Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: Do I Know You? ❯ Chapter 25 ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 25

Chapter 25

"You made it Kakarrot." Vegeta said.

"Kakarrot? That's a Saiyan name!" Freiza said, looking at Goku. "Yes I remember. The resemblance is indisputable. You are definitely the offspring of him." Freiza told the story of the Goku's father and how he had died trying to gain freedom, when the planet Vegeta was destroyed.

Vegeta started to tell the tale of the Saiyans, the same one Freiza had told him. About how Freiza destroyed the planet Vegeta and killed both of their fathers. He never had a chance to be who he wanted to be. Freiza had made him into exactly who he wanted him to be.

Freiza shot a beam straight through Vegeta trying to get him to stop talking, but even that didn't stop Vegeta from telling his story. Finally, his face turned to Usagi's. His tears flowed as much as hers did.

"You finally remember." He said, trying to speak. "You're my Princess. I love you. Kakarrot. Take care of your sister for me."

"My sister?" He said, confusion shot through his body.

"SISTER?!" Freiza shouted, remembering the child he had killed so long ago. "IT CAN'T BE!! SHE DIED WHEN SHE WAS FOUR YEARS OLD!!" Freiza began to slowly back away.

"The Princess is your sister." He said, He looked up into her eyes again and then Usagi leaned down and kissed him on the lips. He kissed her back and fell dead in her arms. She didn't know what was going on around her after that. All she could think about was Vegeta. All the memories were there, but they didn't fit. Why did she feel such a deep passion for him? It didn't make sense. Then she remembered all the pain that Freiza had caused him and an overwhelming anger filled her body. Out of nowhere, a loud shriek of pain and anguish escaped her throat. She stood up and yelled at the top of her lungs. That strange power began to fill her body again. She was powering up to her highest level ever. Her sorrow and pain, made her unpredictable and the others backed away slightly. A blinding light lit the area. Everyone had to shield their eyes because the light coming from her body was so bright. She screamed even louder, causing everyone to cover their ears to block out the horrible noise. They would never forget that scream for the rest of their lives and no one had ever seen Usagi so upset.

When the light died down, Usagi stood before them, in the same white armor. Her hair had turned bright white and the moon on her forehead glowed brightly. She had huge white wings and there was a white light emulating from her body. She was a Super Saiyan.

"Are you sure you killed me? Did you ever see a body?" Usagi asked, trying to get a hold of the power, but it was no use. She wasn't strong enough to control all of this power that had come to the surface. She was now very dangerous and wanted only to destroy this man at all cost.

"That mark on your forehead" Freiza stammered. "My father told me about a girl that our ancestors fought that had that mark on her forehead! That's impossible though!! They destroyed you too!!"

"I always have a way of coming back." Usagi said. "My mother sent me and all of my friends, including Vegeta to be reborn in the future, when the Negaverse attacked. That was a thousand years ago, and I'm still here. I'll be here for a thousand more."

She used the techniques she had learned as a child but had never used. She threw energy blasts at him, punched and kicked him, and was doing very well. Then it happened, she became even more angry when Freiza said something about Vegeta and her power increased even more. She was about to overload.

"You killed Vegeta!! You killed my parents!! You killed all of the ones I loved!! You'll pay!!" She yelled, throwing everything she had at him. She used the crystal and gathered every last bit of her energy, hurling the energy straight at Freiza. Freiza somehow managed to dodge the huge blast, but it was too late for Usagi, she had no energy left. Not even enough to keep her heart beating. She fell dead at Goku's feet. He fell to his knees beside, and picking her up, he held her body against his chest.

"Usagi!" He yelled, his eyes glazed over, but he forced himself not to cry. He would avenge his sisters death. Deep down, he had known that Usagi was his sister, and he finally knew why he had trained her. His heart knew that she was his sister and he knew that he had to do what it took to protect her.

The battle between Goku and Freiza had just begun.
