Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Black Moon Rising ❯ Genesis ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Black Moon Rising
by Konran no Tenshi

Disclaimer: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon does not belong to me, nor do any of the characters. However, Sailor Black Moon and Chandra belong to the all-wonderful Shinimegami and may not be used without her permission. Shinimegami-sama kindly allowed me to write Black Moon's first adventure. Arigatou Shi-chan! That said, read on.

Part 1: Genesis

"Are you sure this idea will work?"

"I'm positive. Unless the subject is killed, there's nothing that will stop her from utterly destroying the enemy."

Two dark silhouettes stood in a large, open, dimly lit room. Before them was a large crystal, a translucent black in color.

The smaller one, a female, shifted her weight slightly and glanced up at her male counterpart. "But how can you be sure that they'll fall for it? *I* wouldn't trust a complete stranger just because they claim to be on my side."

The male turned and grasped her shoulders. "Think about it, Esmeraude-chan. You aren't as naive as they are. They'll accept her. They *have* to."

"Demo, Safiiru-san..."

"Hush." He laid a finger to Esmeraude's lips. "It'll work. I promise you."

She turned her back and began to walk away. Then she looked over her shoulder. "I hope so, for your sake. If you fail, Demando-ouji-sama will not be pleased."

He held her stare. "I will not fail."

As she left the room, Safiiru took one last glance at the crystal, then followed Esmeraude out.

Behind them, the black crystal glowed faintly with dark energy as a tiny form moved inside - a baby girl.


She was floating in warmth. She didn't want to open her eyes - it was too comfortable. She felt
safe and happy.

Faintly, voices reached her, a male and a female voice. The female spoke first, in an excited tone.

"How old is she now?"

The male answered, "Physically, she's about three. We're accelerating her until she reaches the proper age; then we'll stop the acceleration and let her continue to develop normally."

"Are you sure that's wise?"

"Oh, she's doing very well. Better than we'd hoped, in fact. I'm going to start her training."

"You're gifting her with her powers so soon?"

"No, not until she's at least physically nine. I'm going to start her on conditioning, combat training, all of that."


"Yes. She must be absolutely loyal to the family of the Black Moon. But I'm burying it until she is ready to be released. Otherwise, her development might be affected."

An agonizing shock jolted through her body, and she writhed in pain. Images flashed through her small head too fast for her to recognize, accompanied by a bright white light. Then it faded.

The small, nameless girl tried to recall what had just happened to her, but the effort was too much. She slipped back into her state of perpetual drowsiness.


"It's time."

The two stared in fascination at the 14 year old girl suspended inside the crystal.

"Shouldn't you... put something on her?" Esmeraude was rather discomfited at the sight of the naked girl.

"After she's released. Clothing would disrupt the connection with the Dark Crystal."

"Hard to believe this took just nine weeks," Esmeraude murmured, distracted by the amazement of it.

Safiiru went over and pressed a button, and the girl was teleported out. She dropped to the cold, hard floor, still unconscious. He walked over and picked her up. "See?" he exulted. "Perfect."

He picked up a black, flowing robe and put it on her.

"Now what?"

"Now, we wait."


The girl opened her eyes slowly, then clamped them shut as pain stabbed through them. Why was it so *bright*? She slowly realized that she was lying on her back on something hard, not floating, as she was accustomed to doing.

She sat up and opened her eyes, braving the light, and slowly stood. It was a new sensation for her, but somehow her body knew instinctively what to do. She looked down at the hard, flat surface she had been lying on. Her mind identified it for her: "*floor*".

A bit unsteadily, she took a step towards the large object in the center of the room. Strangely drawn to it, she put out a hand to caress the smooth, cool sides of the immense black crystal. She quickly pulled it back, startled, as she caught sight of the reflected image the crystal showed her.

What she saw was a tall girl of fourteen, with pure black hair that tumbled down past her shoulders, and eyes blacker than the deeps of night. She was dressed in a filmy black robe that wrapped around her slender body like some sort of tainted moonbeam.

"Ahh, I see you are finally awake."

She turned without fear to look behind her. As she knew he would be, there was a man standing behind her. She knew this man, it seemed, though she had never seen him before.

