Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Trusting Heart ❯ Roses and Tears ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Chapter One
Roses and Tears
"My lord Prince Diamond, after my brother's continuous failures to subdue the Sailor Scout threat and capture the rabbit princess, I wish to submit a suggestion."
The silver-haired Prince Diamond thoughtfully raised his brandy glass to the kneeling figure before him. "Continue."
"My lord, I have studied my brother's battles with the Scouts and have noticed a fatal flaw. They perpetually show up to fight, however, just barely in time. I believe they are held up by the fact that these past Sailor Scouts still lead normal human lives and must escape to transform unnoticed. Also, given the fact that the four Scouts alone cannot defeat our efforts without their leader, I suggest that Sailor Moon be discovered in her civilian form and captured- or killed, whichever you wish." The kneeling redhead glanced up at his prince to find his violet eyes nonchalantly studying him.
"A brave plan, Garnyt. The Sailor Scouts have shown weakness when without their leader to fight during battle, however ill-suited and incompetent she may appear. I approve your suggestion and place you in charge of finding out Sailor Moon's identity and- subduing her. Without her, the Scouts will fall whether she lives or dies and Crystal Tokyo will be mine."
Garnyt's red eyes glittered. He hadn't wanted to actually go to the past earth himself to carry out his plan, however, at least the lord prince had noticed his brilliance. Now Garnyt could begin his own campaign beside the prince, although he would have to work around his brother, Rubeus.
"Yes, my lord." Garnyt accepted graciously, and rose from the floor, teleporting from his liege's presence in a shimmering shower of red dust. The prince of the Dark Moon seemed caught up in his fantasies of the Neo-Queen of Crystal Tokyo again and never noticed his minion leave.
"Ha! Those guys are gonna be so surprised that I showed up early! Remind me to thank Rini for kicking me awake this morning, I would have slept in again!" Serina laughed as she raced down the sidewalk towards the Cherry Hill temple. They were supposed to have a meeting at Rei's shrine in ten minutes.
"If we don't hurry up, we're going to be late anyway!" The black cat running beside her huffed.
"Oh, Luna, you worry too much- ahh!" Serina had turned the corner and run headlong into another pedestrian. Quick hands grabbed her before she could fall backwards, hands that once upon a time had a lot of practice doing that same thing. Serina caught her breath, afraid to look up-
"Still running late, Serina?" Darien's stormy blue eyes flashed down at her, his strong hands letting her go the moment she had regained her balance. His grip was released so quickly it was like her mere touch burned him.
"Um, yeah, girls called a meeting." Serina mumbled as she averted her eyes. She knew how Darien felt about her. She didn't know why but he said he just didn't love her anymore and now it hurt too much to even look at him, have him touch her, even for a second, or listen to his once sweet, loving voice suddenly gone cold and hard towards her. She didn't want to stay here. It only reminded her of- of- she could feel her hopes burning away to pale ash even as she stood so close to him yet, sensing he still didn't want anything to do with her.
"Is there something wrong? Do you need my help?" Serina shot a startled glance at her ex-boyfriend, surprised to hear the concern in his voice. Then she realized it wasn't for her, it was for the good of Tokyo; he needed to know if there was another Dark Moon threat that Tuxedo Mask would have to help out with. When she didn't respond immediately, he assumed the worst. "Did something happen to Rini?"
The fear and dread in his voice stung Serina like a physical blow. 'Why's he always so worried about that brat! Why not ME? The only time he notices me is when I stupidly run into him or some creature is about to kill me, only when I screw up or when the SPORE'S in trouble!' But Serina tore her sad, blue gaze away from the handsome young man before her, hiding the tears in her eyes and feeling incredibly guilty. She shouldn't be jealous or hate the little pink-haired girl; Rini made her love smile again where she no longer could. And she certainly shouldn't want Darien to take her back against his own heart just to make her feel better- even if that's what she desperately wished.
"No, no, nothing's wrong, Rini's fine. She's at home if you want to take her out somewhere." Serina's voice caught but she tried her best to cover her pain, act nonchalant like he was so good at. Insensitive. Cold. Distant. He had it all down pat. He had the practice she lacked. Serina kept her eyes down, spying Luna silently waiting for her on the corner.
