Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Guarded Twin ❯ Memories and Sacrifices ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lady: wow…wow…do you see that over there?
Trin: what? what?!
Endy and Blair: yeah, what?
Lady: its…its…oh my…
Trin, Endy and Blair: WHAT WOMAN?!
Lady: its…it's the end! The end is in sight!
Endy: what?
Blair: you mean this wonderful story of how I came to glory is going to be…to be…no more-y?
Lady: yup, yup! Very soon mind you…
Trin: No! We can't leave this child alone and let it out into the big wide world!
Lady: its ok Trin. Its time for us to…let go…
Endy: *wipes tears from corner of eye* Sailor Moon is not ours. Please read and review…if you find it in your hearts…*goes off to sniffle with Blair*
Chapter 10 - Memories and Sacrifices
The other half of a whole? Solaris hoped that she was wrong about this. She hoped and prayed to all that was good that she was wrong about what she thought…about how to extract the Imperial Silver Solar Crystal.
If she was correct than Entrinity would never be free of the sin that was slowly removing itself from her soul with every moment she spent as Crimson Sailor Solaris.
Endymion cradled her sister's head in his arms carefully as Serenity opened her eyes and smiled softly up at him. Their love had been unexpected, then again so had the Senshi and the General relationships. But, Solaris mused, that must be what happens when you take the time to be with others. When had she ever been so accepting towards the other Senshi? When had she ever cooperated with her mother? Serenity was her only friend. And she couldn't do what she knew she had to.
Putting on a brave face and sweeping the mass of her silvery blonde hair behind her, Solaris faced Blair and Beryl, neither son nor mother using effort to fight off the Senshi or Generals.
“You scumbags of Narcius!” Solaris yelled, struggling to her feet weakly, holding her sword out in front of her. “You won't get away with this!”
Even though they didn't look up Solaris knew that the two heard, accounting for the smug smiles on their faces.
“Solaris Crimson Wave!” she yelled, swinging her sword around in a wide arc. A rippling of energy flew outwards from Solaris, sending a wave of concrete, debris and a fierce amount of energy racing for the two Narcius royals. The Senshi and the Generals barely jumped out of the way in time as the full brunt of the attack fell over their enemy. A piercing white light was emitted from the impact and all present shielded their eyes but not Solaris. She wanted to see whether she had succeeded, to make sure that the Imperial Silver Solar Crystal wasn't needed.
`You must use the Crystal, Entrinity!' her mother's voice urged.
“No!” Solaris yelled back, startling her fighting companions. As the light faded away gradually Solaris breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
They were gone. Or so she thought.
“You little bitch,” Blair murmured darkly behind her and as Solaris turned in horror the Dark Prince backhanded her across the room, depositing her at the feet of her sister and Endymion. “How dare you attack me! After all I've done for your ungrateful backside! I loved you-“
“You never loved me you bastard! You manipulated me and used me! I was just a pawn in your plan!” Solaris spat, struggling to her feet again even as Serenity tried to pull her down.
“Entrinity, no! You can't fight anymore; the Senshi will handle this.”
“No, sister, I will not use it.”
“Use what?” Serenity asked confused. She looked briefly to Endymion for an answer but he was as perplexed as her.
“I will not do it!” And with a mighty yell Solaris charged for Blair, her sword pointed as if to run him through. She was almost there! Just a little farther and Blair's organs would be running down her blade…
But Solaris knew she had failed when she felt invisible hands close around her wrists and ankles crushing down on the joints so hard that she dropped her weapon and fell to her knees, making it look as if she was bowing to Blair.
“Good girl,” the prince muttered and yanked Solaris' head up by her hair. “So you know who your master is.” Solaris spat in his face, clenching her fists tightly.
“I am the master of myself. Not some bastard demon prince like you.”
“You're itching to get beaten aren't you Fireblaze?” Blair said darkly. Solaris grimaced at the nickname he used to have for her and made to spit again but Blair grabbed her face.
“Spit at me again and I'll rip your tongue out.”
