides, Yusuke needed a partner who could pull him back during the heat of a battle.” Koenma answered.

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Shishi wove his transparent cloth strips at the fox who leapt up to avoid the attack, before flipping over to land on the other side.

Her claws dug into the concrete arena as she readied an attack.

Spreading her tails wide, Icy whispered out an attack.

“Fox Tail Frost.”

Eerie ice ghost flames erupted from the tip of each of her nine tails and she tossed at Shishi.

Shishi tried to disperse the ghost flames with his transparent cloth strips, but all of them phased through the transparent cloths and hit him, freezing Shishi on impact.

“DRAGON ICE WHEEL!” she cried out as she leapt into the air.

Spinning around, she created an fire-ice dragon which she sent to the frozen Shishi.

Before he knew what happened, the fire-ice dragon shot through his chest like an arrow.

Shishi barely had time to scream when the dragon went through his chest and out from his back. Mere seconds later, he burst into ice flames.

All that was left of Shishi was a burnt pile of frozen ash.

Victory was once again given to Team Urameshi.

Her job done, Icy leapt off the arena and hopped down to where she had deposited her armband.

Taking the armband into her mouth, she walked back to the three otherwise shell-shocked males and deposited the said armband in front of Kurama.

Then she laid beside the redhead on fours, as she recovered from her intense battle.

After a while, Kurama knelt down and was about to clasp the armband on Icy’s left foreleg, when her tired voice sounded in his head.

Not now, Red. she warned.

Demo… Kurama protested.

It’s better I stayed in this form for a while longer. Mars’ Sacred Fire and Neptune’s Deep Aqua Mirror won’t be able to track me down so easily. she explained.

And Moon’s Ginzuishou? Kurama asked worriedly.

Haven’t thought that far. Icy admitted.

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Meanwhile, they rolled the dice again to decide the fight.

It came up on a free space for Team Uratogi, and the Masked Fighter for Team Urameshi.

Hiei was prepared to take her place when she magically showed up behind him to stop him.

However, Genkai had a great deal more wits than Shishi, and really nailed him a few times.
In the last match against Team Uraotogi, Genkai overwhelmed Suzuka, an old demon with many tricks and specialties, but little strength

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Meanwhile, Yusuke recovered from the torturous absorption of Genkai's ‘Spirit Wave Globe’, which promised to give him unfathomable power.

Yusuke's team had claimed their spot in the Dark Tournament's final round.

Now Team Toguro must try to do the same.

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Meanwhile still in Rei’s Jinja, the priestess was kneeling in front of the Sacred Fire trying to find the ‘evil demoness‘ aka Ami.

“Rin, pyou, tou, sha, kai, jin, retsu, sai, zen. Oh Sacred Fire, I beseech your aid to find the demoness once known as the Senshi of Mercury.” the priestess mumbled.

The flames flared up fiercely, forcing a shocked Rei to stumbled back.

“Nani?” the Shinto priestess mumbled in puzzlement. It was as if the Fire did not want them to find the demoness.

Doushite? she wondered.

“Let me try.” Michiru offered, her henshin pen at hand.

Transforming into Super Sailor Neptune, she took out her Deep Aqua Mirror and cried out, “Submarine Reflection!”

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Meanwhile Icy who was still in her kitsune form, rose her fifth tail and the tip of the tail glowed an eerie blue.

Now you have me scared. Kurama admitted.

Neptune just activated her Deep Aqua Mirror. Can’t risk having her find me. Icy reminded.

Point taken. Kurama noted.

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“Nande?” Super Sailor Neptune blinked in disbelief as her Mirror came up with nothing.

“Drats.” Makoto cursed.

“That’s impossible!” Usagi screeched. “How can the Sacred Fire and the Deep Aqua Mirror not find her?”

“These takes time, Usako.” Mamrou consoled the distressed Tsuki no Senshi.

“I don’t care!” Usagi wailed impatiently.

Slightly upset, Minako stormed over and gave Usagi a slap across the face.

Everyone gasped.

“Arigatou Mina-chan. I needed that.” Usagi replied.

The Senshi of the Love rolled her eyes and went back to her seat.

“Problem is, what do we do?” Rei asked the inevitable question.

The rest of the Senshi went into deep thought at that question.

Then, Usagi thought of something.

Willing out the Ginzuishou, despite protests from rest of the Senshi, Princess Serenity wished upon the crystal to seek out ‘the ice demoness that will threaten Crystal Tokyo’.

The said crystal exploded into blinding white light, forcing everyone's eyes closed to keep from being permanently blinded.

When the glare faded, Usagi had descended back from her Princess form and she slumped onto the Jinja floor, exhausted.

Mamrou caught her before she hit the ground.

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SailorStar9: And that’s all… for now. If you want to know what the Ginzuishou showed, then stay tuned for Chapter 4. Till then, read and review.