"Yeah, maybe." Serina sensed Darien turn and walk away from her, continuing down the sidewalk. Serina gazed after him, tears now falling unchecked from her eyes. 'I can't hide my feelings like him. I can't turn them off and on like that! It's not fair, it's just not fair that I love him with all my heart and soul and he can't stand staying long enough to say good-bye, he hates even TALKING to me!' Serina took off again, her vision blurred by stinging tears, heedless of the pedestrians she tried unsuccessfully to dodge. She didn't even apologize as she kept running, Luna falling into step beside her, not saying a word.
"Serina? Serina, please, what has happened?" A vaguely familiar hand reached out to halt the reckless pigtailed figure. Serina recognized Garrett Rose, Garry, her new friend who moved here a week ago to the house down the street. The unexpected concern for her broke Serina's last strands of control. She fell into his arms and sobbed.
Garry, surprised, reacted on unfamiliar instincts, and wrapped his arms protectively around her, letting her cry. He pulled her out of the sidewalk traffic, closer to the brick wall, ignoring the curious stares of the passers-by.
"Oh, Garry, I'm sorry, to- to be acting this way, I'm sorry." Serina choked out around sobs.
"No, Serina, it's all right. You need to be comforted, and I'll do that. Tell me what happened, I'm told it helps." Garry really didn't know the first thing about easing young, hysterical girls' pain but he did know that he had to help this one. He'd seen her do the same for others and tried his best to copy her behavior.
"No, you don't need to hear my problems, I don't like to dump them on other people." Serina sniffed, slowly recovering. Garry released her, still supporting her shoulders as she dried her eyes.
"Then I'll guess it was the young, dark-haired man." Serina shot him a shocked looked.
"How- how did you know?" Garry reassuringly caught her expressive azure eyes, hoping he didn't make her cry again with his speculation. If what he'd heard was true, the best way for her to get over heartbreak was to talk about it. Letting her know he all ready knew, should make her open up easier, right?
"The blonde man at the arcade you introduced me to-"
"Yes, he told me that his two best friends had broken up. Both were completely crushed and he wasn't sure which one was the worse off. He asked me to watch over you since we seemed to spending time together." Garry noticed the sudden grateful hope shining in the young girl's brilliant blue eyes. She linked her arm through his and impetuously kissed his cheek.
"Thanks, Garry! You're right, I feel so much better now. I appreciate yours and Andrew's concern for me!" She squeezed his hand momentarily, her cheery self returning, and ran off again, her black cat following loyally behind her.
Garry stood in silence, sheepishly smiling before he recovered from her impulsive action and turned back to sidewalk.
"Hey, girls! What's up?" Serina bounced up the temple steps, all traces of her turbulent emotions evaporated in the glorious summer sun. She felt good to know there were people who cared for her, enough to be looking out for her like Andrew and Garry.
"Late again, Meatball head?" A raven-haired girl with fiery violet eyes and shrine robes asked. She was sweeping away leaves while three other girls, a blonde beauty, a short, shy blue-haired girl, and a tall brunette were sitting with the patience of complete boredom.
"I WAS early, I wouldn't have been late if I hadn't run into- someone." Serina was quick to retort but her voice fell on the last word. The girls took the hint and didn't press, instead, they all stood and headed inside.
Luna and Artemis began speaking quietly between themselves as Rei put away her broom and led the four girls to the fire reading room.
"So what's up this time?" Lita was the first to break the dragging silence as she plopped down in a chair, unconsciously twisting a curly end of her high ponytail.
"As always, it's the Dark Moon and Rini." Luna started. It was an old topic now; BOTH had been terrorizing the Scouts, civilian or otherwise, for weeks. And yet, they still hadn't come up with much. The most recent item, and perhaps a dangerous one was the fact that the enigmatic little five-year-old had discovered their secret identities.
So far, the child had kept silent, in fact, she refused to speak to or even hang out with any of the girls, except when sneaking into Serina's bed to sleep at night. She almost seemed frightened of them now, but most obviously afraid for Serina- or Sailor Moon. Serina had the suspicion that THAT was why she never failed to find her way into Serina's bed every night. She was worried about her- the older girl, Sailor Moon, fighter of love and justice. How ridiculous could the kid get?
"Has anyone gotten to speak with her yet since she found out?" Artemis prompted. It had been nearly two days since Rini found out. She'd spent most of those days at Darien's apartment. He liked to take her out places like the movies or the park, like he'd done with Serina once. She shook the thought off, wondering again at why she was jealous, and why the little spore's recent absence felt wrong.
