Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A True Friend ❯ A True Friend ( Chapter 1 )

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Terreina Chikyuu Wong. Or Terra. Sometimes I was called Chikyuu or
Chi-Chan by my friends. That was my name. I was very hidoi as a human.
Very. No one was as violent as I was. At least, that's what I
believed. It was a fateful day at the mall. One of my American cousins
was visiting me, and took me to the mall. She didn't believe in the
`Android Invasion'. Even I stood clear of Juhachi and Junanna. I knew
no one who wanted to fight them. I had heard of a boy who wanted to

~ Let him. Let him fight them and die as those men had years before. ~
I thought. I never believed I would meet the Androids.

At the mall she took me to a store called `Bath and Body Works'. I
resented the smell of perfumes and lotions, since they made me sick to
the point of vomiting. A man, who was at least a foot taller than I,
sprayed some in my face. This angered me. I threw him over my shoulder
into a display case. I walked out, to wait for my cousin. I saw a man
and woman, and never realized who they were. But it was the Androids.
I sat on a bench awaiting my cousin who would drag me from store to
store before the day was done.

~ Kame give me strength... ~ I thought silently. The man looked at me
strangely. I saw him, but he didn't realize. And then I saw his eyes.
I then knew who he was.

"Brat, let's go!" I said, calling my cousin a brat back then. "We need
to leave!"

"Aww, why?" She asked. I couldn't tell her that the Androids weren't
even 4 feet from me. I had to lie, and quickly, before they could tell
I knew.

"I...I have Violin lessons with...with Ms. Kai'oh Michiru!" I lied. My
cousin came out with bags of clothing. The man walked over, and I felt
my heart stop and my blood run cold. He was an Android! He was now a
foot away from me! My blood then turned to ice. I stopped breathing,
and thought it was over. But he politely smiled.

"Excuse me ladies. But those bags look to be a bit much. Mind if I
carry them to your car for you?" He asked. My cousin never deemed him
or his evil sister a threat. Because of my Booryoku. She believed I
could take him down. So smiling sweetly, she said `Sure'.

~ BAKA YARO! ~ I shrieked in my head. ~ He's an Android! He'll KILL
us! ~ But I never said anything. I couldn't. Or we WOULD be! He lifted
some of the heavier bags, mainly the ones with my software and music.

"Aren't people friendly Terreina?" My cousin asked me. My heart was
still frozen in terror! Sheer terror! I was ready to collapse, to cry,
to vomit, to gag, but most of all I was ready for them to realize. He
loaded them in the trunk of my car. Waving, I left the mall with my

Arriving home an hour later, I thought about the time the other
Androids came after me. Jusan and Juyon. Androids Thirteen and
Fourteen. That was 4 years ago to the date. I still remember the
incident, as I was alone at the time. I was watering some flowers in
my yard when two androids arrived. I stood into a fighting stance,
ready to fight. They attacked and I fought back. I faired well. I
destroyed one and the other told me- `No matter what Terreina Chikyuu
Wong, Dr. Gero will get you...' I destroyed it. At the time, I didn't
know who or what Dr. Gero was. I didn't know why he wanted me. I know
now. I received warning from a lady who worked at the old Capsule
Corp. building named `Bulma'. She said Dr. Gero wanted to turn me into
an Android. I was grateful for the warning, and steered clear of
Android activity. And it worked. Until today. Today I had been
spotted. The androids would seek me out. I could only hope they never
found my home. How could I protect my cousin against the Androids?

Over the course of the next few weeks, I stayed inside, making calls
to my friends, Tsukino Usagi, Kino Makoto, Mizuno Ami, Hino Rei, Aino
Minako, Ten'oh Haruka, Kai'oh Michiru, and To'moe Hotaru. My closest
friends, I had known Hotaru for a long time. She met Tsukino
Chibi-Usa, who introduced me to her friends. I clicked on the news,
when I heard a loud explosion outside.

"Terreina! It's the man and lady from the mall! They're outside!" My
cousin shouted. I stopped breathing again, and looked out the window.
There they were. Just taunting me to come out and challenge them. I
thought over my list of priorities. 1- Get the brat to safety. 2- Get
the Androids out of here and 3- get somewhere safe. I hurried up the
stairs, and grabbed a suit case, and packed my cousins things.

"Terreina? What's wrong?" She asked. I kept packing. No way was I
letting those Monsters hurting her. I was on the verge of tears from
the terror. I wanted to cry, and tell her there was a good chance that
we were going to die. But I had to keep calm. I had to make sure she
stayed calm. But the tears welled up.

"Look brat, take this suit case, go out the back door, and get away
from here! Understand?" I ordered.


"Understand?!" I shouted. She looked shocked at the fact that I yelled
at her, but nodded.

"When you get out of the city, find a way to the Capsule Corp.
building. Stay there!" I instructed, and opened her window.

"Go out from here..." She obeyed. I sighed, went to my room, taking my
escape bag I kept. Inside was a picture of my hero, Tuxedo Kamen. He
had saved me once. I just wish he could save me again.

~ Tuxedo Kamen-sama. I'm glad you helped me. You gave me another
chance at life. I don't know why, you chose me to save... ~ I thought.
I put the picture back in the bag, and walked outside to face them.

* * * * *

"Hello kid. Care to play?" Junanna asked. I smiled, and took an
offensive stance.

"Sure thing `mister'. Let's go..." Both ran at me, punching. I hit
Juhachi's face, and elbowed Junanna's gut. Both were down, but not for
long. We fought for an hour. I tried displacing my fear. I couldn't.
Suddenly, a large blast hit me. I passed out...

End Chapter one...