“I dare you…”
“Blair! Hand her to me!” The prince continued to glare icily at the fallen Senshi, deciding whether to obey his mother's voice. Reluctantly he relaxed his strong grip on her face and grabbed Solaris by the throat, hauling her off the floor. Solaris struggled for breath even as she felt herself being pulled into the air by the invisible limbs.
“Mars Flame Sniper!”
“Venus Love Me Chain!” The Senshi of fire and the Senshi of love however failed in their attacks to remove the objects holding their princess. The Generals tried their own Terran magic, some of them trying to slice away anything that might be around the princess but to no avail. Not even Jupiter's and Uranus' brute strength combined could bring Solaris back down to earth.
“Entrinity!” Serenity yelled, struggling to break away from Endymion's grip. He understood how she felt but he couldn't risk losing another princess, especially this one.
“Oh Princess Serenity, do shut your mouth, you little moon brat. Your beloved sister is just going to relax up here with me,” Beryl's voice said mockingly, materialising before all the warriors, floating on a mass of dark, poisonous cloud. The gas began to clog Solaris' already crushed airways and she began to gag.
“I would like to take this opportunity to state why we are here. You see, you worthless protectors of the Moon, there are things of yours that belong to us.”
“And just what in the name of the Moon would that be? We don't owe you a damn thing!” Serenity cried, tears beginning to streak down her cheeks even though her face was determined.
“One, this pretty little thing next me has pledged her mind, heart, soul and blood to the Dark Force. She can yell and twinkle her pretty attacks all she likes and pretend that she has turned to the side of good but Entrinity's heart will always be ensconced within our dark pond of suffering. Once a follower, always a follower.
“Never!” Both sisters shouted out, their support for each other strengthening the other.
“I hate camaraderie. Two, though my son's taste has much to explain for, you Serenity will be my Blair's wife.”
“Go to hell!” Endymion roared, as he pulled Serenity tighter to him who gratefully accepted his embrace. Blair bristled and unsheathed his sword charging for the Terran Prince.
“Get your dirty hands off her!” Serenity was thrown to the side as the two princes battled, with Endymion's Generals helping whenever they could.
“Blair has a deep obsession for your Princess. I don't understand why. But nevertheless, he is my son and as the soon-to-be supreme ruler of this universe, I will deny him nothing.”
“Endymion!” Serenity called feeling utterly helpless. She knew she'd called the Silver Crystal to her before but now it just didn't seem to want to appear at her whim. She watched as her beloved was punched and Nephrite pounced on Blair's back hoping to restrain him. Why couldn't she call the Crystal?
`It's not your turn now Serenity…'
“Finally,” Beryl called, pulling Serenity's attention to her once more. “Prince Endymion Theodore of Earth is mine to keep. He is a fine male specimen and only a woman such as I would know how to handle him.”
Serenity froze in shock even as her Senshi retaliated for her.
“Deep Submerge!”
“World Shaking!”
“Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
Beryl was going to take Endymion away from her? Endymion and Beryl? Together? Endymion was hers! The prince said he loved her and she loved him too! Nothing could ever come between that!
Beryl laughed as she knocked aside the attacks coming for her, placing Solaris' trussed up body in their path. Solaris let loose a blood curdling yell as the heat of the energy seared her flesh.
“Entrinity!” Serenity shouted, becoming increasingly worried as Solaris didn't reply and her body stopped moving.
“It is useless to try and fight! You have no comradeship amongst each other! Remember your hate for each other!”
And suddenly all the Senshi, Serenity and Entrinity and Endymion were thrown back eight years…to when the girls were twelve and the prince was fifteen…
“Reianna shut up! Nobody likes you!”
“Entrinity I don't care whether you don't like me because of my powers or because I'll be stronger than you…but my mother says evil spirits should be exorcised and you are an evil spirit!”
“Reianna don't talk about my sister that way!”
“I'm sorry Serenity…but-“
“Yeah that's right. Know your place Martian. I am Entrinity Alexandria, Princess of the Moon. I am no evil spirit!”
“Don't tell me what to do Ami!”
“But Princess Entrinity! If you continue to irritate the swans by throwing rocks, they will surely retaliate and then you'll be all wet!”
“Nobody, but nobody, tells me - ah! - help! It wet me!”
“…I told you so.”
“Help me?”
“Terrans aren't worth a damn thing!”