"No, not me." Lita admitted, glancing at Mina and Serina. The blonde shook her head negative, Rei and Ami agreed. Serina kept silent, going over the past two days in her head, while nibbling on a cookie she'd found stuffed in her jacket pocket.
"No, I guess not. She pretty much ignores me except when joining Sammy in his insult-athons, although she's fallen behind in that since too. And she's still managing to sneak into my bed in the middle of the night!" The girls laughed at Serina's outraged face, they'd been hearing horror stories from both Serina and Luna about the little fungus's kicking and talking in her sleep.
"Well, has she said anything in her sleep?" Ami asked. It seemed logical that if she spoke in her sleep, it would hold some relevance to her mind state and situation.
Serina's face fell, her giggling and mock-fury trailed to silence. Her voice was soft with sympathy as she began to describe her nights with the little girl. "Sometimes, when I wake up and find Rini in my bed, she's crying in her sleep so I don't wake her. I just let her sleep. She mumbles a lot, asking her mother to not die, promising that she'll bring her the Silver Crystal. Sometimes she whispers to a Diana or Irene. She asks for her mommy and daddy to say everything will be okay. It hurts to see my little Rini like that." Serina confessed quietly, absently braiding an end of one of her golden ponytails.
"Now she's YOUR 'little Rini?'" Rei asked, teasing the normally flippant and irresponsible meatball head. It was always uncomfortable when Serina went all serious on them like that, it was unnatural. But it did seem that since Rini had shown up, Serina was growing up and taking care of her responsibilities, especially where Rini was concerned. 'Guess we'd better get used to it until Rini leaves back to the future again.'
Now Serina blushed at Rei's comment, flustered that she'd been caught showing affection for the brat. "Yeah, what of it, pyro? She's my responsibility and I promised her we'd take care of her. I'm SUPPOSED to be worried about her!" 'And something about her makes really protective of her, I can't help it, even if she did steal my boyfriend.' Serina thought to herself.
"Well, what can we do about her needing the Silver Crystal to help her mother? We can't just give it to her." Ami reminded them.
"Yeah, I know. I've been thinking about that." Serina hugged her knees and looked deep in thought.
"If it's possible, can't we just follow her back to the future and help her ourselves?" Lita asked.
"No, she's been having problems every time she tries it by herself, I don't think she could take ALL of us. But maybe . . ." Serina train of thought continued without her vocalization. Maybe if just SHE went back with the kid, she could add her own strength to her magic time-key-thingy if it would help to get just the two of them to the future.
Luna saw Serina's mind whirring and halted the thought before she suggested something foolishly rash. "Don't even think of it, Serina. You're not going back by yourself. Rini has described a war zone in the future and we're certainly not going to let you go unprotected."
"And you'd let Rini, a LITTLE GIRL, go by herself?" Serina demanded, anger flared quickly but died just as instantly. She saw her guardian's point but that was something to be discussed later, and she'd make the decision herself if she had to. She'd do whatever was best for her young friend. Besides, she was confident that whoever had sent Rini, was prepared to make sure she came home safely as well. "Sorry, don't listen to me, Luna." Serina murmured, hoping Luna would forget about it. She didn't need her giving her grief after she made her decision.
"All right, that's settled, what about Rubeus? Haven't seen him in a while. Not since Prisma and Avery joined their sisters on our side." Mina drew the conversation back to business, the sooner this was over, the sooner she and Artemis could go shopping.
"Right, Mina." Luna perked up after chuckling at Serina's expense, she knew her ward cared for the mysterious child, no matter how often she denied it, and she was glad she'd finally admitted it.
"No activity since the last battle on the bridge against Prisma and Avery." Ami reported after rechecking her blue palmtop computer. "It's been clear for two days. I don't want to sound paranoid but we should be expecting something."
"Why? Rubeus lost his only four warriors, maybe he high-tailed it back to the future." Lita suggested confidently. She stood and stretched, ready to go.
"That would be jumping to conclusions-"
"Yeah, and that's Serina's job!" Serina frowned, abruptly dragged from her thoughts by the unexpected attack from her side.
"Hey! That's not fair! You should talk, hot-head!" She cried indignantly, standing and planting her hands on her hips. Rei rose to the challenge and they faced off, sticking their tongues out at each other in a well-known declaration of war.
