Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Queen Takes the Throne ❯ Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 19

Chapter 19

On Vegeta's Ship...

Vegeta continued to work out, even though he would be landing in a matter of minutes. He had to make every minute count. He had to save his Princess.

"I'm coming Usagi." He said to himself. He had sensed something really strange the day before. It felt like someone took her away.

The ship entered Earth's atmosphere and crashed into the dirt. Vegeta emerged from the ship and slowly flew towards the city. 'Where is everyone?' He thought, seeing no one in the streets. He walked past houses and saw that all the windows were dark.

"Something big must have happened here." He said to himself. When he reached the middle of the city, he felt a power above his head. When he looked up, he saw a strange moon that was radiating evil energy. "Wait a second!" He burst out. "This is impossible!! There was no moon when I fought Kakorott on Earth!! Where'd it come from!?!"

He sensed Usagi's power on the moon and flew up towards it as fast as he could. "I'm coming Princess." He said out loud to himself.

In the palace on the Nemesis...

"My dear." Prince Diamond coed. "Soon you will be mine forever. You will have to love me."

Usagi lay sleeping on the bed in Diamond's chamber. He leaned down and breathed in the scent of her hair.

"She is so beautiful." He said, kissing her lightly on her crescent moon. Usagi did not move, she was deep in her own dream. A dream that was not a dream at all, but a nightmare.


"Usagi." A voice called. "Come here my darling." She was standing in the middle of a beautiful meadow. There were flowers all around and bees buzzing in her ears. Her Prince was standing on the other side, waiting for her to come to him.

A face appeared, it was the face of her Prince. Her Prince who returned to her. Her only love, Vegeta. Usagi ran towards him, but he disappeared right before she reached him. The sky grew dark and the meadow turned to fire. The buzzing bees turned into sparks thrown off by the flames. They hit her skin and left little burn marks.

"Vegeta!?!?!" She called, searching, running through the flames. "Where did you go?!?!" Usagi began to panic. "Vegeta!! Come back!! Please!!" Her voice was shaking, and her face burned from the heat of the fire. She was all alone. She grew more frantic.

"Is anyone out there?!?!" She called. "Please!! I'm scared!!"

Her throat grew raw, but still she pushed on.

"Anyone!! Help me!!" She screamed, her face towards the sky. That's when she saw him. He stood above her. It was Tuxedo Kamen. Her Knight. The one that had protected her for so many years. He had loved her with all his heart, but she had pushed him away. She was waiting for someone that she had found, but lost the same time. He stretched his hand down to hers. She reached for him, but when her hand brushed against his, he drew his hand back.

"Please!" She cried, seeing the pained look on his face. "Tuxedo Kamen, help me!! Please!!"

He turned his back and walked away, into the white light overhead that he had come from. Usagi had tears forming in her eyes. They began to fall like a never ending river, flowing with all the sorrow inside of her. Her tears began to collect around her feet. The flames licked at her face, but the tears sent them back. Her sorrow kept them away. She realized that her destiny lied with Tuxedo Kamen, Prince Endymion. The one that she was meant to be with since they lived in the Moon Kingdom. She would marry Mamoru.

She ran after Prince Endymion, flying up towards the white light. she grabbed his hand. He turned to her and she laid her head on his chest. The flames receded behind her and she stood with Prince Endymion, her head resting on his chest.

"I will always love you, Princess." Prince Endymion said, his voice trailing off.


Vegeta flew towards the Nemesis, Usagi's power level was growing weak.

"Something's wrong!" He cried. "Her power level is much higher than that, even when she's not fighting!" He began to fly even faster and soon landed on the Nemesis. He flew towards her, but soon he couldn't sense her anymore. The negative energy was blocking out his sense. He'd have to find her on his own.

"Oh great!!" He yelled, his voice echoing on the rocks. "I can't find her!!!" He headed in the direction that he had sensed it before her power level disappeared. Soon he came to a huge castle made of black crystal.

"This is it!" He cried, stopping in mid-air. "She's in there!!" He flew into the palace. There was a maze, but it didn't matter much to him. He just destroyed the walls, through blasts of energy right through the black crystal mirrors. "Where is she!?!?!" He yelled, his voice echoing through the palace.

Prince Diamond...

"Prince Diamond!!" A guard burst into his chambers, breathing heavy. "There's an intruder in the palace!! He insists that we give him the Princess. We suggest you get out of here!!"

"Leave me." Diamond said calmly.

"But your majesty" The guard stammered. "We have to protect you."

"I can take care of myself!" Diamond snapped. "This man is just going to end up like the Sailor Scouts. We can pull the same trick on him that we pulled on the scouts."

"Yes sir." The guard said, bowing and exiting the room.

"Is this another one of your little rescue operations, Princess?" He asked, smirking. "He'll never get far enough to rescue you."

He bent over her sleeping form and a smile spread across his face. "He'll die, just like your friends will eventually."

Diamond threw back his head, his evil laugh again filling the palace.


"Out of my way!!" Vegeta yelled, powering up even more. His anger grew with every passing minute. He sent blast after blast at the men before him. "Or you'll all die!!"

The men he was fighting refused to give up, they fought until they were dead. Above them all, stood Prince Diamond. He watched as his men were destroyed. 'He really is a strong one.' He thought. 'No matter, he'll fall right into my trap.'

"Who are you?!?!?" A voice demanded from up above. Vegeta's head snapped up to where the voice had come from. He levitated up until he was face to face with a man with white hair and a white cape.

"I'm your worst nightmare!" He said, throwing a punch at the man in the cape. He missed and hit the wall behind the man.

"Is that your best shot?" The man in the cape asked.

"I'm just getting warmed up!" Vegeta shot back, again powering up. He charged at Prince Diamond and was thrown against a wall.

"Tell me this isn't a savor for the Princess." Prince Diamond said sounding bored. "There must be someone stronger than this. Someone that may be a challenge to me." Prince Diamond yawned and blasted Vegeta against a wall. "You will never win."
