Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ BowSong: The diary of the Star Archer ❯ ...And it all ends in a big 'Ka-BOOM!' ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
BowSong: Diary of the Star Archer part 2

"The Senshi are gonna skin me alive and use me as a rug," screams one part of my mind. Another puts it simply, "He's right, you know." I figure that I'm screwed either way, so why not just do it and get it over with?

"I am the Star Archer, captain of your royal guards, Princess Serenity. I am a friend from the past, now returned to aid you again." With all of this, I snap to attention and offer a crisp blade salute. I'm thinking, "Why me, Goddess? Why always me?" If only I knew...

"Hey, what little I can see of you looks farmiliar. Who... are you," asks Usagi. "I'm not so very sure of that myself, Usagi," I whisper into her ear. This, of course, causes her to fly to her feet. "How do you know who I am? Who are you? What do you want?"

"It's me, Gary," I say as I lift the visor on my helmet. "And as for what I want, I want to know what the HELL is going on here!" The KFC reject, of course, chooses this time to perch on my shoulderplates. "Didn't you read that book? That DOES explain everything, you know. And if it isn't so very confusing to you, would you mind turning around? There's some other people that would like to meet you. Very much like to meet you."

My mind screams "This bodes not well..." My instincts tell me to spin and defend. So, I do just that. With a flourish of cloak and bow, I'm in a crouched defense and facing away from Usagi. And with not a moment to spare. The vanquished youma's friend had just begun a charge. "Great. How does me, with a bloody bow, defend against a charge?" And the answer hit me like a fist. Oh wait, that WAS a fist. Too late, I remembered how to call forth my other weapon, the StarBlade.

The youma was viscious. It punched like a wrecking ball. Once I had blade out, however, the battle was close to even. The odds shifted to my side. I like those odds. A quick slash and thrust, and I thought it would be over for the youma. I was wrong. "Maybe some of the special attacks from that book..." my mind was saying. Wait a second. Did I even remember any of them? That book never really specified anything. "Buddy, you are in serious, DEEP trouble," was the response from my mind.

"Trouble? I work BEST when in trouble! Leave it to me," was my verbal reply. The other Senshi just gave me a death look of 'Is this guy all there upstairs?' My answer to this day remains: Heck no!!!

"Focus. Bring all your power to your mind, then your blade," I keep telling myself, in preparation for the ONE attack that I know well, and can remember. "When it's all in the sword, channel it throughout, and your voice, the catalyst. Set it off."

"Buddy, you are SO screwed!" The youma ceases pummeling me fot just that instant I needed while it laughs at me. "Big mistake, you poor sap," was all that ran through my mind. With that, in a voice that could rumble the very Stars of Fate themselves, I call out to the power in the blade.

"Starlight... EXPLOSION!!!!"

The blade seems to come alive in grounding all of that energy. Only then do I realize that I put more in than I had. "This one's gonna hurt. A LOT," I scold myself. "Oh well, too late for that." The energy traced a pentagram of light, which seems to rise up, the circle surrounding the points containing an explosion of force to rival the energy of a Red Giant going nova. In controlling this, I spent the last of my energy. With the dispelling of the explosive force, my armor fell away, as I dropped towards the ground, spiralling into unconciousness...

A/N: The Star Archer is my character, as is the KFC reject(Exor, the red-tailed hawk guardian). The youma is also mine. The Senshi, and Sailor Moon, all belong to Naoko Takeuchi. I've changed it back to the Japanese names, simply cuz the dub sucks. (Haruka and Michiru as cousins? WTF are they thinking?!?! Incest...ewww.)
Please R/R, and just remember:
'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but toy with Flames, and you'll get burnt =P'
More to come, and the Zodiac Scouts (authoress Tes-sama's creation) and Rift (My bro's creation) to follow with. Plus, an appearance by a villain of my creation (You'll like him, simply to hate him more...)