The other girls and two cats rolled their eyes. "Typical!" Luna exclaimed and prepared to leave the two immature Scouts behind. "This meeting is over, girls, let's go." Serina gave in first and hopped over to Mina, Ami, and Lita, her anger instantly gone with the early dismissal as Rei fumed over suddenly being abandoned and ignored. Serina smiled sweetly in her direction and returned to the three girls.
"Hey, wanna go to the arcade? Or shopping? Or the park? We'll have to stop for ice cream or something first, though, I'm starved!"
"Shouldn't you go take care of your Rini, Serina? If she's at home all alone, you should be there to entertain her." Rei taunted, trying to draw Serina into another fight. Besides, they had to keep Serina occupied while they planned her birthday party next Saturday. They also had to make her think they'd totally forgotten it.
"Yeah, I've got to go home and study for next semester." Ami apologized as she left the room, waving. Mina and Lita walked up to Serina next offering their excuses.
"I've volunteered my afternoon to the pediatrics ward at the hospital, sorry." She smiled a fake smile, trying to hide the mischievous gleam in her sky blue eyes.
"Yeah, and I've got a two hour cooking class in a half hour. I've gotta go home and get ready for it. See ya!" And the two took off, smothering giggles until they were outside. Serina just sighed as she watched them go then turned to Rei. Rei was sitting in front of her fire, seemingly concentrating on a reading.
"Rei?" The priestess didn't answer. "Fine, I'm going home. You're not much of a conversationalist anyway!" Serina didn't notice Rei jerk at the insult but she managed to hold her tongue and keep up the act as Serina walked out with Luna on her heels.
'I can handle a day alone, by myself, with Rini and Sammy, sure. No problem.' She fumed silently, and stomped out. 'I wonder what Molly's doing . . .'
The guardian cat winked at Rei before she left and Rei smiled after her.
"Every moment brings a new surprise."
"Oh, LUNA! Why didn't you remind me we were supposed to leave BEFORE noon! I thought I had at least until after lunch!"
"Well, if you got up at a DECENT hour and had lunch at a proper time, we wouldn't be RUNNING to meet the girls at the mall now!" Serina and her black cat barreled down the sidewalk, heedless of the other pedestrians but expertly dodging the human maze with practiced skill.
As Serina glanced away to reply to that last remark and turning a corner at the same time, her foot caught on the slightly upraised sidewalk. Serina sprawled forward with a cry of dismay quickly echoed by Luna's. Serina crashed into someone in front of her, strong arms quickly caught her shoulders, steadying her. The fourteen-year-old blonde glanced up at her savior, half-expecting (and afraid) to see Darien's icy blue eyes.
Ruddy brown eyes, framed by fringes of dark red hair stared surprised down at her.
Serina recognized Garrett Rose instantly. "Garry! Thanks!" Serina stood again, Garrett's hands self-consciously fell from her small shoulders once her balance returned.
"No trouble, Serina. I'm glad to see you're not in tears this time. Where are you going in such a hurry?" Serina's summer sky blue eyes widened and she snatched her cat from the ground beside her and grabbed Garrett's hand as she took off again, dragging the redheaded boy after her.
"I'm supposed to meet the girls at the mall! I'm so LATE! You wanna come, right? Make some new friends, I promise! Lots of people there." Serina flashed a bright reassuring smile as she ran.
Garrett Rose had just moved in down the street from her house, just over a week and a half ago tomorrow. She'd met the boy after running into him (kind of like she just had) on her way to the pool. He'd been a little shocked and it was obvious to Serina immediately that he wasn't used to friendly people- much like Darien, he needed a push to be sociable. Serina's eyes darkened at the memory of her ex-boyfriend but she hid the thought and returned to her new friend Garry. After she had apologized to him that first time, she had managed to manipulate him into coming with her to places to make some friends and hang out. She had promised to take care of her new friend and that meant making sure he was happy and busy having fun!
The boy, actually he was a couple years older than Serina, probably about seventeen, had been eager to meet as many new people as he could, asking questions (some of them quite strange if she'd stopped to think about it) but he had the terrible habit of forgetting people as soon as they left his sight and interest. If Serina didn't constantly run into him or invite him places, she was sure he'd forget her too.
"Um, well, sure. I guess I wasn't doing anything specific. I've never been to the mall." Serina turned her head to gawk at the boy keeping pace beside her.