"My master."

"So, you know me. Very good. Come here."

She went to him immediately, without question or hesitation, and sat at his feet. He gazed down at her.

"Oname wa nan desu ka?"

Her answering voice was the monotone of a zombie, or a robot, without expression, repeating words she knew by heart, had learned by rote. "Watashi wa Sailor Black Moon desu."

"How old are you?"

"Juu-yon sai desu."

"What is your mission?"

"To destroy the Sailor Senshi and retrieve the ginzuishou."

"What will you tell them that your mission is?"

"I was sent to 20th century Tokyo by Neo-Queen Serenity to join the Sailor Senshi in their fight against the evil of the Black Moon family."

"How did you get to 20th century Tokyo?"

"I was given a crystal Time Key; however, upon my arrival, it was lost, rendering me stranded."

"How did you really get to 20th century Tokyo?"

"I was sent by the power of the Dark Crystal and the Black Moon family."

"What is your history?"

"I was created by the power of the Dark Crystal, the perfect warrior, to infiltrate the Sailor Senshi as one of their own, to utterly destroy them."

"What is your cover history?"

"My parents died when I was ten; I was taken in at Neo-Queen Serenity's palace. When it was discovered that I was a Sailor Senshi, I was trained, and when I was considered good enough, I was sent to help Sailor Moon in the 20th century. However, I developed partial amnesia as a result of a blow to the head, and I don't remember much, including my human identity."

"What is your access code?"

"Kurai tsuki."

"You have done well, Sailor Black Moon. You may sleep."

"Thank you, my master. I hope only to please you in the successful completion of my mission."


"So, does our little sabotage machine please you?" Esmeraude crossed her arms in front of her chest as she stared into the room where Black Moon lay asleep.

"Very much so. I only wonder we didn't think of this earlier."

"Her access code being kurai tsuki - black moon - very clever, Safiiru."

"I'm glad you think so. I wanted something she wouldn't forget easily."

"Well, that should do the trick."

Safiiru gazed into the room. It contained a bed, a small table, and a chair. As he watched, Black Moon turned over, mumbling something. Suddenly, he heard footsteps. He turned to see Demando-ouji approaching.

"I hear our little... project... is ready."

"Hai. Come and see."

Demando-ouji stared through the two-way mirror at Black Moon. "Rather a pretty little thing, isn't she?"

"Hai. She was modeled after Sailor Moon, the little brat. She is very like her, but with enough changes so that no one will grow suspicious."

"And her... guardian?"

"Hand-created by us. No one will ever suspect that the guardian is not from the Moon Kingdom."

"What did you name it again?"



"Imagine the looks on their faces when Cynthia 'reveals' that Black Moon is really the Moon Princess."

"Do you think they'll believe her?"

"Of course. Black Moon herself will be in on the conspiracy. She knows how to act."

Esmeraude cleared her throat, interrupting the brother-to-brother conversation. "Sumimasen... I think she's waking up."

Demando-ouji turned away. "That's your job, I believe, Safiiru?"

"I'll see to her."


Black Moon stared dubiously at the tray of food Safiiru placed in front of her.

"My master... kore wa nan desu ka?"

"This is food, and you must learn to eat it before you are sent to 20th century Tokyo. You have been nourished all your life by the Dark Crystal, but now that you are released from its power, you must learn to feed yourself. Eat." He demonstrated by breaking off a piece of bread and stuffing it in his mouth.

She sat at the table and copied him. She chewed mechanically. Once the bread was gone, she moved to the next item, and so on. As she ate, Safiiru drilled her.

"Oname wa nan desu ka?"

"Watashi wa Sailor Black Moon desu."

"How old are you?"

"Juu-yon sai desu."

"What is your mission?"

"To destroy the Sailor Senshi and retrieve the ginzuishou."

"What will you tell them that your mission is?"

"I was sent to 20th century Tokyo by Neo-Queen Serenity to join the Sailor Senshi in their fight against the evil of the Black Moon family."

"How did you get to 20th century Tokyo?"

"I was given a crystal Time Key; however, upon my arrival, it was lost, rendering me stranded."