“Entrinity you shouldn't use that language!”
“I'm sorry sister, but look at that boy who they call prince. He's all small and weak and Mother thinks he's positively gorgeous.”
“I think he's cute-“
“For your information Princess Entrinity, us Terrans are not weak. Why is it that we offer the Moon supplies on a seasonal basis if we're weak? You Lunarians should be grateful.”
“I really, really don't like you, Prince Theodore.”
“It's Prince Endymion. And the feeling is mutual.”
“You see, you petty people? You hated each other, you couldn't stand each other. Each of you with your own stubborn personalities, inconsequential arguments; anything and everything you could sink your teeth into.” Beryl sneered, glancing at the now reawakened Solaris who had tears running down her cheeks.
“You're lying. You're placing these images in our heads…” she said weakly.
“No, I do not jest! And you of all people know that as well as your sister. I know the day when you got your memories back of meeting all your `friends' for the first time because I allowed it to happen.”
Endymion, sub-consciously listening to the dark queen while fighting hard, thought back to the time when his memory was unlocked in the forest. Beryl had hidden that piece of his life away from him. The first time he had ever met his princess and he knew that he felt something for her as a young boy. But Beryl allowed for his prejudice ways to fester and make it seem as if he had never met the young Serenity.
He hated her for it.
All around him the Inner Senshi clutched their heads at memories long locked away by Beryl, ones they didn't want to remember or see again and they slowly began to turn on each other. He prayed that it would never happen to his Generals. He tried to fight his way to them but Blair appeared at every turn he took to escape. The Generals didn't hold his interest.
“Jupiter! How dare you call Venusian people empty!” Venus cried, squaring up to her `friend'.
“Yeah, well, you must be if you force love to happen! And anyway how dare you call me a heaving ox!” Jupiter snarled back.
“No…” Serenity murmured, her tears falling as she watched her friends begin to fight.
“Did you really think that way Mercury? That I was a demon child because I worked with the spirits?” Mars asked, genuine hurt in her features even though she had started up her attacks.
“Did you really think I was a trivial, weak girl who needed to run back home to her mother?” Mercury replied, shielding herself from Mars flames and preparing to attack herself.
“No…” Serenity said again, watching the mutiny around her, falling to her knees and clutching her head. Uranus and Neptune moved helplessly between the others trying to stop the fighting, getting hit by an attack or two themselves. Serenity never knew that the girls she had loved for most of her life had been so distrustful of each other when she had welcomed them all with open arms. What was going on? It had to be a lie!
“Serenity!” Solaris called and fought wildly and blindly against her holds.
`The Crystal Entrinity…'
“I can't do it Mother! I can't do it!”
`Yes, you can,' Queen Serenity replied and slowly Solaris felt the restraints around her ankles and arms relaxing and lowering her to the floor. Beryl fought to gain control again but it seemed the Moon Queen's need to protect and love her daughters overwhelmed any dark magic she tried.
“Curse you Serenity,” Beryl muttered and materialised from the air.
Entrinity crawled over to her sister, avoiding the warring Senshi, steering clear of the Blair and Endymion fight. She pulled her younger sister of five minutes into her arms and the princesses rocked together pretending that none of this was happening.
But it was. And Solaris, although she hated herself for it, knew that she had to summon the Imperial Silver Solar Crystal. How could she do this to her sister?
“Serenity…I have something to say-“
“Is it about why this awful event is happening? Is it about how to solve this problem?”
“Well yes and no. I…I…Serenity there is no easy way to say this…I have to summon the Imperial Silver Solar Crystal.”
Serenity glanced up from her sister's shoulder, looking into the eyes and face that was identical to hers. “The Imperial Silver Solar Crystal? There's another Crystal? Then summon it! I can't call mine! Stop them fighting Entrinity!”
“I can't sister! Not without…not without your help…”
“Entrinity you know I would give anything to help you. Anything!”
“Including your life?”
Lady: dun, dun, dun!
Trin: oh no, whatever shall they do?
Blair: find out next time on A Guarded Twin!
Lady: AND YOU! You need to stop saying the story's title as if its some lame-o daytime television show. That voice is so cheesy.