"You're joking right? You've been here almost two weeks and haven't been to the mall yet? Oh my God, that's my favorite place in the whole world! Well, besides the lake or the rose gardens at the park-"
"Or the arcade, or the ice cream parlor-" Serina heard Luna's muttering from her arms and glared at the impudent black cat.
"For that, kitty, you can WALK." Serina tossed Luna to the ground ahead of her, the black cat lithely landing on her feet and taking off before she fell behind the pair. Luna slowed a moment and glanced suspiciously behind them. She caught a glimpse of a black-haired head and stormy blue eyes filled with pain and jealousy before the young man disappeared in the crowd.
The mall wasn't too crowded for an early summer afternoon, when Serina and Garrett showed up and met four waiting girls on the second floor near the food court and escalators.
"It's about time you showed up, Meatball head!" Rei's annoyed stance and clipped tone suggested that the girls had been waiting for a while. Mina all ready had a small bag of goodies. Serina pouted at the fact they had started shopping without her and her frown deepened when she noticed Garrett smiling at Rei's mention of her now-hated nickname.
"Rei, you know only one person can call me Meatball head, and he isn't you!" Serina crossed her arms, her defiance quickly covering the tears that sprang to her eyes. Rei just ignored her, knowing too well not to push the subject lest Serina burst into her customary wailing.
"Hi, Garrett. Did Serina drag you here too?" Lita gazed starry-eyed at the older boy. 'He looks so much like my old boyfriend. I hope Serina's still too crushed about Darien to notice this hottie by her side.'
Serina turned her glaring blue eyes to her brunette friend and knew exactly what she was thinking. "Lita, don't you even THINK of saying he looks like 'your old boyfriend'. Garry's still new here and he doesn't need to be put through your silly daydreams." She defended, pulling the still silent and slightly confused young man behind her as if to protect him from Lita's fantasies.
"Hey! That's not nice!" Lita cried. Serina let go of Garrett and easily smiled, peacefully letting Lita know she was just teasing.
"Besides, you should be one to talk about silly daydreams, Serina." Rei cut in, crossing her arms again and preparing herself for an imminent tongue war- or wailing, Serina was never one to hide either anger or sadness. But her taunting was in vain, Serina opened her mouth to whine but clamped it shut as if thinking better of it. 'That doesn't happen often, I wonder if she's running a fever or something.' Rei thought worriedly. She must have overheated her brain thinking too much! She was just been trying to get the petite blonde to fight her, it'd been two days since they'd had a good argument and Rei was getting bored.
Quickly assessing the tense situation, Ami intervened, not wanting a confrontation, friendly or otherwise. Glancing around Serina and her companion as if looking for someone, she asked an obvious question. "Where's Rini, Serina? I thought we were trying to get her to open up to us some more?" That got Serina's attention off Rei and the melancholy teen turned to the quick-thinking blue-haired girl. If there was one thing that could distract her from one enemy/friend it was Rini, her younger enemy/friend.
"Mom took her and Sammy to the movies today. Good thing to, I wouldn't take the little spore shopping with me anyway! I don't care if we're supposed to get her to open up to us or not!"
Mina smiled slyly as the group began walking through the mall. "Did she sneak into your bed again last night?"
Serina turned again, frustrated and her hands planted angrily on her hips. "Yes! That's the third time this week and it's only Wednesday! That's EVERY night! And can you believe that spore had the nerve to steal my covers?!"
The five girls, two cats, and the red-head guy strolled past stores and pedestrians, Mina carelessly swinging her bag, Ami thoughtfully considering her friend and the little girl's predicaments.
"You must remember, Serina, that Rini is still young and all alone in a strange- er, place." She remembered Garry's silent presence and caught herself from revealing secrets. She'd almost said 'time'. It was so easy to forget Garrett was there, as if she mistook him as Darien rather than a practical stranger. "She is also traumatized with worry for her mother and you know she needs your support." Ami caught Garrett's questioning glance, knowing he inquired only because it seemed the polite thing to do. Ami responded, quickly coming up with a story. "Rini's mother, Serina's aunt, is sick and in the hospital, that's why she's staying with Serina." Garrett quietly nodded, turning his attention back to Serina as she replied to Ami's reminder.
"Yeah, but why doesn't she sneak into my parents' room? Wake THEM up with her kicking?" Serina whined, her normal crybaby, bubbly self returning.