"How did you really get to 20th century Tokyo?"

"I was sent by the power of the Dark Crystal and the Black Moon family."

"What is your history?"

"I was created by the power of the Dark Crystal, the perfect warrior, to infiltrate the Sailor Senshi as one of their own and utterly destroy them."

"What is your cover history?"

"My parents died when I was ten; I was taken in at Neo-Queen Serenity's palace. When it was discovered that I was a Sailor Senshi, I was trained, and when I was considered good enough, I was sent to help Sailor Moon in the 20th century. However, I developed partial amnesia as a result of a blow to the head, and I don't remember much, including my human identity."

"What is your access code?"

"Kurai tsuki."

By this time, all the food was finished. Safiiru took a step towards the door. "Follow me."

Black Moon went.

He led her to a large, empty room. "Here you will transform and learn your attacks." Safiiru handed Black Moon a brooch with a black crystal set in it. "Hold this up and yell, 'Black Crystal Power, Make Up'."

She took it in her hand and held it up. "Black Crystal Power... MAKE UP!"

She transformed into Sailor Black Moon. Her hair was caught up into two buns on the top of her head, with tails hanging down. Her fuku was exactly like Sailor Moon's, only black. She had no gloves; instead, black fingernail polish appeared. A tiara appeared on her forehead with a black upside-down crescent moon set in it. Half-boots appeared on her feet.

Sailor Black Moon stood and looked expectantly at Safiiru.

Suddenly, holograms appeared all over the room, seven of them. They looked exactly like real people. "Identify these for me," Safiiru ordered.

Sailor Black Moon walked around the room, touching each one as she named them. Her fingers passed right through them.

"Sailor Mars. Sailor Mercury. Sailor Venus. Sailor Jupiter. Sailor Moon. Tuxedo Kamen. Chibi usagi."

"Very good." Safiiru took out what looked like some sort of a control box. Sailor Mercury came to life. "Yell out, 'Black Fog, Envelop'."

"Black Fog, Envelop!" Black fog swirled through the room, hiding everything from view. Safiiru pressed a button and it cleared through air vents. Sailor Mercury dissolved.

Sailor Mars animated. "Glare at her and think of her flying backward."

Sailor Black Moon stared fixedly at the image of Sailor Mars. After a few seconds, there was a flash, and Sailor Mars went flying backward into the wall. She slid down it and disappeared.

Sailor Jupiter came running toward her. "Say, 'Nega Shield, Surround'."

"Nega Shield, Surround!"

Sailor Jupiter hit the shield and winked out. Then Sailor Venus came to life. "Black Rain."

"Black Rain!"

Liquid black crystal fell and crystallized Sailor Venus. She disappeared. Then it was Sailor Moon's turn.

"Black Rain, Fall."

Sailor Black Moon faltered. "But I just..."

"Say it! Black Rain, Fall!"

"Black Rain, Fall!"

Again the crystal fell and it encased Sailor Moon. But she did not wink out. "Now say, 'Black Crystal Drain'."

"Black Crystal Drain!"

Energy from the image of Sailor Moon filled her. Sailor Moon disappeared. Safiiru animated Tuxedo Kamen. "Black Nightmare Attack."

"Black Nightmare Attack!"

Tuxedo Kamen stopped heading towards Sailor Black Moon and swung his cane at empty air. He appeared to be fighting some sort of invisible monster. He disappeared. The image of Chibiusa animated. "Take off your tiara and yell, 'Black Tiara, Destroy'. Then throw it."

"Black Tiara, Destroy!"

Chibiusa disappeared. Sailor Black Moon stood alone in the center of the room, panting.

"You have done well, Sailor Black Moon. But real combat will not be so easy. This was just a test of your powers."

"Arigatou, my master."

"Oh, and I should tell you this. If all else fails, you do have another attack, but one that should only be used in the direst of circumstances. If you find yourself in a situation where you have no other alternative, scream, 'Black Moon Rage'. Everything for 100 feet around you will be destroyed. However, you yourself will also be destroyed."

Sailor Black Moon bowed her head. "I understand, my master."

"Dehenshin, and then you may rest."

End Part 1