Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Neo Moon - Sailor Moon R Rewrite ❯ End of Rubeus! Dark Kingdom Reborn! ( Chapter 73 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Pretty Soldier Sailor Neo Moon
Part One: Under the Neo Moon
Written By Dustin

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Episode 073: End of Rubeus! Dark Kingdom Reborn!


"Where's what, Odango Atama?" asked the pink-haired girl, smiling in an
exceptionally innocent way. The girl's hair was in two short fat pigtails
with odd shapes on the top of her head that looked similar to a rabbit's

"My comic book, Chibiusa-chan! That's what," replied Usagi. Usagi was a
girl, just turned fifteen years old and had blonde hair in the same style
as Chibiusa, but with balls instead of rabbit-ears.

"I gave it back to Rei-chan. That's where it is," Chibiusa answered. This
brought on one of the girls' infamous yelling matches. Finally, Chibiusa
ended the argument by saying the unthinkable.

"I know your secret...Sailor Moon."


"I saw you transform...and the other girls, too. Ami, Rei, Makoto, and

"..." Usagi was stunned. When did they goof up and let her see this? She
tried to sit down on her bed, but only missed and fell on the floor.

"There's more. Since you're Sailor Moon...I have to tell you something.
But I really want *everyone* there to hear it."

Usagi was still dumbfounded. "I...uh...I guess I'll call a meeting,"

* * *

An hour later, Mamoru, Usagi, Chibiusa, Luna, Artemis, Minako, Rei, Ami,
and Makoto all met in Ichi no Hachi Park.

Rei pullesd Usagi aside. "Why is Chibiusa here, baka? Do you want her to
find out about us?" she whispered.

"She has something very important to tell everyone," was Usagi's whispered

"I know your secret. Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter...I know everything." Chibiusa fidgeted a bit.

Everyone, with the exception of Usagi, went wide-eyed. "Usagi, Mamoru.
You should know...that...I'm your daughter. From the future." Her gaze
went from Usagi, to Mamoru, and back again.

"How...when...uh..." Usagi stuttered.

"Why didn't you tell us in the first place, Chibiusa?" Mamoru questioned.

"I wasn't sure who you were until I saw the girls transform yesterday. Then
I saw Usagi use the Silver Crystal to heal the evil Sisters," Chibiusa
explained. She ran into Usagi and Mamoru's now open arms with tears in her
eyes. A miniature version of Usagi's princess gown appeared on her, her
crescent moon flashing into view on her forehead. In a flash of light,
Usagi and Mamoru became Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion.

...then Rubius appeared.

"Alright Rabbit. You're coming with me. Now!"

"No! I don't want to!" A tear fell from her eye as she spun to face him.
A silvery light flashed and the tear became the Illusion Silver Crystal.

"You're not taking her anywhere, Rubius. In the name of the Moon...we'll
punish you!" Princess Serenity cried, posing. With a flash of gold, the
Crescent Moon Wand appeared before her and Chibiusa. It spun wildly for a
moment, then split in half, forming two seperate wands. Serenity's Silver
Crystal and Chibiusa's appeared in the center of the two wands, and they
each took them in hand. Both held their respective wand out, aimed at

"Moon...Healing...Escalation!!!!" they both cried. Twin beams of silver
light shot at Rubius. He screamed in ultra-pain and was moon dust in two
seconds flat.

* * *

"Did you see that, Corvusite?" Morrigan asked. Morrigan was a tall looking
woman, sitting in a large, ornate, throne. Long aqua hair cascaded over
her shoulders.

"Yes I did, Mother. Those two are quite powerful together. But alone..."
Corvusite trailed off. Corvusite was tall, with ever so curly dark brown
hair that hung just below his shoulders

"Go. Capture the younger one and bring her to me."

"Yes, Mother." Corvusite vanished.

"What is our mission, Fluorite?" Morrigan questioned.

"To revive the Dark Kingdom to its full glory and destroy the Sailor
Senshi, especially Sailor Nemesis, mother." Fluorite bowed, her
reddish-brown hair falling over her shoulder.

"Good. Begin Phase One of the plan to rid the universe of Sailor Nemesis."
Fluorite nodded and vanished. Morrigan smiled. "Nemesis shall perish, and
then the Dark Kingdom shall rightfully be mine!"

* * *

"Now that I have the Silver Crystal back, I can go home!" Chibiusa
exclaimed. Luna ball floared over to her, her gown becoming her usual play
clothes. Chibiusa pressed the nose on the ball and a blurred image appeared
in one of the eyes.

"What is it, Small Lady? Have you found the crystal?" the image asked.

"Yes Puu, I did! Usagi and I defeated Rubius with it! And Usagi is my
mommy!" Chibiusa exclaimed.

"Stand back, little one." Chibiusa set the ball down and took a few steps
backward. The blurry eye enlarged until it was taller than Mamoru. The
image disappeared and a very tall girl in a sailor suit stepped out. She
had long olive-green hair and carried a staff nearly as tall as her with a
red gem towards the top.

"Puu! You're here!"

Luna and Artemis's little kitty jaws dropped. "Sailor Pluto!?" they cried
in disbelief.

"Hello Small Lady, Luna, Artemis," she said. "You six may not remember
me," she guestured to the senshi, "but we fought together against Queen
Beryl on the Moon."

"They won't remember you, Pluto...nor me." A girl walked towards them from
behind a tree, her black hair cascading over her shoulders and a large
portion pulled back into a ponytail, shimmering in the sunlight. She wore a
simple black skirt and a white blouse and black vest with a white star
emblem on the right breast pocket.

"Should we remember you?" Serenity asked, a puzzled expression plastered on
her face.

"Aurora? Is that really you?" Luna questioned. The girl simply nodded and
a small kitty smile spread across Luna's face.

"It's good to see you two again, especially you, Artemis." Aurora grinned.

Artemis gulped. "Back on the Moon, your mother adopted Aurora, Serenity. I
belonged to her originally," he explained. "We were from the Dark Kingdom.
Aurora was the Princess and daughter of Beryl. The only difference between
the two of you was that she was also a senshi at the time. She is Sailor
Nemesis, Princess of the Dark Kingdom."

The group stood silenty for several seconds before anyone spoke. It was

"So. Can you still transform?" Memories slapped her in the face. Now she
knew why she remembered not having Artemis on the Moon.

"No. My pen was destroyed by Beryl when she...when she..."

"...killed you. I remember," Serenity finished. She stared into Aurora's

"I can fix that," Pluto said. One second, she was standing there, the next
she was gone, then back again. She held out her hand to Aurora, a black
brooch with a silver star in the center resting in it. "Here you are."
Aurora smiled in appreciation as she took it and placed it on the front of
her blouse.

"Nemesis Crystal Power, Make Up!" she cried. Shining stars of black and
silver light spun wildy around her as her school uniform melted away and
tight-fitting black body armor appeared slowly. The armor began at the
bottom with a pair of low-heeled boots that traveled up the length of her
legs and formed a pant-type bottom. Without even a seam, the armor
continued up their body to form a top, with "sleaves" that came halfway
down her arm with a v-shaped slice at the bottom. After a bit of skin, the
armor continued with an inverted v-slice to form a glove around the hand.
On the back of the armor, an extended silver bow whipped about her body in
a breeze, complimented by the silver bow on the front. In the center of
the front bow, her brooch shone brightly revealing a black crystal in the
center of the silver star. On her forehead was an upside-down silver star.

"It is time that you all knew the entire story of what really happened on
the Moon in the final days," Pluto said. She held back a tear as she
recalled all of the painful memories.