"She just latched onto you as her substitute mother- even though you fight like sisters. You should feel special she chose you, Serina." Mina offered. Serina's eyes looked guilty and her face fell.
"Yeah, I guess I do." Serina's face brightened at that realization and she practically bounced with joy that a cute little girl had chosen her to be her substitute mother. Just like she'd chosen to protect the kid, almost like she would a very best friend or a daughter. Serina's excitement grew exponentially when she spotted the ice cream parlor they were passing and she nearly blitzed out. "Oh! Ice cream! Oh, who wants some with me?" Serina raced to the counter and quickly ordered a triple chocolate cone with sprinkles, not waiting for her friends to respond. They all followed but Garrett hung back as he approached; he still wasn't used to the way this small girl could inhale so many sweets but he kind of thought it was amusing.
"Uh, Serina, I would like to explore this mall, seeing as you're busy with your friends, I'll take my leave." Serina smiled reassuringly around her ice cream while the girls exchanged confused glances between themselves that Garrett would speak so formally around them. Serina grinned at them, she was used to Garry's formal talk, he said he couldn't help it to show respect when he spoke to others, even if he didn't feel it, it was automatic by now.
"Yeah, sure, Garry. We'll be around here somewhere if you want to find us again, 'kay?" Serina told him and smiled again, waving the new guy off.
"He's different, Serina. I didn't want to mention it earlier but there's something about him-"
"Oh, not you TOO, Rei. Is everyone falling for Garry? He's not ready for relationships yet, he just moved here. Besides, I've got first dibs since he's MY friend." Serina smacked a hand over her mouth even as the words came out, shocked at herself. Did she mean what she just said?
The other girls seemed just as surprised as she was, their mouths dropping open in astonishment. "Does this mean you're finally over Darien?" Mina ventured, her eyes glinting with interest. The others gathered 'round to listen to the gossip, relieved that their leader was finally pulling out of her pining and lamenting days over Darien, but also feeling depressed and saddened by the realization that perhaps true love, the forever kind of love that Serina and Darien had, didn't really exist.
"No, I didn't mean that- Did I?" Serina glanced worriedly around, as if expecting to see Darien come storming up to her heart-broken or Garry laughing in her face. "I mean, he's cute and all, with those killer cinnamon eyes and that long rebellious red hair- Oh no! Am I falling for him?!"
"Oh, Serina, I think you have!" Lita giggled knowingly, maybe this new relationship was just what she needed to get her mind off Darien and her thoughts back into the Sailor Scout ball game. She'd been too distracted lately to do much good on the front lines against Rubeus and the Dark Moon.
"But I thought I'd always be in love with Darien. I don't need another guy to break my heart! Guys, you can't let me do this again! Just kill me now, it'll be less painful!"
"Oh, Serina, you're over-reacting! You don't even know if Garrett likes you at all." Rei, ever the reality shock, bonked Serina on the head, reminding her of that dilemma as well. Serina dropped into a chair, bursting into tears.
"Oh, no! I've fallen for someone other than my only love and he doesn't even like me! Life can't get any worse!"
"Oh yeah? Darien could all ready have a girlfriend, or you could be failing tests in school again or Garrett could show up with his own girlfrie-" Lita offered quickly thinking of many things that could make life worse for Serina.
"Lita, quiet." Ami placed a reassuring hand on her best friend's shoulder. Ami knew she was really confused right now, her world must seem like it was twisting and capsizing. The blow of Darien's break up was hard enough but the realization that she could love someone other than the one she believed herself destined to be with must feel like a terrible betrayal of her own heart. "Serina, you don't have to worry about it. Let things happen as they will. Either Darien will come back to you or Garrett will fall in love with you. You can't force it either way so try not to think about it." Serina turned watery blue eyes to Ami's confident ones and sniffed.
"Ya think?" Ami smiled, nodding. Serina returned the smile, quickly drying her eyes and hopping off the red parlor stool. "You're right, Ames, like always. Just let it happen." She repeated nervously.
"All right, that's settled, let's go shopping!" Lita exclaimed and they took off again through the mall. The girls excitedly chatted about their respective crushes, the latest clothing trends, Rini's behavior towards them since she'd discovered their secret identities, the best course of action against the Dark Moon.
"Why does it seem we always end up talking about the Dark Moon? Do we seriously not have real lives?" Serina asked the group, munching on a cinnamon roll, and swinging her own shopping bags. The girls had fallen silent. What could they say? It was true.
"Well, not always. We just talked about you and Garry. Remember someone's birthday is coming up this next week." The girls exchanged excited, mischievous glances and broke into big grins. Serina was especially happy. 'They remembered! I turn fifteen this weekend!'
"Oh yeah! Good thing we're at the mall! I totally forgot Rini's birthday! What do you get a six-year-old?" Lita seriously asked. The others had a harder time keeping straight faces as they watched Serina's expression collapse from glee to pained anger and shamed embarrassment.
"I got her a stuffed animal, a little pink and white bunny. I thought she'd like it since she kinda looks like a rabbit herself." Mina smiled and looked to Serina. "What do you think, Serina? Have you gotten her anything yet?"
Rei chipped in before Serina could answer, nearly laughing at Serina's flushed face. "Her birthday IS this Saturday, Spaghetti brain, you probably forgot huh?" Rei poked Serina, hoping she'd react or something.
"No, no, I didn't forget, I- I just haven't shopped for her yet-" Serina's forced cheerfulness didn't support her hurt whisper. The girls noticed and decided to play just one more card before dropping it and letting Serina contemplate the fact that she wasn't the most important person in the world- at least, not all the time. It was so convenient that Rini's birthday was the same day as Serina's!
"Well, I have actually come up with a perfect gift. A necklace that has a tracking device in the pendant. That way I can track Rini on my laptop at all times." Ami added then grinned shyly at her friends. Now they were through teasing. But Luna wasn't.
"How thoughtful and useful, Ami. I hope Serina can come up with as good an idea for her 'cousin'."
"Yeah, that's perfect." Artemis agreed from Mina's shoulder.
"ALL RIGHT! I get the idea. I guess I didn't realize how important that kid was to you guys!" Serina's frustrated voice was subdued her hands clenched at her sides and she walked along with her friends hardly noticing when they broke up and quietly dispersed, leaving Serina behind. After all, they couldn't shop for her birthday if she was WITH them.
Serina continued walking, oblivious to the fact that she was suddenly alone until Garrett reappeared by her side.
"Serina, are you all right? You seem preoccupied with something." Garrett asked, startling the blonde from her angry reverie. She glanced around realizing her entourage was gone, a flush rose in her cheeks as she quietly began fuming again at being abandoned by her friends.
"I'm fine, Garry, it's just my friends forgot my birthday is this Saturday. They just remembered it was Rini's which is the same day." Garrett wasn't sure what THAT was about, it seemed too unlikely that each one of her good friends would forget a day that was important to Serina, especially so if it fell on another important day. He wasn't sure why, but seeing Serina acting so different, so depressed, didn't feel right. She had somehow become a constant in his mind, something to expect and rely on every day, even if sometimes he ran into her and she was crying. He liked to be there to reassure her. He'd grown fond in the past two weeks of her enthusiasm, he had the feeling she couldn't feel anything negative towards anyone or anything and it gave him an unusual feeling of acceptance and- hope. This was too strange and unexpected. He had a mission to concentrate on and all he could think about was how to get this young girl to smile again.
"I'm sure they are just teasing, Serina. If they are as good of friends as they seem to be, they couldn't really forget. Perhaps they just wanted to remind you of your cousin's birthday's importance as well. I'll guess you haven't even thought much of it."
Serina's eyes flashed with hope that this was all a joke then the look was replaced with guilt as she nodded. "I guess I forgot, and I am supposed to be thinking of the kid, as much as I hate to admit it, but she's important to me. I feel bad that I forgot." Serina stared at the floor as they continued walking. Garrett impulsively reached up to brush one of her golden ponytails over her shoulder and away from her beautiful blue eyes.
"A way to remedy that situation is to get her a gift, correct?" Serina glanced up at him with her grateful eyes shining.
"You're right! But I have no idea what to get her!" Serina still smiled, she was feeling better, this was apparently a problem she could handle now. It felt good to see her smile again. As they continued, Serina suddenly laughed and took off again, impetuously grabbing his hand and dragging him to the closest store. "I've got an idea! Let's start shopping!" Garrett smiled at her returned excitement and bubbly carefree delight. It felt good to smile too, something he'd rarely done before he'd met this girl.